
仁爱版英语九年级上册 期末测试AB卷(含听力),赶紧测测掌握了多少?

更多微课点关注→ 绿色学习平台 2023-02-12


仁爱版九上 期末测试卷A(含听力)









第一部分  听力 (20分)


(   )1.A.Either Jane or I like coffee.

          B.Neither Jane nor I like coffee.

          C.Both Jane and I like coffee.

(   )2.A.Would you leave a message?

          B.Could you tell me where you live now?

          C.Would you help me to find the address?

(   )3.A.He spent two hours reading a book yesterday.

          B.It took him two hours to look for a bookstore yesterday.

          C.He spent two hours looking for a book yesterday.

(   )4.A.I like coffee, but I don’t like milk.

          B.I like milk, but I don’t like coffee.

          C.I like coffee better than milk.

(   )5.A.The plane will leave the airport in half an hour.

          B.The plane has been at the airport for half an hour.

          C.The plane will reach the airport in thirty minutes.




(   )11.The moon looks very _____ tonight.

       A.far away  B.round  C.bright

(   )12. _____ can be found on the moon.

      A.Living things 

      B.Rocks and mountains 

      C.Air and water


(   )13.What’s Lily’s good luck?

      A.She saw an alien with her own eyes.

      B.She watched a movie on aliens.

      C.She read a book on science.

(   )14.Lily was late for class because she _____.

      A.had a bad dream

      B.was caught by aliens

      C.got up late

(   )15.Lily was punished to _____.

      A.write a passage

      B.clean her house

      C.finish the exercise on aliens


(   )16.What did they paint?

       A.The front of the house.

       B.The back of the house.

       C.The outside of the house.

(   )17.Why did they do the painting themselves?

      A.They wanted to spend less money.

      B.The house is very easy to paint.

      C.No one else could do the work well.

(   )18.How long did the work last?

       A.One day.  B.Two days. C.Three days.

(   )19.How many windows did they have to mend?

      A.Seven windows.

      B.Three windows. 

      C.All the windows.

(   )20.What will they do if the windows need to be painted next time?

       A.They will spend more money to do that.

       B.They will ask someone else to do it.

       C.They will do that themselves.


第二部分  基础知识运用 (65分)


(   )1.—Hello! May I speak to Alice?

       —Sorry, she _____ Shanghai.

          A.have gone to       B.has been to 

          C.has been in         D.has gone to

(   )2.The shoes were worn out, what’s more, they aren’t worth _____.

          A.to mend            B.mending 

         C.mended             D.for mending

(   )3.—Have you _____ had dumplings?

          —No, not _____.

          A.ever, yet        B.ever, ever 

         C.yet, yet           D.yet, ever

(   )4.I didn’t have _____ to say, so I said _____.

          A.something, anything    B.anything, nothing

          C.anything, something    D.nothing, something

(   )5.—Hi, Lucy. Have you finished your homework yet?

          —No, just a half. I am really bored with so much homework.


          A.So do I.      B.So am I. 

          C.So I do.      D.So I am.

(   )6.There are fifty students in our class, _____ of us _____ football.

          A.two third, likes  B.two three, like

          C.two thirds, likes   D.two thirds, like

(   )7._____ the morning of December 1st, 2006, the 15th Asia Games _____ in Doha(多哈).

          A.In, held        B.On, was held

         C.At, held         D.For, were held

(   )8.—Do you know _____?

          —Sorry, I don’t know.

          A.what’s the population of Japan

          B.what the population of France is

         C.how much of the population of Japan is

         D.how many is the population of France

(   )9.—What do you think this coat is made _____?

          —Wool. It’s used for _____.

          A.of, keeping warm       B.from, keeping warm

          C.in, keeping warmly    D.of, keeping warmly

(   )10.We should often keep _____ touch with each other, because we are good friends.

            A.on  B.to     C.in    D.up

(   )11.More and more trees were cut down. _____, many animals are dying out.

            A.In the end           B.So that

          C.As a result           D.At last

    (   )12.The rubbish _____ is produced every day is becoming a serious problem in cities around the world.

            A.that  B.who   C.where    D.whom

(   )13.—How many students are there in the classroom?

            —_____ I don’t know where they have gone.

            A.No one.  B.None. C.Nobody.  D.Nothing.

(   )14.—We’ll make a trip to Hainan Island next weekend. Will you go with us?

            —No, I can’t _____ it at present.

            A.afford   B.save  C.offer   D.accept

(   )15.Not only oral English but also written English _____ important.

            A.is   B.are   C.was  D.were



A: Hello, sir, may I talk with you in English?

B: Of course.

A: I have learned English at school for one year. I have very few chances to talk with the English-speaking people.   16 

B: Oh, you speak English very well.

A: Thank you. By the way,   17 

B: No, I’m not.   18 

A: How long have you been in this city?

B:   19 

A: I see. Do you like this city?

B: Yes. I like it very much. It’s a beautiful city.

A: Thank you.   20 

A. are you a student from America?

B. Not good.

C. So I want to practice English.

D. I’ve lived here since three weeks ago.

E. I’m a student from Australia.

F. Do you like it?

G. I’m glad you like it.

16._____   17. _____   18._____   19._____  20._____


A: Michael, you look happy today.

B: My father bought me a new cellphone for my birthday.

A:   21  , please?

B: Sure. Here it is.

A: Wow, how beautiful!   22  

B: Made in America.   23  

A: But please don’t spend too much time on the games.

B: I see.   24 

A: That’s fine. It’s a nice camera as well.

B: Would you like to take some photos with me?

A: Oh,   25   It must be great fun.






Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)


Man has invented four kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellite studies the   26   of the earth . They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they may   27  oil or gold .

The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can   28   a message to the satellite , and the satellite can find out    29    the ship or the plane is .

The third kind studies the weather. These satellites    30    clouds and strong winds moving across the earth. They warn countries to make preparations when very    31    weather is coming.

   32    kind is used for communication. Telephone calls    33    countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time. The call is sent to the satellite, then the    34    sends it to a station in the country and this country is being phoned. These satellites also carry pictures. They can receive and send about eight    35    at a time.

(   )26. A.physics  B.chemistry   C.biology  D.geography

(   )27. A.carry  B.find    C.keep    D.choose

(   )28. A.write  B.send   C.take    D.bring

(   )29. A.where  B.what    C.which   D.that

(   )30. A.have  B.watch   C.notice   D.see

(   )31. A.sunny  B.cool    C.bad   D.fine

(   )32. A.The last  B.Another  C.One  D.Any other

(   )33. A.among  B.along   C.between D.of

(   )34. A.TV  B.telegraph  C.telephone  D.satellite

(   )35. A.plays  B.programs  C.films   D.languages



“Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell.”

This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD(公元) 53 wrote it.

We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives. But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives?

Picture this. You’re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How happy do you feel?

Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave up feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no cars, not even any electricity  often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they live simpler lives.

One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjamin, 10 and Thomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave(微波炉), computer or mobile phones.

The grandmother, Lyn, said, “The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes.” The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a “trendy(赶时髦的), beer-drinking granny”, to one who cooked things.


(   )36. The writer uses the quote(引号) at the beginning of the story to ________.

A. tell us a truth about our lives

B. tell us what life was like long time ago

C. point out what causes such a thing to happen

D. point out some problems we will meet in the life

(   )37. In the passage the writer describes a picture to show that new inventions _______.

          A. have speeded up our lives 

          B. have improved the 

          C. may make people feel very happy 

          D. may bring people some trouble

(   )38. The family chose to spend some time in a 1940s house because _______.

      A. they loved to live simple lives

      B. they wanted to know how people lived without modern inventions

      C. they were troubled by modern inventions

      D. living in a different time would be a lot of fun for them

(   )39. According to the passage, which is NOT right?

     A. People who live far away from noisy cities often seem to be happier.

     B. An unknown Roman was sure that the quality of life would get better.

     C. The family had some changes when they lived in a 1940s house.

     D. With the improvement of our lives, we often feel stressed and tired.

(   )40. The passage is mainly about ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________.

      A. problems with technology  

     B. improvements of our lives with technology

     C. changes happening to technology  

     D. the importance of technology


Mails, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping! The Interent is part of our life today. It’s easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem(调制解调器) which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time. More and more people have computers and use the Internet. Using the Internet means surfing the World Wide Web(that’s the “WWW” you always hear about). The Internet has a large number of websites(网站). They are the places where you go to get information and do things.

Where do these websites come from? They are made by web designers. What happens when you click on a word or a picture? You are sent to another page. It’s all because of the web designers. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming(程序编制) language.

Is web design all about computer programming? No, it’s about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.


(   )41.More and more people are using the Internet because _____.

            A.it’s easy and useful

            B.it’s changing and growing

            C.websites are designed quite well

            D.people can design a computer

(   )42.Which of the following is NOT true?

            A.“WWW” means “World Wide Web”.

            B.There’re a few websites on the web.

            C.The Internet has changed people’s lives.

            D.We can do things like shopping on the Internet.

(   )43.Web designers must _____.

            A.write all the articles on the website by themselves

            B.follow the managers’ ideas

            C.be creative

            D.share computer with the website manager

(   )44.It’s possible for us to change websites just by a click because of _____.

            A.the modem’s help

            B.the telephone line’s help

            C.the web designers’ work

            D.the website manager’s work

(   )45.The last paragraph is mainly about _____.

            A.computer programming language

            B.the web designers’ work

            C.how to make a website

            D.how to use the Internet


It was 6:00 on a Monday morning. With his books in his bag, 13-year-old James Mwangi wason his way to school, the Mcedo-Beijing school in a slum(贫民窟)in Kenyan capital of Nairobi(肯尼亚首都内罗华). This school was built in 2001 with the help of China, for children from poor families.

     After getting to school, Mwangi went straight to his class to do his class work. It is usual that students in this school prepare for their lessons before the teacher comes.

     To study in the school was once a dream for the poor boy. His mother made a living by washing clothes for others. Some days she took home nothing, and some days she could get about $ 3 — it was hardly enough to buy them a full meal for a day.

     Before joining the Mcedo-Beijing school, Mwangi was at home with his seven brothers, collecting rubbish. The school is giving these children hope for the future by providing a chance to get education.

 “For me, education is the best gift,” said Mwangi.



46. How old was Mwangi?


47. Which country helped build Mwangi’s school?


48. How did Mwangi’s mother make a living?


任务二: 把短文中画线的句子译成汉语。





My sister Alli and I have been trying to get people to stop dropping cigarette butts(烟蒂) for seven years.

One day, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. 51  

They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people stop dropping butts. We called it “No Butts About It!”

At first, we drew pictures with “The Earth Is Not Your Ashtray(烟灰缸)” written on them. We put the pictures around our hometown—in parks, by beaches, and along roads.

We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts does harm to the environment. Most smokers don’t think that dropping butts harms the earth. 52

 Later, we wrote to companies and asked them for money to help us. We used the money to buy ashtrays to give smokers.

We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so they didn’t have to drop butts.

At the moment, we are trying to get cigarette companies to put an ashtray in each pack of cigarettes. 53  

Many people have started to join our group since it began. 54 And there are even groups in England, Australia and India!

Many newspapers have written about my sister and I over the last seven years. And we have won many prizes for our good work.

 55 We just want to make the earth a better and cleaner place for animals, plants and people.

One day it will be.


第三部分  语言知识运用 (30分)



1.With the d_____ of China, all the children can go to school.

2.The two sides failed to reach an a_____.

3.Some spaceships have gone b_____ the solar system.

4.We are here to p_____ the public with a service.

5.The p   of China is 1.3 billion.

(B)根据句意, 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

 achieve, magic, proper, sleep, communicate

6.I feel very tired and _____ because I stayed up last night.

7.The heavy snow has prevented all the _____ with the small village.

8.Can you answer the difficult question _____?

9.At last, they       success.

10.Her words had a _____ effect on us.


11.To learn English well is very important.(改为同义句)

    _____is very important _____ learn English well.

12.Millions of people speak English as their second language. (改为被动语态)

 English _____ _____ by millions of people as their second language.


 He doesn’t know where _____ find a pen pal.


(A)明天是植树节,你们班要去人民公园植树。早晨8:00在校门口集合, 坐校车前往。中午在公园里吃饭, 自带水和食物。请根据提示, 写一则60词左右的通知。(5分)

(B)根据表格内容, 写一篇广播稿。(80词左右) (10分)



1.Jane doesn’t like coffee. Neither do I.

2.Would you tell me your address, please?

3.He spent two hours looking for a bookstore yesterday.

4.I prefer coffee to milk.

5.The plane will land in half an hour.


6.M: What should we do to improve our environment?

    W: We should care for wild animals and plant more trees.

7.M: Where was the English Learning Machine made?

      W: It was made in Beijing.

8.M: Where have you been?

      W: I have been to Mount Huang.

9.M: What did Jane say?

     W: She said that the government provided homeless people with nice homes and trained them.

10.M: What a serious population problem!

   W: Yeah! The population in China has increased a lot in the past 50 years.



M: Look! How bright the moon looks tonight!

W: But it’s not as bright as it looks.

M: It’s said that there’s nothing but rocks and mountains on the moon.

W: Yes, so humans didn’t find any living things there.

M: Nothing can live on it without air or water.


W: I’ve been both lucky and unlucky since last Monday.

M: What’s your good luck, Lily?

W: I’ve got a chance to watch a movie on aliens.

M: It must be an amazing one! But what’s your bad luck?

W: I dreamed that I was caught by an alien last night. When I woke up, I was late for class.

M: That’s too bad. Then the teacher may be angry with your excuse.

W: He made me write a passage about aliens after school. And I returned home late after finishing the passage.


Mr. White and his wife decided to paint the outside of their house. To save money they wanted to do it themselves. On Saturday morning they bought some paint and two brushes. They began with the back of the house that afternoon.

In the evening Mr. White went to a football match while his wife painted the front of the house. On Sunday they found they couldn’t open any of the front windows. They got them all open in the end, but they broke three of the seven and they were very expensive to mend. Next time when they try to save money, they’ll certainly pay someone to do the work.


Yesterday I met a foreigner near the library. He asked me the way to the Spring Hotel, and I told him that he should walk along the Zoo Street. Then he should walk across the First Street, and he would see a supermarket next to the bank on his left, and there was a restaurant on his right hand. Then walk across the Second Street, he could see the Spring Hotel. It was between the post office and the hospital. He thanked me and I felt very happy.


第一部分  听力

Ⅰ.1.B    2.B    3.B    4.C    5.C

Ⅱ.6.C    7.E    8.A    9.B    10.D

Ⅲ.11.C   12.B   13.B   14.C   15.A

Ⅳ.16.C   17.A   18.A   19.B   20.B

Ⅴ.21.A   22.D   23.E   24.B   25.C

第二部分  基础知识运用

Ⅰ.1.D  have/has gone to已去某地 (没回来);have/has been to 已去过某地,由语境可知Alice到上海去了。

2.B  be worth doing sth. “值得做某事”。

3.A  ever“曾经”,用于现在完成时的肯定句中;yet“还”,用于现在完成时的疑问句和否定句中。故选A。

4.B  anything“任何事情”,常用于疑问句和否定句中;nothing“没有东西,没有事情”;而something“一些事情”,常用于肯定句中。故选B。

5.B  考查倒装结构so+助动词/情态动词/be+主语,表示“A如此,B也如此”。故选B。

6.D  分数的表达为基数词作分子,序数词作分母。当分子大于1时,分母上要加-s,而谓语动词的单复数取决于分数之后的名词,不能用likes。故选D。

7.B  on用于对时间的特指,后半句考查一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。

8.B  问人口数量用what,宾语从句的语序要用陈述句语序。故选B。

9.A  be made of意为“由……制成的”能看出原材料;be made from也意为“由……制成的”,看不出原材料。故第一个空用of; be used for doing意为“用来做某事”; keep+形容词意为“保持……状态”。故选A。

10.C  keep in touch with ...“和……保持联系”。故选C。

11.C  as a result“结果”。故选C。

12.A  考查定语从句,先行词rubbish是物, that可指物。故选A。

13.B  根据I don’t know where they have gone. 可知此处填none,表示“一个人也没有”。故选B。

14.A  afford“负担得起,买得起”,常与can, could或be able to连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句中。故选A。

15.A  not only … but also … “不但……而且……”,谓语动词同but also之后的主谓保持一致。故选A。


(A)16.C  17.A  18.E  19.D  20.G

(B)21.Could you show it to me

 22. Where was it made?

23. It can be used for playing games.

24.I hope it will help me improve my study.

25. I’d love to.


26.D  从绘制地图“to make maps”可知,第一种卫星是用来研究地理的。故选D。

27.B  卫星帮助“找”油或金子。故选B。

28.B  轮船或飞机将信息“发送”到卫星上。故选B。

29.A  卫星能找出轮船或飞机在什么位置。故选A。

30.B  第三种卫星是用来“监视”地球的天气状况。故选B。

31.C  表示“不好的天气”。故选C。

32.A  从上文可知是“最后一种卫星”。故选A。

33.C “国家之间”的通话信息通过卫星发送。故选C。

34.D  通话信息被发送到卫星,然后“卫星”把通话信息传送到这个国家的信号站。故选D。

35.B.  一次能接受和发送8项节目。故选B。


36.A  由第二段“But in fact,”一句可知,这是先人说的关于生活的一句真理,故选A。

37.D  根据第四段的描述可知选项D正确。

38.B  由倒数第二段可推断出选项B正确。

39.B  A、C、D三贡均可在原文中找到,只有B选项不符合原意。

40.A  通读全文,不难得出本文主要是介绍科技给我们的生活带来的问题,故选A。


41.A  根据文章第一段的前三句可推知。故选A。

42.B  根据The Internet has a large number of websites in it. 可知B项不符合原文,为错误选项。故选B。

43.C  在第三段文字中我们找不到与A项相关的内容,事实上,网站上的文章也不是由网络设计者所写,故排除A项,又根据文章的最后一句话可排除B项和D项。故选C。

44.C  根据文章第二段最后两句可知。故选C。

45.B  本章的最后一段主要说明的是网络设计者的工作。故选B。


46. He was 13 years old.

47. China.

48. Washing clothes for others. / She washed clothes for others.

49. 对这个贫苦的孩子来说,入学读书(学习)曾经是一个梦想。

50. Education is the Best Gift / Mwangi’s Best Gift / The Best Gift


51.D   52.E   53.A   54.C  55.B

第三部分  语言知识运用

Ⅰ.(A)1.development  2.agreement  3.beyond  4.provide   5.population

(B)6.sleepy  7.communication  8.properly   9.achieved  10.magical

Ⅱ.11.It, to  12.is spoken  13. to



Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? I have something important to tell you. Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day. Our class is going to the People’s Park to plant trees. We’ll meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. and then go there by school bus. Remember to bring water and food for yourself, because we are going to have lunch in the park. We’ll come back to school at 5:00 p.m.

That’s all. Thank you!


Good morning, everyone!

We are all living in this city. It’s our duty to keep it clean and tidy. We shouldn’t spit in public places, such as in the street, park or on the square. We shouldn’t throw rubbish here and there, either. Besides, we must protect trees and flowers. And we must take some steps to stop people from polluting the river. If everybody tries his best to do something useful for our city, our city will become more beautiful.

That’s all. Thank you.

Word 测试卷 下载



仁爱版九上 期末测试卷B(含听力)









第一部分  听力 (20分)


(   )1.A. Sure.    B. That’s right.   C. Thank you.

(   )2.A. Sorry. B. What fun!    C. Bye-bye.

(   )3.A. Have a good trip.  B. Thanks. C. Me, too.

(   )4.A. That sounds great! 

        B. That’s all right. 

        C. That’s nothing.

(   )5.A. Sounds fun. 

        B. What a shame! 

        C. Of course not.


(   )6.A. Mrs. White is in the office. 

         B. Mrs. White is at school.

         C. Mrs. White is at home.

(   )7.A. The Kings will have a picnic today.

         B. The Kings will have a picnic next Saturday.

         C. The Kings had a picnic last Saturday.

(   )8.A. Robert and Allan come from England.

         B. Only Robert comes from England.

         C. Only Allan comes from England.

(   )9.A. Lily’s bag is black.  

        B. Lily’s bag is brown.

        C. Lily’s bag is green.

(   )10.A. Mary is a clever girl. 

          B. Mary runs the fastest in Grade Two.

          C. Mary lost the race.


(   )11.A. Something cold.  B. Coffee.

          C. Both coffee and tea.

(   )12.A. Yes, it’s too far to walk. 

           B. No, it’s within walking distance.

           C. Yes, she’d better take a bus or a taxi.

(   )13.A. See a film.

          B. Go to the Capital Cinema.

          C. Go shopping.

(   )14.A. She didn’t like the dress at all.

 B. She thought that the dress was quite cheap.

 C. She didn’t buy the dress because it was too expensive.

(   )15.A. He is in his office. 

          B. He is at lunch.

          C. He is at the Friendship Hotel.


   (   )16. Who does Mr. Lee write the letter to?

          A. A student. B. A teacher.   C. A Friend.

   (   )17.Wei Ming is weak in        .

          A. reading   B. listening    C. writing

   (   )18.Mr. Lee suggests Wei Ming to         when meeting with new words and expressions.

          A. ask the teacher for help

          B. listen to the tapes 

          C. look up the dictionary

    (   )19.How many suggestions does Mr. Lee give Wei Ming?

          A. Three.   B. Four.   C. Five.

    (   )20. What does Mr. Lee think is the most important thing in learning English?

          A. Do more reading and listening. 

          B. Keep an English diary every day.

          C. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.



People wonder whether humans need to carry out outer space   21 


Scientists find it is important to research the outer space   because they think:

(1) people can   22   the outer space much better.

(2) Human can find new resources there.

(3) New   23   for human’s life may be brought about.


Other people have opposite opinions because they think:

(1) Human would spend   24   on them.

(2) Doing much work in space may be   25   for astronauts.

21.         22.         23.         24.          25.       

第二部分  基础知识运用 (65分)



(   )1.—I am really sorry,        I can’t go swimming with you this Sunday.

      —It’s OK, we can go together next time.

          A.so  B. and   C.or  D.but

(   )2.Your schoolbag is similar       mine. I don’t know which one to take.

          A.to   B.of    C.for    D.as

(   )3.The telephone       by a well–known scientist, Edison.

          A.invented   B.inventing 

         C.was invented      D.invents

(   )4.—Which dress do you like best, madam?

      —Sorry, I can’t decide       now.

          A.to buy which one   B.buy which one                   

C.which one to buy  D.which I should buy it

(   )5.There are many shops on       side of the street.

          A.neither   B.either   C.every  D.all

 (   )6.—Do you know who _____ the tomb of Emperor Qin and who _____ the mobile phone?

          —No, but we may ask our teacher.

          A.discovered, invented 

          B.was discovered, was invented

          C.invented, discovered 

          D.was invented, was discovered

(   )7.Boys and girls, please listen to me carefully. I have _____ to tell you.

          A.important something B.anything important

          C.something important D.important nothing

(   )8.—It’s very hot, but quite wet today.


          A.So it is.  B.It is so.  C.So is it.   D.So it does.

(   )9.Not only his parents but also his brother _____ to the Summer Palace. They haven’t been back.

          A.have been       B.have gone 

          C.has been         D.has gone

(   )10.We all _____ the brave man because he saved the boy from the sea.

          A.agreed   B.enjoyed   C.admired   D.believed

(   )11.I _____ this book for two weeks. I have to return it now.

            A.borrowed            B.have borrowed 

            C.kept                  D.have kept

(   )12.Our playground is not so tidy and beautiful as before. Students must _____ dirty things on it.

        A.be stopped to throw 

        B.be stopped from throwing

        C.stop to throw 

        D.stop from throwing

(   )13.The apples are divided _____ two _____. One is for my sister, the other is for me.

       A.in, half    B.into, halves 

      C.in, halves   D.into, half

(   )14. _____ he is very tired, _____ he still goes on working.

       A.Although, but     B.But,Although

      C.Although, /               D.But, /

(   )15.With the help of Project Hope, more and more schools     in poor countryside one day .

      A.built B.are built   C.will be built   D.was built



A:It’s very late. Are you still on the computer?

B:Well, yes.   16   

A:What kind of e-mails?

B:Some are messages from my friends and some are from the relatives.

A:Do you have to write them back right away?

B:  17   Usually people want a quick reply.

A:  18 

B:I’ve already had 40 people’s addresses in my address book!   19   

A:  20   E-mail is really very convenient(方便的).

A. And I think e-mail is one of the   best ways to communicate with others.

B. I’ve got so many e-mails to go   through.

C. I agree with you.

D. Of course!

E. How many e-mail addresses have you   had?

F. I feel like   getting more e-mails.

G. I am not sure whether I’m right or   wrong.

16.________  17.________  18.________  19.________  20.________


A:Hi, Zhou Jian! Have you seen any table tennis games recently?

B:Do you mean the 48th World Table Tennis Championship   21   in Shanghai?

A:Of course. There were so many exciting games.

B:Oh, it seems that you are a table tennis fan.

A:Yes, when watching a game I feel as if I was on one of the teams.   22  , I feel happy, and if they lose, I feel sad.

B:I think you must be very excited when our team got all the gold medals. By the way,   23   

Zhang Yining?

A:I think she is so great. She is really a super player.   24   

B:Yes, I quite agree. She always tries her best and never gives up. We Chinese are all   25   her.

A:She has set a good example for us students. So keep on studying hard, and you will make great success in your study.

21._________   22. _________   23. _________   24. _________   25. _________



In real life, robots are mainly used in factories. They do many different jobs. Usually these jobs are too   26  , difficult or boring for humans.

Robots also help disabled people and people who cannot look after   27  . For example, scientists are making a robot to help   28   people. Now many of them have a dog to help them. The dog is called a guide dog. In the future, guide dogs might be robot dogs.

One robot dog is called Meldog. It has wheels. It usually “walks”   29   its owner. It is very clever. It knows the speed of its owner’s walk. Meldog talks to its owner by   30  . The owner wears a special belt. This belt   31   instructions to the owner from Meldog such as “Stop here”, “Turn left” and “Turn right”.

In the United States, another   32   of robot helps disabled workers. This robot, called Kilroy, helps disabled computer operators. The robot   33   the sound of its owner’s voice. It follows instructions such as “Turn the page” and “Make a cup of coffee”.

Robots are also used in American   34  . They can do simple jobs. For example, they shave (刮脸) patients and brush their teeth and take meals from the kitchen to patients’ rooms. It never gets lost   35   this robot has a map of the hospital in its computer memory.

(   )26.A.interesting  B.strange   C.dangerous D.safe

(   )27.A.others  B.another   C.them   D.themselves

(   )28.A.deaf   B.blind  C.old   D.sick

(   )29.A.in front of  B.behind   C.under  D.above

(   )30.A.television  B.radio C.loudspeaker D.mobile telephone

(   )31.A.posts   B.writes  C.reads   D.sends

(   )32. A.type  B.size  C.set   D.double

(   )33.A.guesses  B.thinks  C.hears  D.sees

(   )34.A.cinema  B.hospitals  C.museum  D.theatre

(   )35.A.until   B.before   C.because  D.whether

Ⅳ.阅读理解。(30分)(A、B两篇每小题1分, C、D两篇每小题2分)


Thomas Edison lost his first job. For the next five years he went around the country from job to job. At last Edison went to New York. He had little money. He could not buy enough food to eat. He had no place to sleep.

For many days Edison looked for work. He was hungry. At last he found work fixing machines. He could repair the old machines. He could also make new ones. The head man liked Edison’s new machines. He was going to give Edison $40,000 for them. Edison would now have money to do what he wanted.

Thomas Edison was then 23. He used the money to build a shop in New Jersey. He had many people working for him. But he worked harder than any of them. He rested very little. Soon he was making more than 40 new things at one time.

In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell made a telephone. But it could carry voices only a short way. Edison wanted to make a better telephone. He soon made one. It could carry voices a long way.


(   )36. After he lost his first job, Edison ________.

A. found no jobs in the next five years

B. worked in New York for the next five years

C. had a bad time in the next five years

D. had enough food to eat

(   )37. In New York ________.

A. Edison did not get a job

B. Edison found the work to fix machines

C. Edison got $40,000 by fixing machines

D. Edison made more money by fixing old machines

(   )38. The head man was interested in ________.

A. Thomas Edison   B. the old machines

C. the new machines     D. Edison’s telephone

(   )39. Edison made a telephone. It ________.

A. was the first one in the world   B. carried more voices

C. carried voices more clearly        D. carried voices much farther

(   )40. The best title for this passage might be “________”.

A. The First Telephone 

B. Thomas Edison’s Shop

C. Thomas Edison’s New Job 

D. Thomas Edison—An Inventor


Learning about the environment is very important. There are many good books that will help you learn. To get started, ask your teacher or a librarian for some suggestions. You can also look at some good websites with information about the environment and climate change. Climate change may be a big problem, but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.

Driving a car or using electricity is not wrong. We just have to be smart about it. Some people use less energy by carpooling. For example, four people can ride together in one car instead of driving four cars to work. Whenever we use electricity, we put greenhouse gases into the air. By turning off lights, the television and the computer when they aren’t needed, you can help a lot.

Don’t buy products that use too much energy. Some products, like certain cars, are made specially to save energy. These don’t pollute as much, either. Products like computers, TVs, and VCRs with the ENERGY STAR label(标签)R are made to save energy. Buying products with these labels will help protect the environment.

Buy recyclable products instead of (代替) non-recyclable ones. Recyclable products are usually made out of things that have already been used. It usually takes less energy to make recyclable products than to make new ones. So when you go shopping, look for the recycle mark on the package—three arrows that make a circle.The less energy we use, the better.


(   )41. The passage is mainly written for        .

       A. car producers  B. school students

       C.parents       D. housewives

(   )42. The underlined word “carpooling”in paragraph 2 most probably means        .

      A. sharing a car      B. pulling a car 

     C. selling a car     D. improving a car

(   )43. From the passage, we can learn that         .

     A. turning off the electricity when it isn’t needed can save a lot of energy

     B. electricity will cause great trouble to our environment

     C. cars using less energy will not put greenhouse gases into the air

     D. recyclable products are marked with the ENERGY STAR label R

(   )44. Which of the following can be the writer’s opinion?

      A. No pains, no gains.

      B. Rome was not built in one day.

    C. Little things can make a big difference.  

    D. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.

(   )45. Which one is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

       A. Driving a car is not wrong.

       B. Don’t buy products that use too much energy.

       C. We should buy non-recyclable products.

       D. The less energy we use, the better.


If you watch the sky for about an hour after the sun goes down, you may see some “moving stars”. But they’re not real stars. They’re man-made satellites(人造卫星). And the biggest of all is the International Space Station (ISS). From May to July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over the earth. And people can see it with their eyes.
    The ISS is the biggest satellite and scientists want to live on it. They think that the best way to learn more about space is to live there.
    When the space station is finished, it will be like a city in space. People will stay and study there with many of the things they have at home. Laboratories, living rooms and power stations are being built. The ISS is the most expensive space program. Billions of dollars are being spent on it every year. 
    Scientists hope that the ISS will be a stepping stone for future space exploration(探测). “The ISS will help us understand the human body better, explore space and study the earth. It can help us make life on the earth better,” said Kathryn Clark, an ISS scientist. 
    Sixteen countries are part of the program: the US, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil and 11 European countries. China isn’t an ISS country, but it has helped with some of the experiments. In 2003, China sent some rice up to the ISS to find out what space would do to it.

(    )46.The International Space Station_____________.                              

        A. is really a big city in space 

       B. is the biggest man-made satellite

 C. can only help us explore space 

 D. is mainly built by the USA and Russia

(    )47.From the passage we know that_____________.                               

        A. building the ISS is only for scientists to live there

   B. scientists can do anything they like there

     C. people can see the Space Station at any time

     D. sixteen countries are members of the space program

(    )48.The phrase “a stepping stone” probably means “_____________”.                

     A. 滑梯            B. 巅峰            C. 垫脚石           D. 走廊

(    )49.China sent some rice up to the ISS is probably to_____________.                

    A. be used as astronauts’ food  

    B. sell it to aliens

    C. do some science experiments

    D. make it grow better in space

(    )50.Which of the following isn’t mentioned ?                        

        A. China will join the ISS in the future.

  B. The scientists are building living rooms for them in the ISS.

  C. The ISS will be more useful in the future.

  D. The ISS costs the members of 16 countries plenty of money every year.


Many people always say that listening to spoken English is too hard for them. But if you don’t understand what people are saying, how can you talk with them? It may be difficult, but learning by listening is necessary.

As we know, different people have different pronunciations of the same word. Standard pronunciation is important for English speaking as well as for listening. In China, people from one area may not understand what people from another area are saying because of the different Chinese dialects(方言). Standard Chinese pronunciation can help people from different places understand each other easily.

It is the same as English. If your pronunciation is not standard, it is hard for other people to understand you.

If you want to learn how to listen to English, the following ways are helpful.

Get some good books with tapes. Do the exercises, from the simple to the difficult, step by step.

You can also watch English-language films and TV programs, listen to English-language radio.

Try to listen every day, even if only a few minutes. At first you may understand few words. Don’t give up. Just listen.

Remember to read and speak English every day. It will help you to listen better, spend an hour reading English every day. Finally you will notice that you are making progress.

Talk to English-speaking foreigners as often as possible. Foreigners will speak slowly with you, use simple words, and use body language to help you understand them. Don’t be afraid to talk to them. They won’t mind if you have trouble because they may have more trouble making themselves understood in Chinese.

根据短文内容, 完成下列句子,每空一词。

51. If your pronunciation isn’t standard, it is        for other people to understand you.

52. The writer shows us        ways to learn to listen to English.

53. If you spend an hour        English every day, you’ll notice that you are making progress.

54. Different people won’t have the        pronunciation of the same word.

55. Many people always say that listening to spoken English is not        for them.

第三部分  语言知识运用 (30分)



1.What’s the m       of the word in Chinese?

2. The bad air makes my chest hurt and it’s difficult for me to b_____.

3.A_____ we have built the Green Great Wall, we still need to work hard to protect the environment.

4.W_____ you go there, please telephone me. I’ll go with you.

5.There’s no d_____ that computers are widely used by workers.

(B)根据句意, 用所给单词的适当形式填空。其中有一个是多余的。

 produce, pronunciation, conversation , retell, not dare, mention

     6.The old car ________ in Germany in the 1980s.

     7.Very few people can         my name correctly.

     8.I had a long         with Tom yesterday.

     9.Kate was told ________ the story in class.

    10.She ________ to go out at night.


11.Lucy came to Beijing in 2007. (同义句转换)

     Lucy _____ _____ in Beijing for about six years.

12.I’m going to Shanghai by plane next month. (同义句转换)

     I’m _____ _____ Shanghai next month.


     The government should do something to control the        .


(A)根据提示写一张病假条(A Sick Leave)。(5分)

提示: 假如你是陈燕, 得了重感冒,头痛、咳嗽、睡不好, 看了医生, 需卧床休息两天。因此, 你向班主任王老师请假。

A Sick Leave





(B)根据下表提示,以The Changes in My Hometown为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。(10分)


1.生活贫困, 房屋破旧

2.污染严重, 垃圾遍地

3.交通不便, 游客很少


1.生活: 住房宽敞、明亮;许多人有自己的汽车

2.环境: 山更绿, 水更清, 天更蓝……

3.旅游: 每年有成千上万来自世界各地的游客



The Changes in My Hometown







1.Do you know what a rocket is used for?

2.I think we will live in space one day.

3.I hope I can go to Yunnan one day.

4.Project Hope can help many children to go to school.

5.The flowers and grass have gone! The water is so dirty! It smells terrible.


6.M: Is Mrs. White at home or in the office?

W: She’s in the office.

7.M: What are you going to do next Saturday, Miss King?

W: I’m going to have a picnic with my family.

8.M: Robert comes from England.

W: So does his friend, Allan.

9.M: Is this green bag yours, Lily?

W: No, my bag is brown.

10.M: Who was the first to pass the finishing line in Grade Two?

W: Mary.


11.W: Would you like some hot coffee or tea?

M: I like them both, but I prefer having something cold.

Q: What does the man want to drink?

12.W: How can I get to the shopping center from here?

M: You can take a bus or a taxi, but it isn’t too far. Maybe you can walk there if you’re not in a hurry.

Q: Is the shopping center far away?

13.M: Let’s go to see a film at the Capital Cinema on Friday.

W: I’d like to, but I’m going to the shop. Thanks for asking me.

Q: What’s the woman going to do on Friday?

14.M: Why didn’t you buy the dress?

W: Oh, it was too expensive.

Q: What did the woman think of the dress?

15.M: Good afternoon. This is Mr. White at the Friendship Hotel. Is Mr. Black there?

W: No, he is out to lunch. I’ll be glad to take a message.

Q: Where is Mr. Black now?


Dear Wei Ming,

     I’m very glad to know that you are getting along well with your lessons, but you have trouble in written English. You don’t need to worry too much! I always think you are a hard-working student in my class. Here are my suggestions for you.

Firstly, do more reading and listening in your spare time. Reading and listening will be very helpful for you to improve your writing.

Secondly, try your best to write something in English every day. For example, you can keep an English diary. When you meet problems with new words and expressions, turn to your English books and dictionary.

Thirdly, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. You will learn a lot from the mistakes after you get them right. It’s the most important thing in learning English. Keep on working hard.

Best wishes!


Mr. Lee


When people talk about traveling into space, they will wonder whether humans can discover something new in space. So it’s necessary for us to carry out outer space explorations.

Some scientists think it is important to research outer space. From that people can get a better understanding of outer space. New resources can be found there for humans. The explorations can probably bring about new living space for human’s life.

However, most of the people don’t believe so, because they say all kinds of explorations cost much money. And it is very dangerous for astronauts to do much work.

In order to improve our space for living, such explorations into outer space are worth trying out.


第一部分  听力

Ⅰ.1.A    2.B    3.C    4.A    5.B

Ⅱ.6.A    7.B    8.A    9.B   10.B

Ⅲ.11.A   12.B   13.C   14.C  15.B

Ⅳ.16.A   17.C    18.C   19.A  20.C

Ⅴ.21.explorations   22.understand    23.living space  24.much money  25.dangerous

第二部分  基础知识运用


1.D  考查连词用法,so“所以”;and “并且”;or “或者”;but “但是”。故选D。

2.A  be similar to“和……相似”,固定词组。故选A。

3.C  考查一般过去时的被动语态。故选C。

4.C  考查“疑问词+不定式”用法。故选C。

5.B  either side of the street 指的是街道的每一边,是用单数形式表达复数概念;every指三者或三者以上每一个;all指三者以上都……。街道只有两边。故选B。

6.A  discover“发现,发觉(原已存在而未被发现的东西)”;invent “发明,创造 (世间并不存在的东西)”。故选A。

7.C  形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要放在不定代词之后,something用于肯定句中。故选C。

8.A  So+主语+助动词/情态动词/be表示B同意A所说的情况,意为“……的确如此”。故选A。

9.D  have/has gone to 指已经去了某地,说话时人没回来;have/has been to指已经去过某地。但是,谓语动词的单复数取决于but also之后的主语。故选D。

10.C  agree“同意,赞成”(某事);enjoy“享受……的乐趣”;admire“钦佩,赞赏 (某人、某事物)”;believe“相信”。故选C。

11.D  现在完成时中后接表一段时间的状语,其谓语动词要用延续性动词,故用keep而不用borrow。故选D。

12.B  stop sb. from doing sth. 表示“阻止某人做某事”。本句主语是谓语动词动作的承受者,应用被动语态。故选B。

13.B  短语divide … into … “把……分成……”,half的复数形式为halves。故选B。

14.C  考查“虽然……但是……”用法,在英语中although 和but不能连用只能用一个,although用于句首,but 用于句中。故选C。

15.C  考查一般将来时的被动语态,school是动作的承受者,由one day可知用一般将来时的被动语态。故选C。


(A)16.B  17.D  18.E  19.A  20.C


21.held/which/that was held

22.If/When they win(the game)

23.what do you think of/how do you like

24.Do you agree with me/Don’t you agree what I said/Do (Don’t) you think so?

25.proud of


26.C  我们知道,机器人可从事一些危险的工作。

27.D  机器人能够帮助残疾人和不能照料自己的人们。

28.B  使用导盲犬的人,自然是双目失明的人。

29.A  这种机器狗是走在主人前面的。

30.B  机器人和主人是通过无线电来讲话的。

31.D  由带子发出指令。

32.A  这里介绍的是另一种机器人。

33.C  这种机器人听到主人的声音以后,按照所提出的要求去做。

34.B  从后面听说的这种机器人是为病人服务的,说明是用于医院的机器人。

35.C  这里是在说明不会迷路的原因,要选because。


36.C  从第一段可知He had little money, could not buy enough food to eat, no place to sleep, so, he had a bad time in New York,故选C。

37.B  第2段“At last he found work fixing machines.”可知选B。

38.C  第2段第2行“The head man liked Edison’s new machines”故选C。

39.D  由最后一段最后一句可知“It could carry voices a long way.”故选D。

40.D  综观全文,Edison made new machines, then made more than 40 new things at one time and made a better telephone所以全文在讲他发明东西,所以D项符合题意。


41.B  由第一段中ask your teacher or a librarian for some suggestions可知这篇短文主要是写给学生的。故选B。

42.A  由第二段中For example four people... to work.四个人坐一个小汽车上班比四个人开四个小汽车环保可知carpooling是指合作使用汽车,即A。

43.A  由第三段中By turning off lights... you can help a lot 可知我们在不用电时,把电关掉能节约能源。

44.C  由but there are many little things we can do to make a difference可知,许多小的事情,我们去做能产生很大的不同。

45.C  由第四段中Buy recyclable products instead of(代替)non-recyclable ones.可知,我们应该买可循环使用的产品,而不是不能循环使用的产品。


46.B  由第一段第2行可知。选B。

47.D  由第五段第一句可知有16个国家作为太空项目的成员。

48.C  由第4段第2、3句解释可知ISS can help…所以应该选C。

49.C  由第5段倒数第2行可知为了做一些实验,故选C。

50.A  文中未提到中国在未来会加入ISS。







第三部分  语言知识运用


(A) 1.meaning  2.breathe  3.Although    4.Whenever  5.doubt

(B)6.was produced 7.pronounce  

8.conversation  9.to retell  10.doesn’t dare

Ⅱ.11.has been  12.flying to  13.pollution



A Sick Leave

Dear Mr. Wang,

I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today. I’ve caught a bad cold. I’ve had a headache and a cough. I didn’t sleep well last night. I went to see the doctor. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days. So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow. I hope I’ll get well soon and back to school the day after tomorrow. Thank you.


Chen Yan


The Changes in My Hometown

In the past, my hometown was very small. People lived a poor life. The houses were old and small. Pollution was very serious, and there was rubbish everywhere. The transportation was not convenient, so few visitors came here.

Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. The environment has become much better. The mountains have turned greener. The rivers are clearer and the sky is bluer. There are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. People live a better life. Their houses are large and bright. Many people have their own cars. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our city. I’m sure my hometown will become better and better in the future.

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Unit 1 The changing world变化中的世界


Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly我国发展迅速

Section A

1a:(After a long holiday, Kangkang is happy to see his friends.)
Hi, Jane! Did you have a good summer holiday?你好,简,你暑假过得愉快吗?
Yes. What about you?是的,你呢?
Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip?不错。丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样?
Great! I went to many places near my home in India. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Where have you been, Jane? 好极了!在印度,我去了我家附近的很多地方。那里发生了很大的变化,而且我的家乡变得越来越美丽了。简,你去哪里了?
I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. It's a beautiful place. But there were so many people that I couldn't find a good place to take photos. And where have you been, Kangkang ? 我和我的父母去过黄山,那是一个美丽的地方。但是那里人太多了,我都找不到一个好的地方拍照。康康,那你去哪里了?
I have been to an English summer school to improve my English. By the way, where's Maria? 为了提高我的英语水平,我去了一所英语暑期学校。顺便问一下,玛丽亚在哪里?
She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she will be back tomorrow. Listen! There goes the bell.她去古巴当志愿者去了,明天将会回来。听!上课铃声响了。

Section B 
1a:Hi, Maria! I haven’t seen you for a long time. You took part in some volunteer activities during summer holidays, didn't you? 你好,玛丽亚!好久没见到你了。你在暑假期间参加了一些志愿者活动,是不是?
Yes. I was a volunteer in a disabled children’s home. 是的。我在一所残疾儿童养育院做志愿者。
Cool! Did you clean rooms for the disabled children? 真棒!你给那些残疾儿童打扫房间了吗?
Yes, I did. 是的,打扫了。
Did you feed them? 你给他们喂饭了吗?
No, I didn't. But I cooked for them.不,没有。但我为他们做了饭。
What a wonderful experience! 多精彩的一次经历啊!
Yes, it really was. I've learnt a lot from it. I think it makes me happy to help others. 是的,确实是这样。我从中学会了很多东西。我认为帮助别人使我很开心。
How interesting! Have you been to any other place? 多么有趣啊!你去过其他地方吗?
No, I haven’t. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy. What about you? 不,没有。尽管我没有时间去旅行,但是我仍然感到很开心。你呢?
You’re so kind. I have been to an English summer school. I made some new friends there. We also put on funny shows for a group of old people in a community. 你太好了。我去了一个英语暑期学校。我在那里交了一些新朋友。我们还在一个社区给一群老年人表演了有趣的节目。
Great! To help others makes us happy.太棒了!帮助别人使我们开心。

Section C
Changes in Beijing
I'm Kangkang. For this report I have interviewed my grand-mother. She has lived in Beijing for more than forty years. She has seen the changes in Beijing herself. 
In the 1960s, the living conditions in the city were poor. The roads were narrow and there weren't many ring roads. Big families were crowded into small houses. Many families couldn't get enough food. Few children had the chance to receive a good education. People had little money to see a doctor. And there were few hospitals. People kept in touch with their friends and relatives far away mainly by letter or telegram. 
China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up. More and more ring roads and subways have appeared and buildings in Beijing are becoming taller and brighter. People's living conditions have improved a lot. And there are more kinds of food and clothes to choose to satisfy people’s needs. Children can study not only in modern schools but also on the Internet. People can enjoy good medical care. What's more, communications are becoming easier and quicker--people can use telephones, cellphones, fax machines and the internet.
Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. I think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future.

Section D
Present Perfect (1) 现在完成时(1)
1.I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.我和我的父母去过黄山.
2.She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.她去古巴当志愿者去,明天将会回来。
3. China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up. 自从改革开放以来,中国发展迅速。
4. It has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. 它已经成功地举办了2008年的奥运会。
5. Great changes have taken place…那里发生了很大变化。
6.I haven’t seen you for a long time.我很久没见到你了。
7. Have you been to any other place? 你曾经去过其他的地方吗?Yes, I have./No, I haven’t 是的,去过。/不,没有。
1.Listen! There goes the bell.听!上课铃声响了。
2. What a wonderful experience! 多精彩的一次经历啊!
3. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy. 尽管我没有时间去旅行,我仍然感到很高兴。
4. To help others makes us happy. 帮助别人使我们很快乐。
5. I think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future. 我认为记住过去、立足现在、展望未来非常重要。


2Topic 2The population in developing countries is growing faster.

Section A

1a:Hello, Michael. I have just called you, but you weren’t in. where have you been?你好,迈克尔。我刚刚给你打了电话,但你不在,你去哪里了?
I have just been to a shopping center with Kangkang. I’ve never been there before, but I don’t want to go there any more.刚才我和康康去购物中心了,我以前从未去过那儿,但我再也不想去那儿了。
Because there were too many people. We got lost and couldn’t find each other. 因为那儿人太多。我们走散了,找不到对方。
Bad luck! Have you found him yet? 真倒霉!你已经找到他了吗?
No, he has probably gone home. Let’s call him up now. I really hate going to a place like that. 没有,他可能已经回家了,我们现在给他打个电话吧。我真的讨厌去那样的地方。
So do I. 我也一样。

Section B
(Kangkang is reading a report on population in the newspaper.)
Wow! What a large population! 哇!多么庞大的人口啊!
What? 什么?
Look, it says the world has a population of 6.8 billion. And it is increasing by 80 million every year.看!报纸上说世界人口已经达到68亿了,并且正以每年8000万的速度增长。
Mmm, that's really a lot. Which country has the largest population?嗯,真的太多了。哪个国家人口最多呀?
China has the largest population. It has already reached 1.3 billion, and India is second with 1.1 billion.中国人口最多,已经达到了13亿,印度第二,有11亿。
What's the population of the USA?美国有多少人口?
309 million.美国有3.09亿。
Oh, I see. It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries, doesn't it? 噢,我明白了。它表明发展中国家人口比发达国家人口多,不是吗?
Yes. What's more, the population in developing countries is growing faster.是的。并且,发展中国家人口增长更快!
So it is. The population problem is more serious in developing countries.是这样。人口问题在发展中国家更严峻。
Luckily, China has already carried out the one-child policy to control the population.幸运的是,中国已经实行了独生子女政策来控制人口增长。

Section C 
In 2010, the world's population was about 6.8 billion. More than three billion people live in Asia now. That's almost half of the world's population.
China has the largest population in the world, and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China. Because of the large population, there is less living space for each family. And it is difficult for lots of people to find jobs. At the same time, the large population has caused many other difficulties for the whole nation. For example, it is hard for China to supply energy and the traffic is much heavier. Natural environment are becoming worse and worse. The large population has been a serious problem.
So far, our government has taken many measures to control the population. One is known as the one-child policy. It has worked will in controlling China's population. Thanks to the policy, China is developing quickly and people's living conditions are improving rapidly. However, the population problem is still serious in China. We still have a long way to go.

Section D
Present Perfect (Ⅱ) 现在完成时(Ⅱ)
1.I have just called you.我刚刚给你打过电话。
2.I’ve never been there before.我以前从未去过那里。
3.China has already carried out the one-child policy to control the population. 中国已经实施了独生子女政策来控制人口增长。
4. Have you found him yet? 你已经找到他了吗?
1. I really hate going to a place like that.我真的讨厌去那样的地方。
2. So do I. 我也一样。
3. It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries, doesn't it?它表明发展中国家人口比发达国家人口多,不是吗?
4. China has the largest population in the world, and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China. 中国是世界上人口最多的国家,世界上大约五分之一的人居住在中国。
5. Thanks to the policy, China is developing quickly and people's living conditions are improving rapidly. 多亏了这项政策,中国正在迅速发展,人们的生活条件也在迅速改善。


3Topic 3The world has changed for the better世界变得更加美好了

Section A
1a:(Helen and Bob are talking on the phone)(海伦和鲍勃正在打电话。)
You have been in new York for a long time. How do you like living there?你在纽约很时间了。你觉得住在那儿怎么样?
It’s great. I really love it. 好极了,我真的很喜欢。
But I heard that the local traffic was terrible and almost everyone drove too fast.但我听说当地的交通很糟糕,而且几乎每个人都开车太快。
Oh, you will get used to it very soon if you come. 噢,如果你来,你很快就会习惯的。
I also heard the streets were dirty. 我还听说街道很脏。
They used to be, but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago. 过去是这样,但自从几年前我来到这儿之后,城市(面貌)已经改善了很多。
Isn’t it dangerous to live there? 难道住在那儿不危险吗?
Well, it was in the past, but it’s quite safe now. As a matter of fact, it’s a wonderful place to live. Near our block, there are beautiful parks, good schools, famous museums and excellent restaurants. And you can go to plays, concerts and operas every day if you like. You must come for a visit. Then you can see new York yourself. 噢,过去很危险,但现在很安全。事实上那是一个极好的居住地。在我们街区附近有美丽的公园,好的学校,著名的博物馆和豪华的饭店。如果你喜欢,你可以每天去看戏剧、欣赏音乐会和歌剧。你一定要来纽约参观,那样你可以亲自看一看纽约。

Section B
1a:What are you reading, Jane? 简,你在看什么?
I’m reading a newspaper from Canada. Martin showed me an interesting article. It is about a program that helps homeless people.我在看一份加拿大的报纸,马丁介绍了一篇很有趣的文章。它是关于救助无家可归的人的一个计划。
Are there homeless people in Canada? 加拿大有无家可归的人吗?
Oh, yes. Many countries have homeless people. The article says one city has a wonderful program. Since it started, it has helped hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life.噢,有。许多国家都有无家可归的人。这篇文章中写道有个城市有一个极好的计划。自从计划实施以来,已经帮助数以百计的人重返工作岗位,从而使他们过上正常的生活。
That sounds great! How do they manage it?  听起来好极了!他们是如何做的?
Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to offer them help. 噢,他们一旦发现处在困境中的人,就选定适当的方式来给他们提供帮助。
Can the homeless people get enough food, homes and medical treatment? 无家可归的人能够获得充足的食物、住所和医疗吗?
Yes. And it’s not only that. The program also provides them with job  training so that they can find jobs again. 是的,还不知这些。这个还向他们提供职业培训,以便他们能再次找到工作。
I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.我认为对于这些人来说自信心是很重要的。
You are right. The world has changed for the better.  你说对了。世界已经变得更加美好了。

Section C
One of the most basic human needs is a home. A home is a safe place. While most people around the world value their homes, there are many people in every country who are homeless.
Some people are homeless for a short period of time because they are moving from one place to another, and other people are not able to find a home. They must live on the streets or in a shelter.
There are many causes of homelessness. Sometimes people can not keep a home because they do not earn enough money, or because they do not have a job. Sometimes people are homeless because they have a problem with drugs or because they have a mental illness. No one is ever homeless on purpose.
Whatever the cause of homelessness is, the effects are the same. Homeless people must work very hard to live. They can not raise their children. Sometimes they must steal food just to eat. The government in every country has worked for many years to support the homeless but more needs to be done. We must think of the homeless as people, not just as problems. 

Section D
Present Perfect (Ⅲ) 现在完成时(Ⅲ)
1. You have been in new York for a long time.  你在纽约很时间了。
2.The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.  自从几年前我来到这儿之后,城市(面貌)已经改善了很多。
3. Since it started, it has helped hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life. 自从计划实施以来,已经帮助数以百计的人重返工作岗位,从而使他们过上正常的生活。
1.Oh, you will get used to it very soon if you come. 噢,如果你来,你很快就会习惯的。
2. As a matter of fact, it’s a wonderful place to live. 事实上那是一个极好的居住地。
3. You must come for a visit.  你一定要来参观.
4. Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to offer them help. 噢,他们一旦发现处在困境中的人,就选定适当的方式来给他们提供帮助。
5. The program also provides them with job training so that they can find jobs again. 这个还向他们提供职业培训,以便他们能再次找到工作。

Project Hope
Project Hope is an education program to help students. It builds schools in the poorest parts of China and it helps poor families afford an education for their children.
Since Project Hope started in 1989, It has done very well. By 2012, Project Hope had raised 8.73 billion yuan. With this money, it has aided 4.5 million children to go to schools and it has built 18 002 Hope Primary Schools.
Project Hope has made important contributions to both the education and the health of children. For more than 20 years,  Project Hope has encourage the moral development and modern thinking of students. As a result, the students in Hope schools respect their teachers, aid the poor, and help one another. Project Hope is the best-known and most successful education program in China. Without Project Hope, there is a risk that many children would have an unhappy future.

Unit 2 Saving the Earth拯救地球

4Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.

Section A
1a:(Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are planning a picnic for Sunday.)(康康、简、玛丽亚和迈克尔正在为周日计划一次野炊。)
Kangkang, where shall we go ? 康康,我们要去哪儿?
What about the West Hill? I went there two years ago. It was a beautiful place. There were lots of flowers and grass. The air was fresh and the water was clean, and you could see bees and butterflies dancing. 去西山怎么样?我两年前去过那儿。那是是一个漂亮的地方,有许多花草。那里空气新鲜,流水清澈,而且你还能看到蜜蜂和蝴蝶在飞舞。
Sounds great! Let's go there.听起来不错!我们去那儿吧!
(On Sunday, they come to the West Hill.)(星期天,他们来到了西山。)
Oh, What a mess! The flowers and grass have gone! The water is so dirty. It smells terrible. What has happened here? 噢,多么脏乱啊!花和草都没了,水太脏了,难闻极了。这儿发生了什么事?
What a shame! Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream. 多么遗憾啊!看,有几座化工厂正往小溪里排放废水。
Everything has changed. 一切都变样了。
Do you still want to have a picnic here?你们还想在这儿野炊吗?
Of course not.当然不。

Section B
1a:(Mrs. Zhou is coughing. She looks weak.)(周太太正在咳嗽,她看起来很虚弱。)
Good morning, Mrs. Zhou. What's wrong with you?早上好,周太太。您怎么了?

Oh, Kangkang. It's difficult for me to breathe. I’ve got a pain my throat. 哦,康康。我呼吸困难。我的喉咙痛。
How long have you been like this? 您像这样多长时间了?
I've been like this since last week.  自从上个星期以来我就一直这样。
Have you seen a doctor? 您看过医生了吗?
Not yet. The chemical factory produces terrible gas. The bad air makes my chest hurt. What's worse, the factory makes too much noise and I can't sleep well at night. 还没有。化工厂难闻的气体。糟糕的空气使我觉得胸疼。更糟糕的是,化工厂制造了太多噪音,我晚上也睡不好觉。
That's too bad.那太糟糕了。
Yes, it is really awful. I'm always in a bad mood because I can't bear the environment here. Anyway, I hope the government will solve this problem soon. By the way, have you noticed the dead fish in the river? 是的,真的太可怕了。我总是心情很差,因为我不能忍受这里的环境了。无论如何,我希望政府能快点儿解决这个问题。顺便问一下,你注意到河里的死鱼了吗?
Oh, yes. Pollution caused too many problems. I think I should write to the newspaper about these problems. But now you'd better go to see a doctor. 噢,是的,污染引发太多问题了。我想我应该把这些问题写信反映给报社,但现在你最好去看医生。

Section C
In today’s world, almost everyone knows air pollution is harmful to people’s health. However, not all people know noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans’ health. 
People who work and live in noisy conditions often go deaf. For example, many of the workers who print newspapers and books lose their hearing. Quite a few people living near airports also have hearing loss. Recently, it is reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do, because these young people always listen to loud pop music.
Making a loud noise in public is also a kind of pollution. It not only disturbs others but also does great harm to people’s hearing. Cars and machines also produce too much noise. Such pollution makes people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant, and it can even cause them to become sick or deaf. Nowadays, many countries are trying to solve all sorts of environmental problems, including noise pollution.

Section D
Simple Past & Present Perfect一般过去时和现在完成时
1. I went there two years ago.我两年前去过那儿。
2. There were lots of flowers and grass.那儿有许多花草。
3.What has happened here? 那里发生了什么?
4.I have been like this since last week. 我自从上个星期以来就一直这样。
5.The flowers and grass have gone! 花和草都没了。
1.Oh, What a mess!噢,多么脏乱啊!
2. There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.有几家化工厂正往小溪里排放废水。
3. What's worse, the factory makes too much noise and I can't sleep well at night.更糟糕的是,化工厂制造了太多噪音,我晚上也睡不好觉。
4. Noise is harmful to humans’ health.噪音对人们的健康有害。
5. People who work and live in noisy conditions often go deaf. 在噪音条件下,工作和生活的人经常变聋。
6. …many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do,… …美国许多青少年的听力几乎和65岁的老人一样差,…
7. …does great harm to people’s hearing. …严重损害人们的听力。


5Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.

Section A
(Kangkang, Maria and Jane are talking in a room. The wind outside is blowing strongly.)(康康、玛利亚和简正在房间里谈话,,外面的风刮得很厉害。)
What bad weather! The wind is so strong! And the sand really hurt my face. while I was walking down the street just now, I couldn't see anything. 
I'm sorry to hear that. But what causes these sandstorms? 对此我很难过。但是是什么引起这些沙尘暴的呢?
People have cut down too many trees. As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert. 
That's bad. How can that affect the weather? 那太糟糕了,但是那怎么影响天气呢?
Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 树木可以防风固土。
And a lot of water can be saved by forests. 并且森林可以贮存大量的水分。
They can also stop the water from washing the earth away. 树木也能防止水土流失。
Cutting down trees is harmful to human beings, animals and plants. Although we have built "the Green Great Wall", we still need to do something to protect the environment. 

Section B
Kangkang, read this article. 康康,读这篇文章。
What’s it about? 关于什么的?
It’s about air pollution in China. It says that China has become the world’s largest producer and user of coal. As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem. 
Yeah. But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment.
That’s great. None of us likes pollution. 那样很好。没有人喜欢污染。
Yes, We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there. Don’t spit anywhere in public. Don’t walk on grass or pick flowers. Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees. 
That’s right. We should do everything we can to protect the environment. 对。我们应尽一切努力保护环境。

Section C
The earth is 4.6 billion years old. We humans have lived on the earth for only 35 000 years, but during this period, we have changed our planet a lot in many ways. Some things we have done are very good for the earth while others are bad. 
All over the world, people have cut down millions of trees. When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away. Forests have become deserts, so many kinds of animals and plants are disappearing. 
In big cities, cars and buses have polluted the air. Now many people in cities have health problems. 
Factories have also polluted the land and the water. As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead.
Around the earth, there’s a special kind of oxygen called “ozone”(O3). It is important to the earth. But now air pollution is destroying it and making a very big hole in the ozone layer. Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth directly. This is very dangerous because this kind of radiation can cause cancer. 
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air has increased a lot. It mainly comes from burning oil, coal and wood. This has formed a “blanket” around the earth. The heat from the sun can’t escape so the temperature is rising. This is called “the greenhouse effect”. It causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change.
All these problems are very serious, so we must do something now.
地球周围有一种特殊的氧气叫做“臭氧” (O3),它对地球很重要。但现在空气污染正在破坏它,而且使臭氧层出现了一个非常大的洞。大量来自太阳的有害射线穿过这个洞直接进入地球大气层。这是非常危险的,因为这种射线能导致癌症。

Section D
Indefinite Pronoun and Adverb不定代词和副词
1. None of us likes pollution.没有人喜欢污染。
2. Don’t spit anywhere in public. 不要在公共场合随地吐痰。
3. Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees. 每个人都应当保护野生动物并且多种一些树木。
4. We should do everything we can to protect the environment. 我们应尽一切努力保护环境。
1.As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert.结果,大量肥沃的土地变成了荒漠。
2.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 树木可以防风固土。
3.We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there.我们不应该到处丢弃垃圾。
4.All these problems are very serious, so we must do something now. 


6Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?

Section A
 (A journalist is interviewing Jane about environmental protection.) 
Hi, Jane. Could I ask you a few questions? 你好,简。我可以问你一些问题吗?
Certainly.  当然可以。
We all know that you’re working for an organization that protects the environment. Can you tell us what you are doing there?我们都知道你在为一个环境保护组织工作。你能告诉我们你在那儿做什么工作吗?
Well, my main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment. For example, the three R’s---reduce, reuse and recycle---are important. 嗯,我的主要工作是帮助宣传有关环保方面的信息。例如,宣传“3R”——减少使用,再次使用和回收再利用,这些都很重要。
So what can we do at home to protect the environment? 就保护环境而言,我们在家能做些什么呢?
We should reduce the waste we produce. For example, we should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags. 我们应该减少人为的浪费。比如,我们应该双面使用纸张,重复使用塑料袋。
What can students do at school?学生在学校里能做些什么?
Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save money, too. So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. Then we sort them so that they can be recycled. 回收再利用能保护环境而且能节约资金。所以我们鼓励学生去收集废纸、饮料瓶等并把它们分类存放,以便回收利用。
Wonderful ideas! Thank you!多么好的想法啊!谢谢!
It’s a pleasure. 不用谢。

Section B
Hi, Michael. Would you like to be a greener person? 嘿,迈克尔。你想成为一名环保使者吗?
Of course, I’d love to. But what should I do?当然,我很乐意。但是我应该怎么做呢?
First, you ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room.  首先,你离开房间的时候,应该随手关灯。
Oh, that’s easy. What’s next? 哦,那很容易。下一步怎么做呢?
Second, you’d better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance. 第二,如果你短途旅行,最好步行或骑车而不是乘公共汽车或出租车。
That’s right. It will save energy and reduce air pollution.对,那样会节约能源并减少空气污染。
Third, take a cloth bag when you go shopping. Don’t use plastic bags.第三,你去买东西的时候带上一个布袋。不要使用塑料袋。
It’s so easy to be a greener person成为一名环保使者真容易。
Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。
Well, actions speak louder than words.嗯,行动胜于雄辩。

Section C
In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. Some countries use nuclear energy to produce power. However, nuclear power can be very dangerous. To solve the energy problem, people all over the world are looking for new ways to produce power. 
China is one of the first countries in the world to use biogas technology. Farmers recycle straw, grass and animal waste to make biogas. This renewable energy is used in people’s everyday lives. Its key disadvantage is that the process requires a long time (up to 30 days) and the cost is high.
Electric vehicles were developed in the 1990s. On April 11, 2010, a new kind of vehicle named “Yezi” was shown in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It produces electricity from the sun, the wind and CO2. It can not only protect the environment but also save energy. It’s too small to hold many people, but larger models will be developed in the near future.
In China, the best-known maglev train is the German-built one in Shanghai. It takes people just 7 minutes to go to the airport 30 km away. The train can reach a top speed of 431 km per hour. It is quiet and quick. There is no wheel noise, because there are no wheels. Maglev trains are very energy-efficient and do not pollute the air. However, maglev guide paths are much more expensive than traditional steel railways.

Section D
Compound Sentence并列句
1.Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save money, too.回收再利用能保护环境而且能节约资金。
2.people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. 人们用煤来生产动力,但是这种方法很脏并且会导致酸雨。
1.Would you like to be a greener person?你想成为一名环保使者吗?
2.First, you ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room.  首先,你离开房间的时候,应该随手关灯。
3.Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。
4.Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于雄辩。
5. The train can reach a top speed of 431 km per hour. 火车最高速度可达431千米。

Unit 3

7Topic 1

Kangkang:Hi, boys, come and have a look! I have a poster of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
Li Xiang:Oh, it's so nice! You can stick it on the wall.
Wang Junfeng:That's a good idea. Guess what! My parents and I are going to visit Disneyland near Los Angeles. I will be able to see more cartoon characters.
Kangkang:Oh, you're so lucky! Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. I hope I can go there one day.
Li Xiang:Me, too. Are you ready for your trip?
Wang Junfeng:Yes, of course. I can't wait to fly there!
Kangkang:You'll have a good chance to practice English there.
Wang Junfeng:You're right. English is spoken as the main language in America.
Li Xiang:Yeah. It is also widely used throughout the world now.
Wang Junfeng:But I'm not good at English. I'm a little afraid.
Kangkang:Don't worry. Try your best and work much harder from now on.
Wang Junfeng:Thanks. I will.

Who created Mickey Mouse?
Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney, a great film-maker.
Walt Disney made a lot of cartoon film.
He was also an artist.
When he was young, Disney's family was poor.
He used to sit in the family garage and draw pictures.
One day, a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor.
Disney stopped drawing and watched the mouse.
Then he gave some bread to the mouse.
Day after day, the mouse came back for more bread.
In this way, the artist and the mouse became good friends.
He drew many different pictures of the mouse.
At last, he was pleased with one of them.
He called the mouse drawing Mickey Mouse.

(Jane is talking with her father before he goes to Cuba.)
Jane:Dad, why are you packing your bags?
Father:I'm going to Cuba on business tonight. Here you seen my passport?
Jane:It's in your night table. Dad, is English spoken as the official language in Cuba?
Father:No, Spanish is spoken as the official language there.
Jane:Is Spanish similar to English?
Father:Not really. Perhaps a few words are the same.
Jane:Oh, I see. Is it possible for you to have trouble communicating?
Father:Yes. I don't think I will have any long conversations in Spanish. If necessary, I'll ask an interpreter for help.
Jane:Will the interpreter explain to you the culture of the country?
Father:Of course. Understanding the language and the culture can help me work well.
Jane:Have a good trip. I wish you success!

English Around the World (I)
There are More than 3 000 language are spoken in the world.
Of all these languages, English is the most widely used.
Recent studies show that more than 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue.
From it's roots in England, the language was spread around the world by English traders and English governments in new lands.
One of these new lands became the United States of America.
The population of the United States is 309 milliom, making it the country with the largest number of native English speakers.
About 300 milliom people speak English as their second language.
There are even more people, like some in Europe as well as in China and Jaban, who study English as a foreign language.
English has become the base language for international business, for the world's airlines and even for the Internet.
Whatever language people speak, they need to know some English if they work in these fields.
It is clear that the English language is becoming more important.
English Around the World (II)全世界的英语(二)
English has become widely used around the world.
Why has this happened? We may find the answer from history.
In the nineteeth century, Great Britain became a powerful country, so English became an international language.
Then, since the 1950s, the U.S.A. has become more and more powerful.
The American computer and Internet industry have taken the leading position in the world.
As a result, the internet has helped English to become much more popular.
China, a country with the largest population in the world, has encouraged more people to learn English since the 1970s.
Since the 1990s, English learning has been very popular with Chinese people.
Many of them have done well in English and have made great progress in speaking it.
Now, students are required to learn English and the study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world.


8Topic 2

(Wang Junfeng and his parents are going to the USA. Michael and Kangkang are going to see them off. Now they are on their way to the airport.)
Wang Junfeng:I can't believe that I'm flying to Disneyland. I'm so excited.
Kangkang:Of course you are.
(Michael sees a stranger putting out hand with his thumb raised.)
Michael:Stop, please!
Driver:What's up?
Michael:The stranger is asking for a ride. Look at his gesture!
(The driver stops the minibus.)
Foreigner:Excuse me, could you please give me a ride to the airport?
Driver:Sure. We're going to the same place. Get on, please.
Foreigner:Thank you very much.
(They reach the airport twenty minutes later.)
Kangkang:What time is your flight?
Wang Junfeng:At 5 o'clock. My uncle is meeting us tomorrow. But I'll still worried about my English.
Kangkang:No need to worry. You can buy the guidebook, A Tour in the USA.
Wang Junfeng:Good idea. I hope I won't have much difficulty in communication.
Michael:Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.
Wang Junfeng:Thank you very much. I have to go now. Bye!

(Jane meets Kangkang and Yukio at the school gate.)
Jane:Hi, Kangkang and Yukio!
Yukio:Hello, Jane!
Kangkang:Yukio, when Jane says "Hi" she waves her hand, but when you say "Hello" you bow.
Yukio:In Japan, we bow when we are saying hello as a sign of respect.
Jane:In Canada, we wave as a sign of peace and feiendship.
Kangkang:I think that is known as body language. We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence.
Yukio:Did you notice that Miss Wang smiles when she is happy, and when she is angry she put her hands on her hips? Then I know whether she will praise or punish us.
Jane:When my little sister is angry, she crosses her arms and stamps her foot!
Kangkang:I wonder if body language means the same thing in all cultures.
Jane:We should do some research. People could communicate better if they knew more about their body language.
Yukio:Let's ask Miss Wang and Ms. Jones if they will help us with our research.
Jane:That is a good idea. Goodbye, Kangkang. Goodbye, Yukio.
Kangkang and Yukio:Goodbye, Jane.

Some things usually have different meanings in differens cultures.
Here are some words about animals that are used differently in western cultures and Chinese culture.
Most phrases in Chinese about the dog, such as "a homeless dog", "a mad dog","a running dog" and "a dog catching a mouse", have negative meanings.
But in western countries, dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans.
The word, "dog", has positive meanings.
For example, "you are a lucky dog" means you are a lucky person.
比如,“you are a lucky dog”的意思是你是一个幸运儿。
And "every dog has its day" means each person has good luck at times.
“every dog has its day”的意思是每个人都有得意的时候。
As we know, dragons are very important in Chinese culture.
In ancient times, dragons were regarded as strong and magical creatures.
They brought hope and good luck.
The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons.
Nowadays, many parents want their children to become"dragons".
But in western cultures, dragons were dangerous animals.
Heroes killed them to protect people.
Some things have similar meanings in Chinese culture and western cultures.
The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries.
People in China and the West think the rose also stands for peace, courage and friendship.
When we pay attention to the cultural meanings of words, we will understand them better.

English is spoken by people in many places.
It began in England but spread as the British people left their coutry and made new homes.
Now, English is the language spoken by most people in countries like Canada, America and Australia.
After many years, the English language began to change.
The changes were maily expressions and spellings.
Sometimes different people use different words to mean the same thing.
People in England say "underground" while people in America say "subway".
In America an elevater starts on the first floor, but in Britain it starts on the ground floor.
美国电梯的第一层叫“first floor”,而英国人则用“ground floor”。
"Colour" and "centre" are British spellings while"color" and "center" are American spellings for the same words.
Pronunciation of words and ways of speaking have changed as well.
It is possible to tell whether a person is American or British by listening to his or her speech.
The English language has also changed by borrowing words from other languages.
The Americans borrowed "cent" from old French and "cookbook" from German.
They also borrowed "tofu" and "kowtow" from Chinese.
The English language is changing all the time, but people from English-speaking countries are still able to understand each other.


9Topic 3

Section A
Li Ming:How nice to see you back, Junfeng! How was your trip?
Wang Junfeng:Wonderful! I've been to many places of interest, and I enjoyed myself in Disneyland.
Li Hong:Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A?
Wang Junfeng:Not really. Sometimes I got into trouble. They spoke too quickly for me and there were many different accents. I couldn't have long conversations with the people there. I think I should work harder at English.
Li Ming:Yes, I agree. I know oral English is very important, but I dare not speak English in public. And I always feel sleepy in English classes. I'm really afraid of the final exam.
Li Hong:I'm afraid, too. And it's very difficult for me to remember new words.
Wang Junfeng:Me, too. I've worked hard at it for a whole week, but it seems that I haven't made any progress. I don't know what to do. At times I feel like giving up.
Li Hong:Please don't let these difficulties discourage you. Perhaps we can ask Kangkang for help. He is good at English.

You look so worried, Li Ming. What's wrong?
I'm afraid of the coming English test.
I don't know what to do.
Don't worry! I can help you.
Thank you! I have difficulty in pronunciation.
Listening to the English tape is helpful.
You can listen and repeat after it. That's a good idea.
But I always forget new words easily.
You can copy new words in a notebook and take it with you.
Then you can remember the new words wherever you are. I'll do that. Thanks.这样不管在哪里你都可以背新单词了。我会的。谢谢。
Can you understand the dialog when watching the movie?
A little, but if they speak quickly, I can't follow them.
I think you should take part in the English corner, and you can practice speaking and listening there.
Really? I hope it works. But I am also weak in writing compositions.
You can keep a diary in English. OK, I'll have a try. Thank you very much.

Section B
Wang Junfeng:Kangkang, could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?
Kangkang:Sure. Two years ago, I was also weak in English. How to improve it was my biggest problem. So I went to Mr. Brown and I've learned a lot from him.
Wang Junfeng:Great. How do you remember new words?
Kangkang:I always copy new words on pieces of paper, stick them on the walls in my bedroom or in the living room, and read the words aloud when I see them. I change them often. Also, I always read the English words on the objects I see.
Li Hong:That sounds interesting. I'll try it. I always read English textbooks, but some texts are difficult for me. Could you please tell me how to increase my reading ability?
Kangkang:Do more reading. Try to guess the meanings of new words, and get the main idea of the article.
Li Ming:Kangkang, I dare not answer questions in class because I'm afraid of making mistakes.
Kangkang:Don't be shy. Think about your answer, take a deep breath and smile, and then answer the question. Smiling is always helpful.
Li Ming:Thank you. I'll give a try.
Section C
(Miss Wang is holding a class meeting on how to learn English. She asks two students to report the results of their discussion.)
I'm very glad to share our group's opinions with you. Kangkang said that he previewed the day's lesson before class, took notes in class and reviewed them after class. Lin Ping said, "Read a passage. Then try to retell it yourself."
Yu Zhen thought studying grammar was important when learining English. I myself prefer watching English movies, though sometimes I can't understand them exactly. These are our opinions. Thank you for listening!
It's an honor to talk with all of you here. Our group agrees with some of Group One's opinions. However, we have some other ideas.
Xu Duoduo said that joining an English club was the best way to improve her English. Cheng Le advised us to read a good English newspaper. But she said, "We shouldn't translate every word when we are reading."
Shu Yan told us we should speak English with our teachers, classmates and even with foreigners as often as possible. That's all. Thanks. Good job!
You two have told us many good methods. Each of us can use one or more of them. But remember to choose the ones that suit you best. I'm sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.
And I think keeping a diary in English is a good way to improve your writing. Also, the chants, songs and riddles in our textbooks are helpful.
Section D
Are you facing problems in learning English? If so, the following two ways will help you to learn it more easily and with more fun! "I downloaded English songs from the Internet. It has really improved my listening. What's more, I am happier when I study this way,"said one junior student.
Listening to your favorite English songs is actually an effective way. Before you listen, you can read first and find out what the song is about. While listening, pick some useful words or phrases. A dictionary may also be helpful if necessary.
Watching a movie is another good and interesting way. "It is wonderful to watch movies, and it can help your English a lot!" said a junior three student. "You can also imitate the pronunciation of the actors." So choose your favorite movie before watching. Then have paper and a pen ready as you may want to write down useful words or phrases.
In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialogs better. Enjoy using the two ways, and you are sure to learn faster and do better!


10Topic 1

Kangkang:Jane, why are you unhappy?
Jane:Because I was not allowed to play computer games last night.
Kangkang:It's bad for your health if you spend too much time on them.
Jane:Maybe you're right.
(Kangkang shows a model to Jane.)(康康给简看了一个模型。)
Kangkang:Look at this.
Jane:A model rocket! Who made it?
Kangkang:It was made by me.
Jane:Wow! What's it made of?
Kangkang:It's made of metal. Do you know what a rocket is used for?
Jane:Sure. It's used for sending satellites or spaceships into space.
Kangkang:You're right. I've learned a lot about spaceships from Mr. Brown and then I made this model rocket. I wish I could go into space some day.
Jane:I hope your dream will come true.

Michael:Look, a light bulb!
Jane:Yeah. it is widely used by people everywhere. Do you know when it was invented?
Michael:It was invented in 1879.
Jane:Who invented it?
Michael:Thomas Edison. It's said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life.
Jane:What about the radio?
Michael:The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895. Jane, let's go this way. Look! An airplane, but it's different form today's.
Jane:Yes. It was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903.

An invention may be a new product or a new way of doing things. Inventions come about in many ways.
Most of the time, inventions happen because someone works to solve a problem. Sometimes inventions are the result of accidents. Look at your schoolbags. You have pencils, pens, crayons, rulers and some books. None of these things was planted in fields. They were made in factories and invented by someone.
Inventing is interesting and exciting and everyone can be an inventor.
Do you want to be an inventor? These are a few simple steps to follow in the invention process.
You can have wild and crazy thoughts. Remember that no idea is too silly. Many people laughed at the Wright brothers and said they would never fly. But they weren't discouraged by what people said. That's why now we have planes.
Careful planning is important in the invention process. This is the time to brainstorm for idea and to evaluate them.
Make a detailed drawing of your invention so others will understand how your invention works. Make a model of your invention. See if your invention works as it is planned. If not, do more research, redesign it, and test it again.
Every invention needs a name. Share your inventions with others.

Where Are We?  我们在哪里?
Where are we?  我们在哪里?
That was a big question when we first explores our world long ago.
The early explorers found that the stars in the sky were good guiding marks.
Using the stars, they could find out where they were and in which direction they were going.
This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen.
But it didn't work so well during the rest of the time. 但是其他时间效果就不太好了。
That was a problem.   这是个问题。
Today, the problem has been solved by the Global Positioning System(GPS).
It is like a man-made star.  它就像是人造星星。
We can use it at any time, in any place and in any weather to find out our position.
It can also be used to study the shape of the earth.
The GPS is a great invention that helps us explore our planet and discover where we are.


11Topic 2

Kangkang: Hi, Maria! A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Shall we go to watch it?
Maria: Great! What's it about?
Kangkang: It's about life in space.
Maria: That sounds exciting.
Kangkang: Yes. All the people travel by spaceship in the movie, and they can visit planets like Mars.
Maria: Really? Kangkang, do you think people will live on Mars in the future?
Kangkang: Yes, I think we will live in space one day.
Houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars.
We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.
Maria: What fun! I can't wait.

Kangkang:Maria, have you heard the news on TV about the space flight to Mars?
Maria:No, I haven't. Who will take part in the space flight?
Kangkang:Astronauts from China, the United States and Russia. They will travel into space and discover something new about Mars. I really admire them. I'd like to be an astronaut when I grow up.
Maria:It's really cool. However, I think you should first master some basic computer skills.
Kangkang:Sure. Maria, what are you going to be?
Maria:Mm, I am not sure. Sometimes I want to be a dancer, but I think I'm going to be a scientist in the future.
Kangkang:Why? I think you dance very well.
Maria:Yes, I'm sure I can perform ballet on the stage in the future. But I prefer science to dance. It is my favorite subject in school. I'm excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.
Kangkang:That's wonderful! Let's work hard. Then our dreams will be realized.

What do you know about Mars? What does it look like? Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth. Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers.
You can tell which planet is Mars because it is bright red in the night sky. It looks like a red and orange ball. It's very beautiful. But during spring and summer, the surface of Mars is covered by strong storms.
The gravity on the surface of Mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on the earth. So a person who weight 90 kilos on the earth weights only 36 kilos on Mars. The temperature on Mars is between -138℃ and 28℃. The air has only 0.13% oxygen.
火星表面的重力大概是地球的1/5。所以在地球上有90公斤重的人在火星上只有36公斤。火星上的温度大约在-138℃ 到 28℃之间。空气中含氧量只有0.13%。
It takes a spaceship about eight months to reach Mars from the earth when the two planets are closest to each other. Scientists are still searching for more information about Mars.

Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for millions of years. However, we haven't found life on other planets yet. The earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. And there are seven other planet that also go around the sun.
The sun and its planets are called the solar system. The solar system is a small part of the universe.
Scientists have launched many spaceships to explore other planets in the solar system. Some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system. However, no one has discovered any life in space yet.
Why has no one from other planets sent us a message? Have they tried to send information to us? With so many stars in space, are we alone, or is there life on other planets in space?


12Topic 3

Section A
(Michael and Kangkang are in the Science Museum.)
Michael:Kangkang, who is the first Chinese to travel into space?
Kangkang:Yang Liwei. He is our national hero who traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V for 21 hours in 2003. China is the third nation that sent a person into space.
Michael:Wonderful! All of you must be very proud.
Kangkang:Of course we are. What's more, we have launched another four spaceships in the past few years.
Michael:That's great! It proves that China has made great progress in its space industry.
Kangkang:That's right. I'm sure that China will send more spaceships into space.
Michael:Look, what a large crowd! Let's go and see.
Kangkang:Wow! Chang'e I. It's a spaceship which was launched as China's first lunar probe. I hope I can travel to the moon one day.
Michael:I think your dream will be realized in the future.

Section B
(Kangkang is asking Mr.Brown something about spaceships.)
Kangkang:Spaceships are so amazing! Mr.Brown, could you please tell me some recent spaceship developments?
Mr.Brown:OK. Spaceships which now mainly use electronic controls used to be controlled by astronauts.
Kangkang:But how do they work?
Mr.Brown:Astronauts use computers to control the speed and direction of their spaceships, even the temperature.
Kangkang:Perfect! But I know so little about computer technology.
Mr.Brown:It's important to master computer technology. So I advise you to discover new ways to make computers serve us better.
Kangkang:Good idea. Thanks for your introduction, Mr. Brown. I think that if I work hard then nothing is impossible.

Section C
The Importance of Computers
Since computers were invented in the USA in the 1950s, they have become very important in many areas of work and leisure.
There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.
In space, computers have been used to control the speed and direction of a spaceship.
With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems.
For example, tiny computers which are inside patients' bodies can keep their hearts beating normally.
In factories, robots are controlled by computers that are like human brains. They can do work that is dangerous to humans.
In business, computers are used to place and cancel orders. They are also making the workplace safer and better.
Since the Internet came into being, people's lives at home have changed, too.
More and more people have personal computers that are used to play games and watch movies.
Thanks to the Internet, people can do shopping and do business at home.
Instead of writing letters on paper, people communicate by sending e-mails and chatting on line.
The whole world is connected. The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village.
Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too.
For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.
If we play computer games too much, we won't have enough time to study or exercise.
Besides, not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us.
Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used properly.

Section D
Robots-Our Servants in the Future?
What will our future be like?
No one knows for certain, but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.
Will they be friendly or unfriendly?
So far, robots haven't caused us any problems.
They work for us like servants all the time.
They help us do dangerous and difficult work.
People are surprised at the rapid development of robots.
In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as people use their brains and act for themselves.
However, once robots can think for themselves, problems may appear.
One scientist warns that if robots start to think for themselves, they will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters.
The scientist also warns that if we are lucky, they might treat us as we now treat our pets; if we are not lucky, who knows what will happen?
Perhaps there will be a war between human beings and robots.


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