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萧生客 萧参客 2020-08-18
黄艾琳(Eileen Huang)的公开信(来自“美国华人”
我叫黄艾琳(Eileen Huang), 是耶鲁大学英语系大三学生。PBS的最新纪录片《亚裔美国人》播出以后,有人约我就美国华裔历史写一篇观后感,或者写一首诗也行。可是,我发现在这个时候很难作诗。我不想只关注我自己族裔的历史和故事,而不去了解和认识所有被边缘化的少数族群经历的挑战,痛苦和创伤(其中也包括我们自己族裔的遭遇),哪怕是在今天。鉴于明尼苏达州的抗议活动是由白人警官和亚裔警官谋杀黑人乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)引发的(编者注:Derek Chauvin已被当地检察官以三级谋杀和二级杀人罪起诉),我特别想谈谈亚裔美国人社区中盛行的对非裔的歧视和敌视态度。如果我们不认真反省,这种态度会给我们所有人招来暴力。 
我们亚裔美国人宁愿相信我们会幸免于种族歧视。毕竟,我们中的许多人生活在富裕的社区,把孩子送到顶尖的大学,从事舒适的专业工作。正如诗人Cathy Park Hong所写,我们相信我们是“下一个……被同化的人”,我们会获得白人所拥有的特权,会从因为肤色导致的所有负担中解脱出来。
然而,我们在这个国家的生存一直是有条件的。十九世纪当中国劳工初来美国时,他们被私刑处死,《排华法案》禁止他们参与政治和社会活动。《排华法案》是美国历史上唯一的明确针对某一种族群体的联邦法案。当早期的亚裔移民,如Bhagat Singh Thind,试图申请公民身份时,所有亚裔美国人都被剥夺了法律人格权,而直到1965年,法律人格权只能授予“自由白人”。当珍珠港被炸时,日裔美国人被围捕、拷打并拘禁在集中营。当冷战达到顶峰时,被怀疑是共产主义者的华裔美国人受到联邦特工的恐吓。很多家庭失去了工作、生意和生计。当新冠病毒袭击美国时,亚裔美国人遭到攻击、唾弃和骚扰。我们被指责为“病毒携带者”;我本人最近就被指是“吃蝙蝠的人”。我们误以为自己在这个国家表现出色,直到有人提醒我们,我们不能太舒服——我们永远不会真正属于这里。
这里有一个故事可以证明(我们不属于这里):1982年6月19日,当底特律的汽车工业因来自日本的竞争而每况愈下时,27岁的华裔陈果仁(Vincent Chin)走进一家酒吧,庆祝即将到来的婚礼。被解雇的白人汽车工人Ronald Ebens和他的继子Michael Nitz也在场。陈果仁离开酒吧时,那对父子跟踪他,把他逼到一个麦当劳的停车场,然后用金属棒球棒猛击他,直到他的头颅开裂。他们对陈果仁说:“正是因为你这个婊子养的,我们才失业。” 后来,这个谋杀案传开,在美华人义愤填膺,要求判Ebens和Nitz有罪。谋杀陈果仁的凶手们只被指控犯有二级谋杀罪,罚款3000美元,没有坐牢。郡法官Charles Kaufman说:“这两个人不是该被送进监狱的那类人“。那么谁该被送进监狱呢?  
观看《亚裔美国人》时,我被陈果仁的妈妈Lily的视频片段深深地困扰。她是一个小个子华裔女人,长得像我的奶奶,或者我的妈妈,姨妈姑妈。在镜头前,她的脸皱巴巴的;她哀求和哭泣的声音可怜得像动物一样,“我要为我的儿子伸张正义。”在陈妈妈的所有镜头中,都有杰西·杰克逊(Jesse Jackson)等非裔民权活动人士围绕在她身边。他们保护她,不让新闻记者消费她的悲伤。后来,他们跟华裔活动家一起走上街头,高举标语呼吁结束种族暴力。
2020年5月25日,非裔乔治·弗洛伊德被指控在明尼阿波利斯的一家杂货店使用20美元假钞购买香烟。对此,白人警官Derek Chauvin赶来,他抓住弗洛伊德,用膝盖卡住他的脖子上长达八分钟。在随后网上流传的视频中,你能看到,在三四分钟的时间里,弗洛伊德为自己的生命哀求(视频看到他流着血),他说自己已经无法呼吸。乔文继续用膝盖压迫他。与此同时,视频显示,在背景中,一名亚裔警官Tou Thao就站在Chauvin一边旁观。只是旁观, 什么都没说,任由弗洛伊德慢慢地停止挣扎。
我看到,我周围的亚裔美国人也保持着同样的沉默。我对华裔社区尤其感到失望,他们对谋杀美国黑人所持有的沉默让我感到震惊。在明尼阿波利斯,有那么多有色人种的活动家联合起来支持抗议者的同时,也有那么多美国华人选择了对这次抗议“置身事外”。同一群华人曾经在新冠流行期间大声疾呼反对歧视亚裔,但在谈到弗洛伊德的谋杀案(Ahmaud Arbery、Breonna Taylor、Tamir Rice、Sandra Bland、Trayvon Martin、Michael Brown, Freddie Gray,和无数其他仅仅为了生存而被杀害的美国黑人)时,他们却令人不解地保持沉默。
我看不出我们对电视上的黑人母亲有同情心,她们像陈果仁的妈妈Lily Chin那样,乞求为儿子伸张正义。我没看到我们中有多少人和黑人抗议者一起游行。我没有看到我们给黑人领导的组织捐款。我没有看到我们为杀害无辜黑人的白人,比如陈果仁的谋杀犯,没有受到制裁而出离愤怒。我没看到我们对非裔抗议者表示任何声援,抗议者被喷射催泪瓦斯和橡皮子弹。而就在几周前,白人新冠“抗议者”手持AR-15游行,警察连碰都没碰过他们。相反,我听到我们称他们为“渣子”、“暴徒”、“掠夺者”——和美国白人曾经给予我们的污名一样。我看到我们,比如我自己的家人,仅仅把特朗普要派国民警卫队前往明尼苏达的推特当作笑谈。
我们华裔的历史不只有一大串听话的医生、律师和工程师;我们的历史中更有革命者、活动家、斗士,尤其是幸存者。我经常想起日裔集中营幸存者Yuri Kochiyama,他后来成为著名的民权活动家,并与马尔科姆·X(Malcolm X)等非裔活动家建立了密切关系。她曾说,“我们都是彼此的一部分”。



Simple is the best。




——他们要面对的,既有语言的障碍,又有不同人文环境的落差,既要克服无法有效沟通的语言鸿沟,又要克服异国他乡的人生地不熟,他们没有额外的种族优待,他们也不会脱口而出的 “Racism!”










这是明尼阿波利斯市长费赖(Jacob Frey)在记者上所说的,但遗憾地是,在400年的光阴中,为什么非裔始终在“哀嚎”中无法走出?



Black lives matter?
No,all lives matter!




  1. 不要给任何鼓吹Black lives matter(BLM)的组织或个人捐款 。
  2. 不要被忽悠,不要去抗议所谓的“白人至上”。
  3. 反对一切形式的违法暴力。
  4. 帮助非裔,正视非裔的问题。
  5. 为华人社区做努力,帮助华人社区。
  6. 告诉人们真正的历史,而不是被恶意解读的历史。
  7. 帮助你身边的所有族群的朋友,反对种族区分,反对身份政治。
  8. 在社交媒体上对贩卖仇恨的左派,勇敢反击!
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. -马丁.路德.金。

黄艾琳(Eileen Huang)的公开信(原文)
To the Chinese American Community:
My name is Eileen Huang, and I am a junior at Yale University studying English. I was asked to write a reflection, maybe even a poem, on Chinese American history after watching Asian Americans, the new documentary on PBS. However, I find it hard to write poems at a time like this. I refuse to focus on our history, our stories, and our people without acknowledging the challenges, pain, and trauma experienced by marginalized people—ourselves included—even today. In light of protests in Minnesota, which were sparked by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of racist White and Asian police officers, I specifically want to address the rampant anti-Blackness in the Asian American community that, if unchecked, can bring violence to us all.
We Asian Americans have long perpetuated anti-Black statements and stereotypes. I grew up hearing relatives, family friends, and even my parents make subtle, even explicitly racist comments about the Black community: They grow up in bad neighborhoods. They cause so much crime. I would rather you not be friends with Black people. I would rather you not be involved in Black activism.
The message was clear: We are the model minority—doctors, lawyers, quiet and obedient overachievers. We have little to do with other people of color; we will even side with White Americans to degrade them. The Asian Americans around me, myself included, were reluctant—and sometimes even refused—to participate in conversations on the violent racism faced by Black Americans—even when they were hunted by White supremacists, even when they were mercilessly shot in their own neighborhoods, even when they were murdered in broad daylight, even when their children were slaughtered for carrying toy guns or stealing gum, even when their grieving mothers appeared on television, begging and crying for justice. Even when anti-Blackness is so closely aligned to our own oppression under structural racism. 
We Asian Americans like to think of ourselves as exempt from racism. After all, many of us live in affluent neighborhoods, send our children to selective universities, and work comfortable, professional jobs. As the poet Cathy Park Hong writes, we believe that we are “next in line … to disappear,” to gain the privileges that White people have, to be freed from all the burdens that come with existing in a body of color. 
However, our survival in this country has always been conditional. When Chinese laborers came in the 1800s, they were lynched and barred from political and social participation by the Chinese Exclusion Act—the only federal law in American history to explicitly target a racial group. When early Asian immigrants, such as Bhagat Singh Thind, attempted to apply for citizenship, all Asian Americans were denied the right to legal personhood—which was only granted to “free white persons“—until 1965. When Pearl Harbor was bombed, Japanese Americans were rounded up, tortured, and detained in concentration camps. When the Cold War reached its peak, Chinese Americans suspected of being Communists were terrorized by federal agents. Families lost their jobs, businesses, and livelihoods. When COVID-19 hit the US, Asian Americans were assaulted, spat on, and harassed. We were accused of being “virus carriers”; I was recently called a “bat-eater.” We are made to feel like we have excelled in this country until we are reminded that we cannot get too comfortable—that we will never truly belong.
Here’s a story of not belonging: On June 19, 1982, as Detroit’s auto industry was deteriorating from Japanese competition, Vincent Chin, a 27-year-old Chinese American, entered a bar to celebrate his upcoming wedding. Ronald Ebens, a laid-off White autoworker, and his stepson, Michael Nitz, were there as well. They followed Chin as he left the bar and cornered him in a McDonald’s parking lot, where they proceeded to bludgeon him with a metal baseball bat until his head cracked open. “It’s because of you motherf––ers that we are out of work,” they had said to Chin. Later, as news of the murder got out, Chinese Americans were outraged, calling for Ebens and Nitz’s conviction. Chin’s killers were only charged for second-degree murder, receiving only charges of $3,000—and no jail time. “These weren’t the kind of men you send to jail,” County Judge Charles Kaufman said. Then who is?
Watching Asian Americans, I was haunted by the video clips of Chin’s mother, Lily. She is a small Chinese woman who looks like my grandmother, or my mother, or an aunt. Her face crumples in front of the cameras; she pleads and cries, in a voice almost animal-like, “I want justice for my son.” Yet, in all of Lily’s footage, she is surrounded by Black civil rights activists, such as Jesse Jackson. They guard her from news reporters that try to film her grief. Later, they march in the streets with Chinese American activists, holding signs calling for an end to racist violence.
Though we cannot compare the challenges faced by Asian Americans to the far more violent atrocities suffered by Black Americans, we owe everything to them. It is because of the work of Black Americans—who spearheaded the civil rights movement—that Asian Americans are no longer called “Orientals” or “Chinamen.” It is because of Black Americans, who called for an end to racist housing policies, that we are even allowed to live in the same neighborhoods as White people. It is because of Black Americans, who pushed back against racist naturalization laws, that Asian Americans have gained official citizenship and are officially recognized under the law. It is because of Black activism that stories like Vincent Chin’s are even remembered. We did not gain the freedom to become comfortable “model minorities” by virtue of being better or hard-working, but from years of struggle and support from other marginalized communities. 
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a Black man, was accused of using a counterfeit 20-dollar bill at a deli in Minneapolis. In response, Derek Chauvin, a White police officer, tackled Floyd and knelt on his neck for seven minutes. In videos that will later circulate online, for three minutes, in a pool of his own blood, Floyd is seen pleading for his life, stating that he can no longer breathe. Instead, Chauvin continues to kneel. And kneel. Meanwhile, in the background, Tou Thao, an Asian American police officer, is seen standing by the murder, merely watching. And watching. And saying nothing as Floyd slowly stops struggling.
I see this same kind of silence from Asian Americans around me. I am especially disappointed in the Chinese American community, whose silence on the murder of Black Americans has been deafening. While so many activists of color are banding together to support protesters in Minneapolis, so many Chinese Americans have chosen to “stay out” of this disobedience. The same Chinese Americans who spoke out so vocally on anti-Asian racism from COVID-19 are suspiciously quiet when it comes to Floyd’s murder (as well as Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and countless other Black Americans who were killed merely for existing). I do not see us sharing sympathy for Black mothers who appear on television, begging, like Lily Chin, to see justice for their sons. I do not see us marching with Black protesters. I do not see us donating to Black-led organizations.  
I do not see our outrage as White murderers, such as Vincent Chin’s killers, receive no jail time for killing innocent Black Americans. I do not see us extending any solidarity toward the Black protesters who have been sprayed with tear gas and rubber bullets—only a couple weeks after White COVID-19 “protesters,” armed with AR-15s, were barely even touched by policemen. Instead, I see us calling them “thugs,” “rioters,” “looters”—the same epithets that White Americans once called us. I see us, such as members of my own family, merely laughing off President Trump’s tweet about sending the National Guard to Minnesota, as if it were a joke and not a deadly threat. 
I imagine where we would be if Black Americans did not participate in Asian American activism. We would still be called Orientals. We would live in even more segregated neighborhoods and attend even more segregated schools. We would not be allowed to attend these elite colleges, advance in our comfortable careers. We would be illegal aliens. We—and everyone else—would not remember stories like Vincent Chin’s.
I urge all Chinese Americans to watch media such as Asian Americans, to seriously reflect not only on our own history, but also on our shared history with other minorities—how our liberation is intertwined with liberation for Black Americans, Native Americans, Latinx Americans, and more. We are not exempt from history. What has happened to George Floyd has happened to Chinese miners in the 1800s and Vincent Chin, and will continue to happen to us and all minorities unless we let go of our silence, which has never protected us, and never will. 
Our history is not only a lineage of obedient doctors, lawyers, and engineers. It is also a history of disrupters, activists, fighters, and, above all, survivors. I think often of Yuri Kochiyama, a Japanese American survivor of internment camps who later became a prominent civil rights activist, and who developed close relationships with Black activists, such as Malcolm X. “We are all part of one another,” she once said.
I urge you all to donate to the activist organizations listed below. I refuse to call for the racial justice of our own community at the expense of others. Justice that degrades or subordinates other minorities is not justice at all. At a time when many privileged minorities are siding with White supremacy—which has terrorized all of our communities for centuries—I want to ask: Whose side are you on?

We stand with the American people!
In Response to an Open Letter by a Yale Chinese Student “Standing with African Americans”--- By Ling Fei of the Trumpet Today                  
I recently read an article titled"We Stand With African Americans", an open letter from a Yale Chinesestudent to her parents and the Chinese community.
I’m gravely saddened by the letter.This is written by somebody who has been brainwashed by the school's leftist ideology,which has resulted in her inability to tell black from white and white fromblack. It is the greatest worry for many Chinese parents, that is, theirchildren are being swayed by school education to the left which creates anincompetence to tell right from wrong.
Hence this response.
Child, I am gravely saddened.
As a first generation Chinese immigrant to the United States, a father with two children, I feel sad for you.  Education and knowledge have not helped you to discern right from wrong. Your conceit led you to think that you are the only one that’s right.
You arrogantly accused the entire Asian community. You accused your own father and mother by saying "The discrimination and hostility towards African Americans is prevailing in the Asian American community".
It seems that the entire Asian community is wrong, and that only you know the ultimate truth. You think you are God, while in reality you are blind and haughty.
Your education and knowledge did not seem to have taught you true humility. Nor did they teach you how to distinguish good from evil. 
Knowledge does not give the ability to differentiate between good and evil. Only common sense and a clear conscience can. 
Life is never paradise. I just want to tell you in the most simple terms what the real world is like.
Reality is reality and will not change with your illusions. 
Your parents have shielded you too well due of their love for you. You did not experience life’s adversity and hardships which resulted in an ignorance of life lessons. That may be why you are egotistical today.
Confucius, the ancestor of China, said: "放祸于先而不至于后伤情。知而慎行,君子不立于危墙之下,焉可等闲视之。 
It means that one needs to assess potential risks in advance to prevent damaging consequences physically and mentally. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, escape immediately. 
Not sure if you understand it or not. Wisdom is universal across all ethnic groups. If you understand it, you may be able to understand why your parents reminded you of problems in the African American community.
Yes, it is a fact that "many of us (Chinese) live in affluent neighborhoods, send children to selective universities, and work comfortable, professional jobs". But have you ever thought about how that fact came about? 
We were not born rich. Not the insane way you conjectured.
We are first-generation immigrants. We have experienced different systems and different countries. We have walked through the poorest, and have drudged through the most difficult. Those were the realities that have taught our generation. You fortunately have not had to suffer any such hardships. Perhaps lack of such life lessons became an obstacle for you to formulate a realistic perspective towards life? 
The reason you can get a great education today is not purely due to your own effort. Instead, first and foremost it is because your parents created a good learning environment for you.  As the saying goes: the reason you are enjoying a burden-free time is that someone else is carrying the weight for you! 
Perhaps your parents did not get an opportunity to have a better education. However have you ever pondered the fact that they came to the United States and the burden of life they have weathered through is far more than the rampant love you have for the African-Americans?
— They had to face both language barriers and cultural conflicts. Not only must they overcome the language gap which prevented them from effectively communicating, they also had to deal with the unfamiliarity of a foreign land. They never received any racial preferential treatment.  However they did not ever scream "Racism!"  
Have you ever thought about how your parents came out of this heavy predicament step by step? Did they whine and point fingers? Did they blame others for their lack of wealth? 
They worked hard silently, bought a house in a good school district for you - their next generation, and created a good learning environment for you - their next generation. 
While you are blurting out "rich neighborhoods", "selective universities", "comfortable, professional jobs", turn to your conscience. Kneel down in front of your parents, and do some reflective thinking. Did all of this fall from the sky? Or was it because of your parents who worked very hard and earned all these bit by bit? 
In your open letter, I don’t see a hint of gratitude from you towards your parents. Neither do you have any gratitude to the United States. You are just putting on a show of being progressive and being politically correct by showing off your excessive preference for African Americans. 
You accused the entire Asian community and your own parents of "stealing" the political achievements of African descendants. No! your accusation is insanely biased. 
Under the constitution of the United States of America, only people of high moral character can become true "free people." The United States has provided a possibility of becoming a "free person", that is, the "American Dream". 
As a matter of fact, every Chinese is grateful for the contribution of African-American leaders in the civil rights movement, and for them being "free people" who have contributed to the live system of the United States. Every Chinese is also working hard to make us Chinese become the next "free people" in the American system. 
Every "free person", whether Chinese or African American, is making contributions to the American system. During the "Chinese Exclusion Act" era, a Chinese named Wong Kim Ark sued the federal government, which earned for future generations the birthright citizenship granted to all persons born in United States regardless of race. The abolition of the Chinese Exclusion Act was also a result of efforts of the Chinese. 
You assumed that "we (Chinese) owe all the credit to them (African Americans)". It not only exposes your ignorance to history, but also reveals the racial discrimination in your own heart. Your discrimination is an inferior form of discriminating against own race.
After the death of Dr. Martin Luther King in 1968, the civil rights movement of the African American unfortunately went astray quickly. Yes, even with the hard work of leaders such as Pastor Jesse Jackson. Nobody can deny that since the civil rights movement, the degeneration of the African-American communities has been visible to the naked eye. 
Do you know what Pastor Jesse Jackson most frequently said? He encouraged African American youths to study hard, work hard, and believe in themselves. 
But have African-Americans done that? 
Don’t forget the Bible says in Proverbs 12:24: “The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.”
It is an excuse for the incompetent to use the past as an excuse for their current plight. 
Using same logic, can we Chinese also ask for some "compensation" in accordance with the history of the "Chinese Exclusion Act"? 
Your education did not give you the ability to think independently. You can’t even differentiate cause and effect.
The success of the Chinese comes from the hard work of the Chinese under the American system of autonomy and democracy. We don’t owe anyone, and no one owes us anything.
Freedom under the American system stems from the solid foundation laid by the forerunners when the United States was founded. Generations of "free people" have been contributing. We shall be grateful to every ‘free person’, not just a specific ethnic group
The reason why each "free man" makes the United States better is precisely their hard work and their hard work, just as what Chinese parents require from their children. 
Every free person is not a "marginal person" in the United States, not a "marginalized group" in the United States. You are insulting the history of the United States and the free people in the United States.
You are an outright racist by stripping the United States into white, black, and Chinese. You are a typical "identity politics" outright, a victim of leftist education in American schools. 
You arrogantly accused the "racial discrimination" of the Asian community, but you are not even aware that what you are applying is precisely divided by race. 
The root of racism: using something that cannot be changed by human effort as the fundamental basis of identity.
You can change your way of thinking and your language, but you cannot change your race. "Identity politics" precisely divides and categorizes people by race. Between your lines, you naively assume that African American people will all align with African American people. 
"Anger and sadness that has been ingrained in our Black community not just because of 5-minutes’ of horror, but 400 years." This is what the Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said in a news conference. However in the 400 years, why did the African Americans never get out of the "wailing"? 
If an ethnic group can't get out of plight once, it may be due to suppression. Twice, may be a coincidence.  But if it can't get out given numerous opportunities, I can't help but say that there must be something intrinsic that prevents them from getting out. 
You sympathize with African Americans and use individual examples to persuade yourself. You feel that "they were shot mercilessly in their own community." You feel that "they were murdered under broad daylight." You say “their kids got killed only because of carrying a toy gun or stealing chewing gum”. When you say that, your sympathy explodes. You feel unfair. You think you are God.
No, you are not God. The tragedies you mentioned should be handled by the law, not by your momentary passion. People can never be God, hence the existence of a society ruled by law. 
For naive leftists, the more personal their description is, the better for them to conceal their superficial understanding of reality and their serious lack of depth of thinking. 
As a Chinese parent, I feel sorry for you. I believe that your parents also feel sorry for you. But you do not seem to care. The arrogance between the lines of your words has blinded your conscience and eyes.
We are silent because we believe in law, in reason, and in the United States. Crimes will not escape punishment. Kindness will not lose applause, and justice will come. 
Vulnerability does not necessarily mean justice. Hatred will not bring justice. Placing equality over freedom is a sure path to slavery.
In reality, African-Americans are not even “vulnerable”. You turn a blind eye to the preferential treatment of African-Americans with reverse discrimination. You turn a blind eye to the unreasonable suppression of Asian-Americans. You pretend to not see the looting, robbing and property damaging done to innocent people! 
You are immersed in your illusion of "political correctness". You are intoxicated in the personal pleasure brought about by it. What is reality? What is justice You don't care. You only care about your own feelings! 
Reverse discrimination under political correctness, violating social objective laws, naturally cannot lead a disadvantaged group to true equality.
If you really feel that you are full of compassion and love for African Americans, may I suggest that when African Americans complain that they cannot move into white communities, you should help them reflect on how Chinese, lower in social status and harder to make a living and with many language barriers, moved into the white community through hard work.
If you want the Chinese community to sympathize with these African-American thugs, if you want the Chinese community to blind your eyes like you, not seeing the looting, I strongly recommend that you first donate your property to the African Americans. I will applaud you for that.
I suggest that you surrender all your personal properties and donate them to organization that loots and robs, to fulfill your personal pleasure. But please do not use this arrogant attitude to accuse and morally kidnap the Chinese community.
Some African Americans are looting and robbing with crazy might. If you want us to help them, please ask them to learn how to abide by the law first, to be a morally good free man.
Black lives matter?
No, all lives matter!
The United States is a country established by the Puritans. African-Americans could only initiate the civil rights movement with the help of many other ethnic groups!
Crediting the efforts of many American ‘free people" to a single ethnic group, and even fabricating the ridiculous notion of no African Americans no Chinese, you once again exposed your ignorance to history, and even more racial discrimination in your heart!
(By the way, Malcolm X was severely criticized by Dr. Martin Luther King because he always advocated violence to solve problems. His famous saying: What we threw out today is a stone, which will become a burning flask tomorrow, and it will be a grenade the day after tomorrow...even if there is a vote, it will eventually become a bullet). 
I want to tell you that the United States belongs to all Americans. If you don’t think of yourself as an American, you will always feel that America is not yours. 
The United States is not perfect. It needs generation after generation to build and perfect it.  The fantasy of using "top-level design" to solve the chronic disease in society once and for all is completely infeasible. It is a crazy illusion of leftism, an imaginary tower to heaven that can never be realized. 
No matter what you believe, be it nature, or the creator, or God, under which, all human beings shall enjoy the same level of protection and bear the same level of responsibilities. No one shall have any privileges, let alone "privileged minorities”. Don't fight windmills. 
We choose to stand with the American people, rather than separating African-Americans from other ethnic groups. We chose to stand with the American people instead of dressing up as self-denying "saints”. We chose to stand with the American people because we believe in collective contribution and we believe in the rule of law.
As a Chinese parent, I strongly recommend that parents be alert to their children’s self-deprecating racist ideas, especially in the current situation where extreme leftist thinking is pervading the entire American school system, against this paradoxical racism, against this identity politics. 
I appeal, 
1. Don’t donate to any organization or individual advocating Black lives matter (BLM).
2. Don’t be fooled to protest the so-called “white supremacy”.
3. Fight against all forms of violence.
4. Help African Americans to confront their own problems.
5. Work hard to help the Chinese community.
6. Tell people the real history, not the history interpreted maliciously.
7. Help friends of all ethnic groups around you to fight against racial division and against identity politics.
8. Bravely confront the leftists who provoke hatred on social media. 
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.  -- Martin Luther King



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