

点右边关注我→ 绿色学习平台 2023-02-12







第二学期期末测试卷时间:100分钟 满分:120分第一卷 听力部分(25分)一、听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)

二、听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)6. What does the girl have to do before she goes out?A. Finish her homework.      B. Do the dishes.       C. Wash her clothes.7. Where will Tom go tomorrow?A. To a school.          B. To a hospital.       C. To a park.8. How much food can an elephant eat a day?A. About 50 kilos.          B. About 115 kilos.       C. About 150 kilos.

9. What book has Lily just finished reading?A. Robinson Crusoe.                 B. Alice in Wonderland.      C. Oliver Twist.10. What was the boy doing when the rainstorm came yesterday?A. Riding a bike.                 B. Visiting a museum.      C. Waiting for a bus.三、听下面4段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共10分)听第1段对话,回答第11、12小题。11. Where has Jake been?A. To Tennessee.          B. To Georgetown.       C. To London.12. What kind of music does Dale like?A. Rock music.       B. Pop music.       C. Country music.听第2段对话,回答第13、14小题。13. What animals does Mary want to see?A. Pandas.          B. Tigers.          C. Lions.14. How will the girl go to the zoo?A. By bus.       B. By taxi.       C. By subway.听第3段对话,回答第15至17小题。15. How was the weather yesterday evening?A. Warm.       B. Hot.       C. Cool.16. What was Mary's mother doing at 7:30 yesterday evening?A. Doing the dishes.               B. Walking the dog.      C. Watching a film.17. What did the boy want Mary to do?A. To take a walk with him.B. To help him look after his cat.C. To help him with his math homework.听第4段对话,回答第18至20小题。18. What's wrong with the boy?A. He has a fever.      B. He has a toothache.C. He has a stomachache.19. What season is it now?A. Summer.          B. Winter.          C. Autumn.20. What will the boy do in the afternoon?A. Have a rest at home.B. Take an English test.C. Stay in hospital.四、听下面一篇短文,短文后面有五个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)21. What did Marcus like doing when he was a primary school student?A. Writing stories.                      B. Doing housework.C. Reading newspapers.22. When did Marcus decide to help the homeless people?A. On a February morning.         B. On a November afternoon.C. On a December evening.23. How was the weather at the time Marcus helped the homeless man?A. Cold.       B. Warm.          C. Rainy.24. What did Marcus give to the homeless man for the first time?A. Some clothes.           B. Some food.       C. Some money.25. How old is Marcus now?A. 17.       B. 18.       C. 19.第二卷 笔试部分(95分)
五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)26. —Li Ming, could you please sweep the floor? I'm making dinner.—Sorry, Mom, I ____. I'm busy doing my homework now.A. couldn't      B. can't      C. shouldn't      D. mustn't27. —Who came to your office today, Mrs Li?—A boy did. He hurt ____ in P. E. class.A. myself      B. yourself      C. himself            D. herself28. —Is Zhang Hua good at English?—No, he can't speak it well, ____ he has learned it for a long time.A. as long as            B. as soon asC. ever since            D. even though29. —Have you finished reading the book, Peter?—No. I still have a few ____ to read.A. pages      B. copies      C. letters      D. marks30. —Did you know that China is one of the ____ countries in the world?—Yes, I did. It's much ____ than the US.      A. older; older            B. oldest; olderC. older; oldest            D. oldest; oldest31. —Where were you at eight o'clock last night?—I ____ a movie in Huaxia Cinema with my father.A. saw            B. am seeing C. was seeing            D. have seen32. —What's wrong with you, Betty?—There is something wrong with my watch. Can you help me ____?A. fix it up            B. fix up itC. put it up            D. put up it33. —How many students are there in your class?—Fifty-six. However, ____ of them are boys.A. three fourth            B. third fourthC. third fourths            D. three quarters34. —Have you read Oliver Twist ____?—Yes, I've ____ read it three times.A. already; yet            B. yet; alreadyC. already; already            D. yet; yet35. —I've never been to Dongpochibi. What about you?—____. Let's go there after the exam, OK?A. So I have            B. Neither I haveC. Me too            D. Me neither六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分)Ye Haitao, a 42­year­old man with paralysis (瘫痪) has helped over 300 children with school lessons for free over the last 20 years.When Ye was young, he dreamed to be a(n) __36__, because he thought educating people was the greatest thing in the world. In 1993, __37__ he was 16, he went to university. He studied hard to   __38__ himself for his dream.However, __39__ got in the way (阻碍) of Ye's study and life. In the second year of his university, he was so sick that he had to __40__ his study. Day by day, he couldn't walk, stand or even sit. He could only __41__ in bed all day.One day some villagers came to Ye's home __42__ help. Many left-behind (留守) children in the village lived with their grandparents, but most of their grandparents could __43__ write or read. These children really needed help with their schoolwork at home, so Ye __44__.Ye started helping these children in the summer of 1999. The students come to his home after school and during summer and winter vacations. They don't need to __45__ anything for the tutoring (辅导). Sitting at desk around Ye's bed, they always listen to Ye __46__.Many of Ye's students have entered (进入) high schools and __47__ become college students. Seeing the children improve __48__ his help, Ye is quite happy. He knows he is doing a meaningful job. “It is the __49__ of these children that keeps me doing this. I get a strong __50__ of satisfaction when I see their smiling faces,” Ye says.36. A. doctor     B. scientist      C. engineer      D. teacher37. A. when      B. while      C. because      D. if38. A. offer      B. care      C. improve      D. provide39. A. illness      B. money      C. grades      D. nature40. A. keep on      B. give up      C. take up      D. try on41. A. lie down      B. take down        C. cut down      D. come down42. A. about      B. against      C. for      D. towards43. A. usually      B. always      C. often      D. hardly44. A. disagreed      B. refused        C. agreed      D. explained45. A. take      B. pay      C. part      D. spend46. A. carefully      B. suddenly      C. bravely      D. recently47. A. just      B. once      C. ever      D. even48. A. in      B. with      C. on      D. under49. A. smile      B. stress      C. relation      D. condition50. A. risk      B. cheat      C. feeling      D. change 七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)
AA bird went to find its happiness in a faraway place.It flew and flew when it suddenly saw a little wilting (枯萎的) flower, whose face was full of smiles. Not knowing why, the bird asked the little flower, “You are going to die. Why are you still so happy?”“I am going to bear fruit and my dream will come true,” said the little flower.Then the little bird saw it: happiness is a hope in the heart.The little bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a lame (瘸的) duck, which was singing a song. Not knowing why, it asked the duck, “You are so unlucky. Why are you still so happy?”“Because I saw a little duck fall. And I helped it stand up again!”Then the little bird saw it: happiness is a love in the heart.The bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a spider climbing a slippery wall. It fell off the wall for several times, but it went on climbing over and over again. Not knowing why, the little bird asked the spider, “You failed (失败) again and again. Why don't you have pain but happiness on your face?”“I am sure to climb up the wall if I try my best. Because of this, I am so happy. ”The little bird saw it: happiness is a faith (信念) in the heart.The little bird didn't look for happiness any longer, because it had seen the truth: happiness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart.51. What was the little flower's dream?A. To be strong.      B. To bear fruit.             C. To be beautiful.             D. To get hope.52. Which word can best describe the lame duck?A. Clever.       B. Helpful.       C. Hopeful.       D. Brave.53. What does the story tell us about?A. Happiness is wealth and success.B. Happiness is from faraway places.C. Happiness is owning everything.D. Happiness is hope, love and faith.B
Indooroopilly Library
Maker Space
Come and make anything you like! We have different arts and crafts activities for all ages. December 4, 11, 18 and January 8, 15:  9:30 am-12:00 pm
Chess Competition
Test your chess skills and join in a friendly competition to see who is the best on that day. For children aged 14 and younger.
Booking (预订) is necessary.
December 12:  10:30 am—11:30 am
Stay away from the crowds with your children
If you're at Indooroopilly Shopping Center these days, come to the library's children's area and take part in free storytelling activities for all ages.
December 27 to 29 and January 9 to 11:   1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Call Indooroopilly Library at 3407­0009 for more information.
For more events at Indooroopilly Library, visit brisbane. qld. gov. au/libraries or pick up a copy of What's on in Libraries.
54. Children can join in the Maker Space on ____.A. December 12      B. December 27C. January 11      D. January 1555. To join in the Chess Competition, one needs to ____.A. make a booking     B. be free on December 11C. stay in Indooroopilly Library for two hoursD. put his information on brisbane. qld. gov. au/libraries56. What can we learn from the passage?A. The Maker Space lasts for over three hours.B. What's on in Libraries may be a map.C. You can learn more information by telephone.D. If you want to go to the library's children's area, you must pay.CYun Siqi from Beijing is a 19­year­old young pianist. He started to learn the piano when he was four years old, and it has been his favorite hobby since then. Before that, he often heard his elder sister playing the violin and he loved the classical music (古典音乐) she played. “I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano,” Yun said.At 4, several minutes of practice a day was enough. As Yun grew up, at ages 7 and 8, he had to practice for four hours a day. The time kept going up after Yun was 12. Now, he needs to practice at least seven hours every day. He sleeps for only five to six hours a day, but he is still full of energy (活力).Yun never got tired of the piano. In fact, he had great fun playing it. “Music is my special luck, and it is a real enjoyment to be with it every day,” he said.Yu worked hard and soon he stood out. From 2013 to now, Yun shone at different music festivals, concerts and competitions. Yun said successes or failures would not affect (影响) his understanding of music, or his plan for the future.“If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder,” the young pianist said. “I still need to practice more to become better, to bring out the beauty of classical music through the piano. It may take a lifetime. ”57. Who got Yun Siqi interested in classical music?     A. His music teacher.      B. His elder sister.C. His friends.            D. His parents.58. How long did Yun practice every day at the age of 8?A. For several minutes.      B. About one hour.C. For four hours.            D. At least seven hours.59. What does Yun hope to do through the piano?A. To make more friends.B. To have a better understanding of life.      C. To become rich and famous.D. To bring out the beauty of classical music.60. Which of the following does Yun probably agree with?A. Eight hours' sleep is necessary for a pianist.B. Four is the perfect age to start music lessons.C. One should work harder after winning a competition.D. Pianists should join in as many competitions as possible.八、阅读还原。(有一项多余)(每小题2分,共10分)Many children don't like doing chores, because they think it's boring. Some children think they just need to learn their subjects well and there is no need for them to do chores. 61. __________First, doing chores can teach children certain skills. 62. __________ Washing clothes and doing dishes may seem boring, but knowing how to do them well will help children a lot. If children can successfully handle (处理) the chores at home, they will live a better life.63. __________ Some chores like sweeping the floor and cleaning the room are a kind of physical exercise. Children should not study all the time. A healthy life needs balance (平衡).64. __________ Nowadays it's common for both parents to work. When they get home from work, they are often tired. So they don't have much time or energy to do chores. 65. __________ And children can also find great pleasure (快乐) in helping their parents.

九、根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,使句意完整、通顺。(每小题1分,共5分)66. My mother went to the hospital yesterday because she had a bad ___________ (头痛).67. The table is ________ (更宽的) than any other table in the store.68. ________(在……中) these dresses, I like the red one best.69. His ideas are ________(完全地) different from yours.70. After Lucy talked with Mr. White, his words ________ (引起) her to change her mind.十、根据汉语意思完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)71. 帮助孩子们养成良好的习惯将对他们的未来产生影响。(make)Helping children to develop good habits will ________ ________ ________ totheir future.72. 她一到那所乡村学校,就喜欢上了那些学生。(fall)She ________ ________ ________ with the students as soon as she got to thevillage school.73. 当我走进屋时,爸爸正坐在沙发上浏览手机。(look)When I came into the house, my father ________ ________ ________ hissmartphone on the sofa.74. 政府正在考虑把那些筹集的钱捐赠给那些贫困的人。(give)The government is considering ________ ________ the money raised to the poor.75. 自那以来,李华习惯了用英语和他人交谈。(use)Ever since then, Li Hua has ________ ________ ________ ________ with othersin English.十一、综合填空。(每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不超过2个词)。Three students are talking about the most interesting museums they have ever been to.Ken: The most interesting museum I've ever been to 76. __________ (be) the American Computer Museum. They have information about different computers and who 77. ____________ (invent) them. The old computers were much 78. __________ (big). It's unbelievable that technology has progressed 79. ________ such a rapid way! I've also learned that there was a special computer. It could play chess even better 80. ________ humans. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.Amy: I've recently been to the International Museum of Toilets in India. The museum teaches people about the history and 81. __________ (develop) of toilets. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways 82. ____________ (improve) toilets in the future.Linlin: Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. It's a relaxing and 83. ____________ (peace) place near a lake. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with 84. ______________ (beauty) tea sets. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. I've finally realized 85. __________ my grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets very much.十二、书面表达。(15分)目前,很多中学生都感到学习任务重、精神压力大,而丰富多彩的业余活动有利于开拓视野、调节身心、提高学习效率。请根据以下提示,以“My Free Time”为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,谈谈你的业余活动和体会。开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示:1. What activities do you usually do in your free time? (at least three activities)2. Why are you interested in these activities?3. What else do you want to say about free time activities?My Free TimeI'm a middle school student. Though I have been busy with my schoolwork, my free time is still colorful._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
参考答案第一卷 听力部分听力材料:一、1. Mike was interested in mountain climbing. He often climbs mountains onweekends.2. Have you ever been to Beijing? It's an old and beautiful city.3. Why not write a letter to Mary and say sorry to her?4. Do you know the Chinese story Hou Yi Shoots the Suns?5. I think the camera is an important invention in history.二、6. W:Could I go out for dinner with my friends, Dad?      M:Sure, but you must finish your homework first.7. W:What are you going to do tomorrow, Tom?      M:I'm going to a hospital to help children there learn to read. 8. W:What do you think is the biggest animal on land?      M:The elephant. And it can eat about 150 kilos of food a day.9. W:I have just finished reading a book called Alice in Wonderland. It's sowonderful. Have you ever read it?      M:No, never. Could you lend it to me, Lily?10. W:I was riding my bike to the library when the rainstorm came yesterday.What were you doing then?            M:I was at a bus stop and I was planning to take a bus to the museum.三、Text 1W:I like pop music. What about you, Jake?M:I like country music, Amy. I've been to Tennessee, the home of countrymusic.W:I haven't been there. But my brother Dale has been there. He's also a fan of it.Text 2W:Dad, which is the nearest zoo to see tigers?M:The Sunshine Zoo, Mary. Go along this road and turn left into Jiefang Road.W:How far is it from our house?M:It's about 6 kilometers from here. You can take the No. 39 bus there.W:OK, I see, Dad.Text 3M:Hi, Mary! What a hot day!W:Yes. But it was cool yesterday evening.M:Oh, what were you doing at 7:30 yesterday evening?W:I was taking my dog Doudou for a walk.M:What about your mother? Did she go with you?W:No. She was doing the dishes.M:Oh. I called you but nobody answered.W:Really? What's up?M:I wanted you to help me with my math homework.Text 4W:Morning! What's wrong, my boy?M:I have a stomachache.W:What did you eat just now?M:I ate a cold beef hamburger.W:Now it's winter. Try not to eat anything cold.M:Thank you, Doctor! What should I do now?W:Drink some hot water and take this medicine. In about ten minutes you'll bebetter and you can go home.M:Great! Thank you. Then I won't miss the English test in the afternoon.四、   When Marcus was a primary school student, he liked reading newspapers very much. One December evening, he saw a story in the newspaper about the homeless. At that time, Marcus decided to help the homeless. He noticed there was a homeless man near his house. He wanted to help him, although he was only 10 years old. It was going to be very cold in the following days, so he collected several clothes his family didn't really need and gave them to the homeless man. The experience changed Marcus' life. He wanted to make a difference, so Marcus began looking for more clothes and food to give to the homeless. Up to now, he has helped the homeless people for 8 years.听力答案:一、1~5:ABBAC 二、6~10:ABCBC三、11~15:ACBAC 16~20:ACCBB四、21~25:CCAAB第二卷 笔试部分五、26~30:BCDAB 31~35:CADBD六、36~40:DACAB 41~45:ACDCB 46~50:ADBAC七、(A)51~53:BBD (B)54~56:DAC (C)57~60:BCDC八、61~65:CBFDA九、66. headache 67. wider 68. Among 69. completely 70. caused十、71. make a difference 72. fell in love 73. was looking through 74. giving away 75. been used to talking十一、76. is 77. invented 78. bigger 79. in 80. than 81. development 82. to improve 83. peaceful 84. beautiful 85. why十二、One possible version:My Free TimeI'm a middle school student. Though I have been busy with my schoolwork, my free time is still colorful.When I'm free, I often read interesting books or magazines. Sometimes I play exciting online games or go to watch the latest movie with my friends. I think all these activities can give me a lot of fun. At the same time, they help improve my mind and make me think well when I go back to study.In a word, free time activities help one get out of too much pressure and relax. So when you feel tired and stressed, try to enjoy your free time.









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