
Japan Series 日本系列 12 | Best Japanese Shrines and Temples

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2020-10-20

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When traveling to Japan, the Shrines and Temples are one of the major sightseeing spots. There are many of them but below I will show some of the best to visit when you are in Japan. Let’s start with Ise Jingu Shrine.


Ise Jingu Shrine 伊势神宫

Ise Jingu is one of the most important and holiest sites in Japan. It has two main shrines, the Naiku (Inner Shrine)- devoted to Amaterasu-ōmikami (Solar Goddess and ancestral deity of the Imperial family) and Geku (Outer Shrine)-devoted to Toyouke (the deity of food, housing and clothing). One of the three sacred treasures of Japan, the Sacred Mirror is preserved in Naiku. The Shikinen sengu is the name of the ritual that happens every 20 years. During the ceremony, the buildings of the two main shrines and bridges are rebuilt. The deities of the two main shrines are relocated to the new buildings. The last ceremony was held in 2013.

伊势神宫是日本最重要,最神圣的景点之一。它有两个主要的神社,即专门供奉天照女神(Amaterasu-ōmikami)(皇室的祖先神像)的内宫(Naiku)和专门为丰受大神(食品,住房和衣服之神)专用的外宫(Geku)。日本的三大圣宝之一,《圣镜》保存在内宫。Shikinen sengu是每20年发生一次的仪式。仪式期间会重建两个主要神社和桥梁的建筑物。两座神社的神们会被迁至新建筑。上一届典礼于2013年举行。

Meiji Jingu Shrine 明治靖国神社

Meiji-Jingu (Meiji Shrine) was built in 11 years from 1915 to 1926 and it was dedicated to the divine souls of Emperor Meiji and his wife Empress Shoken. It is Tokyo’s most famous Shinto shrine.


Itsukushima Shrine 严岛神社

Itsukushima Shrine and Miyajima Island are recognized as one of the three most scenic spots in Japan and is designated a World Heritage Site. The shrine is in honor of the Shinto god of the sea and storms. One of the main attractions of the shrine is the submerged Torii.


Toshugu Shrine东照宫

Toshogu Shrine was built to enshrine the founder of Tokugawa Shogunate that governed Japan for over 250 years, Tokugawa Leyasu. He is enshrined as the deity Tosho Daigongen which means "Great Deity of the East Shining Light".  Toshogu has both Shinto and Buddhist elements. It is one of the World Heritage sites in Nikko.

东照宫建立为了纪念统治日本250多年的德川幕府的创始人Tokugawa Leyasu。他被尊为“东照大神”(Tosho Daigongen)。东照宫具有神道教和佛教元素。它是日光的世界遗产之一。

Kumano Nachi Taisha 熊野那智大社

Kumano Nachi Taisha is a Shinto shrine located at Mt.Nachisan, where monks practice Shugendo (a mixed religion incorporating both foreign and native beliefs). It is also one of the major pilgrimage destinations of the Kumano Kodo, and a sacred site on the Kii Peninsula together with the Hayatama Taisha and the Hongu Taisha. All three are World Heritage sites. A few metres from the shrine; you can see the Nachi-no-Otaki, the highest waterfall in Japan. The Japanese ancestors long before idolised the Nachi-no-Otaki and considered it a holy and sacred site.

熊野那智大社(Kumano Nachi Taisha)是位于位于纳吉山的神道圣地,僧侣在那里修行修道堂(一种融合了外国和本地信仰的混合宗教)。它也是熊野古道的主要朝圣目的地之一,与Hayatama大社和Hongu大社一起在基伊半岛上的圣地。这三个都是世界遗产。离神社几米;您可以看到日本最高的瀑布《Nachi no Otaki》。日本的祖先很久以前很崇拜该瀑布,并认为它是一个圣洁和神圣的地方。

Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏见稻荷大社

Fushimi Inari Taisha is the main shrine of all the Inari shrines in Japan, it was built in 711 A.D. and is devoted to the deity Inari-Okami. The entire mountain has a combination of large and small Toriis and pathways leading to small shrines.


Taikodani Inari Shrine 太鼓谷稻成神社

Taikodani Inari was built in the 18th century near the Tsuwano Castle and serves as a protection against evil spirits. Even in the present day, people pay their respect and pray for a good harvest, health, and good luck.

太鼓谷稻成神社(Taikodani Inari Shrine)建于18世纪,在Tsuwano城堡附近,可抵御邪灵。即使在进年,人们还是会往哪去表达敬意,并祈求丰收、健康和好运。

Heian Shrine 平安神宫

Heian Shrine was built for the foundation of Kyoto in honor of two late emperors, Emperor Kammu (737-806) and Emperor Komei (1831-1867).


Atsuta Shrine 热田神宫

Atsuta Jingu is an important shrine devoted to Amaterasu (The Sun goddess). It is where one of the three sacred treasures of Japan, the Kusanaga sword, is kept and hidden from public display.


Izumo Taisha 出云大社

Izumo Taisha shrine is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It is also known for the largest shimenawa (a rope made of straw used for purification in Shinto religion), usually found at all shrines.


Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine 太宰府天满宫

Dazaifu Tenmangu shrine is dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, a devoted and well- known scholar, loyal and a high-ranking government official. Initially, he served the Emperor loyally but in later years was exiled in Dazaifu due to his involvement in a conspiracy. After Michizane died, the country experienced natural calamities, which the people thought was his wrath brought on by the injustice he experienced. The shrine is built near his grave. The Dazaifu Tenmangu has many visitors especially students praying for good luck in exams.

太宰府天满宫(Dazaifu Tenmangu)神社供奉道真《Sugawara Michizane》,他是一位虔诚而著名的学者,忠实的政府高级官员。最初,他忠实地服务于皇帝,但后来因参与阴谋而被流放到太宰府。道真(Michizane)死后,该国经历了自然灾害,人们认为这是因他所经历的不公正所带来的愤怒。神社建在他的坟墓附近。太宰府天满宫有很多来访者,特别是为考试而祈求好运的学生。

Sensoji 浅草寺

This is the oldest known Buddhist temple in Tokyo dates back to 628 AD and is where the Bodhisattva Kannon deity (Goddess of Mercy and Compassion) is enshrined. The Sensoji Temple is one of the most important temples in Tokyo and the most visited temple during New Year’s Day.



Kotoku-in is famous for being one of Japan’s national treasures which is of course, The Great Buddha. The statue stands 11.3 meters tall and weighs 121 tones. Buddhists sects from Japan and around the world visit the statue to offer prayers to the Great Buddha.


Kinkaku-ji 鹿苑寺

Kinkakuji is a Zen Buddhist temple and listed as a UNESCO World heritage site. It serves as a leading symbol of Kitayama culture during the Muromachi period.


Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺

Kiyomizu-dera (The Pure Water Temple), founded in 778 is one of the most popular and celebrated temples in Kyoto. The main part of the temple is the Kiyomizu stage, where the Eleven Headed and Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva are enshrined. The main hall, bell tower, Nio gate, three story pagoda, and west gate are national treasures.


Nanzen-ji 南禅寺

Nanzenji is a Zen Buddhism temple and one of the five great Zen temples in Kyoto. It belongs to the Rinzai Sect-Nanzenji School of Zen Buddhism. This temple is located in the foothills of the Higashiyama Mountains. Apart from the main temple; there are 13 small temples inside this complex.


Tofukuji 东福寺

Tofukuji is one of the five great Zen Temples of Kyoto. It is the chief temple Tofukuji branch of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism. This temple is specially known for its brightly coloured autumn foliage.


Tenryuji 天龙寺

Tenryuji (Heavenly Dragon Temple) was established by Ashikaga Takauji and dedicated to Emperor Go-Daigo. The temple played an important role in Japan’s trade history with China, allowing it to raise funds for its completion. It is one of the five greatest Zen temples of Kyoto, recognised as a World Heritage site and is the main headquarters of the Rinzai School of Zen Buddhism.


Enryakuji 延历寺

The Enryakuji temple, Shiga Enryakuji is based at the summit of Mt. Hiei (the sacred mountain) and is considered the most sacred sites for Buddhists alongside the temples in Koyasan. It is listed as World Cultural Heritage Site containing national treasures and important cultural properties.


Horyuji 法隆寺

Horyuji is one of the great temples of Nara and is regarded as a landmark in Japanese history. It is the oldest existing Buddhist temple in Japan. Horyuji became the first national treasure listed as a World Heritage site in 1993. The western part of the temple, contains the Kondo (main hall), Goju-no-To (a five storied pagoda) – the oldest wooden building in the world. The eastern part’s most remarkable building is the Yumedono (Hall of Dreams), dedicated to Prince Shotoku.


Todaiji 东大寺

Todaiji is one of the Seven Great Temples of Nara, established by Emperor Shomu in the 8th century. The main worship hall, known as Daibutsuden, is the largest wooden structure in the world where you can find the Daibutsu (Great Buddha). The Great Buddha is one of the largest Buddha’s in Japan. Made of copper and bronze weighing 500 tonnes, it stands over 15 metres tall. The temple is a World Heritage Site.


Which one did you like best? Let us know in the comment section~

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