

The following article comes from 世界观 Author 张周项



The US House of Representatives passed the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act on December 3, legislation which calls for the Donald Trump administration to impose sanctions against China over allegations that Beijing has detained millions of Muslim-majority Uyghurs in the western region of Xinjiang.

Uyghur /ˈwiːɡə/:维吾尔族

而这几天,这个谎言被打脸了!美国独立新闻网站“灰色地带”(The Grayzone)发表一篇调查文章,详细揭露“上百万人被拘押”这个谣是怎么造出来的。


While this extraordinary claim is treated as unassailable in the West, it is, in fact, based on two highly dubious “studies.”

unassailable /ˌʌnəˈseɪləbl/ :攻不破的; 不容置疑的
dubious /ˈdjuːbɪəs/:可疑的; 不太可靠的

据该网站调查,第一张嘴是一个出了名的境外反华机构“中国人权捍卫者”(Chinese Human Rights Defenders, CHRD),由美国政府资助,主要负责各种给中国挑刺。


The first, by the US government-backed Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders, formed its estimate by interviewing a grand total of eight people. 


Based on this absurdly small sample of research subjects in an area whose total population is 20 million, CHRD “extrapolated estimates” that “at least 10% of villagers... are being detained in re-education detention camps”.

extrapolate /ɪks'træpə,let/ :v. 推断


In its mounting pressure campaign against China, the US is not only relying on CHRD for data; it is directly funding its operations. As Ben Norton and Ajit Singh previously reported for The Grayzone, CHRD receives significant financial support from Washington’s regime-change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

另一张嘴则是一位叫Adrian Zenz的学者,他还有个中文名叫郑恩国。


The second came from Adrian Zenz, a far-right fundamentalist Christian who... believes he is “led by God” on a “mission” against China.

fundamentalist /ˌfʌndəˈmentəlɪst/ :原教旨主义者;基要主义的



联合国挂号的恐怖组织“东突”的领导人Abdulkadir Yapuquan就是这家电视台的常客。

Like the CHRD, Zenz arrived at his estimate “over 1 million” in a dubious manner. He based it on a single report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur exile media organization based in Turkey, which was republished by Newsweek Japan.

One such character who often appears on Istiqlal TV is Abdulkadir Yapuquan, a reported leader of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM).


It was from these two sources that certain US politicians knew the fate of "millions of Uygurs". Is there anything more absurd than that?


Who is foolish enough to believe such a lie?

But in reality, there really is a group of US politicians who believe it, not because they are foolish, but because that’s in accordance with their imagination of Xinjiang.


That shows a good technique in telling a lie: You do not need to be logical or fill in all the loopholes. You do not need to falsify evidence for your untrue claims. All you need is to do good market research, learn what your audiences really need, and then tell a lie that meets their requirements.


To dispel that lie would be easy. Just take a trip to Xinjiang, listen to what the local people really say, and find out the truth with your own eyes. Read some books and talk to some locals, and everybody knows the truth.


But certain US politicians will never do that, because they just do not want the lie destroyed. Good, let them keep their lies about millions of Uygurs suffering, and Xinjiang will continue prospering despite what they think.



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