
仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3 知识点+单元测试(含听力)

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Unit 1 Topic 3How old are you ?



1. good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上好

2. glad / nice to meet / see you  见到你很高兴

3. welcome to + 地点   欢迎来到……

4. let’s + v  让我们做……

5. stand up 起立

6. sit down 坐下

7. this is...  这是……

8. thanks = thank you 谢谢

9. see you = see you later = goodbye 再见

10. ID number 身份证号码

11. be from=come from 来自

12. in English 用英语


1. ---What’s your name? ---My name is Sally.

2. ---Where are you from? ---I’m from China.

---Where do you come from? ---I come from China.

3. ---Where is he/ she from? ---He/She is from Japan.

4. ---What’s this/ that in English? --- It’s a/ an… 

5. ---What’re these/ those in English? ---They’re…  

6. ---How do you spell it? ---E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.

7. ---Can you spell it? ---Yes, M-A-P, map.

8. —How old are you/ is he/ are they?

—I’m/ He is/ They are eleven.

9. —What’s your telephone number?

—It’s 4567967.

10. —What class/ grade are you in?  

—I’m in Class Ten, Grade Seven.(注意大小写)

11. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.    

12. —Hello!/Hi!  —Hello!/Hi!

13. —Nice/Glad to see/meet you.  —Nice/Glad to see/meet you, too.

14. —Welcome to China/my home.  —Thanks.

15. —How do you do?  —How do you do?

16. —How are you?  —Fine, thank you. And you?  —I’m OK.

17. —See you then/ later.  —See you.    

18. —Goodbye.  —Bye.

19. —Thank you.  —You’re welcome./That’s OK./Not at all.


1. 元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu


[e]  Aa Hh Jj Kk         

[i:]  Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv      

[aɪ] Ii Yy  

[ju:]  Uu Qq   Ww      

[e] Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz

2. 大小写


• Look!Is that Jane?

• He comes from Hubei, China.

• Mr. Wang, this is my mom.

• —What class are you in?

—I’m in Class Ten, Grade Seven.

• On Sunday, we go to the West Hill for a picnic.

3. Be动词的用法

• 我用am,你用are,is用于他、她、它,单数用is,复数就用are。

• 含be动词的陈述句变否定句在be后加not,变一般疑问句将be提前。

• 一般疑问句的肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+ be;否定回答:No, 人称代词+be + not。

如:---They are teachers.  ---They are not teachers.

---Are they teachers?  ---Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

4. 不定冠词、定冠词和and的用法

 (1)不定冠词a, an的用法

a /an 都表示“一,一个”,a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,如:a book; a desk; an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前,如:an apple / an orange/ an English book;/ an English boy/ an old man;/an actor/ an English teacher/ an office worker.


• We are in the same class.

• The girl in a pink skirt is Jane.

• Where is the book?

• This isn’t my bike. The blue one is mine.

(3) and的用法

• 数字相加看做单数:Two and three is five.

• 颜色相加也是单数:   Black and white is gray.

• 人和事物相加是复数:Lucy and Lily are sisters. The pen and the eraser are Jane’s.

5. 可数名词单数变复数


① 一般在名词词尾加-s,如:car---cars; photo---photos; toy---toys; boy---boys

② 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,在词尾加--es,如:box---boxes; bus--buses

③ 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:baby--babies; family--families

4)以fe结尾,变fe为v再加es,如:knife--- knives


如:foot---feet; man---men; woman---women; snowman---snowmen;

(3)集体名词:people, clothes, police, family

(4)成双出现的名词:shoes, pants(trousers), gloves, eyes, ears

九. 一词多义:An orange(桔子)is orange(橙色的). 



仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit1 Topic3 单元测试

Unit 1 Topic 3

(满分100  时间90分钟)







第一部分  听力(20分)



1. ____   2. ____   3. ____   4. ____   5. ____


(   )6. A. They’re oranges.   B. It’s an orange.    C. Yes, it is.

(   )7. A. How do you do?     B. I’m eleven.     C. B-U-S, bus.

(   )8. A. Yes, I am.  B. I’m in Grade Seven.  C. I’m in Class One.

(   )9. A. Thanks.  B. You’re welcome.   C. OK.

(   )10. A. No, it’s a bus. B. No, it’s a car.  C. Yes, it’s a bus.


(   )11. A. 12.  B. 11.   C. 10.

(   )12. A. 6852-3356.  B. 6852-3556. C. 6825-3556.

(   )13. A. They are buses.   B. They’re boxes.  C. They are books.

(   )14. A. S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N.   B. S-I-X-T-E-E-N.   C. S-V-T-E-N-E-T-E-N.

(   )15. A. Class 5.    B. Class 7.  C. Class 4.


(   )16. Jim is from theUSA.

(   )17. Jim is eleven years old.

(   )18. Now Jim is in Beijing.

(   )19. Jim is in Class 7, Grade 8.

(   )20. His telephone number is 8845-6710.

第二部分 基础知识运用(55分)


(   )1. —____ is Mary?

—She is five.

A. Who B. What  C. Where   D. How old

(   )2. —What are these?

—____ are desks.

A. This   B. Those   C. They   D. It

(   )3. —Who’s that, Kangkang?

—____ Mary.

A. That’s   B. This is  C. He’s  D. They’re

(   )4. —What class are you in?

—I’m ____.

A. in class 3, grade 7         B. in Class 3, Grade 7

C. class 3, grade 7             D. Class 3, Grade 7

(   )5. —Are those books?

—Yes, ____.

A. they are                B. they aren’t         

C. those are              D. those aren’t

(   )6. —What’s this ____ English?

—It’s an egg.

A. the   B. to    C. in    D. /

(   )7. —Is that an orange?

—____. It’s an apple.

A. Yes     B. No   C. It is    D. It isn’t

(   )8. —What’s ____ over there(在那边)?

—It’s a bus.

A. these    B. those    C. this      D. that

(   )9. —____ do you spell your name?

—T-I-N-A, Tina.

A. What    B. How   C. Can  D. Where

(   )10. My mom is ____ teacher. She’s ____ English teacher.

A. a; an   B. a; a   C. an; a    D. an; an



A: Hello, Jingjing.   11 

B: I’m fine, thanks. And you?

A:   12   Oh, what’s that?

B: It’s a car.

A:   13 

B: Yes, it is.

A: How do you spell“orange”?

B:   14 

A: Thank you.

A. Let me help you.

B. I’m fine, too.

C. You’re welcome.

D. What’s that in English?

E. O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.

F. Is that an orange car?

G. How are you?

B:   15 

11._______ 12._______ 13._______ 14._______ 15._______

(   )23. A. China   B. theUSA  C. theUK  D.Canada

(   )24. A. Six   B. Seven   C. Eight  D. Nine

(   )25. A. the   B. /   C. a   D. an

This is my friend, Joan. She is twelve. She is in a high school. She is in Class Seven, Grade Eight. My English teacher is Miss White, but her English teacher is Miss Green. Look!Who’s that? Oh, she’s my mom. She’s a Chinese(语文, 中文) teacher.

B: 37. ______________________________

A: How old is he?

B: 38. ______________________________

A: Is he in your school?

B: 39. ______________________________

A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

B: 40. ______________________________ He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.

A: Thank you.

B: That’s OK.

第三部分 写作(25分)

11.he, in                     ?

12.he, in                     ?

13.he, in                     ?

14.he, in                     ?

15.he, in                     ?


根据你自己的情况完成下面表格, 并用英语写一篇短文介绍自己, 不少于7句话。

Name: ____         English   name: _____

Age: ____           From: ____

School: _______________________________

Tel: __________________________________




听 力 材 料

Unit 1 Topic 3


1. It’s an apple.  2. That’s a box.  3. These are books.  4. They are eggs.  5. It’s my pen.


6. What’s this in English?

7. How do you spell it?

8. Are you in Grade Seven?

9. Thank you.

10. Is that a car?


11. M: Hi, Jane. How old are you?

W: I’m twelve.

Q: How old is Jane?

12. M: Miss Black, what’s your telephone number?

W: It’s 6852-3556.

Q: What’s her telephone number?

13. M: Excuse me, what are those in English?

W: They are books.

Q: What are those?

14. W: Can you spellseventeen?

M: Yes. S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N, seventeen.

Q: How do you spellseventeen?

15. W: What class are you in, Michael?

M: I’m in Class 4, Grade 7.

Q: What class is Michael in?


Jim is fromEngland. He is eleven. Now he is in Shanghai No.1 High School. He is in Class 8, Grade 7. His telephone number is 8845-6710.

34. A  由文中“My English teacher is Miss White.”可知Joy的英语老师是Miss White,故选A

35. D  由文中的最后一句“She’s a Chinese teacher.”可知Joy的母亲是语文老师,故选D


36. Can you spell it, please?

37. He is fromEngland/ theUK.

38. He is twelve.

39. Yes, he is.

40. No, he isn’t.


Unit 1 Topic 3 单词听力+课文朗读+单元测试(含听力)下载



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