

塞岛家园 塞浦路斯塞岛家园日更 2022-05-16




Common Battle, Self Quarantine!

Chinese Compatriots on the Way!


For various reasons, Chinese compatriots choose Cyprus to travel, live, study or work. So far, many of them have regarded Cyprus as their second hometown, we love it!



Since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus, many Chinese compatriots have been worried and concerned about their domestic compatriots. They have also taken action at the very first time, setting up an anti-epidemic donor group, donating money and goods, and providing support for the home country. We are very confident in our country's victory over the epidemic. At the same time, we care about and want to protect our second hometown, Cyprus!



After the outbreak of the epidemic, Chinese compatriots consciously follow a series of policies issued by the Cypriot government and cooperate in the prevention and control of the epidemic. When arriving at the airport in Cyprus, they consciously accept the inspection of medical staff. The Chinese compatriots who have recently arrived on the island consciously took the initiative to isolate themselves at home for 14 days and determined not to go out.



The reason why all of us have such determination and motivation is that we have a powerful support. Some of our Chinese compatriots in Cyprus have formed a volunteer team to provide services of running errands, buying and transporting relatives and friends for the compatriots quarantined at home on the premise of self-protection.



At 7:30 a.m. on February 6,a volunteer called "Memory of the sea" received a message for help. A family of three are expected to arrive at Larnaca airport on the afternoon of February 7. They hope someone can help them with the pick-up due to their large amount of luggage. After receiving the message, "Memory of the sea" shared it in the group immediately, seeking the help of volunteers with seven carts at home. In a short time, someone responded and the problem was solved. 



screenshots of 

the helper’s message


On the evening of February 6, another compatriot in the WeChat group asked for help. She arrived in Cyprus on January 30 and was isolated at home since that day. Because she had been isolated at home for a week, there was a shortage of living materials. She hoped to purchase some bread, eggs, etc. Soon, Ms.Liu, a volunteer, offered to serve her and asked about the kinds of bread, vegetables and fruits she liked. The next morning, Ms.Liu, sent the purchased living materials to the home of the help seeker. 



screenshots of messages in the group, feedback of helpers


According to the organizer of the volunteer team "Memory of the sea", they have helped 10 people (5 families) to purchase daily necessities in only 2 or 3 days. After shopping, the volunteers will not meet the help seekers directly, but greet each other through doors and windows.



What moved us was not only the mutual help of Chinese compatriots but also the goodwill of other residents in Cyprus. On February 10, a British couple arrived at First Chinese Supermarket in Cyprus (Paphos). At first, the shop assistant didn't pay much attention to them. Later, he found that they were choosing rice and packing them in big bags. The shop assistant was curious and asked why they bought so much rice. It was originally to help their neighbors. The British couple's neighbors are Chinese compatriots who have just come to the island from China. In order to avoid risks, they are consciously isolated at home. So the British couple decided to buy some necessities for them.


Even small acts are full of goodwill! In this regard, we propose that all the compatriots who have recently arrived should consciously be isolated at home for 14 days. The temporary inconvenience is for a better life in the future. At the same time, we hope that the compatriots living beside them can have more goodwill and help them within their capabilities. We will continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island together and live a harmonious and warm life in this land when the clouds fragmented and the spring flowers are blooming!








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