

世纪君 中国日报双语新闻 2021-11-25




路透社报道称,在当天的英国工业联盟(Confederation of British Industry)演讲中,约翰逊突然找不到演讲稿了。翻来翻去之后,约翰逊仍然一无所获,只得叹息“该死”。随后,他还不停的嘀咕道“抱歉抱歉”。

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was briefly left lost for words on Monday when he lost his place in notes during a speech. Searching through his notes, Johnson sighed, said "blast it" and repeatedly muttered "forgive me" as he briefly interrupted his speech to the Confederation of British Industry in Port of Tyne, northern England.


He recovered, talking about technology "unicorns" and then a visit to Peppa Pig World, a park based on the children's animated TV show about an exuberant pink pig and her friends and family.


"Yesterday I went, as we all must, to Peppa Pig World," Johnson told the business executives. "I loved it. Peppa Pig World is very much my kind of place: it has very safe streets, discipline in schools."


Johnson asked the audience of business executives who had been to the theme park in Hampshire, southern England, which says it is the world's largest Peppa Pig World and "perfect for toddlers".


"I am surprised you haven't been there," Johnson said to those executives who had not visited the park. "Who would have believed that a pig that looks like a hairdryer or possibly a Picasso-like hairdryer, a pig that was rejected by the BBC, would now be exported to 180 countries with theme parks both in America and China?"


Johnson was unabashed when reporters asked him about the speech and said he had made the points he had wanted.


"I think that people got the vast majority of the points I wanted to make," Johnson said. "I thought it went over well."




The paper quotes several Conservative MPs as casting doubt on Mr Johnson's ability to lead the party.


《地铁报》则用Pig's ear(搞砸了)和约翰逊找稿子的动作相结合,态度不言自明。

Mr Johnson made a "Peppa Pig's ear" of the speech at the Port of Tyne, according to the Metro.


《独立报》的一篇文章标题写道:小猪佩奇和超长停顿,那么我想,应该开始担心首相了(Peppa Pig and prolonged pauses – it is, I think, time to start worrying about the prime minister)


来源:路透社 观察者网 BBC

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