

WIM组委会 亿欧汽车 2022-05-21

[ 亿欧导读 ] 当今世界,前沿科技正在深刻影响和改变着众多行业,并将塑造未来全球经济图景。EqualOcean及亿欧公司长期关注全球科技创新的发展状况,本系列报告着眼于11个行业,梳理新兴创新所带来的价值,体现我们对技术驱动变革的感知。

作者丨EqualOcean 高级分析师 冯麟炎


EqualOcean致力于推动全球版图下,科技的进步与发展。揭开变革的进程,寻找新的创新机会,我们遴选了新一代的汽车出行公司,它们用科技创新使传统的汽车行业换发出新的生命力。基于此,本报告聚焦共享出行(shared-mobility),人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),电动出行( e-mobility),车联网及自动驾驶解决方案( connectivity and autonomous vehicle solutions)等领域的创业公司。




• “汽车见顶”(“peak car”) 的事实从全球汽车销售停滞可见一斑。消费者对汽车所有权的概念日益弱化,也是汽车见顶的一种体现。

• 交通移动领域的新趋势与传统汽车制造商从根本上扰乱了整个汽车行业,迫使老牌的原始设备制造商彻底改变其商业模式。这也将改变汽车的价值和供应链。

• 主要的内部驱动(电气化、互联互通、数字化和自动驾驶)与外部驱动(消费者、经济、政府监管)一起,为新进入者打开了大门,降低了进入门槛。

• 过去一年,初创企业的风险投资有所降温,但人们对汽车和移动领域的兴趣并没有减弱多少。

• 到2030年,电动汽车的价格预计将达到与ICE相当的水平。

• 随着新的科技初创企业越来越多地进入汽车市场,共享移动和自动驾驶将携手发展。

全球科技50 : 汽车与出行



We have prepared a series of research reports on the new generation of companies across several sectors around the globe. Our coverage includes 11 industries that have been affected the most by cutting-edge technology and are likely to shape the international economic landscape of tomorrow. This series is to be presented during the World Innovators Meet 2019, an annual event that gathers global leaders from a variety of fields at the heart of Beijing.
In this report, EqualOcean sheds insight upon the most significant trends in the automotive industry and carefully selected fifty potentially game-changing startups. Here are some of the key highlights of this report.
‘Peak car’ has been reached, evident in stagnant car sales worldwide and reaffirmed in the increasingly weakening relationship that consumers have with the notion of carownership.
The coming together of new trends in transportation and mobility and traditional automakers is radically disrupting the auto sector at large and forcing established OEMs to completely change their business models. This will also transform the autovalue and supply chain.
• Major internal drivers(electrification, connectivity, digitalization, and autonomous driving) are, together, with external drivers (consumer preferences, economy, governmental regulation) opening doors and lowering barriers-to-entry for new entrants.
• Venture capital for startups have cooled down in the past year, but interest in the auto andmobility areas have not subsided as much.
• The electric vehicleis estimated to reach price parity with ICEs by 2030.
• Shared mobility and autonomous driving will be developed hand-in-hand, as new tech startups increasingly enter into the auto market.

Next Global Tech 50:Automotive and Mobility

There are a large number of aggressive upstarts that are highly likely to win within their chosen verticals in the near future.

EqualOcean has compileda global list of young startups in the auto sector that, according to our analysis, have a strong chance of growing into leading global enterprises, by leveraging high technology in their respective submarkets.

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