

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24


Research Policy是由美国苏塞克斯大学于1971年创办,是国际科技政策领域公认的交流思想和平台的专业化权威期刊,能够在很大程度上反映科技政策领域的研究现状和发展趋势。期刊被SSCI收录,影响因子8.11。

本期期卷:Volume 51 Issue 5

发表日期:June 2022




目     录


Modular structure in labour networks reveals skill basins


Neave O’Clery, Stephen Kinsella


Can direct innovation subsidies relax SMEs’ financial constraints?


Raphaël Chiappini, Benjamin Montmartin, Sophie Pommet, Samira Demaria


New market creation through exaptation: The role of the founding team's prior professional experience


Fakher Omezzine, Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas


Profiting from digital innovation: Patents, copyright and performance


Kevin J. Boudreau, Lars Bo Jeppesen, Milan Miric


Effects of catch-up and incumbent firms’ SEP strategic manoeuvres


Dong-hyu Kim


Catching up with the market leader: Does it pay to rapidly imitate its innovations?


Claudio Giachetti, Stefano Li Pira


Participation in setting technology standards and the implied cost of equity


Xin Deng, Qian Cher Li, Simona Mateut


The ability of European regions to diversify in renewable energies: The role of technological relatedness


Rosina Moreno, Diego Ocampo-Corrales


Capturing information on global knowledge flows from patent transfers: An empirical study using USPTO patents


Weiwei Liu, Yuan Tao, Kexin Bi


We are in it together: Communitarianism and the performance-innovation relationship


Matthias Ploeg, Joris Knoben, Patrick Vermeulen


The diffusion of scientific discoveries in government laboratories: The role of patents filed by government scientists


Seungryul Ryan Shin, Jisoo Lee, Yura Rosemary Jung, Junseok Hwang


Towards privatized social and employment protections in the platform economy? Evidence from the UK courier sector


Steven Rolf, Jacqueline O'Reilly, Marc Meryon


The role of data for AI startup growth

数据对 AI 初创企业成长的作用

James Bessen, Stephen Michael Impink, Lydia Reichensperger, Robert Seamans


Modular structure in labour networks reveals skill basins


Neave O’Clery, Stephen Kinsella


There is an emerging consensus in the literature that locally embedded capabilities and industrial know-how are key determinants of growth and diversification processes. In order to model these dynamics as a branching process, whereby industries grow as a function of the availability of related or relevant skills, industry networks are typically employed. These networks, sometimes referred to as industry spaces, describe the complex structure of the capability or skill overlap between industry pairs, measured here via inter-industry labour flows. Existing models typically deploy a local or ‘nearest neighbour’ approach to capture the size of the labour pool available to an industry in related sectors. This approach, however, ignores higher order interactions in the network, and the presence of industry clusters or groups of industries which exhibit high internal skill overlap. We argue that these clusters represent skill basins in which workers circulate and diffuse knowledge, and delineate the size of the skilled labour force available to an industry. By applying a multi-scale community detection algorithm to this network of flows, we identify industry clusters on a range of scales, from many small clusters to few large groupings. We construct a new variable, cluster employment, which captures the workforce available to an industry within its own cluster. Using UK data we show that this variable is predictive of industry-city employment growth and, exploiting the multi-scale nature of the industrial clusters detected, propose a methodology to uncover the optimal scale at which labour pooling operates.

摘 要



Can direct innovation subsidies relax SMEs’ financial constraints?


Raphaël Chiappini, Benjamin Montmartin, Sophie Pommet, Samira Demaria


Financial constraints hamper the ability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to undertake innovative activities, which, in turn, affects countries’ long-term growth. Therefore, promoting access to external funding for SMEs represents an important challenge for policymakers. This paper investigates whether innovation subsidies, provided by France's public investment bank to French SMEs, have translated into better access to both debt and equity financing by means of a certification effect. We exploit a unique database that collates the innovation subsidies received by French firms over the 2000-2014 period to construct a quasi-natural experiment and evaluate the causal impact of these subsidies on financial constraints for SMEs. We find a significant improvement in access to bank financing for subsidized firms, but the effect is heterogeneous and mainly concentrated on micro and small firms that have been operating for around six years. In contrast, we do not find any significant improvement in access to equity financing. We demonstrate that this last result is partly explained by a substitution effect between bank debt and equity financing.

摘 要

资金限制阻碍了中小型企业 (SME) 开展创新活动的能力,进而影响国家的长期增长。因此,促进中小企业获得外部资金是政策制定者面临的一项重要挑战。本文调查了法国公共投资银行向法国中小企业提供的创新补贴是否通过认证效应转化为更好地获得债务和股权融资。我们利用一个独特的数据库来整理法国公司在 2000-2014 年期间收到的创新补贴,以构建一个准自然实验,并评估这些补贴对中小企业财务约束的因果影响。我们发现获得补贴的公司获得银行融资的机会显着改善,但影响是异质的,主要集中在经营了大约六年的微型和小型企业。相比之下,我们没有发现在获得股权融资方面有任何显着改善。我们证明了最后一个结果可以部分解释为银行债务和股权融资之间的替代效应。


New market creation through exaptation: The role of the founding team's prior professional experience


Fakher Omezzine, Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas


This paper focuses on the creation of new markets through technological exaptation i.e. the repurposing of existing technologies to serve new functions in a different market domain. We conceptualize the ability of new ventures to create new market applications for existing technologies as dependent on the knowledge, skills, and cognitive frames developed by the founding teams’ members during their professional careers. Specifically, we hypothesize that the extent of the founding team's employment experience across different organizations influences the probability that the new venture will create a new market through technological exaptation. We also explain why experience in entrepreneurially prominent organizations changes this relationship at various levels of prior employment experience. We test our arguments using data on blockchain startups (and their founders/co-founders) in the worldwide energy sector established between 2010 and 2019. The results show that the likelihood that a new venture develops a new market application for blockchain technology in the energy sector is associated with the professional experience of the founding team members. We discuss the implications of these findings.

摘 要

本文侧重于通过技术扩展来创造新市场,即重新利用现有技术以服务于不同市场领域的新功能。我们将新企业为现有技术创造新市场应用的能力概念化为依赖于创始团队成员在其职业生涯中开发的知识、技能和认知框架。具体来说,我们假设创始团队在不同组织的就业经验程度会影响新企业通过技术扩展创造新市场的可能性。我们还解释了为什么在具有企业家精神的杰出组织中的经验会在不同级别的先前就业经验中改变这种关系。我们使用 2010 年至 2019 年间在全球能源领域建立的区块链初创公司(及其创始人/联合创始人)的数据来测试我们的论点。结果表明,新企业开发区块链技术在能源领域的新市场应用的可能性部门与创始团队成员的专业经验有关。我们讨论了这些发现的含义。


Profiting from digital innovation: Patents, copyright and performance


Kevin J. Boudreau, Lars Bo Jeppesen, Milan Miric


It is yet unclear whether patents and copyright are effective at protecting digital innovations. In this paper, we investigate this question using novel product-level data on mobile apps, in which we relate the use of both patents and copyright to (i) revenue performance and (ii) IP licensing. We theorize that these relationships depend on differences in product-level characteristics and that apps differentiated by their design are more likely and effectively to be protected by patents; apps combining elements of differentiated content are more likely and effectively protected by copyright. Our results support these predictions that product characteristics shape the appropriate contingent use of patent and copyright protection in digital products. These patterns are especially relevant to industries where digital products combine elements of differentiated design and differentiated digital content.

摘 要

目前尚不清楚专利和版权是否能有效保护数字创新。在本文中,我们使用移动应用程序上的新产品级数据来研究这个问题,其中我们将专利和版权的使用与 (i) 收入表现和 (ii) 知识产权许可联系起来。我们推测,这些关系取决于产品级别特征的差异,并且设计差异化的应用程序更有可能和更有效地受到专利保护;结合差异化内容元素的应用程序更有可能受到版权的有效保护。我们的结果支持这些预测,即产品特性决定了数字产品中专利和版权保护的适当或有使用情况。


Effects of catch-up and incumbent firms’ SEP strategic manoeuvres


Dong-hyu Kim


This paper investigates the effects of standard-essential patents (SEPs) to identify strategic differences between firms in advanced countries and those in latecomer countries. By comparing the SEP data-sets of incumbent and catch-up groups of the top 10 SEP firms, this paper has discovered the following four main findings. First, SEP strategic manoeuvres work as an effective way of expanding the sphere of catch-up firms’ influence. Particularly after passing a certain threshold, catch-up firms’ technological influence increases in an exponential manner. Second, for incumbent firms, SEP strategic manoeuvres serve as a catalyst to deepen the development of self-reliant trajectories embodied in the history and future of standards. Third, catch-up firms have specialised in short cycle technologies for self-reinforcing capability. Fourth, the effects of SEP strategic manoeuvres and international protection size on the likelihood of SEP litigation are greater for catch-up firms than for incumbent firms. These findings highlight the dual role of standards-setting organisations (SSOs) for catch-up firms (i.e., knowledge-learning and knowledge-diffusion spaces). For incumbent firms, these findings stress the importance of establishing reinforcing mechanisms to align long-standing self-reliant knowledge paths with the direction of anticipatory standardisation. This discovery provides strategic insights within the context of post catch-up strategy.

摘 要

本文研究了标准必要专利 (SEP) 对识别发达国家公司与后发国家公司之间战略差异的影响。通过比较前 10 家 SEP 公司的在职和追赶群体的 SEP 数据集,本文发现了以下四个主要发现。首先,标准必要专利策略是扩大追赶企业影响范围的有效途径。特别是在超过一定门槛后,追赶企业的技术影响力呈指数级增长。其次,对于现有公司而言,SEP 战略策略是深化标准历史和未来所体现的自力更生轨迹发展的催化剂。第三,追赶型公司专门研究短周期技术以提高自我增强能力。第四,标准必要专利战略策略和国际保护规模对标准必要专利诉讼可能性的影响对于追赶型公司来说比现有公司更大。这些发现突出了标准制定组织 (SSO) 对追赶企业的双重作用(即知识学习和知识传播空间)。对于现有公司而言,这些发现强调了建立强化机制以使长期自力更生的知识路径与预期标准化方向保持一致的重要性。这一发现在后追赶战略的背景下提供了战略见解。这些发现突出了标准制定组织 (SSO) 对追赶企业的双重作用(即知识学习和知识传播空间)。对于现有公司而言,这些发现强调了建立强化机制以使长期自力更生的知识路径与预期标准化方向保持一致的重要性。这一发现在后追赶战略的背景下提供了战略见解。这些发现突出了标准制定组织 (SSO) 对追赶企业的双重作用(即知识学习和知识传播空间)。对于现有公司而言,这些发现强调了建立强化机制以使长期自力更生的知识路径与预期标准化方向保持一致的重要性。这一发现在后追赶战略的背景下提供了战略见解。


Catching up with the market leader: Does it pay to rapidly imitate its innovations?


Claudio Giachetti, Stefano Li Pira


In this study we attempt to shed more light on the relationship between speed of new technology imitation and the sales performance of the imitator compared to the innovator, with a particular focus on the performance outcomes resulting from the rapid imitation of technologies introduced by the market leader. Using data on handset technologies mounted on more than 600 devices introduced to the UK market by 14 mobile phone vendors operating from 1997 to 2008, we study hundreds of imitative actions to test hypotheses on the extent to which an imitator can catch up (i.e., reduce the market share gap) with the market leader by rapidly imitating its innovations. First, we show that gaining advantage by rapidly imitating a technology pioneer is contingent on whether the pioneer is the market leader or a non-leader rival. Second, we find that the risks of rapid imitation of the market leader's technologies are mitigated when industry clockspeed is high, i.e., during a period of fast innovation and imitation cycles in an industry, resulting in rapid variations in product design. Third, we observe that the degree of competitive responsiveness of the technology pioneer when its innovations are imitated represents an important mechanism that can explain why speed of imitation may affect how an imitator can improve its market share gains relative to the pioneer. This paper advances competitive dynamics and imitation as predictive theories of how rapid imitators might catch up with market leaders in technology-intensive industries.

摘 要

在这项研究中,我们试图更多地阐明新技术模仿速度之间的关系。以及模仿者与创新者相比的销售业绩,特别关注快速模仿市场领导者引入的技术所产生的业绩成果。利用 1997 年至 2008 年间 14 家移动电话供应商向英国市场推出的 600 多种设备上安装的手机技术数据,我们研究了数百种模仿行为,以检验模仿者能够追赶的程度(即减少市场份额差距)通过快速模仿市场领导者的创新。首先,我们表明,通过快速模仿技术先驱来获得优势取决于该先驱是市场领先者还是非领先竞争对手。其次,我们发现当行业时钟速度较高时,快速模仿市场领导者技术的风险会降低,即,在一个行业的快速创新和模仿周期期间,导致产品设计的快速变化。第三,我们观察到技术先驱者在其创新被模仿时的竞争反应程度代表了一个重要的机制,可以解释为什么模仿速度可能会影响模仿者如何提高其相对于先驱者的市场份额收益。本文将竞争动态和模仿作为预测理论来预测快速模仿者如何赶上技术密集型行业的市场领导者。我们观察到,技术先驱者在其创新被模仿时的竞争反应程度代表了一个重要的机制,可以解释为什么模仿速度可能会影响模仿者如何提高其相对于先驱者的市场份额收益。本文将竞争动态和模仿作为预测理论来预测快速模仿者如何赶上技术密集型行业的市场领导者。我们观察到,技术先驱者在其创新被模仿时的竞争反应程度代表了一个重要的机制,可以解释为什么模仿速度可能会影响模仿者如何提高其相对于先驱者的市场份额收益。本文将竞争动态和模仿作为预测理论来预测快速模仿者如何赶上技术密集型行业的市场领导者。


Participation in setting technology standards and the implied cost of equity


Xin Deng, Qian Cher Li, Simona Mateut


This study empirically investigates the financial market's reaction to firms’ participation in standard setting organizations (SSOs) in terms of firms’ implied cost of equity capital – the discount rate applied by investors to a firm's expected future cash flows. Our analysis utilizes a panel of 3350 US public firms and their membership of 183 SSOs operating in a range of technology domains between 1996 and 2014. It shows a significantly lower cost of equity for SSO participants. We then empirically document a causal link between SSO membership and a firm's cost of equity, by exploiting exogenous variations in membership count linked to SSO closures and an instrumental variable measuring SSO availability. Our results underscore the important role of SSO membership in mitigating the perceived riskiness of a firm, particularly when it faces high degrees of technological uncertainty, product-market uncertainty, and information asymmetry.

摘 要

本研究根据公司的隐含股权资本成本——投资者对公司预期未来现金流量应用的贴现率,实证调查了金融市场对公司参与标准制定组织 (SSO) 的反应。我们的分析利用了 1996 年至 2014 年间在一系列技术领域运营的 3350 家美国上市公司及其成员的 183 个 SSO。它显示 SSO 参与者的股权成本显着降低。然后,我们通过利用与 SSO 关闭相关的成员数量的外生变化和衡量 SSO 可用性的工具变量,凭经验记录 SSO 成员资格与公司股权成本之间的因果关系。我们的结果强调了 SSO 成员在减轻公司感知风险方面的重要作用。


The ability of European regions to diversify in renewable energies: The role of technological relatedness


Rosina Moreno, Diego Ocampo-Corrales


Despite the global consensus about the growing significance of renewables, the regional drivers of innovation in these unique and novel technologies have been widely neglected in the literature. In this paper, we show that renewable energy (RE) inventions differ from other green inventions in the knowledge recombination processes leading to their generation as well as in their impact on subsequent inventions. The evidence on these specificities of RE technologies allows us hypothesizing that regional branching in renewables may rely on relatedness differently than other non-RE green technologies. In checking this hypothesis, we use a data set spanning the period 1981-2015 covering 277 European NUTS2 regions in the EU28 countries plus Norway. We obtain that relatedness is highly relevant in explaining regional specialization in RE, and more relevant than for other green technologies, which we associate to the lower generality in their impact and the narrower scope of the knowledge from which they nurture. This conclusion is maintained when considering separately regions with high and low development levels. However, the impact of relatedness increases for RE as the regional economic development decreases, signalling that a low endowment of resources and capabilities does not allow the region to break from its past technological specialization, depending more on relatedness. This would not be the case for other green technologies, probably due to their higher level of generality and wider scope.

摘 要

尽管全球就可再生能源的重要性达成共识,但这些独特和新颖技术的区域创新驱动因素在文献中被广泛忽视。在本文中,我们展示了可再生能源 (RE) 发明在导致其产生的知识重组过程以及它们对后续发明的影响方面不同于其他绿色发明。可再生能源技术的这些特殊性的证据使我们能够假设可再生能源的区域分支可能依赖于与其他非可再生能源绿色技术不同的相关性。在检验这一假设时,我们使用了一个跨越 1981-2015 年的数据集,涵盖了欧盟 28 个国家和挪威的 277 个欧洲 NUTS2 地区。我们发现相关性在解释 RE 的区域专业化方面高度相关,并且比其他绿色技术更相关,我们认为它们的影响普遍性较低,它们所培养的知识范围较窄。在分别考虑发展水平高和低的区域时,这一结论得到了维持。然而,随着区域经济发展的下降,相关性对可再生能源的影响增加,这表明资源和能力的低禀赋不允许该地区摆脱过去的技术专业化,更多地依赖于相关性。对于其他绿色技术而言,情况并非如此,这可能是由于它们具有更高的通用性和更广泛的范围。在分别考虑发展水平高和低的区域时,这一结论得到了维持。然而,随着区域经济发展的下降,相关性对可再生能源的影响增加,这表明资源和能力的低禀赋不允许该地区摆脱过去的技术专业化,更多地依赖于相关性。对于其他绿色技术而言,情况并非如此,这可能是由于它们具有更高的通用性和更广泛的范围。在分别考虑发展水平高和低的区域时,这一结论得到了维持。然而,随着区域经济发展的下降,相关性对可再生能源的影响增加,这表明资源和能力的低禀赋不允许该地区摆脱过去的技术专业化,更多地依赖于相关性。对于其他绿色技术而言,情况并非如此,这可能是由于它们具有更高的通用性和更广泛的范围。


Capturing information on global knowledge flows from patent transfers: An empirical study using USPTO patents


Weiwei Liu, Yuan Tao, Kexin Bi


In the global open innovation environment, one of the main characteristics of the knowledge-based economy is to pay more attention to the importance of global knowledge flows. This paper investigates global knowledge flows from the perspective of patent transfers, which can not only reflect the patents' economic value but also explore explicit and tacit knowledge flows comprehensively. This paper begins with the premise that global knowledge flows include the internal absorption of knowledge (IAK), knowledge outflows (KOFs) and knowledge inflows (KIFs) based on a dataset derived from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) during 2002 and 2016. Then, a global knowledge flow network is constructed by integrating patent transfer analysis and social network analysis. Our results show that more and more inventors and assignees are involved in the global knowledge flow network, China and India's ranking in the list of knowledge creators and users rises rapidly, cross-border knowledge flows will become a new trend; the rapid development of G06F (electric digital data processing), H04L (transmission of digital information) and other technological fields has accelerated the global knowledge flows; at present, the United States is the largest net knowledge inflow participant, the United Kingdom is the largest net knowledge outflow participant; the characteristics of a small-world effect in the cross-border knowledge flow network composed of 35 major participants become increasingly obvious. Our findings have clear policy implications. Establishing a global knowledge flow network is needed in order to promote global knowledge transfers, absorption and sharing.

摘 要



We are in it together: Communitarianism and the performance-innovation relationship


Matthias Ploeg, Joris Knoben, Patrick Vermeulen


The relationship between firm performance and innovation behavior has been widely studied, yet theoretical and empirical findings still widely diverge. We investigate this inconsistency through the lens of informal institutions, specifically communitarianism, the degee to which group goals are considered more important than individual goals. We do this through an analysis of a firm-level dataset covering 31,860 firms across 56 countries. We find evidence for a ‘cushion effect’, where firms in highly communitarian settings benefit from informal insurance in order to engage in innovation activity when their performance is below their aspirational value. Firms experiencing performance above aspirational value are also more likely to engage in innovation activity in highly communitarian settings due to a ‘pay-it-forward’ mechanism, using innovation activities to contribute to community challenges. Both effects are conditional on firms being sufficiently embedded in their direct business environment. We discuss the direct and wider implications for the literature on performance-innovation behavior and provide guidance for policy makers and practitioners.

摘 要

企业绩效与创新行为之间的关系已被广泛研究,但理论和实证结果仍然存在很大差异。我们通过非正式制度的视角来调查这种不一致,特别是社群主义,群体目标被认为比个人目标更重要的程度。我们通过分析涵盖 56 个国家/地区的 31,860 家公司的公司级数据集来做到这一点。我们发现了“缓冲效应”的证据,即高度社区化环境中的公司从非正式保险中受益,以便在业绩低于其理想价值时参与创新活动。由于“预付费用”机制,业绩超过理想价值的公司也更有可能在高度社区化的环境中从事创新活动,利用创新活动为社区挑战做出贡献。这两种影响都以公司充分融入其直接商业环境为条件。我们讨论了对绩效创新行为文献的直接和更广泛的影响,并为政策制定者和从业者提供指导。


The diffusion of scientific discoveries in government laboratories: The role of patents filed by government scientists


Seungryul Ryan Shin, Jisoo Lee, Yura Rosemary Jung, Junseok Hwang


The study examines the role of a patent filed by government scientists in regard to the dissemination of scientific discoveries in government laboratories. While a patent filed by government scientists decreases the rate of follow-on patents in a technological area that overlaps with the areas of the focal patent, it increases the rate of follow-on patents in non-overlapping technological areas. The increase in follow-on inventions is attributed to risk-taking inventions, that is, inventions involve a high chance of resulting in either impactful or failure patents, rather than incremental inventions. It is also characterized by inventions with a high level of originality. Inventors in distant locations in terms of geographical and technological proximity are most affected by the patents filed by government scientists. The patent effect is pronounced when the government scientists involved in the focal discovery have fewer social connections and when the scientific field is less familiar in the industry. These findings are consistent with the idea that patenting by government scientists helps facilitate the dissemination of technological information or potential of scientific discoveries in government laboratories. Policy and managerial implications are also discussed.

摘 要



Towards privatized social and employment protections in the platform economy? Evidence from the UK courier sector


Steven Rolf, Jacqueline O'Reilly, Marc Meryon


Platform capitalism has facilitated the widespread replacement of employment contracts with contracts for services. These offer significantly fewer social and employment protections for the independent contractors engaged. What does this mean for the future of national social and employment protection (SEPs) systems? We show how the question of platform workers’ employment status – and therefore access to SEPs – remain unresolved under UK law. Drawing on socio-legal theory, we demonstrate why digital labor platforms represent a challenge to existing modes of employment law and labor market regulation. In the absence of immediate legal ‘fixes’, some unions and firms are innovating new ‘privatized social protection systems’. A ‘Self-Employed Plus’ (SE+) agreement in the UK parcel courier sector developed between Hermes, a UK-based courier service, and the GMB union represents an important example of such attempts being made to bridge the current regulatory void. We critically analyze the agreement and draw lessons for platform governance theory. We demonstrate that privatized SE+ provisions potentially offer significant benefits for platforms by reducing regulatory oversight, boosting productivity, and enhancing managerial control over platform complementors. At the same time, while they risk undermining national SEP systems and degrading worker protections, they also offer a window of opportunity for trade unions to gain a foothold in the platform economy.

摘 要

平台资本主义促进了用服务合同广泛替代雇佣合同。这些为参与的独立承包商提供的社会和就业保护要少得多。这对国家社会和就业保护 (SEP) 系统的未来意味着什么?我们展示了平台工人的就业状况问题——以及因此获得标准必要专利的问题——如何在英国法律下仍未得到解决。利用社会法律理论,我们证明了为什么数字劳动力平台对现有的就业法和劳动力市场监管模式构成挑战。在没有立即的法律“修复”的情况下,一些工会和公司正在创新新的“私有化社会保护体系”。总部位于英国的快递服务公司 Hermes 与 GMB 工会代表了为弥合当前监管空白而进行的此类尝试的重要示例。我们批判性地分析协议并吸取平台治理理论的教训。我们证明私有化的 SE+ 条款可能通过减少监管监督、提高生产力和加强对平台补充者的管理控制为平台提供显着的好处。同时,虽然它们有可能破坏国家标准必要专利制度和损害工人保护,但它们也为工会提供了在平台经济中站稳脚跟的机会之窗。我们证明私有化的 SE+ 条款可能通过减少监管监督、提高生产力和加强对平台补充者的管理控制为平台提供显着的好处。同时,虽然它们有可能破坏国家标准必要专利制度和损害工人保护,但它们也为工会提供了在平台经济中站稳脚跟的机会之窗。我们证明私有化的 SE+ 条款可能通过减少监管监督、提高生产力和加强对平台补充者的管理控制为平台提供显着的好处。同时,虽然它们有可能破坏国家标准必要专利制度和损害工人保护,但它们也为工会提供了在平台经济中站稳脚跟的机会之窗。


The role of data for AI startup growth

数据对 AI 初创企业成长的作用

James Bessen, Stephen Michael Impink, Lydia Reichensperger, Robert Seamans


Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled products are expected to drive economic growth. Training data are important for firms developing AI-enabled products; without training data, firms cannot develop or refine their algorithms. This is particularly the case for AI startups developing new algorithms and products. However, there is no consensus in the literature on which aspects of training data are most important. Using unique survey data of AI startups, we find a positive correlation between having proprietary training data and obtaining future venture capital funding. Moreover, this correlation is greater for startups in markets where data is a major advantage and for startups using more sophisticated algorithms, such as neural networks and ensemble learning.

摘 要

预计支持人工智能 (AI) 的产品将推动经济增长。训练数据对于开发支持人工智能的产品的公司很重要;没有训练数据,公司就无法开发或改进他们的算法。对于开发新算法和产品的人工智能初创公司来说尤其如此。然而,文献中没有关于训练数据的哪些方面最重要的共识。使用 AI 初创公司的独特调查数据,我们发现拥有专有培训数据与获得未来风险投资资金之间存在正相关关系。此外,对于数据是主要优势的市场中的初创公司以及使用更复杂算法(例如神经网络和集成学习)的初创公司而言,这种相关性更大。
















中国科学院青藏高原研究所招聘客座研究生 / 遥感科研助理








