

双语君 中国日报双语新闻 2023-11-28

记者近日采访多家知名出口企业了解到,国产预制菜(pre-made food)产品多年来畅销海外,目前仍保持上升态势(keep on the rise)。


位于山东省烟台市的一家中日合资公司(joint venture company),其预制菜产品已连续出口日本市场30年。针对日本预制菜同质化(homogeneous)的问题,创新推出了芝士年糕(cheese rice cake)、辣白菜(kimchi)等韩国料理产品,主打差异化市场。

A joint venture company in Yantai, Shandong province has made their products available in major supermarkets and convenience stores across Japan. Additionally, their products are exported to North America.


The company studied roadside vendors in Japan and rolled out frozen imagawayaki, a type of Japanese pancake. Meanwhile, in domestic markets, the company has top-selling items like fish and shrimp patties. In the future, the company will expand the domestic market by offering products of the same quality as those exported.


In a food processing workshop in Anqiu, Shandong province, workers are busy processing chicken into convenient prepackaged meals. These meals will be sold in cities across China, as well as in overseas markets.


To ensure quality, the company implements comprehensive quality and safety control management throughout the production process, from sourcing raw materials to packaging. The company has developed over 300 hectares of standardized farmland to produce fruits and vegetables and 22 high-standard farms for raising poultry.

行业专家认为,我国农产品品种丰富(rich varieties of agricultural food),为食品行业提供了丰富的原料,在发展预制菜产业(pre-made food industry)方面具有优势。


总部位于辽宁省大连市的一家预制凉菜企业负责人说,公司有29年食品出口经验,只不过过去还没有“预制菜”的概念,产品只以原料(raw material)、半成品(semi-processed product)、成品(processed product)来区分。

As a leading company that specializes in prepared appetizer like seaweed, mushroom, and seafood salad series, it has exported its products to more than 60 countries and regions including Japan, the United States, Europe and Southeast Asia.

几年前,该公司推动修订了国家食品安全(food security)基础标准相关部分,使得“海藻沙拉”(seaweed salad)产品标准与国际接轨,并得以在国内市场开拓和普及。

记者:张小敏 赵瑞雪

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