Crusell et al. Microbiome (2018)
DOI 10.1186/s40168-018-0472-x
Gestational diabetes is associated withchange in the gut microbiota composition in third trimester of pregnancy andpostpartum
Background: Imbalances of gut microbiota composition are linked to a range ofmetabolic perturbations. In the present study, we examined the gut microbiotaof women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and normoglycaemic pregnantwomen in late pregnancy and about 8 months postpartum.
Methods: Gut microbiota profiles of women with GDM (n = 50) and healthy (n= 157) pregnant women in the third trimester and 8 months postpartum wereassessed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of the V1-V2 region. Insulin andglucose homeostasis were evaluated by a 75 g 2-h oral glucose tolerance testduring and after pregnancy.
Results: Gut microbiota of women with GDM was aberrant at multiple levels,including phylum and genus levels, compared with normoglycaemic pregnant women.Actinobacteria at phylum level and Collinsella, Rothia and Desulfovibrioat genus level had a higher abundance in the GDM cohort. Difference inabundance of 17 species- level operational taxonomic units (OTUs) duringpregnancy was associated with GDM. After adjustment for pre-pregnancy body massindex (BMI), 5 of the 17 OTUs showed differential abundance in the GDM cohortcompared with the normoglycaemic pregnant women with enrichment of speciesannotated to Faecalibacterium and Anaerotruncus and depletion of speciesannotated to Clostridium (sensustricto) and to Veillonella. OTUsassigned to Akkermansia wereassociated with lower insulin sensitivity while Christensenella OTUs were associated with higher fasting plasmaglucose concentration. OTU richness and Shannon index decreased from latepregnancy to postpartum regardless of metabolic status. About 8 months afterdelivery, the microbiota of women with previous GDM was still characterised byan aberrant composition. Thirteen OTUs were differentially abundant in womenwith previous GDM compared with women with previous normoglycaemic pregnancy.
Conclusion: GDM diagnosed in the third trimester of pregnancy is associatedwith a disrupted gut microbiota composition compared with normoglycaemicpregnant women, and 8 months after pregnancy, differences in the gut microbiotasignatures are still detectable. The gut microbiota composition of women withGDM, both during and after pregnancy, resembles the aberrant microbiotacomposition reported in non-pregnant individuals with type 2 diabetes andassociated intermediary metabolic traits.
妊娠会引起代谢和免疫改变,其特征是胰岛素抵抗性增强和对对胎儿和胎盘的免疫耐受性增强。在易感女性中,这些生理变化可能导致妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)的发生。即使血糖调节在分娩后不久就恢复正常,但患有GDM的妇女在10 - 15年期间患2型糖尿病的风险会增加40%。有研究显示肠道微生物可能参与糖尿病的发病过程。本研究通过16s rRNA基因检测,对比GDM孕妇和健康孕妇的肠道微生物组成结构,发现两组存在显著差异,并且这个差异会持续到产后。
检测方法:16S rRNA基因V1-V2区测序等
Fig. 2 Taxonomicbiomarkers of gestational diabetes during pregnancy and postpartum. Cladogram (a, c) and scores(b, d) of taxonomic biomarkers down to genus level identified by lineardiscriminant analysis (LDA) using LEfSe during pregnancy (a, b) and postpartum(c, d). Colour indicates the group in which a differentially abundant taxon isenriched (red: GDM and previous GDM; blue: normoglycaemic and previousnormoglycaemic pregnancy)
图2. 妊娠期及产后糖尿病分类标志物。利用lefse在妊娠期(a,b)和产后(c,d)进行线性判别分析(lda),确定分类生物标记的分类图(a,c)和得分(b,d),直至属水平。颜色表示一个分类群丰富的差异(红色:GDM和产前GDM;蓝色:正常血糖和产前正常血糖妊娠)