防疫指引 | Do Your Part in Dribs and Drabs to Prevent COVID-19
新型冠状病毒肺炎公众乘坐电梯临时指南☞防疫指引 | Interim Guidance for the Public on Elevator Taking
Do Your Part in Dribs and Drabs to Prevent COVID-19
Is it possible that agricultural products are contaminated by 2019 novel coronavirus during the transportation and selling process? How to handle the agricultural products at home before eating?
AThe possibility that vegetables, meat and fruits are contaminated by the virus via direct contact and droplets is very low.
Vegetables, meat and fruits should be washed with running water. Vegetables and fruits should not be kept for a long time before eating. Meat should be kept in freezer or refrigerator compartment. Otherwise, they will go bad and become an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Rotten food is harmful to health. Do not eat raw food. Vegetables and meat should be thoroughly cooked and fruits should be peeled before eating. The cutting boards and knives for cooked and uncooked food should be separated. The 2019 novel coronavirus can be killed by exposure to 56℃ for 30 minutes. The temperature may reach 100℃ or even higher in stir-frying. Remember to wash hands after handling agricultural products.
Recently several research teams have isolated 2019 novel coronavirus from the feces of the patients. What should the public do to keep their restrooms at home clean and safe?
AFor the general public, wash hands after using toilet. Clean the restroom as usual when there is no confirmed patient or asymptomatic carrier or close contact in the family.
If there is a close contact in the family, if would be best if the close contact uses a restroom only for him/her. Otherwise, the restroom should be disinfected every day with chlorine-containing disinfectant such as disinfectant 84. The inside of the toilet and the surfaces which frequently contact people’s bare skin, such as the toilet flush button, the toilet seat and the restroom doorknob, should be disinfected by wiping with disinfectant. Adoption of good sanitation practices, frequent hand-washing, cleaning and disinfection, eating food thoroughly cooked and paying attention to personal and family hygiene can effectively stop the spread of many intestinal infectious diseases.
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来源:广州市疾控i健康、中国疾控动态编辑:洁妹 责编:邹向东【免责声明:我们尊重原创、注重分享,版权归原作者所有,如有侵犯您的权益请及时联系,我们将在24小时内删除】联系和投稿邮箱:jiankangGZ@126.com