Asia's biggest Gin Festival is coming to town(文末有福利)
Gin Jubilee
East Imperial Gin Jubilee is Asia's premier gin festival. This annual celebration of brings together some of the world's finest gins, the region's best bars and bartenders, and thousands of gin novices and aficionados. Of course, the select of group of bartenders will compete for the BEST GIN & TONIC.
Beijing's Gin Jubilee will take place from the 13th-15th of September with 10 of the city's best bars & bartenders.
北京Gin Jubilee金酒狂欢节将会在9月13日-15日举办。届时,北京最优秀的10个酒吧和调酒师将会加入“最佳金汤力”的角逐。
EQUIS as the host will take place at The Courtyard on 15th of September for gin fest grand final. 10 talent bartenders from 10 selected bar in town, will present their creative Gin & Tonic. By then, will announce the winner of the BEST GIN & TONIC.
Adam Han- EQUIS
Guess how many DIY gin&tonic you can make in our Courtyard, win Gin Jubilee ticket.