

McaM McaM上海明当代美术馆 2021-02-01


Speaker🎤:Feiran JiangTime⌚️:14:00-15:30,Dec 26th, 2020Venue📍McaM Public Education SpaceNo.436 East Yonghe Rd, Jing'an Disctrict💵Free Admission

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今天的读者,依旧会在德波(Guy Debord)的《景观社会》(Society of Spectacle,1967)中感受到绵延至今的现实共鸣。过去似乎还没有过去,又仿若幽灵附体。现实种种,涌动着其历史性的潮汐。而这个周期,或可回溯至上个世纪。
1954年,法国的一群艺术家发行了刊物“Potlatch”,这个词的意思是“冬宴,或夸富宴”。在赫伊津哈(Johan Huizinga)的《游戏的人》(Homo Ludens,1938)一书中,Potlatch是一种文化意义上的游戏。三年后,这群冬宴者成立了情境主义国际(Situationist International)。

Some fifty years later, today’s readers can still feel the echoes from La Société du spectacle by Guy Debord published in 1967. The past is not gone, its phantom still lingers in the corner. Underneath the still waters of the present is the reverberating tides from the past. The historical cycle could date back to the last century.
In 1954, a group of French artists launched the magazine Potlatch. The word “potlatch” ,according to Johan Huizinga, author of Homo Ludens, is a cultural vessel that holds all things that define these people, which can also be viewed as a kind of play. In 1957, Situationist International was founded, by the same group of people who launched the Potlatch magazine.

The situationists is a typical group of players. Throughout the nineteen sixties, they employed various tactics of collective play to create “situations” where humans would interact together as men of sensibility, rather than mediated by the commodities. Fast forward to today, the spectacle is way more developed than in the sixties. Armed with latest technologies, capital and the Internet, the gaming industry today is enjoying itself the de facto spectacle of our society, yet justified in its combination with art industry. Players are players of games or players of beings? And where are the Homo Ludens?

We step out of everyday life to step into the game cafes/ museum galleries, and we talk about player of beings/artists. Yet the playground for the Situationists back in the sixties situates in the everyday life itself. That begs the question, what are we talking about when we are talking about play? Are we talking about the same kind of play?

In this lecture, the speaker will share her perspectives on social and art praxis, with references to the nineteen sixties and the contemporary, try to ponder about conditions of human sensibility in contemporary media spectacle and the possibilities of play within.



Jiang Feiran is an artist, curator, text and video experimenter. Jiang graduated from the Film Department of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and is currently studying for a Ph.D. at the Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thought (ICAST) at the Intermedia School of the China Academy of Art. Her research engages with avant-gardes in the 1960s and the sensibility in postmodern age. She is the curator of “Dune of Sensibility” (2020), “Rats escaping the labyrinth——60th Anniversary of OuliPo”, a co-curator of “Inter-World-View” (2019) and the guest chief editor of Sci-Fi Theater for the second issue of UnArt online magazine (2020).




McaM 展览丨游戏的人 Player Of Beings

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