

我是林伯虎 在下林伯虎 2019-10-30

说闻解词 第02期


据路透社4月23日消息,伊斯兰国(IS)宣布对斯里兰卡爆炸(Sri Lanka blasts)负责。



blast /blɑːst/ n. 爆炸;气浪,冲击波

an explosion, or the very strong movement of air that it causes

• in the blast

• Thirty-six people died in the blast. 有36人在爆炸中丧生。

• bomb/shotgun/nuclear etc blast

• A bomb blast completely destroyed the building. 一颗炸弹爆炸,把大楼彻底炸毁。

explosion /ɪk'spləʊʒən/ n. 爆炸(声)

a loud sound and the energy produced by something such as a bomb bursting into small pieces

v. explode 

• We heard a loud explosion. 我们听到一声巨大的爆炸声。

• bomb/gas/nuclear explosion 炸弹/气体/核爆炸

• huge/massive etc explosion



attack /əˈtæk/ n. 袭击,攻击

an act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a place

• a bomb attack 炸弹袭击

• victims of racial attacks 种族袭击的受害者

[+ on]

• There have been several attacks on foreigners recently. 最近发生了几宗袭击外国人的事件。

raid /reɪd/ n. 突袭,袭击

a short attack on a place by soldiers, planes, or ships, intended to cause damage but not take control

• a bombing raid 轰炸

• an air raid warning siren 空袭警报

bombing /ˈbɒmɪŋ/ n. 炮轰,轰炸;炸弹袭击

the use of bombs to attack a place

• The southwest of the country suffered an intensive bombing campaign. 该国西南部地区遭受了密集的轰炸。

• They were planning bombing raids in some of America’s major cities. 他们计划在美国的一些大城市进行炸弹袭击。

• the bombing of Hiroshima 轰炸广岛



terrorism /'terərɪzəm/ n. 恐怖主义

the use of violence such as bombing, shooting, or kidnapping to obtain political demands such as making a government do something

• The government is doing everything possible to combat terrorism . 政府正在尽其所能打击恐怖主义。

• their involvement in international terrorism 他们参与国际恐怖主义活动

terrorist /'terərɪst/ n. 恐怖分子

someone who uses violence such as bombing, shooting etc to obtain political demands

• a terrorist bomb that left 168 people dead 恐怖分子引爆造成168人死亡的炸弹

• terrorist attack/activity/offence

• terrorist group/organization 恐怖团体/组织



  • 最常见:kill  death

  • “自杀”&“谋杀”

mass murder 大规模屠杀

Mass murder is the deliberate illegal killing of a large number of people by a person or an organization. 

murder /'mɜːdə/ n. 谋杀,凶杀;谋杀罪

the crime of deliberately killing someone

• On the night the murder was committed, he was out of the country. 凶案发生当晚他不在国内。

• He was found guilty of attempted murder. 他被判谋杀未遂。

suicide /'suːɪsaɪd/ n. 自杀

the act of killing yourself

• More people commit suicide at Christmas than at any other time. 圣诞节期间自杀的人比其他任何时候都多。

suicide attack/mission/bombing etc 自杀性攻击/任务/爆炸等

an attack etc in which the person who carries out the attack deliberately kills himself or herself in the process of killing other people

  • “大屠杀”

massacre /'mæsəkə/ n. 大屠杀

when a lot of people are killed violently, especially people who cannot defend themselves

• the only survivor of the massacre 这场大屠杀的唯一幸存者

  • “葬礼”

funeral /'fjuːnərəl/ n. 葬礼,丧礼

a religious ceremony for burying or cremating (= burning ) someone who has died

• The funeral will be held at St. Martin’s Church. 葬礼将在圣马丁教堂举行。

• the minister who conducted the funeral service 主持葬礼的牧师

• funeral expenses/costs 丧葬费用

it’s your funeral 这是你自作自受〔警告某人为其行为的后果负责的只能是自己,而不是别人〕

used to warn someone that they, and no one else, must deal with the results of their actions

mourning /'mɔːnɪŋ/ n. 哀痛,悲痛,哀悼

great sadness because someone has died

• The Armenian authorities declared May 29 a national day of mourning. 亚美尼亚当局宣布5月29日为全国哀悼日。

• in mourning (=feeling great sadness)服丧的


袭击   attack  raid  hit

爆炸   bombing  explosion  blast

死亡   kill  death  suicide  murder  massacre funeral

恐怖主义   terror  terrorist  terrorism



编辑 | 小萝卜   排版 | 凤阙龙城   剪辑 | 薛蓓

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