爱是一切 | MVRDV讲述爱的景观
MVRDV‘s design proposal for Orlando’s National Pulse Memorial & Museum Design and Construction competition, 2019
MVRDV was a finalist in onePULSE Foundation’s competition in 2019 to design a comprehensive memorial, museum, and public realm to honour and preserve the legacy of the 49 killed and all those affected by the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando. In their design, MVRDV envisioned a transformational “Landscape of Love”, to address the physical, psychological, and social needs of the community and to establish a cohesive vision for the Pulse District.
diagrams of the Museum
点击下方视频,听MVRDV创始合伙人Winy Maas讲述更多「love」项目的设计故事
click the video below and hear more stories of this project of love from MVRDV Founding Partner Winy Maas