
Amieeats | OG Coffee

Amiee Cai TheWondermelon 2020-11-09




本周的【Amieeats】想和大家分享一家最近很心水的一家咖啡小店 —— OG Coffee。工作日的固定操作已经变成,骑车到地铁高新站后,跑到OG Coffee买一杯冰拿铁,然后挤地铁去上班。夏天到了,我们都需要一杯冰咖,告别一早的起床气和通勤路上的烦闷,元气满满地开启一天的工作。

This week's 【Amieeats】is sharing a newly-opened cafe that I go get my morning coffee every single day for the past two weeks —— OG Coffee. Work has been pretty stressful and exhausting lately, nothing makes sense before coffee. With the first sip of refreshing iced latte, I'm slowly getting ready to start my day at work again. 



Amieeats Vol. 8:

OG Coffee



OG Coffee





口味/Taste 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉

环境/Environment 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉

服务/Service 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉

价格/Price 💰💰 

Photo Credit: @OG Coffee


主打外带和外卖的OG Coffee,店面不大,买了就走。价格很亲民,杯子很好看,是一家走品质路线的咖啡店。服务也超赞,每天给我准备咖啡的小姐姐,听说七点多就到店准备营业了,总是笑嘻嘻的招呼我,满满都是快乐的正能量。

OG的菜单简单明了,分经典奶咖、黑咖啡和饮品三项,让喜欢喝咖啡的和不喜欢咖啡的人都能找到适合自己的口味。一连喝了两周的阿米,除了基本的【冰拿铁】也试了菜单上其他的饮品,然后强烈推荐OG奶咖系列的【拿铁】和【焦糖玛奇朵】,黑咖啡里的【咖啡汤力】和创意牛奶饮品系列里的【樱花口味】。【澳白】的话我嫌拿着挤地铁烫手,就没来得及尝试,但外国友人Matt亲测后说好喝,一直在安利,OG Coffee也变成了他非常喜欢的一家咖啡小店。

悄悄补充一句,OG的咖啡不止好喝,拍照也好看呢~ 然后有独家小道消息说,OG接下来会添置一些高脚凳和小桌子,提供给那些喜欢喝精品手冲咖啡的朋友们。然后菜单也会陆续更新,未来也会加入一些甜点小食,阿米蔡表示已经迫不及待地想尝试各个新品啦~

The passionate team at OG Coffee is dedicated to serving high-quality coffee with the finest taste to those white-collar workers nearby. It's a small coffee shop mainly offering coffee to go and delivery service. They may add a few chairs and tables outside in the future for those coffee lovers who want to enjoy a cup of good pour-over coffee and chill with friends. As a new spot, they will slowly updating their menu and adding more stuff such as fresh bakeries. Stay tuned~

Besides ordering the classic【Iced Latte】all the time, I have also tried other items from the menu. Big shout out to the owner of OG Coffee for inviting me over for a mini tasting session, I have tried 【Flat White】,【Coffee Tonic】,【Sakura-Flavored Milk】and two pour-overs with my friend Matt. Matt really enjoyed his 【Flat White】 and we were both surprised and amazed by the refreshing taste of 【Coffee Tonic】and the pretty look of【Sakura-Flavored Milk】. They were both tasty and Instagrammable.



OG Coffee

Add.: 高新区天益街38号3栋附8号


周一至周日 8am —7pm (Mon - Sun)

#8 Building 3 38 Tianyi Street

Gaoxin District

(100m away from Exit A

 High-Tech Zone Metro Station) 




Oh dear, it's Sunday night now, guess another fun weekend is over. Oh well, see you tomorrow then OG Coffee~

Sharing is caring, stay tuned for next Amieeats:)


往期回顾 | Previous Posts

Amieeats | Iced Rock

Amieeats | 花椒冰激凌


Amieeats | Charu

Amieeats | Origins

Amieeats | 肉弹吐司

Amieeats | Doublechin Cafe

Amieeats | Pause Coffee

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阿米爱吃 | 心太软饼干

阿米爱吃 | 懒人巧克力能量球


