
《封锁》—— 疫情之下,爱尔兰牧师的诗歌

GoMappED 悠雁留学平台 2022-12-19

这是爱尔兰的Richard Hendrick牧师于3月13日写下的诗歌。在爱尔兰的社群中广泛流传,当地老人们说,在过去遇到这样的事情,总会有这样的小诗... 小编的翻译远不及原作优美,惟愿更多的人们看到它。

And on another note ... (另外)

Yes there is fear.(是的,有害怕)

Yes there is isolation.(是的,有隔离)

Yes there is panic buying.(是的,有恐慌购物)

Yes there is sickness.(是的,有患病)

Yes there is even death.(是的,有死亡)


They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise.(他们说,经过那么多年的喧闹,在武汉)

You can hear the birds again.(你又可以听到鸟儿歌唱)

They say that after just a few weeks of quiet the sky is no longer thick with fumes.(有人说,只是几周的沉静过后,天空已不再阴霾密布)

But blue and grey and clear.(转而湛蓝,浅青而透亮)

They say that in the streets of Assisi(他们说,在阿西西的街道上)

People are singing to each other(人们在彼此歌唱)

across the empty squares,(穿过空寂的广场)

keeping their windows open(敞开窗户)

so that those who are alone(让孤独的人们)

may hear the sounds of family around them.(也能听到身边,阖家的声音)

They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland(他们说,爱尔兰西部的旅馆)

Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.(提供免费餐食,并挨家送到门口)

Today a young woman I know(今天,我知道一位年轻的女子)

is busy spreading flyers with her number(正忙着分发小纸片,那上面有她的电话号码)

through the neighbourhood(给到邻居们)

So that the elders may have someone to call on.(这样老人们就能用得上)

Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples are preparing to welcome and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary.(今天,教堂,犹太教堂,清真寺和庙宇正准备迎接无家可归者,患病者和疲倦者,为他们提供庇所。)

All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting.(全世界的人们都在放慢脚步,反思)

All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way.(全世界的人们都在重新认识他们的邻居)

All over the world people are waking up to a new reality.(全世界的人们都在面对一个全新的现实)

To how big we really are.(我们到底有多巨大)

To how little control we really have.(我们实际能控制的又是多么少)

To what really matters.(到底什么才是最重要的)

To Love.(爱)

So we pray and we remember that.(所以我们祈祷,我们记住)

Yes there is fear.(是的,有害怕)

But there does not have to be hate.(但,不一定要有恨)

Yes there is isolation.(是的,有隔离)

But there does not have to be loneliness.(但,不一定要有孤独)

Yes there is panic buying.(是的,有恐慌购物)

But there does not have to be meanness.(但,不一定要有刻薄)

Yes there is sickness.(是的,有患病)

But there does not have to be disease of the soul.(但,不一定灵魂萎靡)

Yes there is even death.(是的,甚至有死亡)

But there can always be a rebirth of love.(但,总会有爱重生)

Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.(唤醒对当下生活方式的选择)

Today, breathe.(今天,呼吸)

Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic(聆听,在不断的恐惧噪声背后)

The birds are singing again(鸟儿又在歌唱)

The sky is clearing,(天空正在晴朗)

Spring is coming,(春天来了)

And we are always encompassed by Love.(并且,我们始终被爱包围)

Open the windows of your soul(打开心灵的窗)

And though you may not be able(即使你未必能够)

to touch across the empty square,(去触摸那空旷的广场,但)








