

得居房产情报 得居海外房产 2021-04-05

◎ 本期房产情报,由得居美国分公司提供


南加州的四个County,LA County,橙县,Riverside County 和San Bernardino,2020年6月份的独立屋交易数据统计已经出炉,包含:当月的新上市房屋的数量、当月的成交量、当月的房屋平均成交单价、以及当月平均的房屋从挂牌上市到最后完成交易的时间(即:在市场天数)。




加州尔湾房产市场Irvine 6月vs5月之数据对比:
● 6月在售217套(较5月减少15套,略降6.5%);
● 交易中109套(较5月增加42套,上升62.7%);
● 成交188套(较5月增加77套,上升69.4%);
● 6月平均单价$500相比5月($516)-3.1%,相比去年6月($500)+0%。
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亚凯迪亚房产市场Arcadia 6月vs5月之数据对比:
● 6月新上市60栋,相比5月(45栋)+33.3%,相比去年6月(61栋)-1.6%;
● 6月成交25栋,相比5月(11栋)+127%,相比去年6月(34栋)-26.5%;
● 6月平均单价$546,相比5月($498)+9.6%,相比去年6月($506)+7.9%;
● 6月房屋在市场天数45天,相比5月(72天)-37.5%相比去年6月(64天)-29.7%。

奇诺岗房产市场Chino Hills 6月vs5月之数据对比:
● 6月新上市62栋,相比5月(67栋)-7.5%,相比去年6月(117栋)-47%;
● 6月成交40栋,相比5月(30栋)+33.3%,相比去年6月(68栋)-41.2%;
● 6月平均单价$359,相比5月($341)+5.3%,相比去年6月($351)+2.3%;
● 6月房屋在市场天数29天,相比5月(37天)-21.6%,相比去年6月(44天)-34%。

东谷市 Eastvale 6月vs5月之数据对比:
● 6月新上市71栋,相比5月(67栋)+6%,相比去年6月(69栋)+3%;
● 6月成交47栋,相比5月(26栋)+81%,相比去年6月(57栋)-17.5%;
● 6月平均单价$218,相比5月($200)+9%,相比去年6月($210)+4%;
● 6月房屋在市场天数30天,相比5月(25天)+20%,相比去年6月(37天)-19%
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The coronavirus has yet to hurt Southern California home values, according to a study done by a group of local appraisers.


One of our most curious housing yardsticks is crafted by the Real Estate Research Council of Southern California. Since 1943, the group based at Cal Poly Pomona has tracked local home-value movements twice a year with volunteer appraisers constantly re-evaluating the same set of 308 single-family homes across seven Southern California counties.

The Trend

Their latest study done in April shows local home appreciation at a 3.8% annual rate, faster than 2.8% gains found in October. But price increases are still below the 5.3% seen in April 2019, and they’re less than the average annualized gain over five years of 5.6%.

The Dissection

The pandemic throttled the economy beginning in late winter, which also put the brakes on home sales. Massive job losses due to stay-at-home orders pushed some folks away from homebuying while some owners opted to skip making house payments. But historically low mortgage rates lured others and helped prop up the local market.

So a quick bout of discounting due to the turmoil — or hopes of cheaper prices, if you were house hunting — did not materialize.

The council’s study showed firm pricing across the region, with appreciation up from the fall but below long-term trends …


全美上百万套实时房源更新请登录得居APP,100%真房源+20年地产经验TOP 1% 经纪团队帮你挖掘全美最有投资价值的房子。

● 洛杉矶:比佛利山庄 Beverly Hills、Rancho Palos Verdes、圣马力诺 San Marino、亚凯迪亚 Arcadia、South Pasadena、钻石吧 Diamond Bar、核桃市 Walnut、 罗兰岗 Rowland Heights;

● 橙县:尔湾/欧文 Irvine、新港滩 Newport Beach / Coast、拉古娜滩 Laguna Beach、约巴林达 Yorba Linda、富勒顿 Fullerton;

● 圣伯纳迪诺:Ontario (安大略)、Ontario Ranch、Chino Hills (奇诺岗)、Rancho Cucamonga (库卡蒙格牧场);

● 河滨县Riverside:Eastvale (东谷)、Corona



● 房价的涨跌,到底和谁有关?● 赌不起的学区房● 揭秘 | 你以为我是卖汉堡的,其实我是搞房地产的!● Rise Park | 尔湾大公园,顶级学区,$82万起,超多户型选择
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