

很拉风的圈圈 圈圈的翻译之路 2022-12-10


在阅读前辈译员、美国翻译协会会长Cornnie Mickay这篇真实且富有指导意义的文章前,我想分享一下自己的经历。







至于国外翻译市场,其实我跟不少服务国外客户的资深译员聊过,基本上结论就是,如果收入都来自稳定的国外客户,一个笔译员拿到三十万应该还是希望蛮大的。至于五十万就比较吃力了。有前辈说,就算能拿到也太辛苦了,还是更追求work life balance。





















  1. 翻译机构越来越效率导向,从电话联系到平台众包,跟译员的纽带有所弱化,导致译员缺乏价格谈判与沟通空间。

  2.  她与翻译机构的合作价格已经8年没变了。近两年来,联系到她的翻译机构开价还在不断走低,从某些高端项目可以接受到完全不回应,很可能已经跟翻译机构给客户的报价十分接近了。


    1.  即使在这种大趋势下,她和一批资深译员依然实现了收入稳步增长,一半来自翻译,一半来自教育培训。同时直客数量也在增长。

    2. 直客正在变得更加大方。



  2. 翻译机构的降价趋势很难靠一个两个译员去对抗,因为总有人会愿意去接,所以整体价格都是在走低。最终译员会分成两类,没有其他选择的译员不得不接下翻译机构的低价,而有其他选择的,则会抵抗到底,拒绝接单(圈:这两类译员我都有认识)。


Here's a question that I've heard floating around lately: is it getting harder to make a living as a freelance translator? As usual with such big-picture issues, the answer is yes/no/maybe/it depends on what you're actually asking, so let's take a closer look!

Where does this perception come from?


-As compared to when I started freelancing in 2002, the agency market is definitely more commoditized. It seems almost quaint to think that even my larger agency clients used to call on the phone to ask if I was available for a particular project--and start the conversation with "How was your weekend?"--as compared to the "come and get it" systems that many agencies use now. It seems to me that very few large agencies want--or even have the bandwidth to cultivate--a personal relationship with most of their translators. Most agencies have moved to using online application portals--surely more efficient for them--that force you to enter one number for your rate, leaving no room for negotiation or conversation.

-Downward price pressure is also a factor. I work with both agencies and direct clients, and I've been charging my agency clients the same rates for about eight years, simply because they are unwilling or unable to pay more. If I raise my rates, I will no longer get work from them. That--flat rates for eight years--is bad enough, but lately the agency rates situation seems worse to me. I no longer proactively apply to agencies, but when agencies contact me, I do respond, and I ask them to approve my rates before I go through their application process. Lately (let's say within the past two years), the typical agency's response has gone from "that's on the high end of what we pay for French to English, but for certain projects, it would be doable," to:

No response at all, which leads      me to believe that they're looking to pay significantly less than what I      charge

A "not in a million      years" response, such as "That's actually almost as much as we      charge the end client, so there is no way we can pay that" (which an      agency responded to me last week).

But then, there's the flip side

-My overall income--and the overall incomes of lots of experienced translators I work with--has risen steadily throughout my freelance career, and it continues to do so. I earn about half of my income from translation and about half from teaching and training, although this year, due to a few new large direct clients, I'll probably be more like 60/40.

-I find that direct clients are perhaps more amenable to my rates than they were a few years ago, and certainly not less amenable.

-Anecdotally, I've talked to other experienced translators who say the same thing:

"I broke six figures this      year and don't even feel like it was that difficult"

"I've increased my income      by $20,000 by contacting one new prospective client every week"



So, what's going on?

Of course, I can't say for sure. But I'll offer a few theories:
-The commoditization of agency work is likely to continue, because (I think) it comes from the pressure agencies get from their own end clients, not from the agencies themselves. I really think that agencies--like the rest of us--know that quality work is not cheap, that pitting five agencies against each other to see who can do the job fastest or cheapest does not result in the best finished product, etc. etc., but agencies also have to stay in business, and I'm guessing that an ever-increasing percentage of their work comes from end clients with the "faster, cheaper" mindset.

-The time to resist downward price pressure in the agency market has passed. The reality is that resistance only works if everyone resists, and when agencies started pushing down rates, many translators went along with it, for lack of other options. My sense is that translators generally fall into two buckets: a) those who really need agencies' work and thus do not resist downward price pressure because they have no other clients, and b) translators who have a lot of other clients, and "resist" downward price pressure by leaving, and no longer working with low-paying agencies. Because more people--at least in the US--are drawn to freelance work, even low-paying agencies seem to have a steady supply of freelancers.

-Direct client rates are likely to remain higher and more stable. Again, I'm not an economist--so really, who knows? However, I do think that in general translators who work with direct clients are less interested in competing on price. They/we are more likely to simply turn down a job if a client wants to pay less; there's also plenty of direct client work out there for people who are willing to assertively look for it. Just this year, I've gotten two new five-figure direct clients through a pretty basic marketing campaign--that kind of work is definitely out there if you look for it.

In sum, I think that the translation world is becoming more polarized (perhaps like the world in general). 





