
一带一路非洲国家系列 4 | Egypt 埃及

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2020-02-12

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Cairo 开罗


Egypt’s largest part is in northeast Africa. It connects the African continent with the Asian continent through the Sinai Peninsula. The capital city of Egypt is Cairo. 



Egypt borders Sudan to the south, Libya to the west, Israel to the Northeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Its strategic location has always made it a hubfor trade routes between Africa, Europe, and Asia, this was further enhanced by the opening of the Suez Canal which connects the Mediterranean Sea to the RedSea.



Pyramidsof Giza



The population of Egypt as of 2018 estimate is 97,886,000. The official language of Egypt is Arabic, English and French are also widely used. Ancient Egypt’s civilizationis one of the greatest civilizations in history, and it is one of the oldest kingdoms.



200 Egyptian Pound



The official currency used in Egypt is Egyptian pound. Egypt has nine ports, of which Alexandria, Port Said, and Suez are the busiest. Agriculture, crude oil,petroleum, natural gas, manufacturing, tourism and service sector are major contributors towards the economy of Egypt. Major exports include crude oil and petroleum products, fruits and vegetables, cotton, textiles, metal products,chemicals, and processed food. Major imports include machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, chemicals, wood products, and fuels.


Cairo 开罗

 Major Cities  主要城市 

Cairo, this is the capital city of Egypt, here you can find the Great Pyramids of Giza and theSphinx, the Egyptian Museum, the pyramids and temples of Saqqara and Dahshur, etc.



Corniche, Alexandria

Montazah Gardens, Alexandria


Alexandria has several historical sites, a new Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Roman and Gree kmonuments, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Qa’edbay’s Castle, and Qasr El Montaza (ElMontaza Palace), etc.



Port Said 塞得港

Port Said is oneof the main summer resorts for Egyptians, it is a free trade zone which makesit an ideal shopping city. An old lighthouse of Port Said was the first building in the world that was built using reinforced concrete.


Luxury hotel in Aswan


Aswan, in thi scity you will get a chance to see more temples and ancient monuments, the Island of Plants (Geziret El Nabatat) is an island in the Nile. There is acruise ship from Aswan to Luxor which you can take and enjoy the view of all the famous ancient monuments.

阿斯旺,在这座城市你将会有机会参观更多寺庙和古老的纪念碑,植物岛(Geziret el Nabatat)是尼罗河中的一个岛屿。从阿斯旺到卢克索有一艘游轮,您可以乘坐游轮观看所有著名的古代遗迹。


Luxor, here there is a Valley of the Kings and many other attractions. It is one of the oldes tand continuously inhabited cities in the world.



 Attractions in Egypt include but are not limited to: 



Abu Simbel is located at the southern part of the country, here you will find some beautiful ancient temples.



Dahab 达哈卜


Dahab, the name“Dahab” means “Gold” in Arabic. The city was named after its golden beaches.



Karnak, this alongwith Luxor, the Valley of the Kings, and the Valley of the Queens were collectively designated a Unesco World Heritage site in 1979.


Hieroglyphics on a temple wall at Karnak | Imagecredits: uwimages



Memphis andSaqqara, here you will get to see the Sphinx of Memphis, Djoser’s step pyramid,the museum of Memphis and many other attractions.


Cartouche of Rameses 2 on the backside of the MemphisTriad.

Memphis Museum



Djoser’s Step Pyramid



Colossus of Rameses 2 in Memphis Museum.



Nuweiba 努维巴

Nuweiba, the name Nuweiba means “bubbling springs” in Arabic. The area is low on historic sites but has plenty of interesting mountain landscapes. The city also offers amazing beaches, diving, and snorkeling.



Sharm el-sheik 沙姆沙伊赫市

Sharm el-sheik, according to statistics, there are about 9000 English tourists in this city on any given day. The city is also called the “City of Peace,” because many international peace conferences have been held in this city



It is one of the finest diving spots in the world, and tourists enjoy a trip into the desert which is an unforgettable adventure. The unique combination of desert and seais an incredible sight for tourists. Nabq National Park treats tourists with beaches and beautiful mangroves.



Ecolodge Adrere Amellal

Adrere Amellal生态旅馆


Siwa is at 25 meters below sea level and is well known for its olive and palm trees. The oasis has clear springs, Great Sand Sea offering an amazing desert exploration.



St. Katherine monastery


St. Katherine,here there is the oldest continually inhabited monastery, Mount Sinai and Mount Katherine (the highest mountain in Egypt). As a bonus, you will also get towitness the truly Bedouin culture.



Miramar Resort, Taba Heights


Taba Heights, thisis a purpose-built resort with views of Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Taba Heights,这是一个有以色列,约旦和沙特阿拉伯景观的专门建造的度假胜地。

Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut | Image credit: VovaPomortzeff



Valley of the Kings, this was the burial site of almost all the kings(pharaohs) of the 18th,19th, and 20th dynasties i.e. 1539 to 1075 BCE.



Tutankhamun: gold funerary mask | Image credit: LeeBoltin



The mask was found in the king’s tomb and is now featured in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.



Headrest | Image credit: Thinkstock



The headrest in the form of the god Shu with two crouching lions was found from the tomb of Tutankhamun and is now featured in the collection of the Egyptian Museum inCairo.



 Nile River 尼罗河 

The Roman Kiosk of Trajan | Image credit: Jeff Schultes


The Nile Riverplayed an important role in shaping the lives and society of Ancient Egypt. In fact, the civilization of Ancient Egypt grew up along the banks of the Nilerelying on it for water supplies, transportation, and fertile land for farming.

Most of theAncient wonders left for us to enjoy today were built with great help from thisriver, the longest river in the world.



Nile River in Aswan




Welcome to Egypt.


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