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TokenClub Bi-Weekly Report - Issue 122(8.24-9.06)

TokenClub 海外币圈 2020-09-06

Hello everyone, thank you for your continued interest and support. In the past two weeks, various tasks of TokenClub have been progressing steadily. The product development and community operation progress this week are as follows:


1. TokenClub Events

1)TokenClub announced its key plan on September 1st

TokenClub’s third anniversary is approaching. During the past 3 years, TokenClub has reached a million users, and has established an ecosystem by integrating coin market information, live broadcasting, aggregate exchanges, games and a series of applications. More and more crypto fans are gathered in TokenClub sharing their stories and insights.

Looking into to the future, blockchain is the rising sun. Emerging fields such as DeFi, ETH 2.0, and IPFS generate new waves. TokenClub will embrace the wave and enter the 2.0 era of blockchain.

During the next few months, we will launch events to thank our users from all over the world, iterate our products to give user better experience of the new things, and establish collaborations with renowned institutions to push forward the industry.


2)Isolated Margin Trading for TCT Enabled on Binance

On September 3, in order to thank users for their support, Binance announced the addition of TCT as collateralized assets per warehouse and loanable assets per warehouse, as well as new transaction pairs TCT/BTC and TCT/USDT. Binance will launch the leveraged platform "TRB, WNXM, and TCT on-line 7-day interest-free event". During the event, borrowing the above assets can enjoy 0 interest discounts. Activity time: 14:00 on September 3, 2020 to 13:59 on September 11, 2020 (Hong Kong time). For details, see:https://www.binance.com/en/support/articles/a7c0dae8910347b99ed688db743ab187?utm_source=BinanceTwitter&utm_medium=GlobalSocial&utm_campaign=GlobalSocial



3)Cointelegraph Chinese Marathon season rally and long-distance race first September DeFi episode was successfully broadcast on TokenClub

Cointelegraph held a dedicated DeFi forum on September 2 and was broadcast simultaneously on TokenClub and other media. Many heavyweight guests from well-known public chains, projects and investment institutions at home and abroad, such as ChainLink, Aave, Synthetix, Pantera, PowerPool, DIA, etc., Discussions on multiple topics, focusing on the development of the world economy and technology, jointly exploring whether open finance will become a historic turning point in the new stage of the world economic system development, and exploring the road to future development.



4)TokenClub is closely watched by global investors

This week, the TCT price hit a new high this year, and the trading volume also hit a record high. On September 1, the TCT/BTC gains ranked first on the Binance Exchange's gains list, which aroused the close attention of global investors.


2.TokenClub Live
1) Summary

Recently, Darwin Co founder Alex Chien, AXIS DeFi Co founder Maggie Xu, DACC 2.0 China head Teresa, founder and CEO of Quarkchain Cycle, GSR Asia Pacific head Anjo Zhang, pritive Ventures co founder Wan Hui, Yfii Community Volunteer Bai, kol Super King, Managing Director of the Digital Renaissance Foundation Cao Yin, Bestcmo Gigi, DODO CO founder & DeFi Labs Co Founder Dai Dai, Bnb48 Club President Lan, Coinversation Protocol chief economist Dr. Akiha, founder of Blockark Suye, jess, Founder of MCDEX BD; Zhang Xiaoguang, Sky, Founder of Roark Group, Stani, Founder and CEO of Aave, IPFS force business partner, Jie Liu, 499 block Sixuan; Zora, head of Taiwan community, Yuan An, jX, head of M & A at Bi An, Mc Ling, Vice President of M & A at Bi An, Wu Di, head of business at Bi an, and Jess, head of BD at Bi an, qian Jiangyue, Luna and Tokenclub, senior experts of blockchain and cryptocurrency investment strategy, will talk about the blockchain


More Cointelegraph Chinese marathon season long-distance race first in September DeFi chapter meeting wonderful direct attack, big brother gathered, wonderful!


24 August 2020: Darwin’s Web Site Alex Chien & Bree is visited by Taiwan community leader Zora. Alex Chien & Bree Live introduced the way DeFi continues to evolve, as well as the problems that exist across the chain and how to fix them.


On August 25,2020, Selene, Cunanan’s account manager, had a conversation with the founder and CEO of QuarkChain. Cycle shares DeFi’s existing pain points and solutions in a live broadcast, and explains the future of the public chain circuit.


On August 25,2020, Miss 499 spoke to Maggie Xu, founder of AXIS Defi Co-founder, who spoke live about why the AXIS DeFi public chain is challenging traditional finance.


August 26,2020, Bi'an Mining Pool Business Director Wu Di Dialogue GSR Asia Pacific BD Director Anjo Zhang. In the live broadcast, the guests shared the relevant contents of mining pool financial products and the current situation of the derivatives industry in the future.


On August 26,2020, Ms. 499 spoke to Wang Kexiang, business partner of IPFS force zone, who lost the space race on the air when the starting gun sounded, and Filecoin started to sprint


August 27,2020, yuan an Taiwan community leader Zora Dialogue Yfii community Lao Bai, Dovey, Super King. Three guests introduced the concept of Yfii in the live broadcast, and shared their vision of DeFi prospects and the content of mobile mining.


On August 28,2020, Ling Dialogue, Vice President of M & A for Yuan An strategy, Cao Yin, managing director of Digital Renaissance Foundation, and JX, director of M & A for Yuan An strategy. Cao Yin and JX live shared the future layout of DeFi track and the advantages that the smart chain offers DeFi ecology.


August 29,2020, Jujube God as usual and everyone meet live, this brings the live broadcast theme is “bull perfume, smells like dichlorvos” , Jujube God and you analyzed the recent market and market hot spots.


August 31,2020,499G sister Gigi Dialogue Yfii Community Volunteer Huang Gang, the theme of this issue is “DeFI Deified Glorious Movement” in the live broadcast and the status of DeFI to analyze the prospects.


Co founder of Dodo & DEFI LABS CO founder Dai and President of BNB48 Club Lan on September 1,2020. Daidai and Ian discussed the upcoming coin an smart chain, as well as Dodo and BNB48 based on the coin an smart chain cooperation.


On September 1,2020, the Password Geek community hosted a live broadcast on the theme “Understanding Coinversation: Creating Initiative, understanding future opportunities for synthetic assets” .


Bd Manager Jess talks to Suye, founder of Blockark, on September 2,2020. Su shared his DeFi project and some of the wealth passwords that viewers care about during the live broadcast.


On September 2,2020, Cointelegraph was broadcast live in the Chinese marathon season. The event invited many distinguished guests, such as ChainLink, Aave, Synthetix, Pantera, Powerpool, Dia, etc. From well-known public chains, projects and investment institutions at home and abroad, focus on world economic and Technological Development, and jointly explore whether open finance will be a historic turning point in the new stage of World Economic System Development, and explore the way forward.


On September 3,2020, Bi'an Taiwan community leader Zora dialogue founder Jie Liu and Bi'an smart chain ecology leader Zhang Xiaoguang. Jie Liu and Zhang Xiaoguang shared live what Defi’s products can do to deal with the high cost of Gas, as well as the location of the smart chain in Defi.


On September 4,2020, Founder and CEO of Aave Stani shared the beauty of the logic of DeFine lending.


September 4,2020, Yfi, Jfi, AAPL head mining beauty girl, investment young talent Piao Miss, hand in hand in the studio to teach you how to dig the head of the mine


On September 5th, Zao Shen, the prophet of the currency circle gravel, went online for business. This week experienced a very similar 94. Last week, Zao Shen talked to everyone about the market trend and market risk tips of this week. Do you have any Avoid this waterfall? Zao Shen analyzed the current market with everyone, expressed his views, and conducted a detailed analysis of Defi. Interested friends should not miss it!



2.TokenClub operation data

-Live broadcast data: In the past two weeks, there have been 18 live broadcasts with over 550,000 views. TokenClub held a total of 1006 live broadcasts, with a total of 49.46 million views.

-Guessing the ups and downs data: Guess the ups and downs in these two weeks and participated in a total of 11453  has participated in about 1.156million times, and the cumulative participation amount is about 600 million TCT.

-Chat data: A total of 6095 messages were generated during these two weeks of chat. About 4.92million messages have been launched since the function.

-Mini-game data: This week the mini-games participated 1216 times. About 1.674 million times since the function was launched.

-Game data: of cutting leek together: Since the game went online, users have participated in 1027882games, total TCT consumption is about 6.28 million, total gift certificate consumption is about 17.752million, and TCT mining total output is 169230TCT.

-TokenClub KOL Grandma's data: The accumulated readings of Grandma's articles + Weibo in the past two weeks have been viewed by more than 250,000 times.

-Social media data: At present, the official Weibo account has 19307 followers and Twitter 2068 followers.

-Telegram official group data: 244 chats in the group in the past 2 weeks. The total number of Telegram official groups is currently 2987.

-Medium: Medium official account @TokenClub, official announcements and updates are published in English, welcome to follow.



1),Overseas community

A lot of important information was announced this week, including important plans for this year, and the launch of Binance casting leverage. Multiple positive TCT prices also hit a new high during the year. The activity of overseas community users also broke new highs. Many small partners are in the community. During the interaction, the TokenClub team has also won the recognition and support of many friends. We have also updated the future plans that overseas communities care about this week. We will carry out more activities in the future, please pay more attention.



2),Domestic community


Now in the bull market, many old leeks still haven't made any money, but new leeks have rushed in and grabbed a lot of low-priced chips. The diving market in the previous two days has gradually subsided, and the market is still strong under the fiery defi drive. , And there is no sign of a short-term collapse.

But it is foreseeable that one dish after another will be served, draining everyone’s bullets, and finally, when this huge bubble bursts, will there be any of you?

On Sunday’s community conference, after canceling chat mining, it was a rare excitement. Everyone chatted about the recent market, hot spots and views on the market. Our red envelope rain also started to give everyone a supplement. I have some ammunition, I hope everyone can continue to work hard, make more money in this bull market, see you next Sunday.


This week, the Orange Club will continue to carry out the daily Good Morning Red Envelope activities and promote the live broadcast of TokenClub. The community is also spreading the correct investment concepts and strategies for everyone. The Orange Club will work harder in the future. Finally, thank you all for your long-term support and attention to the Orange Club~


The Tct Business Conference and partner organizations have been docked, and the whole month of August has successfully concluded. The report is as follows:

1) Digital currency industry services

The community has provided digital currency industry services for partners, and it has provided service operation days so far. The service fee paid by partners is calculated according to August, such as exchange based on the current TCT price ($0.93).

The number of project revenue exchanged for tct was 59,880, and the cumulative service fee was 1,629,440.


Tct community repurchase

Congratulations to tct for breaking through the community repurchase price of 0.091. Tct has risen from its own price of around 0.061, an increase of 200%, and even reached the 0.28 price.

It also cited the correct vision of the head of the Chamber of Commerce community.

Since the repurchase plan, 180,000 units have been successfully repurchased in total. This increase also allowed the district growers to earn more than 100% of the income.


TCT has been listed on Binance、Okex、Gate.io、ZB-M、MXC、Biki、Coinex、BigOne、Coinbene、Cybex、SWFT、Loopring、Rootrex etc.

TokenClub website: www.tokenclub.com

TokenClub App download QR code

