Cell Host and Microbe(2018)
The Impact of Dietary Fiber on Gut Microbiota in Host Health and Disease
Cell Host and Microbe发表一篇综述,围绕膳食纤维展开详细讨论,包括其定义和类别、对肠道微环境和多种疾病的影响、其菌群代谢产物SCFA对身体健康的作用、膳食纤维的个体化需求等诸多方面,非常值得关注。千言万语汇成一句话:西式饮食不健康,多吃膳食纤维身体好。
Our gut harborstrillions of microbes representing all kingdoms of life that are essential forhost development and physiology. This ‘‘gut microbiota’’ constitutes a complexcommunity that inter- acts with each other and with the host to modulatebiological processes essential for health. Our understanding of the biolog-ical roles of the gut microbiome, which include modulating juve- nile growth (Schwarzer et al., 2016), maturation of the immune system (Rescigno, 2014), and modulation of glucose and lipidmetabolism (Ba€ckhed et al.,2004), has increaseddramatically in the past decade.
The microbiome contributes to homeostatic regulationin different tissues in our body (Schroederand Ba€ckhed,2016). However, although the overallinterrelationship of humans with their microbiota can be considered amutualistic symbiosis (Wal- ter et al., 2011), eubiosis, which refers to a healthy balance of themicrobes in the gut, can be disrupted, leading to the develop- ment of variouschronic diseases with an underlying inflamma- tory condition (Hand et al., 2016). Most microbiome-linked pathologies havedramatically increased over the past century, suggesting that a change inlifestyle might disrupt gut microbiota symbiosis due to the loss of beneficial,protective microbes (Logan et al., 2016). In fact, Western-style diet, low in micro-biota-accessible carbohydrates (MACs), may irreversibly reduce microbialdiversity and lead to the disappearance of specific bacterial species in thedigestive system (Sonnenburg et al.,2016). Accordingly, the low intake of dietary fibersand the increased amounts of fat and sugar in our food, typical for aWesternized lifestyle and nutrition, may at least in part contribute todepletion of specific bacterial taxa (Sonnenburgand Sonnen- burg, 2014). These alterationsmay result in dysfunctions, contributing to the increase in the development ofchronic inflammatory diseases such as intestinal bowel disease (IBD), colorectalcancer (CRC), allergies, autoimmune diseases, and obesity and its associatedpathologies. These diseases can, at least in part, be prevented by dietaryfiber, arguing for attempts to close the ‘‘fiber gap’’ through adjustment ofhuman diet (Dee- han and Walter, 2016). Here we will discuss how dietary fiber impacts gutmicrobial ecology, host physiology, and health by specifically focusing onmechanisms by which a low-fiber diet disrupts the microbial ecosystem and leadsto a predisposition to chronic inflammatory diseases.
① 膳食纤维有利于维持肠道菌群健康,增加其多样性和功能;
② 膳食纤维及其菌群代谢产物短链脂肪酸,可增强肠道屏障功能(促进粘液生成和连接蛋白表达)、降低肠腔内的氧含量、维持免疫系统健康;
③ 对炎性肠病、结直肠癌、慢阻肺、哮喘、肥胖和糖尿病等免疫和炎症相关疾病均有益;
④ 膳食纤维还能结合并调节营养物质和胆汁酸的吸收和代谢,其菌群代谢产物阿魏酸也对身体有益;
⑤ 推荐每天50g的膳食纤维摄入量,但具体数值应根据个体情况决定。