

更多微课点关注→ 绿色学习平台 2023-02-12



7.    A. Only Anna.                   B.Only Tony.

C. Both Anna and Tony.      

D. Neither Annanor Tony.

8.    A. Tom’s watch                   B.Mary’s watch.  

C. the woman’s watch.     D. Your watch.

9.    A. This morning.              B.This evening

C. Tomorrow afternoon.  D.Tomorrow evening.

10. A. Two.  B. Three.     C. Four.    D.Five.

11. A. He can play the piano with his feet.

   B. He can playthe trumpet with his nose

   C. He can playthe guitar with his nose.

   D. He can playthe trumpet with his mouth.

12. A. In 1955.               B.In 1953.             

       C. In 1965.              D. In 1945.

13. A. She is going there by plane.                                 

      B. She is going there for 2 days.

      C. She is goingthere for 7 days.                      

      D.She is going there for 2 weeks.

14. A. Lie down and rest.                                          

      B. Take some medicine.

      C. See a dentist.                                      

      D.See a doctor.

15. A. Make a milk shake.                                 

       B.Buy a milk shake.

       C. Drink somemilk shake.                               

       D. Eat an apple.


16. I had no class on Monday.

17. In the morning, I helped my mother do chores.

18. I swept the floor, took out the trash and do the dishes.

19. In the afternoon, I bought a shirt and my sister boughta sweater.

20. Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats of allin our city.





21. — How did you feel just now?

—We all felt_______after we knew the _______ news.

A. excited; excited          B.excited; exciting        

C. exciting; exciting         

22. —Though Mike is a _______boy, he can say many words.

—How clever!

A. two-years-old              B. two-year-old             

 C.two years old    

23. I feel tired, but I don’t want to stop _______.

A. working                     B. to work                         

 C. works       

24. He is _______ small _______ to school.

A. too; go                      B. can’t; go                        

C. too; togo           

25. You are right. We all agree _______ you.

A. to           B. for         C. with

26. Han Wenda is very funny and he often makes his classmates_______.

A. laughing      B. laugh    C. to laugh    

27. The music _______ beautiful.

A. sounds       B.feels    C.hears  

28.—Jane, can you play _______ baseball?

— No, I can’t. But I can play _______ violin.

A. the; the      B./; the    C.the; /

29. Liu Dehua, Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie are famous _______their pop songs.

A. as       B.for    C. with   

30. They _______ some books from the library last week.

A. lent       B.lends     C. borrowed    

31. Class was over, but some students continued _______in the classroom.

A. to study        B.studied    C. studies      

32. Wang Yanbo’s mother is fond of _______.

A. cook       B.cooker    C. cooking

33. Why _______ go out for a walk after supper?

A. don’t         B.didn’t      C.not

34. I don’t know _______ he will come or not tomorrow.

A. whether     B.when     C.what  

35. —_______ Li Lei _______to go swimming in the river?      

— No, it’s very dangerous.

A. Used; to    B. Did; use    C. Did; used  



    Mobile phonesare becoming more and more popular not only with grown—ups but also with students.Meanwhile, they also have become a  36  for middle schools in the past few years.Some children have got mobile phones as Christmas or birthday gifts, and more will  37   wantthem.

    Many like SMSbecause it is easy and   38_ . Some parents felt happy because theycould get in touch   39   theirchildren. Some teachers said mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事)to students duringschool hours and it also gave them much 40  in their classrooms. Sometimesstudents  41  use phone messages to cheat(作弊)during exams. A newstudy found that some teenagers sent messages in class even hurt their fingers becausethey couldn't stop__42  SMS.

    Many teacherssuggested that students should not have phones at school,   43   if there was a good reason; they could 44   theirphones at school office. Many people think they understand   45   parents would want their children to have them,but they agree schools should let the students know when they can use their mobilephones.

36. A. reason              B. question           

       C. problem          D.result

37. A. still                    B.yet                    

      C. already             D. too

38. A. quickly             B. quick              

       C.hurry                D. sharp

39. A. against               B. on                  

       C.with                  D. to

40. A. business           B.information            

       C. things               D. trouble

41. A. dare                   B.have to            

      C. should               D. might

42. A. using                  B.to use               

      C. used                  D. used to

43. A. and                    B.but                 

      C. though              D. however

44. A. miss                   B.leave              

       C.lie                            D. fetch

45. A. whether              B.because          

       C. why                  D. since







18: 10 Children’s Programme

19: 00 News

19: 30 Weather Report

19:40 On TV Next Week

20:00 TV Play: Mother

22: 35 Talk Show

23:30 Around the World

00:00 English for Today




18: 10 English Classroom

18: 40Animal  World

19:10 TV Play: Monkey King

20: 10 Around China

20: 40China Today

21:00 Sports

22: 00 English News

22: 30 Foreign Arts



  46. You are a footballfan. You may watch at           .

      A. 19:40 on CCTV—1                                

      B. 22:35 on CCTV— 1

C. 19:10 on CCTV—4                               

D. 21:00 on CCTV—4

  47. If you wantto know something about Australia, which programme is the best?

    A. Weather Report     B. Animal World            

   C.Around the World    D. China Today

  48. How long doesthe TV play "Monkey King" last?

    A. 30 minutes.        B. 50 minutes.         

    C.60 minutes.         D. 45 minutes.

  49. You can watch         if you want to learn English on TV.

    A. English news         B.English Classroom    

    C. English for Today    D. A, B& C

  50. The longestprogramme listed (所列) below is _        .

    A. China Today         B.TV play: Mother     

     C Talk show           D. Sports


    In class, theteacher told the students not to draw on the wall in order to keep it clean.

    After class,Jim forgot all that the teacher had said. He took a piece of chalk and drew a man on the wall. Just then he noticedthat the teacher was coming.  He quickly coveredhis drawing with his back.

    The teacher didn'tfind out what he was doing. When he passed, he touched Jim on the head. Jim wasvery frightened and said in a low voice, “Good morning, Sir!"

    The teacher smiledand went away. Jim was happy. When he turned to see his drawing, he

found nothing on the wall.

    “Where is mydrawing?”

    You see the drawingwas on his back!

51. Why did the teacher ask the students not to draw onthe wall?

    A. Because hewanted to keep the wall clean.

    B. Because theywere having a class.

    C. Because hewanted the students to do their homework.

    D. Because he didn'tlike the students.

52. The teacher didn't find out what Jim was doing, didhe?

    A. Yes, he did.     B. Yes, he didn’t.   

    C. No, he didn’t.    D. No, he did.

53. What did Jim draw after class?

A. He drew an apple.             

B. He drew a man.

C. He drew a big tree.            

D. He drew the teacher.

54. Jim covered his drawing because          .

    A. the teacherwas coming         

B. he didn't drawit well enough

C. he didn't wanthis classmates to see it      

D. he didn't likethe teacher

55. Which of the following is NOT true according to thepassage?

    A. Jim noticedthat the teacher was coming when he was drawing.

    B. Jim was frightenedwhen he saw the teacher.

    C. Jim askeda man to wipe it out (擦掉).

    D. Jim wipedit out with his back without knowing it.


    New rules andbehavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out in

March. Middle school is going to use a new way to decidewho the top students are. The best students won't only have high marks. They willalso be kids who don't dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink.The following are some of the new rules.

    Tell the truth.Have you ever copied someone else's work on an exam? Don't do it again! That's notsomething an honest (诚实的) student should do. If you have played computer games for twohours in your room, don't tell your parents you have done homework.

    Do more at school.Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird—Loving Monthin China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way,you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. When more people worktogether, it makes it more fun for everyone.

    Have you everquarreled with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working togethercan make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to thinkof others, not only yourself.

    Be open to newideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Don't look downon new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome them, because newideas make life better for everyone.

    Protect yourself.Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it

 happen to you.  If you have to go home late, you should let yourparents know.

    Use the Internetcarefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things onthe Internet aren't for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you.You can use the

 Web for fun or homework.Can't you find any good Web sites for children? Here are some:

 http: //www. eastday.com    http: //www. chinakids. net. com    http: //www. cycnet. Com

56. The school new rules will help kids by telling them          .

A. how they can studywell                   

B. what they shoulddo at school

C. what is right andwhat is wrong            

D. how they can protectthemselves

57. According to the passage, which of the following isNOT true?

    A. Take careof yourself when you are out.

    B. Tell the truth,even when you are wrong.

    C. Keep someanimals to protect them.

    D. Use the Internet,but keep away from bad things.

58. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is about____.

A. making the teamstronger   

B. working togetherwith others

C. being a good friendto others   

D. getting on wellwith others

59. Good Web sites for children can____.

A. be a waste of time   

B. help them withtheir studies

C. do homework forthem   

D. make life easier

60. The passage tells us how to____.

A. be top students   

B. do more at school 

C. care for others   

D. use the Internet


第Ⅱ卷  非选择题50分






A. They are so interested in  making the "unreal friends" that they can't put their hearts into study.

B. It is about twenty—five  years later than computers.

C. The first computer was made  in 1946.

D. We can use computers and  the Internet to learn more about the world.

E. Many students like the Internet  very much.


    Today almosteveryone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you "What is the most importantin your life?" maybe you will say "Computers and the Internet."

  61. _      _ It was very big but it worked slowly.Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster.What can computers do? A writer has said, "People can't live without computerstoday."

    The Internetcame a little later than computers.62.____But now it can be found almost everywhere.We can use it to read books, write letters, do shopping, play computer games ormake friends.

  63.       They often go into the Internet as soonas they are free. They make friends on the

Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends.They don't know their real names, ages, and even sex.64.       Many of them can't catch up with otherson many subjects because of that.

  65.        But at the same time, we should rememberthat not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.




66. 为什么不把正确的单词写下来呢?

    ___    _    the correct words?

67. 抱歉,我错拿了你的笔。

    ___    _ your pen by mistake.

68. 当我正要出门的时候,电话响了。

    The telephonerang________.

69. 捕杀动物和砍伐树木都是不对的。

    ___    _     kill animals or cut down trees.

70. 你学英语学了多久了?

    ___    _ English?




 A. You're welcome.

 B. Which bus shall I take'?

 C. I don't know.

 D. Please ask that man over there.

 E. Can I take a bus to get there?


Victor: Excuse me, madam. Could you please tell me theway to Xuanwu Hospital?

Woman: Sorry,    71. I'm new here.    72  .

Victor: Excuse me, sir. How can I get to Xuanwu Hospital?

Man: Go on and take the third turning on the left. Andyou'll be in front of the gate of the hospital.

Victor:   73  .

Man: Yes, you can.

Victor:   74  .

Man: You can take a No. 10 bus.

Victor: Thank you very much.

Man :    75  .



    Three years ago,Mr. Brown retired (退休). He returned to his hometown with his wife. Bad

luck! The old woman died five months ago and now he hadto live in the small town alone.  His sonJack asked him to live with them in the city ,but he refused .He hated the noisylife there .He had some new friends and thought he enjoyed himself .So the youngman bought a nice vat (缸)with about fifty goldfishes(金鱼)in it .They couldnever make any noise in the night and his father could have a good sleep.

    Mr. Brown likedthe goldfishes and took good care of them. He bought some books and did all what’ssaid in them. He often told his friends about his goldfishes and they went to visitthem. He was very happy.

    A few days later,the old man looked worried. A cat of his neighbor's stole ( 偷 ) his goldfishesat night. He tried to catch it, but he couldn't. He had to sleep near the vat. Itmade him very tired. So the angry old man went to a shop and said, "Excuseme, sir. Where can I buy a shark, please?" "Oh?" the man in the shopsaid in surprise. "What do you have it for?" "I want to teach thecat a lesson (教训) ! "


76. Why did Mr. Brown return to his hometown after he retired?


77. Who bought the goldfishes?


78. Did Mr. Brown like the goldfishes?


79. What made Mr. Brown very tired in the daytime?


80. What did Mr. Brown want a shark to do?





提示:1. 早晨读英语;2. 上课认真听讲、做笔记 take notes;3.空余时间和朋友练习说英语 practice speaking English;4. go over 复习;5. 放学回家看英语新闻,每晚坚持写英语日记 keep an Englishdiary 和睡前听英语。6. 电子邮件的开头、结尾已给出(不算在总词数内)

Dear Wang Dan,

I got your letter yesterday. Now I'd like to tell you how I study Englishevery day.


Maybe it's not easyto learn English well, but nothing is difficult if you try your best.

Best wishes!


Li Nan




1. I stayed at home and watched the football matches allthe day.

2. Alice goes to school by bike every day.

3. I am babysitting my little brother this weekend.


4. Tommy is going to move to London. He is going to takecomputer lessons there.

5. My cousin has the best clothing store in our city.

6. She likes to walk in the rain with an umbrella.


7. M: What’s your new year’s resolution, Anna?

   W: I’m going totake guitar lessons. And you, Tony?

   M: me, too. Butwe need to buy two guitars first.

Question: Who is going to take guitar lessons?

8. W: Oh, Tom, your watch is so beautiful. How much isit?

   M: Thanks, Mary.It’s150 yuan. What about yours?

W: Oh, my watch is 120 yuan.

   Question: Whosewatch is more expensive?

9. W: Could you help me with my party, Jack?

   M: Sure, whenis your party, Cindy?

W: Tomorrow evening.

Question: When willCindy have a party?

10. M: How should we make the fruit salad?

    W: We need twoapples, three bananas, five strawberries and some yogurt.

    M: OK, I’ll buythem after breakfast.

    Question: Howmany bananas do they have?

11. M: Who do you think is the most creative?

    W: I think Jackis. He can play the trumpet with his nose.

    Question: Whatcan Jack do?

12. M: When was Bill Gates Born?

    W: He was bornin 1955.

Question: When wasBill Gates born?

13. M: Where are you going for vacation?

    W: I’m goingto Hainan for two weeks.

    M: Great. Howare you going there?

    W: I’m goingthere by plane.

Question: How longis the woman staying in Hainan?

14. W: I’m not feeling well. Oh… Oh…

M: What’s the matter,Judy? Do you have a cold?

W: Oh, no. I havea toothache.

M: You should seea dentist.

Question: What shouldJudy do?

15. M: Ted is coming to my home. I would like to make amilk shake.

    W: Good idea.

M: But I don’t knowhow to make it.

W: Let me show you.

Question: What arethey going to do?


Yesterday was Sunday.I had no class. In the morning, I helped my mother do chores. I swept the floor,took out the trash, made the bed and did the laundry. After lunch, I went shoppingwith my sister. We went to many clothing stores and thought Trendy Teens had thebest quality clothing. So I bought a sweater and my sister bought a skirt. In theevening, I went to Movie Palace to watch a movie with my friends. I like this movietheater, because it has the most comfortable seats of all in our city.


第Ⅰ卷  选择题50分


1—5. CDBAD  6—10.CCADB   11—15. BADCA   16—20. BABBA



    21.B    22.B   23.A    24.A    25.C   26.B    27.A   28.B

    29.B    30.C   31.A    32.C    33.C   34.A    35.B



    36.C    37.A    38.B   39.C    40.D    41.D   42.A    43.B

    44.B    45.C


四、阅读理解(共15分. 每小题1分)

    A篇    46.D   47.C    48.C    49.D   50.B

    B篇    51.A   52.C    53.B    55.A   55.C

C篇    56.C   57.C    58.B    59.B   60.A


第Ⅱ卷  非选择题50分



    61. C    62. B   63. E    64. A   65. D



    66. Why not writedown…

    67. I’m sorryto take…

    68. …while Iwas going out

    69. It's notgood to…

    70. How longhave you studied/learned…



    71. C    72. D   73. E    74. B    75. A



  76. Because thelife there is quiet.    77. Jack. / Mr. Brown'sson./The young man.

    78. Yes, he did./Yes.    79. He had to look after the goldfishes at night.

    80. He wanteda shark to eat the cat.



One possible version

Dear Wang Dan,

I got your letter yesterday. Now I'd like to tell you how I study Englishevery day. I hope it may help you. I love English very much. So every morning Iget up early and read English aloud, I think it's easy to remember things in themorning.  In class I listen to my teachercarefully and take the important notes. After class I often go over the notes. WhenI’m free, I always practice speaking English with my friends. I think it's a goodway to improve our spoken English. After school, the first thing I usually do iswatching English news. I've learned many new words and read many interesting storiesthat way. I keep an English diary every night. Before I go to bed I always listento English. So I am good at listening and writing.

Maybe it's not easy to learn English well, but nothing is difficult if youtry your best.

Best wishes!


Li Nan

●● END ●









