

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24



本期期卷:Volume 82-Issue 1

发表日期:May 2022




目     录


When is Environmentalism Good for the Environment?


Marco A. Marini, Ornella Tarola, Jacques-François Thisse 

关键词:Environmentalism; Psychic costs and benefits; Vertical product differentiation; Environmental policy


Tradeable Nitrogen Abatement Practices for Diffuse Agricultural Emissions: A ‘Smart Market’ Approach


Syezlin Hasan, Line Block Hansen, James C. R. Smart, Berit Hasler, Mette Termansen 

关键词:Land use; Diffuse pollution; Leaching; Linear programming; Simulations; Water Framework Directive; Water quality trading


Does Decentralized and Voluntary Commitment Reduce Deforestation? The Effects of Programa Municípios Verdes


Maria Alice Moz-Christofoletti, Paula Carvalho Pereda, Wesley Campanharo 

关键词:Regression discontinuity design; Policy evaluation; Deforestation; High-resolution spatial panel


The Role of Search Frictions and Trading Ratios in Tradable Permit Markets


Mani Rouhi Rad, Taro Mieno, Nicholas Brozović 

关键词:Tradable permit markets; Search frictions; Transaction costs; Water markets; groundwater


Understanding the Heterogeneity in the Effect of Driving Restriction Policies on Air Quality: Evidence from Chinese Cities


Wenbo Meng

关键词:Driving restriction policy; Air pollution; Heterogeneous policy effects; Endogeneity; Transportation policy; Environmental regulation


The Resilience of FDI to Natural Disasters Through Industrial Linkages


Hayato Kato, Toshihiro Okubo

关键词:Foreign direct investment (FDI); Multinational enterprises (MNEs); Input–output linkages; Supply chain disruptions; Multiple equilibria


Permit Markets with Political and Market Distortions


Alex Dickson, Ian A. MacKenzie

关键词:Pollution market; Market power; Rent seeking


Information, Consequentiality and Credibility in Stated Preference Surveys: A Choice Experiment on Climate Adaptation


Malte Welling, Ewa Zawojska, Julian Sagebiel 

关键词:Environmental valuation; Information effects; Survey consequentiality; Scenario credibility; Urban ecosystem services; Hybrid choice model


When is Environmentalism Good for the Environment?


Marco A. Marini, Ornella Tarola, Jacques-François Thisse 


We study how the supply of environmentalism, which is defined by psychic benefits (costs) associated with the purchase of high-environmental (low-environmental) qualities, affects the way firms choose their prices and products and the ensuing consequences for the global level of pollution. Contrary to general belief, a high supply of environmentalism does not necessarily give rise to a better environmental outcome because it endows the green firms with more market power which they use to charge higher prices. Nonetheless, environmentalism can be used to effectively complement more traditional policy instruments such as a minimum environmental standard

摘 要



Tradeable Nitrogen Abatement Practices for Diffuse Agricultural Emissions: A ‘Smart Market’ Approach


Syezlin Hasan, Line Block Hansen, James C. R. Smart, Berit Hasler, Mette Termansen 


Markets in pollution permits for managing environmental quality have been advocated by economists since early 1970s as a mechanism that can deliver pollution reduction targets at lower cost to regulated entities than traditional uniform command-and control approaches. This study explores whether a ‘smart market’ cap-and-trade scheme between non-point sources can offer meaningful, robust and policy amenable, advantages over alternative approaches for nitrogen management in a realistic setting: 6504 individual farms in Limfjorden catchment, Denmark. The scheme involves multilateral trading of nitrogen emission rights among farms via changes in agricultural land management practices under a catchment-level cap on total nitrogen load. In this, the first exploration of non-point to non-point smart market nitrogen trading in a real setting, we estimate efficiency gains compared to uniform command-and-control regulation, explore the robustness of these gains in the face of non-participation, and reflect on farmers’ potential acceptance of the trading market in comparison with its command-and-control analog: spatially-targeted regulation, implemented via location-specific limits on nitrogen leaching. Results indicate that the smart market has the potential to substantially reduce the cost of meeting the catchment’s nitrogen reduction target. For a 21.5% reduction from baseline nitrogen load, the market delivers cost savings of 56% (DKK273 million, €36.6 million) compared to uniform regulation, with participating farms realising a mean net benefit of DKK 723/ha (€ 97/ha). Market performance is relatively robust against transaction cost; when delivering a 21.5% reduction in nitrogen load to Limfjorden, approximately 70% of the overall efficiency gain could be retained if only 24% of farms engaged with the market.

摘 要

自1970年代初以来,经济学家一直主张将污染许可证市场用于管理环境质量,作为一种机制,可以比传统的统一命令和控制方法以更低的成本向受监管实体提供污染减排目标。本研究探讨了非点源之间的“智能市场”限额与交易计划是否可以在现实环境中提供有意义,稳健和政策适应性的优势,而不是替代方法:丹麦Limfjorden集水区的6504个个体农场。该计划涉及在总氮负荷集水区上限下改变农业用地管理实践,在农场之间进行氮排放权的多边交易。在这次对非点对点智能市场氮交易的首次探索中,我们估计了与统一的命令和控制监管相比的效率收益,探讨了这些收益在面对不参与的情况下的稳健性,并反映了农民对其命令和控制类比的潜在接受交易市场:空间目标监管,通过特定地点的氮浸出限制来实现。结果表明,智能市场有可能大幅降低实现集水区氮减排目标的成本。与基准氮负荷相比,市场可减少 21.5% 的成本(2.73 亿丹麦克朗,3660 万欧元),与统一监管相比,参与农场实现了 723 丹麦克朗/公顷(97 欧元/公顷)的平均净收益。市场表现相对于交易成本相对强劲;当向Limfjorden提供21.5%的氮负荷减少时,如果只有24%的农场参与市场,则可以保留约70%的整体效率增益。


Does Decentralized and Voluntary Commitment Reduce Deforestation? The Effects of Programa Municípios Verdes


Maria Alice Moz-Christofoletti, Paula Carvalho Pereda, Wesley Campanharo 


One-third of total CO2 emissions from deforestation in the 2000s took place in the Amazon region, in Brazil. This paper examines the effectiveness of a locally-led policy—the Green Municipalities Programme—in curbing illegal deforestation in the Pará state, part of the legal Amazon. We combine a regression discontinuity (RD) design and a 10-year high-resolution spatial dataset (1,781,122 pixels covering 162,242 km2) to evaluate the programme’s impact. Evidence suggests that municipalities reduced deforestation only 4 years after joining the programme at about 0.01 km2 within the optional bandwidth (10 km). The effect comes mainly from municipalities traditionally with lower deforestation rates. This effect represents avoidance of 0.02 MtCO2/year released to the atmosphere, or USD 1.7 million per year of avoided damage. Since Brazil has committed through its NDC to eliminate deforestation in the Amazon by 2030, decentralized programmes focusing on indirect benefits appear to be effective only in the long run, serving as a “bonus” to support regions with relatively higher levels of forest cover

摘 要

一氧化碳总量的三分之一22000年代森林砍伐的排放发生在巴西的亚马逊地区。本文探讨了当地主导的政策——绿色市政计划——在遏制帕拉州非法砍伐森林方面的有效性,帕拉州是合法亚马逊的一部分。我们将回归不连续性 (RD) 设计和 10 年期高分辨率空间数据集(1,781,122 像素,覆盖 162,242 km)相结合2)来评估该方案的影响。有证据表明,市政当局在加入该计划后仅4年就减少了约0.01公里的森林砍伐。2在可选带宽(10 km)内。这种影响主要来自传统上森林砍伐率较低的城市。这一效应表示避免了0.02 MtCO2每年释放到大气中,或每年避免170万美元的损害。由于巴西通过其NDC承诺到2030年消除亚马逊地区的森林砍伐,因此,从长远来看,以间接利益为重点的权力下放计划似乎只有在长期内才有效,作为支持森林覆盖率相对较高的地区的“奖励”。


The Role of Search Frictions and Trading Ratios in Tradable Permit Markets


Mani Rouhi Rad, Taro Mieno, Nicholas Brozović 


Search frictions, defined as the costs of finding trading partners, are a common feature of most permit markets. In these markets prices are not publicly available, buyers and sellers need to find their trading partners, trades often take place bilaterally, and there is often no central market-clearing mechanism. In this paper, we study the search and trading decisions of participants in a permit market with search frictions. We build an analytical model of the trading decision in a market with search frictions and show that individuals set a reservation price and an optimal search effort. The model shows that in the presence of search frictions, those who intend to trade (buy or sell) greater quantities search more. This trading behavior is not expected in a market without search frictions. Furthermore, we show that trading ratios affect the probability of trades taking place. We test the predictions of the model using a unique dataset of trades from a groundwater market with trading ratios that was designed to reduce a spatially explicit externality. We find that search frictions are significant so that buyers or sellers who trade greater quantities search more. Furthermore, we show that while the trading ratio system provides incentives to participants to reduce the spatial externality, search frictions reduces the effectiveness of the market by affecting the pool of potential trading partners for participants in the market.

摘 要



Understanding the Heterogeneity in the Effect of Driving Restriction Policies on Air Quality: Evidence from Chinese Cities


Wenbo Meng


Many cities around the world have adopted driving restriction policies to reduce vehicle emissions. However, evidence on the effectiveness of these policies is mixed. I exploit detailed and comprehensive data on Chinese cities to conduct a large-scale study of the effectiveness of a variety of driving restriction policies in a variety of locations. I estimate the monitor-specific short-run treatment effects of each driving restriction policy using a regression discontinuity in time approach, and the average treatment effect using a panel fixed-effect approach. The regression discontinuity in time estimation results show strong heterogeneity. Among the eight measures of air quality used, CO, NO2, PM2.5, PM10, and AQI respond most to driving restriction policies. The average reduction of CO and NO2 are consistent with back-of-the-envelope calculations for policies that effectively limit vehicle use. Using detailed information on the design of each policy, I show that policy details and pollution concentration are the major factors that affect the actual and estimated effects of driving restriction policies, and also a potential explanation for earlier studies that showed driving restriction policies had little effect.

摘 要

世界上许多城市都采取了驾驶限制政策来减少车辆排放。然而,关于这些政策有效性的证据好坏参半。我利用有关中国城市的详细而全面的数据,对各种地点的各种驾驶限制政策的有效性进行了大规模研究。我使用时间回归不连续性方法估计每个驾驶限制策略的监视器特定的短期治疗效果,并使用面板固定效应方法估计平均治疗效果。时间估计结果中的回归不连续性较强。在使用的八项空气质量指标中,CO,NO2,PM2.5,PM10和AQI对驾驶限制政策的反应最大。CO 和 NO2 的平均减少量与有效限制车辆使用的策略的粗略计算一致。通过对每项政策设计的详细信息,我表明政策细节和污染集中是影响驾驶限制政策的实际和估计效果的主要因素,也是对早期研究的潜在解释,这些研究表明驾驶限制政策几乎没有效果。


The Resilience of FDI to Natural Disasters Through Industrial Linkages


 Hayato Kato, Toshihiro Okubo


When do multinationals show resilience during natural disasters? To answer this, we develop a simple model in which foreign multinationals and local firms in the host country are interacted through input-output linkages. When natural disasters seriously hit local firms and thus increase the cost of sourcing local intermediate inputs, most multinationals may leave the host country. However, they are likely to stay if they are tightly linked with local suppliers and face low trade costs of importing foreign intermediates. We further provide a number of extensions of the basic model to incorporate, for example, multinationals with heterogeneous productivity and disaster reconstruction.

摘 要



Permit Markets with Political and Market Distortions


Alex Dickson, Ian A. MacKenzie


This article investigates cap-and-trade markets in the presence of both political and market distortions. We create a model where dominant firms have the ability to rent seek for a share of pollution permits as well as influence the market equilibrium with their choice of permit exchange because of market power. We derive the equilibrium and show the interaction of these two distortions has consequences for the resulting marginal inefficiency—the extent to which a re-allocation of permits between firms can reduce equilibrium abatement costs. We find that if the regulator is not very responsive to rent seeking then marginal inefficiency reduces relative to the case without rent seeking. When the regulator is very responsive to rent seeking, if dominant rent-seeking firms are all permit buyers (sellers) then marginal inefficiency reduces (increases) relative to the case without rent seeking.

摘 要



Information, Consequentiality and Credibility in Stated Preference Surveys: A Choice Experiment on Climate Adaptation


Malte Welling, Ewa Zawojska, Julian Sagebiel 


Information provided in valuation surveys has been shown to affect stated preferences, which in turn may matter for the validity and reliability of survey-based value estimates. Although information effects are widely documented in stated preference studies, the reasons underlying the effects are less established. We focus on information about the policy context of the valuation scenario and examine two pathways which may help explain how including such information in a survey affects stated preferences. We hypothesize and empirically analyze whether the information effects on stated preferences can emerge as a result of changed perceptions about (1) the survey consequentiality and (2) the credibility of the valuation scenario upon facing the additional information. Our results confirm that the frequently found information effects can be present in the context of urban green and climate adaptation. The role of the additional information appears to be negligible for consequentiality perceptions. In contrast, the additional information strengthens the perceived credibility, and this may partially explain the information effects on stated preferences. We conclude that stated preference research may benefit from an increased attention to perceived credibility of the valuation scenario.

摘 要








国外权威期刊目录 American Economic Review · 《美国经济评论》(总第181期)







中国科学院青藏高原研究所招聘客座研究生 / 遥感科研助理








