
一带一路非洲国家系列 12 | Republic of the Congo 刚果布

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2020-02-12

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The Republic of the Congo is a country in midwest Africa. Neighboring countries are Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Angola (Cabinda), Cameroon, The Central African Republic and Gabon. It also borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west.



Its capital city is Brazzaville. The official language of the Republic of the Congo is French, but Lingala, Kikongo and many other local languages are also widely used.



The national flag of the Republic of the Congo.



The flag uses the popular three Pan African colors, yellow, green and red. The national anthem of ROC is “La Congolaise” which means “The Congolese.”

国旗使用了流行的三种泛非颜色:黄色、绿色和红色。国歌是“La Congolaise”,意思是“刚果人”。


The official currency of the Republic of the Congo is Central African CFA Franc. It is one of the largest producers of oil in the Gulf of Guinea.



The population of the Republic of the Congo as of 2019 estimates is about 5.54 million.


Head office of Equatorial Congo Airlines | Source:Toen96



Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔

Brazzaville is the capital city of the Republic of the Congo, it seats on one side of the Congo River, and right across this river is Kinshasa, which is the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This is the only location in the world where two national capitals are situated on opposite banks of the same river.



Brazzaville is also the economic center of the nation. Over a third of the population lives in the capital city.



Notable features in Brazzaville include St. Anne’s Basilica, one of the most beautiful churches in the world, Nabemba tower, congressional Palace etc.



The harbour of Pointe-Noire


Pointe-Noire 黑角

Pointe Noire is also known as “Ndindi,” it is the main commercial center of the country due to its port.

The city features infrastructures such as Agostinho Neto International Airport, the terminus of the Congo Ocean Railway, Tie Tie Railway Station, Ngondji Railway Station, Stade Municipal etc.




Economy 经济

The economy of the Republic of the Congo depends largely on oil exports.



loufoulakari falls



Tourism 旅游业

The Republic of the Congo has three national parks, luxurious safaris and bush camping are possible in this country’s national parks.



Beach in Pointe-Noire


Some of the best beaches can be found in this country along the Atlantic coastline, where you will be accompanied with a warm and welcoming Congolese culture.



Parc national d’odzala


Some of the best destinations are Parc national d’odzala, parc national conkouati douli, Nouabalé-Ndoki Park, Lake Tele Area, Loufoukari waterfalls, Mouroula Falls, Bouenza(Moukoukoulou)Falls, Bla Falls etc.

最佳旅游目的地包括Parc National d'OdzalaParc National Conkouati DouliNouabal_-Ndoki ParkLake Tele AreaLoufukari瀑布、Mouroula FallsBouenzaMoukoukoulouFallsBla Falls等。


Parc National d'Odzala



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