
一带一路非洲国家系列 2 | Kenya 肯尼亚

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2020-02-12

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Kenya is a country in east Africa, the capital city of Kenya is Nairobi. It borders Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, South Sudan and Ethiopia to the north, and Somalia to the east. 


The national anthem of Kenya is "Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu" which translates to "O God, Our Strength"

肯尼亚的国歌是“Ee mungu nguvu yetu”,意思是“上帝,我们的力量”

Official languages of Kenya are Kiswahili and English. The currency used in Kenya is Kenyan Shilling.


1000 Kenyan Shilling


National Flag 国旗

The national flag of Kenya is made up of three horizontal black, red and green colors separated by two thin white edges, a black, white, and red Masai shield and two crossed spears. 


The color black symbolizes the people, red for blood shed during fight for independence, green for the country's natural environment and resources, white for peace and honesty, the shield and spears symbolize defense.


Nairobi 内罗毕

Nairobi is Kenya's capital and largest city. Also known as the "Green city in the sun", the city is home to a lot of international companies, businesses, and UN offices. It is also a home to one of Africa's largest exchange centre.

内罗毕是肯亚的首都及最大城市。又称“太阳之下的绿色城市”, 这座城市是非洲金融中心。在这座城市有很多国际贸易和国际公司的办公,还有联合国办公室。它是非洲最大兑换中心之一。

Nairobi 内罗毕

Mombasa 蒙巴萨

Mombasa is the second largest city in Kenya. If you go to Kenya, Mombasa is a must visit because it have it all, rich culture and history, beautiful beaches, shopping centres, beautiful natural environment, lovely and friendly people and so much more.


The elephant tusks shaped monuments make M for the first letter of Mombasa


Unesco World Heritage Site, Fort Jesus, is one of the most stunning places to visit to travel back in time to the 16th century. The fort was built by the Portuguese in the 16th century.


Fort Jesus 耶稣堡

Kisumu 基苏木

Kenya's third largest city located on the eastern shore of Lake Victoria.


Kisumu 基苏木

Impallas and Lake Victoria on the backdrop


White egret  白鹭

Image credit: Mikkel Alexander Grabowski

Tourism 旅游业

Main attractions in Kenya includes Mount Kenya, Maasai Mara national reserve, Amboseli national reserve, Tsavo national park, Samburu, Buffalo springs, and Shaba national reserves, lake Nakuru national park, lake Naivasha, Nairobi national park etc


Giraffes and Mount Kenya 


One of the natural wonder of the world occurs every year in Maasai Mara when hundreds of thousands of wildebeests and zebras cross Mara River to look for greener pastures. 


World's largest mammal migration


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