
数据更新| Qtum 量子链全球大使招募计划

Qtum 量子链 Qtum量子链 2022-03-19

此次 Qtum 量子链大使招募计划已经收到来自全世界各个角落、不同身份、职业以及年龄 51名申请表,其中不乏Qtum Dapp开发者、社区成员以及 Qtum 开发者,还有很多企业团队与企业家候选人都在全力推荐 Qtum 能够来到自己的城市让更多人认识和了解 Qtum。


在申请表中“Tell us why we should choose the city you mentioned?”我们收到许多回答想要帮助 Qtum 在不同城市进一步帮助 Qtum 扩大影响力,其中包含了政府公共事务服务建设、海外社区建设、商用场景应用拓展以及举办线下交流活动等。


Mauritius is the most stable economy and one of the richest country in Africa. Recently it has started embracing blockchain technology and recognised cryptocurrency as an asset class for investment. The government also released a blockchain consultancy tender a few months ago and plans on implementing blockchain in all its governmental services. 


Austria especially Graz is already a place where blockchain isnt foreign anymore. We have the blockchain hub meetings all the time in our city. there has beenalso several blockchain related meetups already here. From a european and austrian point of view - this city could be the Mekka for Blockchain enthusiasts.


There is a very big cryptocurrency community in Romania, especially in the capital city, Bucharest. There are may meetups and conferences organized in Bucharest and I personally know a few organizations willing to study Qtum technology in order to find ways of implementing it into their businesses.

罗马尼亚有很大加密货币社区,尤其是在首都布加勒斯特。我认识在布加勒斯特有组织区块链相关的会议组织,也很愿意学习 Qtum 技术,帮助更多的业务开展。

Toronto is one of the largest cities in Canada, and is a hub for the crypto realm. Many crypto headquarters are based in Toronto including Coinsquare and Jaxx. I've connected with upper management at both these companies and have enjoyed networking (including rounds of golf at my private club) with industry professionals. There is a lot of opportunity for additional networking and meetup events to grow QTUM in this region.

多伦多是加拿大最大的城市之一,也是加密货币市场的中心,许多区块链项目的总部也坐落于多伦多Coinsquare and Jaxx,我也认识其中高层管理人员,并且我还积极在我的私人俱乐部钟与行业人士交流,有很多机会可以为 Qtum 提供线下交流的机会。

我们也欢迎更多的人加入 Qtum 大使招募计划,如果你也有关于Qtum的好想法点击下方按钮或者阅读原文即可报名 Qtum 大使计划。

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Qtum 量子链12月主网数据报告

Qtum 量子链跨链原子激活 实现 QTUM-BTC 交换


