

点右边关注我→ 绿色学习平台 2023-02-12







第二学期期末测试卷时间:100分钟 满分:100分第一卷 听力部分(20分)一、听对话,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)

二、听短对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)(  )6. Where is Frank from?      A. Australia.                        B. Canada.                        C. America.(  )7. What is Grace good at?      A. Singing.                    B. Drawing.                    C. Dancing.(  )8. What does Nancy look like?      A. She has curly blonde hair.       B. She's of medium height.      C. She is heavy.(  )9. What is Tom doing now?      A. Playing a game.            B. Watching TV.              C. Doing the dishes.(  )10. What does Mike like to do in winter?      A. Go skating.              B. Play soccer.              C. Read books.三、听长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。(  )11. What does Gina think of her family rules?      A. Interesting.                        B. Strict.                        C. Terrible.(  )12. How long can Gina watch TV on Saturday?      A. Two hours.                    B. Three hours.              C. One hour.听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题。(  )13. What club does Jim want to join?      A. The soccer club.                        B. The dance club.       C. The chess club.(  )14. How old is Jim?      A. 13 years old.                    B. 14 years old.              C. 15 years old.(  )15. What's Jim's phone number?      A. 679­3586.                          B. 769­8356.                    C. 796­3856.四、听短文,完成表格。(每小题1分,共5分)
The environment(环境) around Alice's home
On the left
It's a park.
She 16. ________ in it every evening.
On the right
It's a(n) 17. ________.
She goes there every 18. ________ with her mom.
19. ________
her home
It's a restaurant.
She is having 20. ________ in it now.
第二卷 笔试部分(80分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)(  )21. Eric likes playing ____ chess and he can join ____ chess club.      A. the; the                  B. /; /                        C. /; the                        D. the; /(  )22. There isn't ____ milk at home. Let's buy ____.      A. some; some                                      B. any; any      C. some; any                                            D. any; some(  )23. She ____ of medium height,and she____ long straight hair.      A. is; is                                                 B. is; has                   C. has; has                                            D. has; is(  )24. —What would you like to eat, Linda?      —I'd like ____and____dumplings.      A. chickens; cabbages                          B. chicken; cabbage      C. chicken; cabbages                                D. chickens; cabbage(  )25. —Are you ____ in science, Lucy?      —Yes, I think it's very ____.      A. interesting; interesting                          B. interested; interested      C. interesting; interested                          D. interested; interesting(  )26. —Who is the girl ____ your left in the picture?      —She is my penfriend, Jane. She's ____ Canada.      A. on; from              B. in; at                    C. on; at                    D. in; from(  )27. Sam ____ before breakfast every day. Now he ____ with his father.      A. runs; ran                                            B. runs; is running       C. ran; run                                            D. is running; runs(  )28. —____ was your party yesterday?      —Excellent. I liked it very much.      A. How                    B. When                    C. What                          D. Where(  )29. —Would you like ____ badminton with me?      —Yes, I enjoy ____ badminton a lot.      A. to play; playing                                B. playing; playing       C. to play; to play                                D. playing; to play(  )30. —I will take a vacation next week.      —____. I'm afraid I will be busy all this month.      A. Good idea                                            B. See you             C. Lucky you                                      D. Thank you六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Last weekend Jimmy and Paul went camping on the mountain. It was really __31__ and they had a good time there. On Saturday morning, they arrived there early and then they went for a walk. There was a__32__at the foot of the mountain, so they went fishing and then cooked__33__outside the tent in the afternoon. They didn't __34__an iPad, so after dinner they talked for an hour and then they went to sleep. At night,Jimmy had a very strange (奇怪的)__35__. He heard someone __36__ “Hello! Hello!” Then he looked out of the tent and__37__a strange creature (生物).It was green and very small. It asked Jimmy and Paul to go to its spaceship (宇宙飞船). There they met other strange creatures. They sat down at a table and ate some strange food. Jimmy drank a cup of juice. It__38__like apple juice and he asked for__39__cup of it.After that Jimmy felt kind of strange. Oh dear! He turned green and small__40__others.“No! It's not true,” Jimmy shouted to Paul. When he opened (睁开)his eyes, he found it was only a dream.
(  )31. A. exciting                  B. boring                  C. difficult                  D. easy(  )32. A. house               B. shop                     C. tree                     D. lake(  )33. A. onion               B. beef                     C. fish                     D. mutton(  )34. A. show               B. take                     C. leave                     D. forget(  )35. A. friend               B. dream                     C. idea                     D. lesson(  )36. A. saying              B. singing                   C. playing                    D. writing(  )37. A. knew               B. visited               C. saw                    D. made(  )38. A. sounded             B. felt                          C. looked                    D. tasted(  )39. A. other                    B. another                    C. much                    D. many(  )40. A. about               B. for                     C. like                     D. from七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)A
A Wild Animal Zoo
Come on! There are elephants,tigers, pandas… You can also enjoy the most interesting animal show at the lowest prices. 
Ticket prices:Adults:¥80
Show time:11:00 a. m. -11:40 a. m.
3:00 p. m. -3:40 p. m.
Sundays and Saturdays
Musicians Wanted
Do you like music?
Can you play the piano or the violin?
Can you sing or dance?
Then you can be in our school music festival.
Please call Mr. Zhang at 620­5612 at the Students' Sports Center.
Summer Camp
Do you want to go camping in the open air?
Do you want to climb mountains? Join us!
Dates:June 7th to June 16th
Price:¥1 350
Children aged from 7 to 13 are welcomed.
Make Cakes by Yourself
You can make all kinds of cakes at the Sweet House. When you finish, take and share (分享) them with your friends.
Time:12:30 p. m. -3:00 p. m.
From Monday to Friday
(  )41. Mr. and Mrs. Green with two children have to pay ____ to go to the Wild      Animal Zoo.      A. ¥200                  B. ¥240                  C. ¥120                  D. ¥160(  )42. If Alice wants to join the school music festival, she should call Mr. Zhang at      ____.      A. 620­5612              B. 620­1256              C. 602­1256              D. 602­5612(  )43. Jack is interested in climbing mountains, he can go to ____.      A. the Wild Animal Zoo                          B. the Students' Sports Center      C. the Summer Camp                                D. the Sweet HouseB
l'm Tom. The apps(应用程序) on my phone help me have an easy life.
Alarm Clock for Me
I set four alarms(闹铃).
7 am: Wake up
10 am: Do morning exercises
4 pm: Tea time
10:30 pm: Go to bed
When the alarm rings(响),I can always hear my favorite music.
What will the weather be like tomorrow? WeatherBug tells me. Let me have a look at it. It will be windy tomorrow. I'll have to wear my jacket.
There is also a map on the app. I won't get lost with it.
I used the app when I was in Beijing. It was great. I could ride a bike anywhere and put it anywhere. And I only needed to pay 1. 5 yuan in half an hour. I hope I can use it in New York one day.
(  )44. Tom ____ at ten in the morning.      A. gets up                                          B. drinks tea      C. goes to work                                D. does morning exercises(  )45. It will be ____ tomorrow. 

(  )46. With Mobike, Tom can ____.      A. get up early                                B. find his way home      C. ride a bike easily                          D. buy a cheap bikeC
Do you know the girl in the picture? She is Katie Ledecky. She was born (出生) on March 17, 1997 in the USA. She is 23 years old, but she has won 5 Olympic gold medals (奥运金牌) in the sport of swimming. How did she do all of this at such a young age? “The secret,” Katie says, “is that there is no secret!”
For one thing, she started young. Katie followed her brother into the sport of swimming when she was just six years old. Around that same time, she even met Michael Phelps, a great Olympic swimmer.Katie loves swimming and she practices really hard. Here is how Katie spends her day:● Getting up at 4:00 in the morning.● Swim practice from 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning.● Out of pool training (训练) from 11:00 to 12:00 (3 days a week).● Swim practice from 3:30 to 6:00 in the afternoon.Maybe this is Katie's secret.(  )47. Katie Ledecky is from ____.      A. England                  B. America            C. Canada                  D. Russia(  )48. Katie started swimming because of her ____.      A. mother              B. father                  C. brother                  D. teacher(  )49. From the passage we can learn that Katie Ledecky is ____.      A. clever              B. funny             C. friendly                  D. hard­working(  )50. Which of the following is TRUE about Katie Ledecky?      A. Her brother taught her how to swim quickly.      B. She started swimming when she was 10 years old.      C. She spends 2. 5 hours swimming every afternoon.      D. She spends three days training in the swimming pool every week.八、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共10分)It was a rainy day. After class, Mrs. Miller asked her students to play in the classroom. Then she walked out of the classroom. Jane played with a toy train, and Mark played with a model car. Ken and Jim both (两个都) wanted to play with a ball.“__①__” Ken said. “Give (给) it to me!”“I had the ball first,” Jim said.Then Ken and Jim fought over the ball. Mrs. Miller heard the sounds of fighting and ran back to the classroom. Mark told her what happened (发生).“There is no need to fight,” Mrs. Miller said. “__②__ It's not an indoor (室内的) toy!” She took away (拿走) the ball.There was no ball to play with. Ken and Jim stood there and both felt sad (难过的). They knew they made a mistake (错误).根据短文内容,完成下面的任务。任务一:请将文中画线部分翻译成汉语。51.___________________________________________________________________任务二:从A、B、C中为①②处选出恰当的选项,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。A. I want the ball!B. Look at your toys.C. The ball should(应该) not be here.52. ①____________ ②____________任务三:回答下列问题。53. What did Jane play with?___________________________________________________________________54. Who told Mrs. Miller what happened?___________________________________________________________________任务四:根据短文内容,判断正、误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(  )55. Mrs. Miller asked Ken and Jim to play with the ball together.九、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共5分)

56. These ________ are really beautiful.57. Many ________ come to China every year.58. I can answer this question ________.59. The weather is nice, just right for ________ a kite.60. They have to ________ a river to work.十、综合填空。(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(提示:每空不超过两个单词)My mother works in a school. She is a teacher. She is so 61. ________ that she often forgets her birthday. Yesterday 62. ________ (be) her birthday. My father and I had a party for 63. ________ (she). In the morning,we bought a big cake,some food,fruit and gifts in the supermarket. I 64. ________ (call) my aunt and her son and asked them 65. ________ (come) to the party. At 5:00 in the afternoon,we began to cook 66. ________. When my mother came back 67. ________ school,we stood at the door and said,“68. ________ birthday!” She was 69. ________ (surprise). After she came to the house and saw the 70. ________,fruit and food on the table,she knew it was her birthday. She was very happy.十一、书面表达。(15分)为了学习英语, 我在网上结识了一位来自澳大利亚(Australia)名叫Gina的笔友(pen pal)。下面是她的一些情况, 请据此写一篇短文向大家介绍一下。
要求:词数80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)参考词汇:be good at擅长;practice练习;after­class activities课外活动;the trip to the beach海滩之旅;wonderful精彩的;hear from sb. 收到某人的来信;I have a pen pal. She's from Australia.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank her for helping me make great progress in English.      
参考答案第一卷 听力部分听力材料:一、1. W:What would you like?M:I'd like a large bowl of beef noodles.2. W:Why does Mike like pandas?M:Because they are kind of cute.3. W:Can you go out with me now?M:Sorry, we can't. It's raining hard. We have to stay at home.4. W:What can Lisa do?M:She can play the piano.5. W:What rule is there in the museum?M:Oh, we can't take photos of the old things in the museum.二、6. W:Are you reading an e­mail, Sam?M:Yes. It is from my penfriend Frank. He is from America and he is very tall.7. W:Look at the picture! It's so beautiful.M:Yeah. Grace drew it this morning. She is really good at it.8. W:We have a new classmate. Do you know, Jim?M:Yes. It's Nancy. She is a tall girl with curly blonde hair.9. W: Hi, Tom. What are you doing now?M:Not much. I'm just watching TV at home.10. W:Lucy and I like skating in winter. Do you like it, Mike?M:Not really. It's too difficult for me. I like to read books in the library.三、Text 1W:I have many family rules, Dave. They're terrible.M:Like what, Gina?W:I have to clean my room before watching TV on Saturday.M:How long can you watch TV on Saturday?W:Two hours.M:Oh, I can watch TV for only one hour.Text 2W:Hello! What can I do for you?M:I want to join the soccer club.W:May I know your name?M:Jim Green.W:How old are you?M:I'm fourteen years old.W:And what's your phone number?M:It's 796­3856.W:Can you play it very well?M:Yes, I can play it very well.W:All right. Please.四、  I have a new friend and her name is Alice. She lives in a noisy neighborhood. Her home is between a park and a supermarket. The park is on the left and Alice goes there to take a walk every evening. The supermarket is on the right. Every Saturday morning, Alice goes there to do some shopping with her mom. Now, Alice is in the restaurant across from her home. She's having lunch with me.听力答案:一、1~5:ABCBC 二、6~10:CBABC 三、11~15:CAABC四、16. takes a walk 17. supermarket 18. Saturday morning19. Across from 20. lunch第二卷 笔试部分五、 21~25:CDBBD 26. A 27. B28. A 点拨:根据答句中“Excellent. 极好的。”可知问句意为“昨天你的聚会怎么样?”。故选A。29. A 点拨:would like to do sth. 想要做某事;enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。30. C六、31~35:ADCBB 36~40:ACDBC七、(A) 41~43:BAC (B) 44~46:DAC (C)47~50:BCDC八、51. 然后她走出教室。 52. ①A ②C 53. A toy train.54. Mark.  55. F九、56. dresses 57. visitors 58. easily 59. flying 60. cross十、61. busy 62. was 63. her 64. called 65. to come66. dinner 67. from 68. Happy 69. surprised 70. cake十一、One possible version:I have a pen pal. She's from Australia. Her name's Gina. She is thirteen. She has a round face and two big eyes. She is tall and she has long straight hair. She is good at playing the piano. Every afternoon, there are some after­class activities in her school. Gina goes to practice Chinese in the club. She always writes to me in English. Yesterday I heard from her. She told me about her trip to the beach last weekend. The trip was wonderful.Thank her for helping me make great progress in English.









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