
展览预告 | “如梦令 · 初醒”将于7月17日在至美术馆启幕 "RENAISANCE" in Zhi Art Museum

何止 至美术馆 2023-06-06

如梦令 · 初醒



Exhibition of Works of Young Meticulous Painters 

in the Collection of Guan Shanyue Art Museum








Bi Xiaohui/Chen Guohui/Chen Jinjian/Chen Li/Deng Qingyuan/

Gao Chang/Huang Junwei/Li Danqin/Li Jian/

Li Yingting/Liao Xiaoqing/Lin Qiaojing/Lin Xuejun/Liu Xuejun/

Liu Muyi/Lu Jiayi/Meng Jie/Meng Weiquan/Peng Hui/

Pi Liwen/Tang Huijian/Tao Na/Tu Yanli/Wen Long/

Wang Bo/Wang Qingyuan/Wu Yishan/Xiang Shikui/

Xiao Bojun/Xiao Min/Zhang Mozi/Zhou Min



主办|至美术馆 & 何止艺术

Host_Zhi Art Museum & Hezhi Art


Producer_Hezhi Art


Acadamic Host_Chen Xiangbo


Curation_Hezhi Art


Execution_Hezhi Art

支持机构|Support Agency_


Guan Shanyue Art Museum

特别支持|Special Support_

深圳市慈善会 · 陈湘波艺术公益基金

Shenzhen Charity Association · Chen Xiangbo Art Fundation


SYSU Mental Health Education&Counseling Center

特别鸣谢Special Thanks_


Zhi New Social Class 


Address_Zhi Art Museum, Quanzhi Technology Park, 

Song an Rd, Bao an District, Shenzhen.

策 展 前 言




李丹芩,《华丽家族1》,120x110cm ,2015


武一杉,《触碰》,64x76cm ,2017

陈国辉,《佛城No.1》,136x103cm ,2017


刘慕仪,《述8》,60x60cm ,2015

刘学军,《园冶No.17》,125x81cm ,2017

皮里文,《本我之恩》,152x64cm ,2015

陈礼,《与antonio del pollainolo的对话》,75x55cm ,2016





"Hita · First Awakening" is a group exhibition of youth meticulous paintings launched by Zhi Art Museum/Hezh Art and Guanshanyue Art Museum. In this group exhibition, a total of 31 works were selected and presented in the new era of Guanshanyue Art Museum. The creation of meticulous paintings by outstanding young artists will begin at the Museum of Art on July 17, 2020. As a new sense of synesthesia and awakening, "Hita·First Awakening", in the exhibition setting, we bring the richness, grandness, even slenderness and charming literary elements of classic Chinese poetry into the youth In the exhibition of meticulous paintings, we break the wall dimension to realize the unbounded synesthesia of art and literature; on the curatorial concept, we regard the exhibition itself as the aesthetic creation of poetry and vocabulary. As a term, with a fresh contemporary art perspective, breaking through ancient and modern times, unveiling the long-lasting veil of traditional Chinese meticulous paintings, and encountering the "first awakening" moment of traditional culture in the new era. Therefore, we also call it "Renaissance".

The meaning of "first awakening" is threefold-the first one: self-awakening. There is nothing more important than opening your eyes for the first time in life. The post-70/80/90 meticulous painters are the main focus of this exhibition. This group of young artists who are experiencing the first bloom of their creative career express their various perceptions of individual differences in life with their creativity. Live the "precious moments" that rush in the way of life, gaze at them, pour in feelings, and realize the first awakening of self while completing artistic creation.

The second: the "awakeness" of the road. The awakening of cultural self-confidence in the new era begins with our re-cognition to the eternal beauty. "What has been transgressed is transformed, and what remains is God", as a concentrated symbolic field of Chinese humanistic spirit, gongbi painting contains rich cultural and human connotations as well as ancient poems. It is a heritage of world civilization and shares the common prosperity with the Chinese nation. We can observe that these artists also have certain commonalities in cultural attention and work presentation. They have the "long thoughts of the heavens and the earth." At the same time, we believe that such infectious power can also be passed on to viewers. Open your eyes, the power of art will bring us back to the past, let us touch the future, observe from the quantum world, and find that our present, future and past are a shared and eternal road. We and Yanhuang Yao and Shun constituted a common stardust, and the skin overflowed with a common light of the sun and the moon. In "Hita · First Awakening", the viewer can clearly see how these young generations who insist on traditional meticulous brushwork and a variety of contemporary creative expressions show how their eternal existence and belonging in their works Our own cultural foundation.

The third is: "awakeness" of responsibility of our times . The idyllic pastures shown by the ancients in paintings and poetry have always been the common homesickness of contemporary people, especially in the "first year of science fiction" 2020, "hometown" has become a mournful metaphysical symbol. The turmoil of the whole world is like a dream. While repairing this world, we are also repairing our hearts-can we go back? Where do we lay our hearts apart? It is very possible that in all the past, the dreams were intact and we could not go back. At the moment of first awakening, mankind is facing a common enemy. While overcoming the viruses, decline, division, and collapse of the material world, we also need to overcome the numbness, selfishness, arrogance, and greed of the soul; at the moment of first awakening, humanity Must realize that they belong to the community of fate, one is all, all is one. So, what is the mission of the era that falls on us? What else can art do for humanity and the world? We hope to find inspiration in the "first awakening", to reach the "light and eternal presence", but also to seize those "precious moments" and meet those rich, grand, even fragile, slender and charming "previous lives’ friends" and "contemporary pioneers"  in this exhibition, then find ways to walk the path of life.

Everything is like a dream, just woke up. Open your eyes and the world that woke up for the first time is right in front of you.

关 注 | 至美术馆 ZHI ART MUSEUM

关 注 | 何止 C.A.S.E

何   止   艺   术           何   止   生   活


Shenzhen Hezhi Culture & Art Development Co.Ltd

