
人教版(新目标)英语七年级下册unit 1、unit 2、unit 3测试卷及答案

全册精讲+→ 绿色学习平台 2022-04-10


小学英语 小学语文小学数学
初中语文 初中数学初中英语
初中美术 初中语数外预习单


Unit 1 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习Unit 2 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 3 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 4 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 5 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 6 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 7 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 8 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 9 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习
Unit 10 单词课文朗读+微课精讲+知识点+练习

Unit 1 单元测试卷


Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. My little sister _____ now, but she _____ some English songs.

A. can’t swim; can sing 

B. can’t to swim; can sings

C. can swims; can’t sings 

D. can’t swimming; can singing

2. -______ club do you want to ______? -Sports club.

A. What; have  B. What’s; join  

C. What; join  D. What’s; have

3. There is ______ meat in the fridge, please go and buy some quickly.    

A. little B. a little   C. few  D. a few

4. -Can you speak English _____?-Sorry, I can’t.

A. good  B. nice  C. fine  D. well

5. Don’t worry. I can help you _____ your homework.

A. to  B. with  C. for  D. on

6. Look at the blackboard, please. _____ out of the window.

A. Doesn’t look  B. Don’t look  

C. Not look  D. Don’t looking

7. We usually have some cakes _____ little kids.

 A. on   B. to  C. for   D. at

8. -I think drinking milk is good ______ our health.

-Yes, I agree with you.

A. for   B. to   C. with   D. at

9. -______ I use your ruler, Lingling?-Sure, here you are.

A. May   B. Would  C. Need  D. Must

10. -Can we play football in the street?

-No, you _____. It’s dangerous.

A. can  B. mustn’t  C. may D. may not

11. We need someone for our band. Can you play ______ piano very well?

A. a  B. an C. the D. /

12. Can you _____ French very well? We need a man to teach the boys French.

A. speaking  B. speak  C. say D. talk

13. My sister _______ to join the music club.

A. don’t want   B. don’t wants   

C. doesn’t want   D. doesn’t wants

14. -What _____ you _____ in the picture?-A bird.

A. can; see  B. can; look   

C. are; see    D. are; look

15. My sister can _____ very well, so she wants to join ______ club.

A. swim; swimming  B. swims; swimming  

C. swim; swims  D swims; swim


1.—So beautiful flowers! I can’t decide _____ for my mom.

    —For Mother’s Day, it can’t be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).

A. when to choose       

B.  which to choose    

C. how to choose

2.Could you please give me a hand? I can’t complete the task on time ______ your help.

A.without   B.under  C.with    D.for 

3.There was something wrong with the line.We couldn’t ______ each other clearly.

A.listen  B.sound   C.hear  D.speak

Ⅱ. 完形填空

    Mike and Gina  1  sister and brother. They like music very much. Gina can play the piano very well but she  2  play the violin. Mike can’t play the piano, but he  3  play the violin very well. Today they  4  to carry (搬运) a piano to  5  bedroom.  6  piano is heavy. They can’t  7  it.  8  parents aren’t at home. They can’t help them to carry the piano. But they  9  a cousin brother Dave. He is here today. So they ask Dave to  10  them.

1 A. is   B. am    C. are D. be

2. A. can B. can’t C. doesn’t    D. does

3. A. can B. can’t   C. doesn’t  D. does

4. A. like    B. want   C. can  D. take

5. A. Gina  B. her    C. Gina’s D. hers

6. A. The B. A   C. /    D. An

7. A. take B. carry  C. help  D. bring

8. A. Gina’s and Mike   B. Gina and Mike’s  

    C. Gina’s and Mike’s     D. They’s

9. A. have  B. like  C. want     D. there are

10. A. come   B. go     C. join   D. join in

III. 阅读理解


    Mrs. Brown goes to see her son in London. Her son works in a music club there. Mrs. Brown doesn’t know London very well. And she can’t find her way.

    She sees a man at a bus stop. She wants to ask the man the way. “Excuse me! But can you help me please? Which bus goes to Miller’s shop?” Mrs. Brown asks.

    The man is very friendly. He smiles. But he can’t speak English. He can speak French. He is new in London. He puts his hands in his coat and takes out a small book. He opens it and reads something on it.”I am sorry, I can’t speak English.”

1. Mrs. Brown goes to ______ in London.

    A. work in a club   B. find the way    

    C. see her son    D. ask the man

2. Mrs. Brown’s son works in _______.

    A. a big school  B. Miller’s shop   

    C. a music club D. a bus stop

3. What’s the bus stop in Chinese?

    A. 车库  B. 加油站   C. 交通灯 D. 车站

4. Mrs. Brown can’t find her way because ___________.

    A. she is old 

    B. She is new in London

    C. she doesn’t know London very well  

    D. she can’t see

5. Which of the following is right?

    A. The man at the bus stop is an Englishman. 

    B. The man can’t help Mrs. Brown.

    C. Mrs. Brown can’t speak English. 

    D. Mrs. Brown borrows(借) the book from the man.


    What do you do to relax? Do you watch TV? Do you read a book? Or do you listen to music? How many of us actually play a musical instrument? How many of us go to concerts? How important is music in our life? What kind of music do we like?

    A survey shows the musical habits of a few of our readers. Interestingly, fourteen people out of the twenty questioned actually play a musical instrument, while only six people don’t. Out of these, ten people practice their musical instrument between 0—3 hours a week and the other four between three and six hours a week.

    The best instrument to play is the guitar; eight people say it is their favorite instrument to play. Another four people like playing the piano and two like playing the violin. Two people, however, don’t like playing the violin or the piano because they think they are too difficult.

    Pop concerts are always popular but, in this survey only eight people say they like going to concerts, six to pop concerts and two to jazz concerts.

    A higher number, eighteen, say they like listening to music as they find it relaxing. Only two people don’t like listening to music at all. These results seem to suggest that we are more actively musical than we think .

6. How many of the twenty people don’t play a musical instrument?


7. How many of the fourteen people like playing the guitar?


8. Why don’t the two people like playing the violin or the piano?


9. Do most people like listening to music?




(  )10. Mrs. Li’s daughter’s dress is short.   She needs a   new one.

(  )11. Zhang Rui is a boy of 14. He likes to   play the guitar and sings on school days. He wants to join a music club.

(  )12. Mrs. Wilson is old and she lives   alone. She loves animals very much. She keeps a cat. And now she wants some   others pets.

(  )13. Taylor   works in a restaurant, but he wants to find another workplace because he   doesn’t like working in a restaurant.

(  )14. Betty is a middle school student of Jinyuan Experimental    Middle School. She   wants a pen friend very much to learn more about English.

A. Lovely Dog Aged 5

I’ll leave the city and can’t   take my dog with me. The dog is very lovely and beautiful. Do you like   animals?



Mr. Black has a hotel on Longyan Street.   He needs a waiter. His phone number 417-2011

C. Pen Friend Wanted

Name: Gina      Age: 14      Birthday: Mar 3rd

From: America   Hobby: music, movie, toys.

D. Children’s Dress on Sale

No.11 Clothes Store is selling   all kinds of children’s dress. They are beautiful. Call Mr. Green at   0711-1982 if you want to know more.

E. Music Club

Do you want to be a musician?   Come to our club, and you’ll be very happy in the club. We have lessons about   the piano, the drums, the guitar and the violin for just $20 each. Tel:   224-5201.

F. Museum Show

PLACE: Shanghai Museum

PRICE: $15($10 for students)

TEL: 1379-0088

TIME: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.   Monday-Friday

Ⅳ. 书面表达


    提示词:school band  talented(有才华的)  favorite  best  well  sing  dance  piano  trumpet  violin  drum



 I. 单项选择。

1. A。本句是考查情态动词can的用法,can必须和动词原形一起在句子中作谓语。因此其他选项均不正确。

2. C。句意:“你要加入什么俱乐部?”,因此用“What+名词+一般疑问句”的句式;故排除B, D项。又因为“加入”应该用动词“join”;故本题选C。

3. A。meat是不可数名词,所以只能用little或者a little来修饰,从“please go and buy some quickly”可知前句意为“冰箱里几乎没有肉”了,所以本题选little。

4. D。本句考查副词的用法,well在句子中是副词“好的”的意思,用来修饰动词speak,其他的选项是形容词不能修饰动词。

5. B。本句考查动词和介词的固定搭配用法,动词help和介词with搭配表示“帮助某人做某事”的意思。

6. B。从句子的意思判断是祈使句的否定形式,祈使句的否定形式是Don’t的后面用动词原形。也就是在祈使句的前面加助动词Don’t。

7. C。本句考查介词的用法,从句子的意思“我们通常为小孩子提供蛋糕”可以理解是用介词for表示“为了、给”的意思。

8. A。句意:“我认为喝牛奶对我们的健康有好处。”,“对……有好处”是“be good for”, 故本题选A。

9. A。句意“玲玲,我可以用一下你的尺子吗?”,征求别人的意见,应该用“May I … / Can I …”, “must” 意为“必须”,“need”意为“需要”,“would”意为“将要 或者愿意”,不符合题意 , 故本题选A。

10. B。此处用mustn’t表示“不允许、禁止”的意思。

11. C。当动词play和表示乐器的名词连用的时候,名词前用定冠词the。例如:play the piano弹钢琴,play the violin 拉小提琴。当动词play和表示球类的名词连用的时候,名词前不用冠词。例如:play basketball 打篮球。

12. B。在情态动词can的后面用动词原形,说某种语言要用动词speak。

13. C。本句子的主语是第三人称单数形式,在构成否定句的时候用助动词doesn’t+动词原形。所以选择C。

14. A。本句子是考查情态动词的用法。通过答语可知,问句意为“你在图画中能看到什么?”故用can提问;动词see表示“看到”,强调看的结果;而look意为“看”,强调看的动作。因此本题选A。 

15. A。情态动词can的后面用动词原形,游泳俱乐部应该用swimming club来表示。


1.B。根据答语“最好选择康乃馨”可知提问的是不能决定买哪一种,同时decide后应    接宾语,故选择which+不定式。

2.A。句意为:你能不能帮我一下呢?没有你的帮助我不能按时完成任务。A项意为“没  有”;根据语境可知,答案选A。

3.C。listen意为“听”,强调听的过程,固定搭配为listen to;sound意为“听起来”;  hear意为“听见”,强调听的结果,后可直接接名词;speak意为“讲”。句意为:线路有故障。我们听不清楚彼此。此处强调听的结果,使用hear。故选C。

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

1. C。本句子的主语是Mike and Gina两个人,是复数形式,所以谓语动词用复数形式are。

2. B。由连词but可知,后面的句子是表达相反的含义,故选B。

3. A。本句子是用but和前面的句子构成转折关系,前面的句子是含有情态动词的否定句, 所以本空是肯定句形式,故选A。

4. B。本句子用动词want和后面的动词不定式构成动词短语表示“想要某人做某事”的意思。

5. C。从短文前面的意思和句子“Gina can play the piano very well”可以判断是搬运到吉娜的房间里,所以用名词所有格Gina’s。

6. A。当名词在文中第二次出现就是特指,所以名词的前面用定冠词the。

7. B。在can’t的后面用动词原形,短文前面已经出现动词carry,因此此处用They can\\\'t carry it. 表示“他们搬不动”。

8. B。表示两个人共同所有的东西,它的所有格形式是在最后一个名词的后面加-’s。

9. A。本句子的主语是they,表示某人有某物应该用动词have。

10. C。join sb. 表示“加入某人的行列”。

III. 阅读理解。


1. C。从短文的第一个句子Mrs. Brown goes to see her son in London.可以直接找到问题的答案。

2. C。从短文的句子Her son works in a music club there.可以找到问题的答案。

3. D。从短文的意思和后面的句子Which bus goes to Miller’s shop?可以判断他们是在车站,所以可以猜测bus stop是车站的意思。

4. C。从短文的意思和句子Mrs. Brown doesn’t know London very well. And she can’t find her way.可以判断她找不到路是因为她对伦敦不熟悉。

5. B。从短文后面的意思可以判断这个男人也不熟悉伦敦,所以他不能帮助她。


6. Six of these people don’t play a musical instrument.

7. Eight people like playing the guitar.

8. Because they think they are too difficult.

9. Yes, they do.


10.D。Mrs. Li女儿裙子短了,所以需要到儿童裙子促销的地去购买,选D。

11.E。Zhang Rui想参加音乐俱乐部,所以选E。

12.A。Mrs. Wilson 还想养别的宠物,所以选A,收养那只可爱的狗狗。



Ⅳ. 书面表达。


    There are five students in our school band. We are all talented. We can sing and dance well. Li Xin is good at playing the piano. Lin Tao can play the trumpet well. Han Mei is the only girl in the band. She likes playing the violin, and Wang Bin plays the guitar best. And I am good at playing the drums.

Unit 2 单元测试卷


Ⅰ. 单项选择。

1. My brother often __ English on the radio .

    A. hears  B. listens  

    C. listen to  D. listens to

2. It’s six o’clock in the morning. It’s time ________.

    A. get up    B. for get up    

    C. to get up     D. of getting up

3. My father ______ his coat and goes to work.

    A. put on    B. puts in

    C. puts on    D. put in

4. When ____ your mother take a shower?

    A. does  B. is  C. do   D. are

5. My father often ______ home at six o’clock in the evening.

    A. go  B. gets  C. goes to  D. gets to

6. My brother often goes to _____ school after ______ breakfast.

    A. /; the  B. the; the  C. the; /  D. /; /

7. -Do you have a _____?

    -Yes. I _____ at a food shop.

    A. job; work    B. work; work 

    C. work; job    D. job; job

8. -______ does your father go to work every day?

    - He goes to work at half past six.

    A. How   B. What    

    C. What time   D. How time

9. -What time do you usually go to bed?

    -_______ nine o’clock.

    A. At   B. On   C. In   D. of

10. Thank you very much for _____ me to your birthday party.

    A. ask    B. to ask    C. invite    D. inviting

11. Please tell me something _______ your new teacher.

    A. in    B. for    C. about   D. on

12. It’s time ______ class.

    A. to   B. for   C. of   D. with

13. -Do you know the______?

    -Yes, it’s 10:30.

    A.age  B. time  C. number  D. address

14. What do you usually do ______ Sunday morning?

    A. to   B. at   C. on   D. in

15. Do you like _____ a bus to school?

    A. takes   B. taking   C. take   D. by


1. — Jane, is this your umbrella?

    —No, it’s not _____. I didn’t take one this morning.

    A. me          B.  my            C. mine

2. Look! The traffic light has turned red.We _____ stop our car.

    A.can    B.can’t    C.must    D.mustn’t

3. —What do you think of the woman singer?

    —Her voice sounds _____.I like her songs.

    A.sweet       B.sweetly       

    C.bad      D.badly

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

    My sister is a good  1 . She is twenty-one years old. She drives a car in a  2 . She  3  from Sunday to Friday. Her home isn’t  4  the factory. She gets up  5  at six. She goes to work at 6:30. 6  7:30, she must get there. She has  7  in the factory. She has lunch there ,too. She  8  the factory at 5:00 in the afternoon. She cooks and then does housework in the evening. She likes  9  very much. She likes watching TV  10 . She goes to bed at about 10:30 p.m.

1. A. worker B. bus driver   

    C. taxi driver   D. doctor

2. A. shop  B. hospital  

    C. factory  D. farm

3. A. studies B. buys  

    C. comes  D. works

4. A. for  B. in front C. out D. near

5. A. early  B. late C. not D. before

6. A. After  B. At  C. Between  D. Late

7. A. something  B. breakfast  

    C. food  D. nothing

8. A. gets B. arrives   C. leaves  D. drives

9. A. reading  B. to read  

    C. read  D. seeing

10.A. very much B. little 

    C. a little   D. a few

III. 阅读理解。


    Jenny gets up early in the morning.She has her breakfast and goes to school.She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus.She gets to school at about half past seven.

    Jenny is never late for school.She likes school and works hard.Classes begin at 8:00.She has six classes every day.Jenny is good at all her lessons,and she likes English best.

    Usually Jenny has lunch at school.She goes home at five in the afternoon.Sometimes,she helps her friends with their lessons.After supper she usually watches TV news.Then she does her homework.She goes to bed at about 9:30.Jenny is a good girl.

1.Where does Jenny have her breakfast?

    A.She has her breakfast at home.

    B.She has her breakfast at school.

    C.She has her breakfast in restaurant.

    D.She has her breakfast on the bus.

2.How does Jenny do at her lessons?

    A.She doesn’t like going to school.

    B.She can’t do her lessons.

    C.She does very well in her lessons.

    D.She doesn’t know her lessons at all.

3.How many hours is Jenny at school?

    A.She is at school for seven hours.

    B.She is at school for seven and a half hours.

    C.She is at school for eight hours.

    D.She is at school for nine and a half hour.

4.What does Jenny sometimes do after school?

    A.She has supper with her classmates at school.

    B.She helps her friends with their lessons.

    C.She does some shopping for her mother.

    D.She goes home with her friends.

5.What does Jenny do after supper?

    A.She watches TV and then goes to bed.

    B.she watches TV and does some housework.

    C.She watches TV and does her homework.

    D.She reads her English and does some sports.


    In England,children start(开始)school at five years old.This is called primary school.There are usually 25 to 30 children in a class.The children have one teacher.

    When children are 11 years old,they go to the next(下一个)school.They stay at this school until(直到)they are 16 or 18 years old.The children have different teachers for different subjects.Children usually stay at school for lunch cooked by the school.Other children take sandwiches and a drink.We call this a packed lunch.

    Children in England go to school five days a week.Their school day usually starts at 9:00 and finishes at 3:30 in the afternoon.

    Children at primary school don’t usually have homework.When children start their second school,they often have homework.When children are studying for their exams,when they are 16 years old,they usually have a lot of homework.


6.At five years old children in England will go to a ______ school.

7.There are usually ______ to _____ children in a class.

8.They usually have a lot of homework when they are studying ____.

9.______ is called a packed lunch.

10.Children in England stay at school for ____ hours(小时)a day.


    There are two mice. They are called Bill and Paul. They are good friends. One mouse lives in the country; the other mouse lives in the city. On a sunny day they meet in the street.

    Paul:  Hi, Bill! Have a look at my house in the country. I’m sure you can enjoy yourself.

    Bill:  I’d love to. But I hear that the food is not delicious, and your house is not good. Is it so?

    Paul:  No, that’s not true. Go and see! Then Bill goes to the countryside with Paul.

    Bill:  Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have better food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city.

    Paul:  Thanks! Maybe you are right. I’ll visit your house one day.

    Several days later Paul goes to Bill’s house in the city. The house is big and beautiful. They are sitting in the sitting-room, having a big dinner comfortably. Suddenly, there a great noise.

Bill:  Run! Run! The cat is coming!

    Paul:  Oh, no! It’s terrible! Both the house and the food are nice, but I do not like living in the city. I enjoy living in my hole in the field, for it is nice to be poor but happy than to be rich but afraid.

11. What the relationship between Bill and Paul?

    A. They are friends.      

    B. They are relatives.    

    C. They are brothers.   

    D. They are neighbors.

12. Where does Bill live?

    A. In the hole.      B. In the country.

    C. In the city.       D. In the field.

13. What does the underlined word “several” mean?

    A. Few.     B. A few.      C. A little.      D. Many

14. Why does Paul hate living in the city?

    A. Because he likes to be rich.            

    B. Because he likes to be poor.

    C. Because the house in the city is big and beautiful.         

    D. Because he enjoys happiness.

15. Which is the best title?

    A. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 

    B. Two friends

    C. Two Beautiful Mice  

    D. The Country and the City

Ⅳ. 书面表达。





1.D。本题句意为“我哥哥经常通过收音机听英语。”。listen表示听的动作,hear表示听结果。listen是不及物动词,后接宾语时要加介词to。本句的主语是第三人称单数形式,所以用listens to。

2. C。本题考查句型:It’s time to do something. /It’s time for doing something.的用法,它的意思是“是该做某事的时候了”。

3. C。put on意为“穿上”,put in可以翻译为“把……放在……里面”,不符合题意。又因为主语是第三人称单数,所以选puts on。

4. A。句子的主语是第三人称单数形式,所以用助动词does构成疑问句。

5. B。句子的主语是第三人称单数形式,所以谓语动词用gets,home是副词,所以前面不用to。

6. D。动词短语go to school的school前,以及一日三餐的名词前,均不用冠词。

7. A。句意:“-你有工作吗?-是的,我在一个食品店工作。”;job是可数名词,表示具体的工作。Work既可以做不可数名词表示“工作,上班”,也可以作动词表示“工作”。因此,第一空在a的后面用可数名词job;第二个空用动词work表示“上班”。

8. C。由答语可知上文是对时间提问,对时间提问可以用when或者what time;故本题选C。

9. A。点钟前用介词at。

10. D。在动词短语thanks for的后面用动名词形式作宾语。

11. C。句意:“请告诉我一些关于你的新老师的事情。”;“关于”,应该用介词about;故本题选C。

12. B。“It’s time for” 后接名词或者动名词,表示“该做某事的时候了”。“It’s time to do”也有同样的意思,但是后面接动词原形。“class”是名词,所以本题选B。

13. B。由答语可知,上文是对时间提问,因此选time。

14. C。具体到某一天的上午、下午等时刻时,时间前用介词on。

15. B。交通工具前有冠词时不能用by,因此排除D项;like doing sth.意为喜欢做某事,故本题选B。


1. C。本题考查代词用法,在句中指代“我的雨伞”,故选择名词性物主代词mine。

2. C。C项意为“必须”。根据常识可知,必须遵守交通规则,红灯亮必须停车。故选C。

3. A。sweet意为“甜美的”;sweetly意为“甜美地”;bad意为“坏的”;badly意为“坏地”。sound意为“听起来”,是系动词,后接形容词作表语;由答语中的“I like her songs.”可知,她的声音听起来很甜美。故选A。

. 完形填空。

1. A。从短文后面的句子可以知道她在一家工厂开车,所以不是公共汽车的司机,也不是出租车的司机,更不是医生,所以选择A。

2. C。短文后面的句子中出现factory,可以判断她是一家工厂的工人,所以选择C。

3. D。从句意“她从星期一到星期五工作”可以判断是用动词works。

4. D。near意为“在……附近”,这句话的意思是“她家离工厂不近。”

5. A。从起床的时间是六点钟可以判断是用early表示“起床很早”的意思。

6. B。在点钟前用介词at。

7. B。从后面句子的情景“她也在工厂吃午饭”可以判断本句话的意思是“她在工厂吃早饭。”。

8. C。下午5点钟应该是下班的时间,所以用动词leave the factory表示“下班”的意思。

9. A。表示习惯性的喜欢和爱好用like+动名词形式,like reading表示“喜欢读书”。

10. C。从前句“她喜欢读书。”,可以判断本句意为“她有点喜欢看电视。”,所以选择C。

III. 阅读理解。


1. A。由文章前两句话可知。

2. C。由“Jenny is good at all her lessons…”可知。

3. D。由文章内容可知,Jenny是上午7:30到校,下午5:00离校,故选D。

4. B。由“Sometimes,she helps her friends with their lessons.”可知。

5. C。由“After supper she usually watches TV news.Then she does her homework.”可知。


6. primary。由文章前两句话可知。

7. 25,30。由文章第一段第三句话可知。

8. for their exams。由文章最后一段最后一句话的内容可知。

9. sandwiches and a drink。由“Other children take sandwiches and a drink.We call this a packed lunch.”可知。

10. more than six。由文章内容可知,上午九点开始上课,下午三点半放学,中间总共六个多小时。


11. A。根据第一段中“There are two mice. They are called Bill and Paul. They are good friends.”可知比尔和保罗是好朋友。所以选A。

12. C。根据文中“Bill: Why do you live in a hole in the field? …You must come and see me at my house in the city.”可知比尔住在城市里,所以该选C。

13. B。根据上文描述比尔邀请保罗去城市居住一事,可知这是几天后保罗应邀去了城里的比尔的房子,所以该选B。

14. D。根据文中“I enjoy living in my hole in the field, for it is nice to be poor but happy than to be rich but afraid.”可知保罗不喜欢住在城市,因为住在田野的洞里虽很贫穷但是快乐,而在城市虽富有但害怕。故选D。

15. A。根据该文描述了一只城市老鼠和一只乡下老鼠的故事可知该选A。



On weekdays, I usually get up at half past six. Then I have breakfast quickly. I leave home at half past seven, and get to school at about ten to eight. I have class from 8:00 to 15:40, but at 12:00 I have lunch. The lunch time is about one hour. I have three classes in the afternoon. After school I usually play basketball with my classmates on the playground. I get home at half past four, and do my homework till six thirty. Then I have supper and watch TV. Sometimes, I go out for a walk with my parents or play games with my friends after supper. I go to bed at 9:30, and I really have a busy day! 


人教版(新目标)初中英语七年级下册Unit 3 测试卷



l. take a boat/byboat/on the boat___________        

 2. bedifferent from___________

3. dependon___________                        

4. how many ___________

5. have to___________                              

6. 到达 ___________

7. 骑自行车___________                      

 8. 多远___________

9. 多久___________                              

10. 快速吃早餐___________


1. It usually__________(花费) mehalf an hour to get to the supermarket by bike.

2. The classroomwas _________(如此)noisy that I could hardly hear her.

3. There are sixty_________(分钟) in anhour.

4. Our city is inthe _________(北部的)part of China.

5. When do you________ ________(前往) school every day?

6. Two centuriesis ________ ________ _______(两百年).

7. It takes meabout half an hour ________(走路) to school from my home.

8. A large numberof students in my class _________(喜欢) surfing the Internet now.

9. He ate hisbreakfast _______(快速地) and then ran to school.

10. I want totravel all over the _______(世界)


(  ) 1. They______ a village in the evening and lived there.

A. arrived in         B. arrivedat             C. leftfor              D.got

(  ) 2.______ is it from your home to school?

A. How often         B. Howlong           C. Howfar             D. Howsoon

(  ) 3. Hegets up early and ______ breakfast.

A. have a quick       B. has quicka           C. has aquick           D. have quick

(  ) 4. TheNo. 6 Middle School is not far ______ his home.

A. to               B.from                C.with                 D. at

(  ) 5. Myschool isn’t far from here. It’s only _____ walk.

A. fifteen minutes                                     

 B. fifteen minutes’       

C. fifteen minute’s                                      

D. fifteen minutes’s

(  ) 6.Victor thought of a few countries for vacation and at last he decided _____Japan.

A. at       B. for            C. on          D. of

(  ) 7. I’m goingshopping after I finish _____ the book.

A. read     B. reading     C. toread     D. to reading

(  ) 8. LiuXiang and Yao Ming are _____. Almost everyone in China knows them.

A. interesting            B. healthy                 C. happy                    D. famous

(  ) 9. Bequiet, please! I have _____ to tell you.

A. anything important                            B. important something 

C. something important                                 D. important anything

(  ) 10. —Idon’t get your postcard. When did you_____ it?

—Last Friday.

A. show          B. send           C. give      D. make

(  ) 11.Beijing is about 140 km _____ from Tianjin.

A. near         B. away        C. far     D. long

(  ) 12.—Shall we go _____ tomorrow, Dad? I hear there are a lot of fish in the lake.


A. bike riding          B.swimming             C. fishing                   D. sightseeing

(  ) 13.—What do you plan _____ this weekend?  —I’ve no idea.

A. do                    B. doing                     C. to do                      D. to doing

(  ) 14.—_____ are you staying in New York?  —For about a month.

A. How soon          B. Howlong             C. What                     D. When

(  ) 15.—Have a good vacation, Miss Liu!  —_____.

A. Thank you very much

B. I’m sorry to hear that

C. That sounds nice

D. I think so


1. I spent a weekfinishing reading the book.(改为同义句)

It _______ _______a week _______ ________reading the book.

2. Tara left forLondon in a plane this morning.(改为同义句)

Tara left for London ______  _____this morning.

3. Lucy goes tothe park by bike.(改为同义句)

Lucy ______ the bike ______the park.

4. A lot ofchildren like playing computer games.(改为同义句)

______ _______children like playing computer games.

5. It is about tenminutes’ ride from my home to school.(就划线部分提问)

________ ________is it from your home to school?

6. I like livingin the warm place.(改为同义句)

I like living in the place ________it’s _______.


Teacher: Well,boys and girls, I want to do a   1   in our class.Would you like to answer my questions?

Students: Sure!

Teacher: How doyou usually come to school, Li Hong?

Li Hong: I takethe   2  .

Teacher: How faris your home from school?

Li Hong: About 4kilometers.

Teacher: How   3  does it take you by bus?

Li Hong: About 20minutes.

Teacher: How aboutyou, Wang Fei?

Wang Fei: My homeis   4   South Lake Park.

Teacher: Then yourhome is far from here, isn’t it?

Wang Fei: No, it’snot far. I usually   5   here. It takes me about 25minutes.

Teacher: Sorry. Idon’t know much about the city.


Ben and Peter were in the same school. They were good friends. WhenJune came, they had their exams. After the exams, they had a 1____ vacation.They 2____ the vacation in a small town(镇). They took walks, went fishing and bike riding. They saw and heard3____ interesting things. They enjoyed 4_____ very much.

One afternoon, the weather was very 5_____. So they decided to6_____ a river and swim in the cool water. They drove slowly (缓慢地) and looked around. SuddenlyBen saw a 7____ not far away. They drove there fast and stopped the car by thelake. 8____ they took off their clothes and were going to jump (跳) into the water, a man came upto them and said, “Sorry. Swimming is not allowed (允许) in the lake!”

“Why 9_____ you tell us about it before we took off our clothes?”Peter asked 10_____ .

“But taking off clothes by the lake is allowed,” said the man.

(  ) 1. A.two months               B. two-months           C. twomonths’   D. two month’s

(  ) 2. A.took                       B. lost                    C. sent              D.gave

(  ) 3. A. alot                B. a lotof                    C. little             D.a little

(  ) 4. A.they                B.their                 C. themselves     D. theirs

(  ) 5. A.hot                 B. cold                  C.windy           D. rainy

(  ) 6. A.find                 B. see                            C. make             D.watch

(  ) 7. A.zoo                  B. mountain               C.park              D. lake

(  ) 8. A.So                  B.When                 C.If             D.Although

(  ) 9. A.did                         B. do                    C. not              D.didn’t

(  ) 10. A.happily             B.angrily               C. sadly              D.carefully



Mrs. Green is a teacher in a middle school in Italy. She usuallygoes to France for vacation and stays there for a few weeks. She can speakFrench very well.

One day, Mrs. Green said to one of her friends, “I’m taking a vacationin Japan. But I can hardly speak Japanese. What should I do?” “You can go toevening classes to learn Japanese. It helps a lot,” said her friend.

She went to the evening classes and studied very hard for a month.When her vacation began, she went to Japan.

Two weeks later, Mrs. Green came back from Japan. Her friend askedher, “Did you have any trouble (麻烦) with your Japanese when you were in Japan?”

“No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mrs. Green. “Butthe Japanese did!”


(  ) 1. Mrs.Green usually goes to Italy for vacation.

(  ) 2. Mrs.Green is good at speaking French.

(  ) 3. Mrs.Green went to study Japanese because she wanted to teach Japanese.

(  ) 4. Mrs.Green stayed in Japan for two weeks.

(  ) 5. Mrs.Green could speak Japanese very well after she studied it for a month.


Martin is in a new school now. He likes it very much. It’s not farfrom his home. And it usually takes him 10 minutes to get to school by bike.School begins at 8:00 every morning. But these days Martin is often late forschool. This morning, he was late again. The teacher was very angry.

“How do you usually come to school?” asked the teacher.

“By bike,” Martin answered.

“What time do you usually get up?”

“At 6:30.”

“Well, it’s not late. What time do you usually leave home?”

“I leave home at 7:55.”

“Why not leave home earlier?”

“My mother is ill. She stays in bed all day. I must look after herand give her medicine at the right time, so I’m often late for school,” saidMartin with tears (泪水) in his eyes.

“I see. Martin, you are a good boy!” said the teacher.

(  ) 6. Howlong does it take Martin to get from home to school?

A. Five minutes.    B. Ten minutes.    C. Fifteen minutes.      D. Twentyminutes.

(  ) 7. Thismorning Martin was late for school again, so the teacher was _____.

A. sad                     B.happy             C.angry                 D. worried

(  ) 8.Martin usually gets up at _____.

A. seven fifty-five   B. six thirty         C.eight                 D. six fifty-five

(  ) 9.Martin is often late for school these days because _____.

A. he gets up late                               B. his home is far from school

C. he is ill                                           D. his mother is ill

(  ) 10.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Martin usually gets to school by bike.

B. Martin doesn’t like his new school.

C. School begins at five to eight every morning.

D. Martin is lazy because he is often late for school.


1. takes, Bob,usually, subway, school, to, get, the, to


2. home, about,Jack’s, miles, from, school, four, is


3. must, than,taking, it, be, a, a, little, interesting, bus, more


4. parts, as,America, world, of, the, other, not, same, are, the


5. your, go, how,work, last, mother, did, Friday, to



21st Century 报纸的初中版就中学生喜欢的上学的交通方式进行调查,以下就是调查结果,请你根据这个结果并结合自己的实际写一篇英文小短文投稿发表自己的想法。

Number ofstudents: 2000

City: Beijing




1. 坐船 2.与不同  3.决定于 4.多少 5. 不得不 6. get to/reach/arrivein/arrive at 7. ride a bike/go bike riding/on the bike 8. how far  9. howlong  10. have a quick breakfast


1.takes 2.so  3.minutes  4.northern  5.leave for  6.two hundredyears  7.to walk  8.like/enjoy

9.quickly 10.world

三、1-5 BCCBB  6-10 CBDCB  11-15 BCCBA

四、1. Took, me, to finish 2. by air/plane 3. rides,to4. Lots of 5. How,far 6. Where, warm

五、1. survey  2. bus  3. long  4. near  5. walk

六、1-5 CABCA  6-10 ADBDB

七、1-5 FTFTF  6-10 BCBDA


1. Bob usuallytakes the subway to get to school

2. Jack’s home isabout four miles from school

3. It must be alittle more interesting than taking a bus

4. Other parts ofthe world are not the same as America

5. How did yourmother go to work last Friday?

九、One possible version:

From the survey we know that most students in Beijing like going toschool by bus. Some of them like walking to school because they live near theirschools. Some students go to school by car. Not so many students like riding asubway because it’s a little expensive. Most students in our city take a bus toschool, but I like going to school on foot because my home is not far from ourschool.  I think walking is a good exercise, as it’s good for health.















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