密西根湖南同乡会定于2023年8月27日,在Farmington Hills Golf Club,举办2023 密西根湖南同乡会Golf outing。赛后将于湘密公馆举行发奖仪式与午餐会。
Date: Sunday, Aug. 27, 2023
Tee-off: 8:00 AM Shot-gun start. Register: 7:00 AM
Golf Course:Farmington Hills Golf Club, 37777 Eleven Mile Ct, Farmington Hills, MI 48335. Phone: (248) 473-1866
Format: Four-Some Scramble. The organization committee reserves the right for grouping to make the game fun and fair.
Tees: Men: Blue Tees. Ladies: Red Tees.
Fees: Outing only: $60 per person (golf cart included).
Outing + Lunch ceremony with prizes: $100 per person.
Lunch ceremony only: $60 per person (eligible for raffle prizes). Lunch restaurant: Shiang MI 湘密公馆.
Payment: quick pay (Zelle) to: Wangxing Li, wallywli@gmail.com or 248.885.9374. Please add to notes your registration name and MHFG Golf 2023.
Registration Deadline – August 15, 2023. The seats are limited. First come first serve. 72 players maximum.
Refund:fully refundable on or before August 15, 2023. NO REFUND after August 15, 2023. You’ll have to find your own sub-player for both golf and dinner (if you registered for both).
Awards: 1st, 2nd place of each Flight group. Encouragement awards for the second from the last team of each Flight group. The names of the individual players of the 1st place Flight A team will be engraved to the MHFG Trophy.
Flight A and B:
According to the final score (stroke from low to high), all groups will be divided into Flight A and Flight B. If total team number is an even number, then the first half of the teams are Flight A, the second half of the teams are Flight B. If total team number is an odd number, then Flight B will have one team more than Flight A.
Longest Drive and closest to pin for both Men and ladies.
Many prizes for drawing from sponsors and donations.
Award Ceremony: Shiang Mi湘密公馆, 31519 W 13 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334. Tel: 248-579-9898.
Sponsorship levels & benefits:
Sponsors as of now. (Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring)
龙鹰卫视青少年团热忱邀请你的加入 ——— 燃烧激情,点亮梦想,开启成长之旅!
有意合作请添加龙鹰卫视小助手或发邮件至: info@dragoneagletv.com