
​使然设计 | 四川茶岸民宿

国际设计 2023-09-17

建筑鸟瞰 ©存在建筑

感谢 使然设计 分享


Site introduction


Let’s set our mind free among the boundless green tea ocean. Between the Sichuan Basin and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, lies a hundred thousand acres of the tea field. A village named Qilong is famous for these tea fields, and the Green Bay Resort locates at the heart of this green ocean. In the south, the ten thousand acres of tea field have beautiful and gorgeous scenery. In the north, the Suchan-Tibet railway bridges fly across the mountains. Nestled among the rolling hills, it offers glorious views of over 270 degrees.

项目位置 ©使然设计

场地分析 ©使然设计


Project positioning


Surrounded by superior landscape views, the designer no longer adopts the traditional Chinese suburban instrument method to introverted courtyard,but uses the extraverted massing strategy of large scale function units penetrated and transparented each other. This method allows each block to become a frame of a great view. By maximizing the beauty of nature, the building itself becomes much more humble to the scenery. 

项目外观 ©存在建筑


Design strategies


The project consists of three functional blocks: public space, guest room space, service, and multi-function room, totaling over 1,700 square meters. The designer skillfully interlaced the three volumes in a snowflake pattern, so that each functional unit except the service space has a magnificent view of more than 120 degrees. The intersection point of three volumes is the spatial hub of the building. The designer hollowed out the intersection space into a triangular shape outdoor courtyard. Around this courtyard, a series of spatial changes of height, width, and closure provides different space experiences to the guests. Instead of observing the natural landscape with a 360-degree view in a glass building, the designer turns each snow petal into a telescope, selecting different scenery to each rear end. 

流线设计 ©使然设计


The design emphasizes rhythmic changes in space. It starts with the reception in the double-height luxury space. Then guests enter into a narrow corridor with a bridge above, which blocks the tea field view at the entrance area. At the core of the internal courtyard, a much more complex space with stairs, bridges, single-floor height, and double floor height intertwine together. After that, the waterscape and the lobby of the multi-function hall narrow the corridor again, which paves the way to the lounge space. The lounge space is fully opened, and combined with the sloping reading area to make the space as simple as possible and maximize the effect of the frame unimpeded.

餐厅&酒吧 ©存在建筑


A facade of not over-decorated is adopted to this building. The simple solid white walls and transparent curtain glass walls form a striking contrast and emerge into the tea ocean. 

白色外立面加玻璃幕墙 ©存在建筑


The interior color is mainly dominated by wood, white, and gray, in a relaxing and warm atmosphere. A selection of animal theme art works are spread into the resort, which surprises the guests and highlights the feel of nature.

室内公共空间 ©存在建筑


Each guest room on the ground floor owns a private garden, and next to the lounge lies an open wooden deck for the public. The designer uses the height difference of the site to float the swimming pool on the tea field. The glass wall on the south side makes people feel as if they are swimming in the tea sea, enjoying the green tea field, the undulating hills, the endless blue sky, and the villages with smoke curling up. 

客房 ©存在建筑

室内空间 ©存在建筑

外部泳池 ©存在建筑


总平 ©使然设计

首层平面 ©使然设计

二层平面 ©使然设计

立面图 ©使然设计

剖面 ©使然设计

项目名称 茶岸精品民宿

项目地址 四川省雅安市名山区红星镇骑龙村

项目业主 四川尚水希木旅游资源开发有限公司

项目设计 北京使然建筑设计有限公司、鲁尚靖、余帆、李寒、王一茹

主建筑师 杨楠

设计团队 金兑容、郎希、于涛、张松阳、白旭霞、李怡龙、任豫、程文、黎媛

设计时间 2018.12-2020.06

施工时间 2019.10-2020.11

占地面积 2522.82m²

建筑面积 2071.32m²

摄  影 存在建筑摄影、谭凌飞、鲁尚靖



