

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24



本期期卷:Volume 81-Issue 4

发表日期:April 2022




目     录


The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation


David M. McEvoy, Tobias Haller, Esther Blanco

关键词:Social dilemmas; Economic experiments; Behavioral economics; Public goods; Mitigation; Adaptation; Environmental damages


Spillover Effects of Grocery Bag Legislation: Evidence of Bag Bans and Bag Fees


Yu-Kai Huang, Richard T. Woodward

关键词:Carryout grocery bag regulations; Scanner data; General synthetic control model; Unintentional policy effect


Forward-Looking Belief Elicitation Enhances Intergenerational Beneficence


Valentina Bosetti, Francis Dennig, Ning Liu, Massimo Tavoni, Elke U. Weber

关键词:Behavioral intervention; Intergenerational benevolence; Intergenerational reciprocity; Query theory; Sustainability


Structural Decomposition Analysis of Japan’s Energy Transitions and Related CO2 Emissions in 2005–2015 Using a Hybrid Input-Output Table

使用混合投入产出表对 2005-2015 年日本能源转型和相关 CO 2排放进行结构分解分析

Tatsuki Ueda

关键词:Climate change; Energy; Fossil fuel; Input-output analysis; Structural decomposition analysis


The Performance of a Repeated Discriminatory Price Auction for Ecosystem Services


David Evans, Andrew Reeson

关键词:Conservation auction; Discriminatory price auction; Uniform price auction; Repeated reverse auction; Agent-based modelling; Simulation


Ponderous, Proficient or Professional? Survey Experience and Smartphone Effects in Stated Preference Research


Erlend Dancke Sandorf, Kristine Grimsrud, Henrik Lindhjem 

关键词:Discrete choice experiments; Internet panels; Experienced respondents; Latent class; Scale; Device effects


Governments’ Fiscal Squeeze and Firms’ Pollution Emissions: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China


Dongmin Kong, Ling Zhu

关键词:Government fiscal squeeze; Agricultural tax reform; Firm emission; Environment quality; China


Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials in Europe by Sector: A Bootstrap-Based Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis


Jens J. Krüger, Moritz Tarach

关键词:Climate policy; Environmental efficiency; Nonparametric measurement bootstrapping; Europe


The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation


David M. McEvoy, Tobias Haller & Esther Blanco 


This study presents experimental results on the role that non-binding pledges have on the ability of groups to manage a threat of probabilistic group damages in two separate environments. We focus on an environment where in addition to collective mitigation, agents can work autonomously to protect themselves from the damages if they occur (adaptation). The tension is that mitigation and adaptation investments are strategic substitutes. We test the hypothesis that non-binding pledges are more effective in a world with both mitigation and adaptation strategies, compared to mitigation only. First-period results show that (i) consistent with previous literature, pledges in a mitigation-only environment do not increase average investments in collective mitigation, but (ii) when both mitigation and adaptation opportunities exist, pledges lead to higher investment in collective mitigation, lower investment in adaptation and increased efficiency. Although the average treatment effect disappears over time as the amount pledged decreases, pledges remain significant predictors of mitigation investments over the course of the experiment.

摘 要

本研究提供了关于非约束性承诺对团体在两个不同环境中管理概率性团体损害威胁的能力所起的作用的实验结果。我们专注于一个环境,除了集体缓解之外,代理还可以自主工作以保护自己免受损害(适应)。紧张局势在于缓解和适应投资是战略替代品。我们检验了这样一个假设,即在一个既有缓解策略又有适应策略的世界中,与仅缓解策略相比,不具约束力的承诺更有效。第一阶段的结果表明,(i) 与以前的文献一致,仅缓解环境中的承诺不会增加对集体缓解的平均投资,但 (ii) 当缓解和适应机会都存在时,认捐导致对集体缓解的更多投资、对适应的更少投资和更高的效率。尽管随着承诺金额的减少,平均处理效果会随着时间的推移而消失,但在实验过程中,承诺仍然是缓解投资的重要预测因素。


Spillover Effects of Grocery Bag Legislation: Evidence of Bag Bans and Bag Fees


Yu-Kai Huang & Richard T. Woodward


We investigate the unintended consequences of carryout grocery bag (CGB) regulations by looking at the impact on sales of alternative plastic bag products. We extend the literature by studying two types of CGB regulations, bag bans and bag fees. Using retail scanner data and employing a general synthetic control method, we find that both types of CGB regulations are associated with significantly higher plastic trash bag sales. We estimate that CGB regulations lead to an average increase in purchased plastics of 127 pounds per store per month, ranging from 30 to 135 (37–224) pounds for 4-gallon (8-gallon) trash bags. These results confirm previous findings on bag bans and provide new evidence on bag fees. In general, the effects do not differ across CGB regulations, but some heterogeneity exists. Our results highlight unintentional spillover effects of narrowly targeted policies on other unregulated waste.

摘 要

我们通过观察对替代塑料袋产品销售的影响来调查随身携带食品袋 (CGB) 法规的意外后果。我们通过研究两种类型的 CGB 法规,行李禁令和行李费来扩展文献。使用零售扫描仪数据并采用一般综合控制方法,我们发现两种类型的 CGB 法规都与显着更高的塑料垃圾袋销量相关。我们估计,CGB 法规导致每家商店每月购买的塑料平均增加 127 磅,4 加仑(8 加仑)的垃圾袋从 30 磅到 135 磅(37-224 磅)不等。这些结果证实了之前关于行李禁令的调查结果,并为行李费用提供了新的证据。一般来说,CGB 法规的影响没有差异,但存在一些异质性。


Forward-Looking Belief Elicitation Enhances Intergenerational Beneficence


Valentina Bosetti, Francis Dennig, Ning Liu, Massimo Tavoni & Elke U. Weber 


One of the challenges in managing the Earth’s common pool resources, such as a livable climate or the supply of safe drinking water, is to motivate successive generations to make the costly effort not to deplete them. In the context of sequential contributions, intergenerational reciprocity dynamically amplifies low past efforts by decreasing successors’ rates of contribution. Unfortunately, the behavioral literature provides few interventions to motivate intergenerational beneficence. We identify a simple intervention that motivates decision makers who receive a low endowment. In a large online experiment with 1378 subjects, we show that asking decision makers to forecast future generations’ actions considerably increases their rate of contribution (from 46% to over 60%). By shifting decision makers’ attention from the immediate past to the future, the intervention is most effective in enhancing intergenerational beneficence of subjects who did not receive a contribution from their predecessors, effectively neutralizing negative intergenerational reciprocity effects. We provide suggestive evidence that the attentional channel is the main channel at work.

摘 要

管理地球共同水资源(例如宜居的气候或安全饮用水的供应)的挑战之一是激励后代做出代价高昂的努力以不耗尽它们。在连续贡献的背景下,代际互惠通过降低继任者的贡献率来动态放大过去的低努力。不幸的是,行为文献很少提供激励代际慈善的干预措施。我们确定了一种简单的干预措施,可以激励获得低禀赋的决策者。在一项包含 1378 名受试者的大型在线实验中,我们表明要求决策者预测后代的行为会大大提高他们的贡献率(从 46% 提高到 60% 以上)。通过将决策者的注意力从最近的过去转移到未来,干预最有效地提高了没有从前任那里得到贡献的受试者的代际受益,有效地抵消了负面的代际互惠效应。我们提供了暗示性证据,证明注意力渠道是工作的主要渠道。


Structural Decomposition Analysis of Japan’s Energy Transitions and Related CO2 Emissions in 2005–2015 Using a Hybrid Input-Output Table

使用混合投入产出表对 2005-2015 年日本能源转型和相关 CO 2排放进行结构分解分析

Tatsuki Ueda


This study investigates Japan’s energy transitions in 2005–2015, which involved massive economic disruptions due to the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and the Great Recession. A hybrid input-output (IO) table that conforms to the energy conservation condition was newly compiled by integrating the Japanese energy-balance and linked-IO tables. This was employed to conduct a structural decomposition analysis (SDA), which attributes changes in energy consumption and CO2 emissions to the effects of intensity, structure, domestic final demand, and export. These effects were successfully segregated into a profile of energy sources. The results revealed that the structural effect became the dominant driver for decisively reducing energy consumption and emissions of manufacturing and service sectors in the latter period 2011–2015. This suggested that it took time to materialize energy-saving innovations in response to the sudden economic disruptions. Over the entire period, the structural effect was the largest driver contributing to the overall reductions, in part because the other effects tended to cancel out either between energy sources or periods. Therefore, a sensible way to transform Japan to a less energy-intensive, carbon-free society in the future is to improve the non-energy input structures of the manufacturing and service sectors.

摘 要

本研究调查了 2005-2015 年日本的能源转型,其中涉及由于 2011 年东日本大地震和大衰退造成的大规模经济中断。通过整合日本能量平衡表和链接IO表,新编制了符合节能条件的混合输入输出(IO)表。这被用于进行结构分解分析 (SDA),该分析归因于能源消耗和 CO 2的变化排放强度、结构、国内最终需求和出口的影响。这些影响被成功地划分为能源概况。结果表明,结构效应成为2011-2015年后期制造业和服务业能源消耗和排放的决定性降低的主要驱动力。这表明,为应对突然的经济动荡,实现节能创新需要时间。在整个期间,结构性影响是导致整体减少的最大驱动因素,部分原因是其他影响往往会在能源来源或时期之间抵消。


The Performance of a Repeated Discriminatory Price Auction for Ecosystem Services


David Evans, Andrew Reeson


Government agencies often rely on repeated discriminatory price auctions to procure ecosystem services from private landowners despite limited evidence on this mechanism’s performance. This study presents an agent-based model of a repeated discriminatory price procurement auction in which the auctioneer informs bidders of their respective bid outcomes and the average price of successful bids after each round. The model introduces a new learning algorithm through which bidders adapt to these price signals. Simulations are used to compare the mechanism’s performance to an equivalent uniform (second) price auction, providing several findings. First, the performance of the discriminatory mechanism tends to deteriorate over time relative to the uniform mechanism as bidders learn. Second, minimal changes in bidders’ price expectations have a large influence on the relative performance of the mechanisms. Third, the discriminatory mechanism maintains high levels of efficiency and cost-effectiveness over time if bidders have highly heterogeneous opportunity costs and neutral or moderately low price expectations. Fourth, the system’s price paths have a high degree of stochasticity and path dependency, making it difficult to predict a single realisation’s trajectory. Based on these findings, we provide several suggestions regarding auction design.

摘 要



Ponderous, Proficient or Professional? Survey Experience and Smartphone Effects in Stated Preference Research


 Erlend Dancke Sandorf, Kristine Grimsrud, Henrik Lindhjem


Stated preference surveys are increasingly conducted online using internet panel samples, where a fast-growing share of respondents answer on smartphones. These panel members range from novices to “professionals” in terms of previous survey experience. Little is known about the potential effects of smartphone responding and survey experience on the data quality of stated preference surveys. This paper uses a discrete choice experiment dataset on the Norwegian population’s willingness to pay to plant climate forests to explore how these two factors affect data quality. These data by type of response device, gathered using a probability-based internet panel, were combined with a unique dataset obtained from the survey company on respondents’ actual experience answering surveys on different types of devices. Our results show that differences in elicited preferences between smartphone and computer respondents are not caused by the device used, suggesting that initial concerns about smartphone responses may be exaggerated. Furthermore, more experience is associated with an increasing scale parameter (indicating lower error variance), but at a decreasing rate; and a higher propensity to choose the status quo (indicating possible simplifying strategies employed by respondents). Combined this suggest some optimal level of experience that is neither too high nor too low. We discuss the implications of our results for stated preference research and provide a few avenues for future research.

摘 要



Governments’ Fiscal Squeeze and Firms’ Pollution Emissions: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China


Dongmin Kong, Ling Zhu


We investigate whether and how government fiscal squeeze affects local firms’ pollution emissions. To establish causality, we introduce a policy shock in China, namely, the canceling of agricultural taxes in 2005, to document that governments’ fiscal squeeze due to sudden tax decreases substantially increases local firms’ emission by approximately 4%. Mechanism analyses show that local fiscal squeeze result in aggravating pollution emissions through inducing the reduction of firms’ efforts on green innovation and abatement activities. Cross-sectionally, the effects of local government fiscal squeeze on pollution emissions are mitigated by environmental regulation, marketization development, but strengthened by firm financial pressure.

摘 要

我们调查政府财政紧缩是否以及如何影响当地企业的污染排放。为了建立因果关系,我们在中国引入了一项政策冲击,即 2005 年取消农业税,以证明政府因突然减税而导致的财政紧缩使当地企业的排放量大幅增加了约 4%。机制分析表明,地方财政紧缩通过诱导企业减少绿色创新和减排活动的努力,导致污染排放加剧。从横截面来看,地方政府财政紧缩对污染排放的影响因环境监管、市场化发展而减弱,但因企业财政压力而增强。


Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials in Europe by Sector: A Bootstrap-Based Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis


Jens J. Krüger, Moritz Tarach


The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is the key action to limit global warming. An important source of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution is the inefficiency of production processes. We report results from a stochastic nonparametric efficiency analysis using directional distance functions to take account of undesirable outputs like greenhouse gases. With this approach, we are able to provide estimates of the potential emission reductions for 7 main sectors in 16 European countries. A specially adapted bootstrapping approach allows to implement a bias correction of the estimates and to compute confidence intervals. The results show that static efficiency improvements are a quantitatively important element of the emission reductions which are required to achieve the reduction targets of the European Union.

摘 要

减少温室气体排放是限制全球变暖的关键行动。温室气体排放和污染的一个重要来源是生产过程的低效率。我们使用定向距离函数报告随机非参数效率分析的结果,以考虑温室气体等不良输出。通过这种方法,我们能够对 16 个欧洲国家的 7 个主要行业的潜在减排量进行估算。一种特别适应的引导方法允许实现估计的偏差校正并计算置信区间。结果表明,静态效率改进是实现欧盟减排目标所需的减排量的重要组成部分。




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国内权威期刊目录 《金融研究》(总第176期)

国内权威期刊目录 《统计研究》(总第175期)







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