

ka233 刺鸟栖息地 2022-07-17



作品名称 Title


Drug Nation

艺术家 Artist


卢尚仑 赵皓程

Moso Club

Colin Lu, Herc Zhao



赵皓程-应届毕业⼯业设计师,在加拿⼤本科留学期间认识了许多受精神困扰的同学与朋 友。在对精神健康与⽣理健康类设计项⽬有⼀定了解后,逐渐感受到受精神困扰⼈⼠的⽣活有些许不同。本⼈并没有精神健康相关的过往经历,但仍想探索不⼀ 样的世界与视⻆。本次希望通过偏艺术创作的⽅式,表达出各⼈⽣活的不同。也 希望通过此次活动能开拓⾃⼰的视野。

Haocheng (Herc) Zhao - He is a graduating Industrial design student, has encountered quite many individuals who are mentally challenged throughout his academic career in Canada as an undergraduate student. After briefly working on the projects concerning both physical and mental wellness, he began to recognize the gap existing between the general public and the other half. Without any mental related affliction, yet he is still fascinated about exploring those different aspects and views of perceiving this world. He also wishes to gain more perspective through this exhibition.

Shanglun (Colin) Lu - As an emerging product designer, although being a creator like an artist, he did not have professional training as an artist. Still he experienced the joy and sense of accomplishment through his occasional simple artistic projects. After starting his academic career in Canada, he became intrigued by sculpture and installation art, under the influence of the diverse cultural environment in Toronto and the creative atmosphere in the university. He believes this exhibition is an opportunity and a step towards the realm of artistic creation in a formal manner, and demonstrate his ideas on a different platform. As a patient of clinical depression, he found acceptance and belongingness in this event, as well as eagerness to participate.


This series of works combines the universality of daily necessities with the particularity of prescribed medicine in the context of modern sculptures, highlighting the importance of the medication to the patients with mental illness, and further expressing the effects of drugs and people with mental disorders in different ways. By stepping into their shoes, from the perspective of those who are afflicted with mental disorders, surmising and picturing when medication for mental disorder starting to take up our lives and becoming the "new normal" of the general public, further emphasizing the contradiction of the generalization of such type of medicine, and the corresponding features when they become part of everyday life, hence the different aspects and ways of perceiving everyday life. This project will be constructed via the process of bricolage, in order to showcase all kinds of fictional images when mentally challenged individuals subjectively bring routine medication into mass life, in a rather playful and humorous way.

参展艺术家|卢尚仑 赵皓程



统筹|Summer 小卡


Exhibition Info


时间:8.1-8.31 上午10:30-下午18:00 


「飞路Flyway中英精神健康艺术展」是以精神健康公共教育为目的公益艺术展览。该项目获得BritishCouncil中英文化连线基金资助,由中国的非营利组织刺鸟栖息地(A Perch for the Thorn Birds)和英国的社会企业Artlink Central(艺术共链·中央区)联合举办,集中展示来自中国和英国苏格兰地区的精神健康主题艺术创作。活动向职业艺术家和素人创作者开放,同时积极鼓励有精神困扰人士参与投稿并为有需要人士提供小额资助。项目于2021年8月在中国上海和苏格兰福特谷皇家医院就精选作品进行线上线下展览,同期举办一系列活动,促进行业交流,激发公众创造力,提高社会精神健康意识。「飞路Flyway」旨在创造一个安全开放的精神健康话题讨论场所,期待每一个愿意讲述和聆听的人。

精神健康公共艺术团体。以超越学科的视角看待精神健康议题,身体力行促进知识和经验的生产, 秉持社会正义的理念, 探索多元介入的可能。除了开展同伴教育、 互助团体、 讲座沙龙等经典项目, 也通过影像研习、 影像制作、 戏剧演出、艺术展览等各种艺术创新方式进行精神健康大众传播。连续四年举办药玩·精神健康嘉年华。与多所高校合作, 组织教学和培训。曾获北京尚善公益基金会、 706空间青年基金、 银杏基金会、 爱德基金会支持。

