HOPE (Horses Offering People Enrichment )
What is HOPE ?
HOPE is a not-for-profit organization offering Equine-Assisted Activities andTherapies (EAAT). Founded in 2009 by Dr. PriscillaLightsey, PT, DPT, MA, HPCS who holds a doctorate in Physical Therapy. HOPEbecame a Chinese registered NGO in Beijing in 2017.
What benefits may EAAT offer?
1. Enhanced motor skills
2. Increased balance by developing core body strength
3. Reduced anxiety through rhythmic, frequent, & consistent gait of the horse
4. A rich sensory experience
5. Opportunity to experience the unique bond between a horse & a human
HOPE serves children and adults with special needs from:
1. Bethel FosterHome - orphanage for blind & visually impaired children
2. Shepherd's FieldChildren's Village- orphanage
3. MigrantChildren’s Foundation - organization for disadvantaged children
4. Angel HomeOrphanage
5. Agape Orphanage
6. Local ChineseCommunity
7. Child from Xi'An who travels to Beijing to participate in HOPE Summer Camp
8. Individuals fromthe Expatriate community
Who can benefit?
Attention Deficit Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Brain Injuries
Cardiovascular accident/Stroke
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Emotional Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Cognitively Delayed
Muscular Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Spina Bifida
Spina Cord Injuries
Our Horses
Mu’er - a Chinese draft mare (for larger riders)
Heishan - a Chinese horse (medium sized horse)
Li - Gotland pony from Sweden. now 27years old. Nolonger ridden but still a valuable team member .
Bob - Chinese pony who joined the team in August 2018.
Course Schedule
Two semesters every year
March - June September - December
Monday—Friday 9:30AM—17:00PM
Summer camp in July
Fourweeks with 6 participants per week.
For further information, please contact
Lucia Zhou
(Programming & Volunteer Coordinator)
Mobile/weChat: 18513161878
Email: hopebeijingchina@163.com
How can you help?
Volunteers needed!
Luna: 15011547338 (Chinese)
Lucia: 18513161878 (English)
Address: Oriental Equestrian Club(Gao Li Ying, Shunyi, Beijing)