
【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2020-2-21)


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's
Daily Briefing Online on February 21, 2020


  I'd like to share the latest numbers with you first. According to this morning's update from the National Health Commission, February 20 saw 2,109 patients cured and discharged from hospital in China's mainland, bringing the total number of cured cases to 18,264.


  Q: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) yesterday. Could you share with us more details? Does this conference have any special significance for regional countries' joint response to COVID-19?  答:新冠肺炎疫情发生后,中国和东盟迅速商定举行了这次特别外长会。这是自疫情发生以来,地区国家首次聚焦公共卫生安全的多边外长会,具有特殊重要意义。会议十分成功,取得了积极成果,发表了《中国—东盟关于新冠肺炎问题特别外长会联合声明》。会议期间,中国和东盟各国临床医学专家还平行召开了视频会议,重点围绕诊疗方案和救治经验进行了富有成果的交流。  A: Shortly after the COVID-19 outbreak, China and ASEAN decided to hold this special foreign ministers' meeting. It is of special significance as the first multilateral foreign ministers' meeting focusing on public health security in regional countries. This successful meeting achieved positive outcomes and published the Statement of the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In parallel to the meeting, clinical specialists from China and ASEAN countries held a video conference, holding fruitful exchanges on therapeutic plans and treatment experiences.
  王毅国务委员兼外长和东盟各国外长就中国和东盟携手应对疫情达成了重要共识,一致认为要同舟共济、相互支持、共克时艰。王毅国务委员介绍了中国为抗击疫情采取的有力举措及明显成效,并提出四点合作倡议:一是加强对接,联防联控;二是着眼长远,确立长效合作机制;三是理性应对,战胜恐慌;四是化危为机,培育新合作增长点。中方主张得到东盟各国外长的一致高度评价。  Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and ASEAN foreign ministers reached important consensus on jointly fighting the COVID-19 outbreak, pledging to pull together to overcome the current difficulties. State Councilor Wang talked about the forceful and effective measures China has taken to fight the epidemic and proposed the following four points: first, strengthen coordination for joint disease prevention and control; second, take a long-term perspective and establish long-acting cooperation mechanism; third, rationally deal with this epidemic and conquer panic; fourth, turn the crisis into opportunity and foster new cooperation growth points. These proposals have won high acclaim from ASEAN foreign ministers attending the meeting.
  与会各方高度赞赏中方为抗击疫情采取的坚定举措以及展现的公开透明和高度负责任态度,充分肯定中国为维护地区及全球公共卫生安全作出的重要贡献,相信中方一定能尽快战胜疫情。各方表示,东盟和中国应加强团结合作,全力避免正常交往和合作受到影响,加强经验交流借鉴,共同提升地区公共卫生安全能力。  ASEAN countries expressed appreciation for the strong measures China has taken in an open, transparent and responsible manner; recognition for its contribution to regional and global public health security; and confidence in its early victory over the epidemic. They all stated that ASEAN and China should enhance solidarity and cooperation, do their utmost to mitigate the outbreak's impact on exchanges and cooperation, share experience, and jointly strengthen regional public health security capabilities.
  需要特别指出的是,这是一次暖心和令人鼓舞的会议。东盟各国外长在开会前共同上台,肩并肩手拉手,为武汉加油!为中国加油!为东盟加油!我想这再次体现了中国和东盟相互扶持、守望相助的优良传统,体现了地区国家以及整个国际社会为中国抗疫斗争提供的宝贵支持。我们坚信,中国—东盟关系将在共同抗击疫情中迈上更高水平,中国—东盟命运共同体建设也将在经历这场考验后得到更加扎实的推进  There is something special about this heart-warming and inspiring meeting. Before it started, ASEAN foreign ministers joined hands on stage, sending the message "stay strong" to Wuhan, China and ASEAN. This is another vivid example of the fine tradition of mutual assistance between ASEAN and China. It is also an epitome of regional and international support for China's fight against the virus. We firmly believe that China-ASEAN relations will be elevated to a new high in the joint fight against the epidemic, and the building of a China-ASEAN community with a shared future will make solid progress after the test of the epidemic.


  Q: The Japanese government delivered another batch of medical assistance to Wuhan on the fifth chartered plane to pick up its nationals. Many Chinese netizens thanked Japan and asked it to take good care of its people and leave enough supplies at home to prevent the spread of the virus. The Chinese embassy in Japan recently announced China's donation of coronavirus nucleic acid test kits to Japan National Institute of Infectious Diseases. How do you see such interaction between China and Japan?

  答:我几天前讲过,疫情无国界,人间有真情。面对这场突如其来的严重疫情,中日作为一衣带水的友好邻邦,理所当然要加强合作,携手应对。  A: Like I said the other day, virus knows no borders, but the worst of times reveals the best in people. Faced with the outbreak, it is only natural for China and Japan, as friendly neighbors, to deal with it hand in hand.
  疫情发生以来,日本政府和人民第一时间向中方伸出援手,向中方提供了宝贵的支持和帮助,中方铭记和珍惜这份友情。当前日本国内疫情也牵动中国人民的心,我们感同身受。  After the epidemic struck, the Japanese government and people provided valuable support and assistance to China at the earliest time possible. We will remember and hold dear such friendship. The Chinese people are also following the spread of the virus in Japan with care and concern. We completely relate to what they are going through.
  “投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶”。尽管当前中国国内疫情形势依然严峻,防疫物资还不是那么充裕,但我们愿在努力抗击本国疫情的同时,进一步同日方分享信息和经验,并根据日方需要,继续向日方提供力所能及的支持和帮助。  To quote a line from the Book of Songs, "You throw a peach to me, I give you a white jade for friendship". Though we are still facing a severe situation at home with rather tight medical supplies, we will further share information and experience with Japan and offer as much support and assistance as possible based on its need.
  中日两国互帮互助,传递的是友谊,收获的是互信。这也是中国与整个国际社会共同应对全球性挑战的一个缩影。中方愿同日方继续保持密切沟通,加强协调合作,共同维护两国人民的生命安全和身体健康,为维护地区和世界的公共卫生安全作出积极贡献  When lending each other a helping hand, we gain friendship and mutual trust. This is the very epitome of how China and the whole international community have been dealing with global challenges altogether. China will remain in close communication, coordination and cooperation with Japan to jointly protect the lives and health of the two peoples and make positive contributions to upholding regional and global public health security.



  Q: Indian media reported on February 20 that China has agreed to join India and other countries in sending a strong message to Pakistan and urging it to fulfill commitment to fight terror financing and money laundering. Reports say this signals a major shift in China's position since it has been a staunch supporter for Pakistan within the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). What's your comment?

  答:中方在有关问题上的立场没有改变  A: China's position on the relevant issue remains unchanged.
  巴基斯坦为完善国内反恐怖融资体系做了大量工作,在2月20日刚结束的金融行动特别工作组(FATF)巴黎全会上,绝大多数成员充分肯定巴方努力。全会最终支持巴继续落实现有整改行动计划,并决定予巴更多时间。  Pakistan has made enormous efforts in improving its counter-terror financing system, which has been recognized by the vast majority of FATF members at its latest plenary meeting concluded on February 20 in Paris. It was decided at the meeting that Pakistan will be allowed more time to continue implementing its action plan.
  中方始终强调,FATF的宗旨和目标是支持各国改进反洗钱和反恐怖融资体系、维护国际金融体系安全。我们愿同有关各方一道,继续在此方面为巴提供更多帮助。  China maintains that the purpose and aim of the FATF is to support countries' efforts to strengthen institutions against money laundering and terror financing and safeguard the international financing system. We stand ready to work with relevant parties to offer more assistance to Pakistan in this area.

  问:据报道,伊朗卫生部确认,截至目前,伊朗境内新冠肺炎确诊病例为5例,其中2例死亡。中方对此有何评论?  Q: The Iranian health ministry confirmed five COVID-19 cases in Iran, of which two have been fatal. I wonder if you could comment on that?  答:中方密切关注伊朗国内新冠肺炎疫情发展,对病故者表示哀悼。  A: China closely follows the COVID-19 situation in Iran and expresses condolences over the passing of the two patients.
  在这场抗击疫情的斗争中,中方同伊方坚定地站在一起。伊朗政府和人民为中国抗击疫情提供了宝贵支持和帮助,扎里夫外长是全球第一个公开声援中国的外长。  In this fight against the virus, China and Iran have been standing firmly together. The Iranian government and people provided China with valuable support and help, and Foreign Minister Zarif was the first foreign minister who publicly voiced support for China.
  中方愿同伊方密切开展沟通协调,加强防疫合作,力争早日战胜疫情,共同维护两国人民身体健康和世界公共卫生安全。  China will maintain close communication, coordination and cooperation with Iran to defeat the epidemic as soon as possible and safeguard the health of our two peoples and global public health security.


  Q:  Why is China delaying giving permission to the Indian flight coming in with medical supplies and then to evacuate Indians from Hubei?

  答:中方一直为印度接回本国公民提供协助,目前已有400多名在湖北的印度公民回到了新德里。关于印方计划接回剩余的80名印公民,两国主管部门正沟通协调,不存在中方拖延发放飞行许可的情况。  A: China has been assisting India in flying home its citizens. By far, more than 400 Indian nationals in Hubei have returned to New Delhi. The competent departments on the two sides are still in communication regarding arrangements for the remaining 80 Indian nationals to be brought back. There is no such thing as China delaying granting flight permission.
  中国政府高度重视所有在华外籍人员的生命安全和身体健康,已经并将继续向他们提供一切必要的帮助。  The Chinese government attaches high importance to health of foreign nationals in China. We have offered them all necessary help and will continue to do so.
  目前,中方的防疫措施正不断取得成效,希望有关国家重视世卫组织的合理建议,避免过度反应。中方也将同国际社会共同应对疫情,促进世界公共卫生事业。  At present, China's prevention efforts have been proven to be effective. We hope that relevant countries will respect the WHO's recommendations and avoid overreacting. China will continue to work with the international community to fight against the epidemic and promote the global cause of public health.


  Q: Both candidates Bloomberg and Biden pointed to China's climate record in last night's democratic debates voicing criticism and praise. Care to comment? Biden for example charged that China was exporting coal through the BRI to hide carbon emissions in other countries?  答:大选是美国内政,我们不作评论。  A: I have no comment on the election as it is a US domestic affair.
  关于气候变化问题,我愿重申,中国坚持走绿色可持续发展道路,致力于建设生态文明,一直采取积极措施应对气候变化,参与相关领域的国际合作。中方的贡献有目共睹,得到国际社会普遍好评。  Regarding the issue of climate change, I want to reaffirm our commitment to green and sustainable development and ecological conservation. We have been working actively to deal with climate change and participating in international cooperation. Our contributions are witnessed and commended by the international community.
  我们愿与各方一道,继续推动落实《巴黎协定》,共同为应对全球气候变化作出努力与贡献。  We will continue to work with other countries in implementing the Paris Agreement and contributing to global efforts to address climate change.






