
Latz + Partner | 沈阳万科红梅文创园景观规划设计

国际设计 2023-09-17

园区水景广场 Water square © SHENYANG VANKE

感谢 Latz + Partner 分享

“A place of history – a place for the future”


The site in Hongmei, where glutamates were produced in an industrial fermentation process, packed and shipped to the whole of China and overseas from 1939 to 2014, is being developed by VANKE China into a unique cultural quarter. Some of the impressive 20th century factory buildings will be restored, the existing vegetation preserved and new architecture in the traditional style added.


We want to support this strong architectural stance with our complementary concept for the exterior spaces. The new building ensemble should form a legible and coherent spatial figure, using only a few design elements that are derived from the existing buildings. The contemporary landscape scheme provides a variety of spatial experiences, structures the site and delivers a specific range of functions for future cultural institutions and visitors to the site.


In front of each building is a square or a spacious promenade, offering space for several events to be staged, accessed and supplied simultaneously. Interior and exterior spaces are connected; all spaces are developed from and with the historical structure of the complex and thus reinforce its impact.

总平图 Master plan © LATZ+PARTNER

鸟瞰红梅文创园 Aerial view © SHENYANG VANKE


An exceptional urban situation is being created at Hongmei, a northern metropolis with a population of millions, which will not only create a suitable space for future cultural activities, but also provide people living in the surrounding skyscrapers with a special place to spend their leisure time.


Developing the existing fabric – with sensitive additions


A continuous mineral surface made of brick creates a robust and versatile surfacing whose colour and texture matches the old and new materials of the buildings and emphasises a harmonious contrast to the modern environment – thus an “identification surface” is created. The colour of the brick changes from grey in the east to a light red in the west-this highlights the urban diversity within the complex and reflects the traces of time in a positive way. Any future changes in use or structural conversions will be easy to integrate.

砖铺面自东往西,颜色由棕色向砖红色不规则渐变 The colour of the brick changes from grey in the east to a light red in the west © SHENYANG VANKE


The existing maple, ginkgo and pagoda trees will be supplemented by related species and help define new spaces within the site. Some are densely planted, others free-standing specimen trees, which continue the proportions of the existing buildings and develop an attractive sequence of squares, each with its own individual design and spatial concept. 

尽量保存现有树木,营造新的景观空间 The existing trees help define new spaces © SHENYANG VANKE


The gas mains and pipes that used to serve the industrial site are transformed into a historical feature which reinforces its spatial impact and provides orientation; they also serve as seating elements and carry integrated lighting and information elements, loudspeakers, textile banners and signs – a feature that could later be extended as required. 

遗存的管道与罐 Remaining pipes and tank © LATZ+PARTNER


The formula for commercial glutamate inspired us to use long, angular and white prism shapes for the design of our special Hongmei bench that will be installed throughout the site. This theme is also used in a symbolic form in the entrance square. 

建筑与开放空间 – 形式,材料以及空间维度的共同对话

Buildings and public spaces – a family of related shapes, materials and dimensions  


An entrée opens out towards a large space in the east. A spacious ramp and staircase lead to a large entrance square with beautiful views of the old and new buildings at the cultural centre. A pipe sculpture alludes to the site’s industrial past, and a large ground relief hints at its former produce. 

发酵罐和管道组合而成的塑像 Sculpture of tank and pipes‍ ‍© SHENYANG VANKE‍‍‍


An intermediate space with a usable lawn and ginkgo trees invites people to take a break and enjoy the pleasant surroundings.

楼间庭院为人们提供休憩空间 The intermediate space  © SHENYANG VANKE


We designed a wedding garden in the southwest, where the restored buildings are gently framed by densely planted trees which provide a backdrop for memorable photos, and perhaps offer a moment of tranquillity and relaxation.

婚礼草坪 Wedding lawn © SHENYANG VANKE


Immediately adjacent sits the former railway line and its railway station, a gastronomic highlight. Old carriages and storage sheds offer plenty of space for restaurants and a fun visit.


A promenade takes visitors into the centre of the complex, to the former fermentation and packaging buildings, which now accommodate diverse cultural venues. This is where the change in colour of the brick paving offers a particularly beautiful experience.

发酵艺术中心 Art center © SHENYANG VANKE


The Small Piazzetta with its reflective water surface turns into a ‘mirror square’ in the summer months. Children are invited to play in the water and the beautiful buildings, trees and a special work of art are reflected in it. During events in the square and in winter the water is drained and room is made for funfair booths, stalls and small artistic attractions.

水景广场 Water square © SHENYANG VANKE


A gastronomy alley offers good food and beverages.

餐饮街 Gastronomy alley © SHENYANG VANKE


The Great Piazza is the largest open space at Hongmei Cultural Creative Park. The ground level drops slightly to the north and creates a stage. The space is open for all people living in the neighbourhood for meetings, sports, games and unticketed events. Presentations, concerts and theatre plays will also be staged there. Shallow seating steps define the edge of the space in the west   trees form a buffer to the surrounding urban area and, together with the pipe system, enclose the piazza with an elegant frame. 

To the north, a spatial sculpture made of steel sections continues the industrial architecture and creates a perfect space for ball games, including basketball, streetball, table tennis, etc., and for smaller events. Nets enclose the area and will soon be covered by the lush growth of climbing plants and create a pleasant environment. They also buffer the Great Piazza from traffic noise on the busy streets around the site. Here, too, pipes surround the space and embed this important recreational area within the new cultural centre. 

建设中的旧厂房风格廊架,为民众提供体育活动场所,同时是广场大型活动的背景墙 Industrial pergola under construction, which creates a perfect space for sport and is also a background for events on the the Great Piazza  © SHENYANG VANKE

西入口 Western entrance © SHENYANG VANKE




Hongmei Cultural Creative Park is a unique cultural quarter for both citizens and tourists in this diverse city. Landscape architecture and architecture work together as a unit and thus furnish this former industrial city with attractive prospects for the future.

项目名称 万科红梅文化创意产业园景观规划设计

项目地点 中国沈阳

项目面积 6.2公顷

设计公司 拉茨与合伙人景观规划事务所

主创设计 Tilman Latz

设计团队 Ulf Glaenzer, 麦瀚, 谢维肖, Jan Vrabec, Ana Rodriguez-Wiggin, Franziska Brand

客户/开发商 沈阳万科企业有限公司

合作方(建筑单位、施工单位等) 沈阳绿野建筑景观环境设计有限公司 

完成年份 2019


PLAT ASIA | 秦皇岛阿那亚槐树林餐饮会所
Nordic Office of Architecture | 首尔摄影艺术博物馆MOPAS
Jakob+MacFarlane | 法国“能源插头”Odyssée Pleyel
Fabian Tan Architect | 马来西亚吉隆坡Bewboc House


