
​Japanese Manners and Etiquettes 日本礼仪

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2021-04-07

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Japanese always say that tourists represent their countries and should try their best to leave a good impression. That is why when they travel abroad, the tour companies usually spend a significant amount of time to educate them about local manners and customs on the way. Japanese themselves also have a long list of manner and customs that are interesting to know. Below are Japanese manners and etiquettes.


Eating 吃饭

Chopsticks should not be used for anything other than eating. This includes using them to point at things or hovering them over dishes as you consider what to eat. Chopsticks are a cultural item that demands some respect, using them as a toy can be considered disrespectful. If someone is picking up something from a common dish, give them some space. It's bad form for two people to grab from the same dish at the same time.  Digging in a common dish for the best piece is frowned upon. You may be tempted to stir soup with your chopsticks, this should be avoided because it looks like you're trying to clean your chopsticks in your soup. It's also a good idea to avoid licking your chopsticks for the same reason. If your chopstick tips are messy, leave them messy. Never pass food to someone chopsticks-to-chopsticks. It's a particular taboo thing to do because it resembles a Japanese funeral ritual.


Japanese soups aren't typically eaten with a spoon. It's okay to pick up a soup bowl to drink from it as opposed to lowering your head to the bowl. Walking and eating is seen as sloppy. It's very common to see people stand or crouch when eating Japanese street food. It's common to say "Itadakimasu" at the start of a meal before eating. This can be loosely translated "I humbly receive". It's somewhat common to clasp the hands in a brief prayer pose as you say it.Gochisosama Deshita can be literally translated "it was a feast." It is used to thank someone for preparing a meal or for paying the bill at a restaurant. It's also used to compliment good service as you leave a restaurant (if you paid the bill yourself). Yet another use of the phrase is to request the check at the end of your meal.

日本汤一般不用勺子喝。拿起一个汤碗喝是可以的,而不是低下头去喝。边走路边吃饭被视为草率的。在吃日本街头食品时,经常能看到人们站着或蹲着吃。饭前说“Itadakimasu”是很常见的。这可以粗略翻译为“我谦卑地接受”,说的时候一般人们用一个简短的祈祷姿势紧握双手。Gochisosama Deshita可以字面翻译为“这是一场盛宴”,它用来感谢某人准备了一顿饭或在餐厅付账。当你离开餐馆时(如果你自己付账的话),它也被用来称赞良好的服务。这个短语的另一个用法是在用餐结束时要求结账。

Cheers 干杯

At dinner parties, it's somewhat rude to pour your own drink. Instead pour everyone's drink but your own and someone will notice and fill yours. It's considered classy for everyone to order the same drink on the first round, typically beer or sake. Drinking before kanpai, the Japanese word for cheers is considered self-centered and undisciplined.


Cleaning Your Face with Oshibori

Many restaurants in Japan will provide you with a moist towel known as an oshibori that's either cool or hot depending on the season. These are used to lightly clean your hands before a meal. It's mildly rude to clean your face with them or to continue using the oshibori throughout the meal as a napkin.


Paying the Check 买单

In Japan, it's quite common to split checks amongst friends or even on a date. This is known as betsu-betsu. In many cases, a senior member of the group will pay more. In business situations, it's not acceptable to split the check. Usually, the company that's selling something pays. If your customer ends up paying you'll have little chance of closing the sale.


Shaking and Bowing 握手和鞠躬

Shaking hands is very common for business introductions in Japan. There's no reason to bow unless you're familiar with the custom. The most important point here is to make your intentions completely clear with your body language. Bowing and shaking at the same time doesn't work and is just awkward. The Japanese have a number of different styles of bow that apply to different social situations. Executing these bows in a lazy way can be insulting. A formal bow is usually 45 degrees. As a tourist there is no need to bow, the rules are somewhat complex.


Pointing fingers 手指

Pointing is considered somewhat threatening in Japan and is avoided. Instead, people tend to indicate direction with an open hand. Verbal directions without gestures are also very common.


Seating Position 座位

In business meetings, people from one company all sit on the same side. The customer is seated in the back of the room furthest from the door. This is considered the good side. If you're visiting an office it's common for a receptionist to show you exactly where to sit. If this doesn't happen it's a good idea to ask. Many Japanese ceremonies and rituals require participants to sit in a position known as seiza with their legs under them. This is hard to maintain for long unless you're accustomed to it. If you find yourself with seiza difficulties, sit with your legs crossed in front of you.


Bathroom Slippers 浴室拖鞋

Japanese businesses such as restaurants require customers to remove their shoes if they have traditional Japanese flooring. These businesses will provide bathroom slippers for your use in their washrooms. It's easy enough to forget to take these off as you leave the bathroom. This mistake is considered extremely embarrassing.


Slippers 拖鞋

Ryokan and other traditional businesses may offer outdoor and indoor slippers to guests. The outdoor slippers will be placed at entrances below the indoor slippers. Entrances are always lower than the floor to separate the clean from the unclean. The two types of slippers are always different colors to keep them apart. In many cases, the outdoor shoes are geta or something rugged looking. Wearing the outdoor slippers inside will freak people out. Similar shoes are offered at private residences for balcony or backyard use. Generally, slippers should not be worn on tatami floors. At ryokan this often means that slippers are for hallways only.


Garbage Sorting 垃圾处理

Most neighborhoods in Japan have a common garbage drop off point. There are numerous rules on how to package your garbage and recycling for pick up that vary by municipality. For example, it's a common requirement that you should wash and crush your recyclable plastics. A neighborhood volunteer makes sure that everyone follows the rules.


Bathing 沐浴

In Japan, bathing is seen as a relaxing leisure activity rather than an act of cleansing the body. People completely shower with soap before entering a bath. The same convention applies to both home baths and public hot springs.


Direct Speech 直言

The Japanese are generally indirect about uncomfortable topics and avoid conflict where possible. Directly challenging someone in a way that might embarrass them is a bad idea. The Japanese tend to drop subtle hints about how they feel rather than direct, bold statements. The ability to read such hints is an important social skill in Japan.


Meishi 名片

Business cards, or "meishi" in Japanese, have great significance to Japanese business culture. Receive it with two hands and look it over carefully. Local business people all carry business card cases. When they get back to their desk they put them in special meishi binders and retain them for many years. Your collection of meishi is considered a professional asset. A huge collection of meishi can be seen as a status symbol amongst your peers.


Blowing Your Nose 擤鼻涕

Blowing your nose in public is considered rude. The locals retreat to the washroom to blow their nose. Sniffling is generally okay.


Taxi Doors 出租车门

Most taxi doors in Japan are automatic. The driver will open and close the door. Many drivers get a little upset if you operate the door yourself.


Walking and Smoking 边走路边抽烟

Walking and smoking is viewed as dangerous and inconsiderate for a variety of reasons with the biggest being the idea that you could accidentally burn someone on a crowded street. The Japanese take this quite seriously and it's now illegal to walk and smoke in some areas. This is actively enforced. Designated outdoor smoking areas are quite common in Japan.


Umbrellas 雨伞

In Japan, people carry umbrellas at the slightest chance of rain. It's considered polite to avoid making people wet with your umbrella on a crowded train. Businesses such as restaurants and department stores may provide plastic covers for your umbrella, colloquially referred to as umbrella condoms.


Picking a Call 接电话

Loud conversations on your mobile phone in public places are considered rude in Japan. Locals try to be discrete and very quiet when accepting a call. It's also considered rude to talk on the phone on a train or in a cafe.


Names 名字

Unless you're very familiar with someone, it's appropriate to address them with their last name followed by the polite prefix "-san."


Effort 努力

Japanese respect effort in business situations. Effort is seen as a team level thing rather than an individual accomplishment. In many cases, employees will stay late because their team is working late even if they don't have much to do. It's very common to avoid leaving before the boss. Employees who consistently leave before the rest of the team may be seen as problematic even if their work is satisfactory.


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