

点右边关注我→ 绿色学习平台 2023-02-12







中考模拟测试卷时间:100分钟 满分:120分第一卷 听力部分(25分)一、听对话,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)二、听句子,选择最佳应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)
6. A. I went to Canada.      B. Yes,I have.C. No,I didn't.7. A. Seldom.      B. No,he doesn't.C. They're boring.8. A. He can sing.      B. He is outgoing.C. He likes rock.9. A. Ms. Brown.            B. She likes dancing.C. She has long hair.10. A. That sounds bad.      B. No problem.C. You're welcome.三、听小对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)11. How did the girl go to school today?A. By bike.       B. On foot.       C. By bus.12. What's the price of the sweater?A. $15.       B. $50.       C. $55.13. What does Cindy look like?A. She's tall and heavy.       B. She's tall and thin.C. She's short and thin.14. Where are they talking probably?A. In a shop.       B. In a library.       C. In a hospital.15. When did the man arrive at the concert?A. At 6:20.       B. At 6:25.       C. At 6:15.四、听长对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,完成第16、17小题。16. When did the girl go to the film museum?A. Last Saturday.      B. Last Sunday.C. Two weeks ago.17. Who has never camped?A. The boy.      B. The girl's parents.C. The girl.听第二段对话,完成第18~20小题。18. When does Linda have to be home on weekdays?A. By 10:00 p. m.      B. By 5:15 p. m.C. By 5:30 p. m.19. What does Linda usually do on Sundays?A. She usually does her homework.     B. She usually plays the piano.C. She usually goes to school.20. What can Linda be allowed to do with friends on weekends?A. She can hang out after school. B. She can go out at school nights.C. She can go to the movies .五、听短文,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)21. What does Mrs White teach?A. Geography.       B. English.       C. Science.22. How did Jenny recycle the glass bottle?A. By putting her pencils in it.B. By putting some candy in it.C. By putting some plants in it.23. Who has a sweet tooth?A. Jenny.       B. Lisa.       C. Mike.24. What does Mike love?A. Flowers.       B. Snacks.       C. Vegetables.25. Where did Jack put the bottle with a hole?A. In the classroom.      B. In the park.C. Outside his house.第二卷 笔试部分(95分)六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)26. —Could you give me some ____ on learning English?—I think you should do more reading.A. advice      B. newsC. messages      D. information27. My sister likes green very much. Then this green skirt must belong to ____.A. hers      B. her      C. yours      D. you28. —Your sweater looks very nice. What's it made ____?—Wool, and it's made ____ Wuhan.A. from; on      B. of; in C. of; on      D. from; in29. —Why do many people buy things online on the 11th of November every year?—Because there are many sales. The prices are ____.A. much cheaper      B. much lowerC. more expensive      D. much higher30. —Do you like classical music?—Yes. It always ____ me ____ the happy old days.A. helps; with      B. take; toC. reminds; of      D. connect; with31. —I've got a toothache, Mom.—Oh, you ____ eat too much candy.A. shouldn't      B. needn'tC. should      D. need32. Have you heard the 2022 Winter Olympics ____ in Beijing?A. held      B. are heldC. were held      D. will be held33. —Can you tell me ____?—Sure. You can take the K2 bus.A. where the high­speed rail station isB. where is the high­speed rail stationC. how I can get to the high­speed rail stationD. how can I get to the high­speed rail station34. —Do you like the weekly talk show The Readers on CCTV?—Sure. It's a great TV program ____ can develop the habit of reading.A. who      B. that      C. what      D. whose35. —We are supposed to recycle paper and bottles. It can help the environment.—____. It can save money, too.A. Don't mention it      B. Never mindC. It's a piece of cake      D. You seem to have a point七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
March 22 is World Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on(号召)us to __36__and protect water. Today, we're facing terrible water problems. Among them, the wastewater problem is rather __37__. And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 was “wastewater”.What is wastewater? It is used water. Usually, wastewater comes from homes,__38__, hospitals and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing machines, taking showers and using kitchens. The rain also__39__ wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matter where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have__40__harmful in it.__41__must we treat(处理)wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our lives. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own__42__.How can we treat wastewater?Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment. Wastewater__43__homes can be reused. Then there will be__44__wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned__45__ it goes back to nature.36. A. drink      B. save      C. carry      D. watch37. A. easy      B. popular      C. small      D. serious38. A. factories      B. lakes      C. rivers      D. seas39. A. gets back      B. hands in      C. changes into      D. picks up40. A. nothing      B. something      C. nobody      D. somebody41. A. What      B. Who      C. Why      D. How42. A. work      B. interest      C. health      D. business43. A. on      B. for      C. with      D. from  44. A. less      B. more      C. better      D. worse45. A. and      B. whether      C. after      D. before八、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)AMany Chinese mothers are afraid that their children will fall behind their classmates, so these mothers are becoming “tiger mothers”. They believe the harder their children study, the happier life they will have in the future. Is it true? Lulu and her sister Sophia may have their say.Lulu and Sophia have a “tiger mother”. She pushed them a lot when they were young. For example, they were not allowed to get grades lower than A's. They had to practice the piano or violin for several hours a day. There were no games or TV.The tiger mother, Amy, is a ChineseAmerican professor at Yale Law School in the USA. Several years ago, she wrote a book named Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and shared her strict parenting style (育儿方式) in it.Many people don't like Amy's style of parenting. They once worried that her daughters would not be happy. However, the two girls have grown up and they are thankful to their mother. Sophia has just graduated from Yale University. She is hard­working, friendly and helpful. Not long ago, she shared some useful studying tips online. Lulu is also a warm, smart and popular girl in her friends' eyes. She said tiger mothers believed that a child could succeed by being pushed to go all out.Still, not everyone agrees with the tiger mother's parenting style. In fact, there isn't a parenting style that fits everyone. What's the best parenting style for you? Maybe you should work it out together with your parents.46. According to the passage, “tiger mothers” ____.A. don't mind their children falling behind their classmatesB. don't care about their children's feelings when they grow upC. believe pushing their children hard can help them succeedD. believe the more happily the kids study, the harder their life will be47. What can we know about Amy?A. She is teaching in China.B. She loves playing the violin.C. She is the mother of the two girls.D. She is liked by many people.48. In Lulu and Sophia's opinion, their mother is____.A. great      B. worriedC. humorous      D. hateful49. What can we infer(推断) from the passage?A. You can find tiger mothers only in China.B. Lulu graduated from Yale University, too.C. Sophia is not a popular girl in her friends' eyes.D. Different children need different parenting styles.50. Which of the following is probably the title?A. Lulu and SophiaB. Do you want a tiger mother?C. Chinese Mothers D. How can you become a tiger mother?B
While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some students at White Cloud Primary School. They became the world's first kids to be “taught” by an electronic teacher. This electronic teacher is not a human­like robot walking around the classroom. Instead, he is a computer­created head that appears, when needed, on students' computer or phone screens. His name is Bill.Created by the technology company Smart Machines, Bill is able to show human­like behavior. He is designed to teach a special program about environmentally friendly power created by the sun and wind. This program, started in 2005, used to be taught by human teachers.Just like human teachers, Bill is able to immediately respond to the students' questions and opinions about the topic. Thanks to computer cameras, he is also able to see and react to students' physical actions. For example, if a student smiles at Bill, he responds by smiling back. This two­way exchange helps get the students' attention. More importantly, it allows the program developers to improve Bill's behavior and knowledge base when needed.The program has been a great success, according to Smart Machines Spokesman Robert Frost. Frost says, “What is interesting to me is the children's reaction to Bill. He really captures their attention. ” Frost thinks kids don't find the experience of being taught by smart machines as strange as older people because they have grown up in a time of computers and smartphones.It is doubtful, however, that human educators will lose their jobs to Bill any time soon. For one, this talking head's knowledge base is not large. More importantly, even the smartest computer programs can't guess and react to all the unexpected situations that educators face daily. Bill's future might be as “a personal tutor”, providing kids with oneonone help for different subjects and topics.51. What is Bill?A. A human­like robot.B. A kind of computer game.C. A computer recording tool.D. A computer­created talking head.52. How does the two­way exchange help the program developers?A. It lets them correct students' mistakes.B. It allows Bill to respond more quickly.C. It helps them know how to improve Bill.D. It helps them study students' body language.53. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refers to ____.A. kids      B. older peopleC. smart machines      D. program developers54. What is Bill NOT good at doing?A. Attracting students' attention.B. Understanding body language.C. Responding to students' questions. D. Dealing with unexpected situations.55. How might Bill be used in the future according to the last paragraph?A. To work as human classroom teachers.B. To encourage students' interest in computers.C. To give students personal help with different subjects.D. To watch over the behavior of the students in the classroom.CThe winter holiday is usually a good time to sleep in. But Gao Yuqi, a 14yearold boy from Anhui, got up at 7:00 am to run at least 2 kilometers every day during the holiday. In fact, the exercise was part of his homework.Gao was not alone. Many schools across the country required students to exercise during the winter holiday. Part of the reason is that physical education test scores are now worth more on the senior high school entrance examination(中考). And the score is now worth up to 60 points.Because of this, Gao's school now asks students to run when the weather is nice, and exercise indoors if it is bad. Students have to post(公布)exercise photos in their classes' QQ groups. At the Golden Apple Jincheng No. 1 Middle School in Chengdu, students have daily exercise plans. For example, they have to skip rope(跳绳) for two minutes and do three sets of situps(仰卧起坐) each day. Their parents sign off(签名)on their plans when they finish exercising.This has been a big challenge for many students, but has also helped to make exercise a bigger part of their lives. Many students like Gao used to hate running, but now they are able to run for over half an hour every day. They fell in love with exercise during the holiday.56. How many kilometers did Gao Yuqi run every day during the holiday?A. At least one kilometer.B. At least two kilometers.      C. At least three kilometers.D. At least four kilometers.57. What did the schools require the students to do during the winter holidays?A. To exercise.       B. To be volunteers.      C. To have a rest.       D. To do a survey.58. What do the students have to do when they finish exercising in Gao's school?A. To call their teachers.B. To put their plans online.      C. To ask their parents to sign off on their plans.      D. To post exercise photos in their classes' QQ groups.59. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?A. Skipping rope.       B. Swimming.C. Sit­ups.       D. Running.60. What is the passage mainly about ?A. How to exercise during the winter holiday.      B. Exercising is a big challenge for many students.C. Physical education test scores are important now.      D. Exercising is becoming part of students' homework.九、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从方框内选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(有一项为多余选项)Are children vulnerable (易受伤害的)to COVID19?The National Health Commission has identified(确认)that children are vulnerable to COVID19,but the symptoms(症状) are not serious after infection.What are the possible ways for children to be infected?COVID19 is mainly spread by droplet transmission(飞沫传播) now, such as a patient's coughs and sneezing. 61. ________ For example, children will be infected by contacting with the mouth or nose or conjunctiva of the eye through contaminated hands.62. ________If the child has coughs, fevers and other symptoms, but he or she didn't go outside nor had contact with infected patients, parents can first monitor the child's temperature and provide home treatment.  How do children wear face masks?63. ________ Parents should also check if their child experiences other discomfort.How to wash children's hands properly?64. ________If they are going out and can't readily wash their hands with running water, always carry paper towels and the alcohol­based hand sanitizer.65. ________If you must go out, wear a face mask, drive yourself and try not to use public transportation.
A. Under what kind of situation do children need to go to hospital?
B. How to protect children from the virus when you are going out?
C. Use the alcoholbased hand sanitizer(洗手液).
D. They may also be infected by contact transmission.
E. Mothers should take personal protection.
F. When children wear masks, parents should always pay attention to whether the child has breathing difficulties.
十、根据句意及汉语或英语提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共5分)66. Could you get me an ________(介绍)to your friend?67. —The plan for the summer study trip may be ________(cancel).—Really? I'm looking forward to it.68. Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them __________(明智地).69. Our teachers get many ________ (明信片) on Teachers' Day.70. —Cindy, what kind of restaurant do you like?—I ________ (更喜欢)  restaurants that can provide customers with free WiFi.十一、根据汉语意思完成句子。(每小题1分,共5分)71. 离开房间之前,请将你的电脑关闭。Please ______________  your computer before leaving the room.72. 我们习近平总书记是一位了不起的领导,我们中国人都很钦佩他。Our president, Xi Jinping is a great leader. We Chinese all ______________ him.73. 使我们吃惊的是,黄冈近几年发生了很大变化。To our surprise, great changes ______________  in Huanggang in the past few years. 74. 同你的老师顶嘴是不礼貌的。It is impolite ______________  your teachers.75. 现在在中国只有一个孩子的夫妇可以被允许再生一个孩子。A couple who has only one child can __________  have a second baby in China now.  十二、短文填空。(每小题1分,共5分)在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式。A king had two sons and he asked famous teachers to teach them. After a few 76. ________ (year), the king fell badly ill. So he wanted to choose one of his sons as the next king, but which one would be the right person? He thought it over77. ________ a whole night. At last, he decided78. ________ (test) his sons.One day, he gave a room to each of 79. ________ (they), “You must fill the room completely (完全地) with anything you wish. But there should80. ________ (be) no space left and you can't ask for advice from anyone!”The next day the king 81. ________ (visit) his elder son's room. The room was completely filled with grass. The king felt sorry about it. Then he went to82. ________ other room, but it was closed. His83. ________ (young) son asked him to get in and closed the door again. It was dark everywhere, so the king shouted at him 84. ______ (angry). But suddenly the second son lit a candle and the room was full of light. The king felt very excited and hugged him proudly.He realized: Wisdom (智慧) is more important than simple answers85. ________ are easy to get.十三、书面表达。(20分)你们学校正在以“How to be an excellent middle school student” 为题,举行征文活动。请你根据下面思维导图的提示写一篇英语短文。要求:1. 条理清晰,行文连贯,段落分明,书写规范;2. 词数:不少于80词;3. 标题已给出,不计入总词数。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案第一卷 听力部分听力材料:一、1. M:What can I do for you?W:Yes, please. I want to buy a camera for my sister.2. M:What's the weather like today?W:It's sunny. We can go to play outside.3. W:Is there a bookstore near here?M:Yes, there is. It's on Xixian Road.4. M:What does Bob usually do on weekends?W:He usually plays basketball with his classmates.5. W:Where do you plan to go next summer vacation?M:I will go to Australia to visit my aunt.二、6. Have you ever been to a foreign country?7. How often does Jack play computer games?8. What kind of music does your brother like?9. What does your math teacher look like,Anna?10. Could you please help me take out the rubbish?三、11. M:Did you walk to school this morning?W:No, I took the school bus.12. M:Excuse me. How much is the sweater?W:Fiftyfive dollars each.13. W:Eric, which girl is your friend Cindy?M:The one who is tall and thin.14. M:Can I go to work this afternoon, doctor?W:Better not. You've got a high fever. You need to rest at home.15. M:Has the concert begun?W:Yes, sir. You're 5 minutes late. It began at 6:20.四、Text 1M:I went to the film museum last weekend. Have you ever been there?W:Yes, I have. I went there two weeks ago with my cousins.M:It's really interesting, isn't it? It's a great way to spend a weekend.W:I think so. I love all the old movie cameras there.M:So, what did you do last weekend?W:I camped in the mountains with my parents. We put up a tent and cooked outside.M:That sounds fun. I've never camped.W:You should try it.Text 2M:Hi, Linda. Would you like to go shopping with me after school?W:Yes, I'd love to. But I can't, Mike.M:Why? It's Friday today.W:My parents don't allow me to hang out after school. I must be home by 17:30.M:Do you have a lot of rules at your home?W:Yes, I'm not allowed to watch TV. And I'm not allowed to go out at night on weekdays.M:What do you do at home on weekends?W:I have to do my homework on Saturdays. And on Sundays I have to play the piano.M:Are you allowed to go to the movies with friends on weekends?W:Yes. But I must be back home by 10:00 p. m.M:That's great. Let's go to the movies tomorrow evening. I will call you after dinner, OK?W:OK, See you.M:See you tomorrow.五、  Mrs White is the science teacher of Class Five. Last week she asked the students to recycle some bottles they had used. Most of them did a great job. Jenny painted a glass bottle and put her pencils in it. Lisa has a sweet tooth. So she cleaned a milk bottle and put her candy in it. Mike loves flowers. He cut a big plastic bottle into two parts and planted small plants in them. Great! As for Jack, he cut a hole in a plastic bottle and put some corn in it. He put the bottle outside his house so that the birds could eat it.听力答案:一、1~5:BBCBA  二、6~10:BACCB三、11~15:CCBCB 四、16~20:CACBC五、21~25:CABAC第二卷 笔试部分六、26~30:ABBBC 31~35:ADCBD七、36~40:BDACB 41~45:CCDAD八、A 46~50:CCADB B 51~55:DCADCC 56~60:BADBD九、61~65:DAFCB十、66. introduction 67. cancelled 68. wisely 69. postcards 70. prefer十一、71. turn off /shut off 72. look up to 73. have taken place  74. to talk back to 75. be allowed to十二、76. years 77. for 78. to test 79. them 80. be 81. visited 82. the 83. younger 84. angrily 85. that / which十三、One possible version:As middle school students, it's our duty to be excellent. I think we have lots of things to do.First, we should learn to be honest and thankful. We are supposed to be friendly to others and behave politely in public.Second, we should develop our study interest and we must work hard. At the same time, we should have good study methods, such as listening to the teacher carefully in class and so on.Third, it's helpful to be in good health. We must have enough healthy food instead of junk food. And we should spend at least an hour doing sports every day.If we follow these, we will be excellent.









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