
This country offers $3K to tourists if they catch Covid-19

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The government of Uzbekistan will pay travelers $3,000 in compensation if they become infected with Covid-19. Image Credit: STR/AFP via Getty Images

We have seen how some people are travel-starved and are willing to pay just to go to the airport, then go through boarding process and sit in a plane just to take a selfie. You can read the article here.  

On the other side of the spectrum are people who are still afraid of traveling, and it would take more than just assurance that everything is fine to convince them to leave the comfort of their porches. To counter this, many countries are offering special packages to attract tourists and travelers to their countries after reopening. One of them is a country in central Asia, Uzbekistan, which is offering a payout of $3,000 if a tourist catch Covid-19 while holidaying there. 

The "Uzbekistan: Safe Travel Guaranteed" campaign hopes to reassure travelers by promising the sum of $3,000 in compensation to any tourist infected with Covid-19 during their stay.

If this is not a good reason enough for you to start your journey to Uzbekistan, some other countries have come up with other incentives as well. Switzerland has launched "Geneva Boxes" made up of city experiences and hotel packages that offer discounts of up to 65%. While Mediterranean island Cyprus, is pledging to cover the cost of lodging, food, drink and medication for visitors who test positive for the virus during their stay. 

Cancun, in southeast Mexico, has launched a "Come to Cancun 2x1" campaign, which will offer two free nights of accommodation for every two nights paid and refund the fare for one plane ticket so visitors can bring a companion with them. 

Joanna Lord, Chief Marketing Officer at travel search engine Skyscanner, says incentives, particularly lower prices, are a simple and effective way of creating demand in the first instance, but as time goes on, travelers will be more focused on safety than price. 

"In the short term, discounted flights and accommodation are likely to be common as travel providers restart their cash flow by stimulating demand," said Lord.

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