

知几学术 知几未来研究院 2022-01-16

Effect of mother’s weight on infant’s microbiota acquisition, composition, and activity during early infancy: a prospective follow-up study initiated in early pregnancy

Collado et al. Am J Clin Nutr (2010)

DOI 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29877





Background: It has been reported that deviations in gut microbiota composition may predispose toward obesity, and specific groups of commensal gut bacteria may harvest energy from food more efficiently than others. Alterations in microbiota compositions of mothers may be transferred to infants and lead to an increased risk of overweight.

Objective: We analyzed the fecal microbiota composition of infants of overweight and normal-weight mothers and assessed the relations of weight and excessive weight gain of mothers during pregnancy on the microbiota of infants.

Design: Mothers (n = 16) whose prepregnancy body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) was ≥25 were selected with their infants from a prospective follow-up study of 256 women. Women with a BMI <25 (n = 26) and their infants served as control subjects. At the ages of 1 and 6 mo, infant stool samples were available for the analysis of microbiota composition by fluorescence in situ hybridization combined with flow cytometry and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction.

Results: Infants’ fecal microbial composition was related to the weight and weight gain of their mothers during pregnancy. Fecal Bacteroides and Staphylococcus concentrations were significantly higher in infants of overweight mothers during the first 6 mo. Higher weights and BMIs of mothers were related to higher concentrations of Bacteroides, Clostridium, and Staphylococcus and lower concentrations of the Bifidobacterium group. Prevalences of Akkermansia muciniphila, Staphylococcus, and Clostridium difficile groups were lower in infants of normal-weight mothers and of mothers with normal weight gains during pregnancy.

Conclusion: The composition and development of infant gut microbiota are influenced by BMI, weight, and weight gain of mothers during pregnancy.






  1. 超重妇女的婴儿出生时体重明显高于正常体重妇女的婴儿;

  2. 采用FISH-FCM技术,超重母亲的婴儿在1个月大时Bacteroides-Prevotella 数量明显低于正常体重母亲的婴儿,而在6个月大时C. histolyticum的数量高于正常体重母亲的婴儿。同样,体重增加过多的母亲的婴儿在1个月大时,Bacteroides-Prevotella的数量显著低于体重增加正常的母亲的婴儿,而在6个月大时,C. histolyticum的数量显著高于体重增加过多的母亲的婴儿;

  3. 6个月大时,正常体重母亲所生婴儿的双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium)数量高于体重超重母亲所生婴儿,尽管在出生后第一个月两组没有差异。6个月大时,正常体重孕妇的婴儿肠道中双歧杆菌与C. coccoides的比例明显高于超重孕妇的婴儿,而超重孕妇1个月大的婴儿中双歧杆菌与C. coccoides的比例没有发现差异。这一比例在日后罹患特应性疾病的儿童中也明显下降,这表明这些菌群的相对比例可能早于免疫相关疾病的发展;

  4. 本研究数据显示,在肥胖和体重过度增加的母亲的婴儿中,嗜粘单胞菌的丰度很高。根据之前的研究,超重孕妇的嗜粘单胞菌数量明显高于正常体重的孕妇。嗜粘单胞菌浓度升高可能表明肠黏液素降解增加,微生物对上皮细胞的通路增加,从而影响促炎活性;

  5. 本研究表明,母亲体重、孕期体重增加和微生物组成对婴儿微生物群发育有影响,说明母亲的微生物群是影响婴儿健康的重要因素。





