IBM 招聘云原生高级架构师
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IBM 招聘云原生高级架构师
IBM 一直致力于前沿领域的创新工作,在国内云原生领域有着深远的影响力,与 Google、Lyft 等共同开源了 Service Mesh(服务网格)框架 Istio,作为云原生时代下承 Kubernetes、上接 Serverless 架构的重要基础设施层,地位至关重要。后期通过收购 Red Hat,将 Openshift 这个重磅炸弹也纳入旗下,由于此前 Rad Hat 收购了 CoreOS,打通了 Openshift 的奇经八脉,如监控换成了 Prometheus-operator(CoreOS 主导的开源项目),有状态应用的生命周期管理引入 Operator 等等。
为满足项目发展需要,现招聘 Senior Application Architect 一名,需要熟悉 Kubernetes 平台,熟悉 Openshift 更佳,你将负责为客户应用上云提供可靠的解决方案,同时作为有影响力的专家顾问,利用 Openshift 基础架构和平台服务来帮助客户解决业务问题。你将有各种各样的机会和业界大咖合作,待遇优厚,不加班,欢迎大家踊跃投递简历或转发给需要的朋友!
Experience with cloud solutions such as OpenShift and Ansible
Experience with application development or application modernization using Microservices
Knowledge of application architecture (application servers, integration patterns, microservices, JEE, CI / CD, build management etc.)
Knowledge of and experience with PaaS and Kubernetes
Experience with frameworks like SpringBoot, SpringCloud, or similar and JavaScript
Excellent communication skills; ability to communicate with customers on a daily basis in Mandarin and English
Solid project management, analytical, and problem-solving skills
Experience with IaaS
At least 2 years experience in technical consulting and / or cloud advisory
At least 2 years experience in building cloud applications
At least 4 years development experience in Java and other languages
云原生是一种信仰 🤘
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