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TokenClub Bi-Weekly Report - Issue 109(2.24-3.8)

TokenClub 海外币圈 2020-03-08

Hello everyone, thank you for your continued interest and support. In the past two weeks, various tasks of TokenClub have been progressing steadily. The product development and community operation progress this week are as follows:

1. TokenClub Events

1),TokenClub "King of Prediction" 

Bitcoin halving is coming. Are you ready? We have a King of Prediction event for everyone. Use TokenClub's prediction function to verify your ability to judge the currency and market price. In the specified time, the reward judgment standard is based on the success rate of the initial prediction (the currency is not limited). After the event, the statistics will be collected and rewards will be issued.

Activity Award:

The top 15 users based on the success rate of posting posts will get event rewards

First place: 1,000TCT

Second place: 800TCT

Third place: 600TCT

4th to 10th place: 200TCT

Eleventh to fifteenth: 100TCT

2),International Women's Day

The annual International Goddess Festival is coming on March 8th, TokenClub has released a reposting rewards event, just need to publish content posts related to Women'sDay on twitter and @TokenClub on the day of the event, users who participate in the repost will be randomly selected Ten users and a mysterious gift from the TokenClub team.

3), Bilaoye gested in Golden Salon
On March 4th, Bilaoye of TokenClub brand guested V43 Online Edition: 2020 Industry Outlook-Where Are the Blockchain Investment Opportunities? Explore new investment trends with other guests.       

4), TokenClub wishes the goddesses a happy holiday!

2.TokenClub Live

1) Summary

Recently, Block72 CEO & STP founder--Mike Chen, TokenClub blockchain and cryptocurrency investment strategy expert--Zaoshen talked about blockchain. 

On February 26, TokenClub invited Mike Chen, CEO of Block72 and founder of STP, to be a guest of "quiet night at 8". Mike introduced and Shared his thoughts on Block72, STP and the digital currency market to fans in detail. He interacted with fans and answered questions from members of the community.


On February 29,  Zaoshen came.This week's topic is "the pessimist is always right, the optimist is always successful". Following the previous episode of Zaoshen, we Shared the impact of the epidemic on the industry and its forecast. Now we talk about the impact of the current epidemic on our life, industry and economy, and how the worst will happen, and how we should deal with it. Zaoshen advised everyone to be optimistic, and this live broadcast but only four years once, can look back many times.


March 7th, Zaoshen came ~The topic of this post is "you can turn a bike into a motorcycle with a blindfold." "Zaoshen" the live broadcast of the latest development of epidemic situation and the fed to cut interest rates to many events, such as the impact on the global economy once again analyzed, at the same time, Zaoshen also told you in the present economic environment should go to find new investment opportunities, interested friends can enter the studio watching playback or go over again.


2) Upcoming Events

Next week, the live interview program "Jingjing 8:00 p.m." of TokenClub's coincircle big man will invite FTX Coo-Constance、Cobo head-Lixin Liu、the wheat wallet-Xiaoqingye to be guests for AMA live sharing, and CasperLabs CTO -- Medha Parlikar to be guests for live sharing, wonderful content can not be missed ~


3.TokenClub operation data

-Live data: 3 live broadcasts in the past two weeks, with over 150,000 views. TokenClub hosted a total of 760 live broadcasts with a total of 42.38 million views.

-Binary trade data: In the past two weeks, guess the rise and fall to participate in a total of 4833 times, the amount of participation exceeded 2.03 million TCT. At present, it is guessed that the rise and fall function has participated in a total of 1,095,363 times, with a cumulative participation amount of 487 million TCT.

-Chat data: In the past two weeks, a total of 27,006 messages have been generated. A total of 4,702,898 messages have been launched since the function was launched.

-Mini-game data: The mini-game has participated in a total of 10,335 times in the past two weeks. A total of 1,624,060 self-functions have been online.

-Cut leeks game data together: Since the game was launched, the total number of user participation in the game was 901,430 TCT total consumption was 6,263,907 gift certificate total consumption was 13,307,650 and TCT mining output was 152,853.

-TokenClub KOL data: Over the past two weeks, the total reading volume of the BTCGrandpa article has been viewed by more than 210,000 people.

-Social media data: At present, the number of Weibo official accounts is 17,802, and the number of Twitter followers is 1264, and we have opened the official Medium account this week, welcome to follow.

-Telegram official group data: At present, the total number of people in the Telegram official group is currently 3063.

4.TokenClub Cooperation

The epidemic of new crown pneumonia has not subsided yet, TokenClub is honored to become a supporting media for blockchain non-profit organizations and pay tribute to the hard work of all volunteers.


On February 7, Jingjing, the commercial director of TokenClub, was invited to issue a female voice of the industry on the "new round of the dawn of a bull market" on the occasion of Brock's 2nd Anniversary Goddess Festival.




1),Overseas community

This week, the community discussed the recent events in cryptocurrency bourse win India case anainst central bank curbs that are hotspots in the currency circle. In the future, we will continue to explore overseas communities and continuously optimize our products and services.


2),Domestic community

Last Sunday evening at the community conference, we held the second quiz on epidemic knowledge. We hope that through the competition, we will increase your understanding of the new coronavirus and protect yourself and your family. During the competition, many small partners will still actively participate in the questions.



This week, the Orange Club and the volunteer community jointly launched the "Community Guess Rise and Contest" event. The following is a screenshot of the guesses of the users who participated in the event.


TCT Wealth and Freedom College continuously outputs useful information for the community partners, shares the content of the currency grandfather circle in the group, and provides short-term investment suggestions for your reference. I urge all partners to not chase up and sell frequently and change cars. Since sharing circle content, it has been well received by everyone.



On Saturday night, TCT Fortune Free Academy held a red envelope party. In the red envelope party, the college strengthened the confidence of the little partners in the market outlook.




TCT has been listed on Binance、Okex、Gate.io、ZB-M、MXC、Biki、Coinex、BigOne、Coinbene、Cybex、SWFT、Loopring、Rootrex etc.

TokenClub website: www.tokenclub.com

TokenClub App download QR code

