
Japan Series 日本系列 18 | Ancient China-Japan Relationship 古代日中关系

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2021-07-15

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The ancient China-Japan relationship has a long history. In a certain period of time, the exchanges of politics, religion, culture and custom between the two countries were very intense. China, an ancient and more developed country at the time, transmitted a long series of ideas to Japan (sometimes indirectly through South Korea), such as rice planting, writing, Buddhism, the central government model, civil service examination, temple architecture, clothing, art, literature, music and eating habits. Trade relations far surpass cultural and diplomatic relations. Japan later developed its own unique cultural path since the 9th century AD.


At a political level, Japan began its first attempts at international relations (kokusai kankei) by the end of the Yayoi Period (c. 300 BCE or earlier to c. 250 CE). According to the c. 82 CE Han Shu ('History of Han'), envoys and tribute were sent to the Chinese commanderies in northern Korea by the Wa, as the small states in southern and western Japan was then known, the most important of which was Yamato. This is the earliest textual reference to Japan. The first tribute missions to China are recorded in 57 and 107 CE. One Japanese ruler known to have sent embassies to Chinese territory (238, 243, and c. 248 CE) and the most famous figure of the period was Queen Himiko (r. c. 189-248 CE). During the subsequent Kofun Period (c. 250 CE - 538 CE) envoys continued to be sent to China: in 425 CE, 478 CE and then eleven more up to 502 CE. Yamato Japan was slowly establishing an international diplomatic presence. 

在政治上,日本在Yayoi时期(约公元前300年或更早至公元前250年)结束前,开始了首次尝试国际关系(kokusai kankei)。根据公元82年的《汉书》,由于当时日本南部和西部的小国联合会刚刚成立,其中最重要的是山本,佤邦派使节和贡品到中国在朝鲜的突击队。这是对日本最早的文本参考。第一次来华进贡是在公元57年和107年。众所周知,有一位日本统治者曾向中国领土派遣大使馆(公元前238年、243年和248年),这一时期最著名的人物是姬子皇后(公元前189-248年)。在随后的科芬时期(约公元前250年-公元前538年),使节继续被派往中国:公元前425年,公元前478年,直到公元前502年共有11名使节被派遣。这时候是日本正在慢慢建立国际外交关系。

Asuka Period & Buddhism 飞鸟时代与 佛教

The Asuka Period (538-710 CE) saw a stepping up of cultural exchange with the introduction of laws and penal codes based on those in China, the creation of a permanent capital city, and the nationalisation of land. There was also the introduction of Buddhism to Japan sometime in the 6th century CE, traditionally in 552 CE. It was actually introduced by a Korean monk but was seen as a Chinese faith and was officially adopted by Emperor Yomei (r. 585-587 CE). Buddhism reinforced the idea of a layered society with different levels of social status, with the emperor very much at the top and protected by the Four Guardian Kings of Buddhist law. The aristocracy could also conveniently claim that they enjoyed their privileged position in society because they had accumulated merit in a previous life.


Japan's acceptance of Buddhism will be favored by the more advanced surrounding cultures of South Korea and China, and enhance Japan's reputation as a rising country of East Asian civilization. For the same reason, Chinese court etiquette, official etiquette, tea drinking etiquette and eating habits were also copied. Once officially accepted, monks, scholars and students were regularly sent to China to learn more about Buddhism and bring these knowledges, along with art and sometimes relics, back for the benefit of the Japanese people.


Buddhism continued to develop as a belief in India and China, and new sects continued to develop. Eventually, through monks studying abroad, Buddhism came to Japan. The two most famous scholars and monks are Kukai (774-835 A.D.) and guru (767-822 A.D.), who founded Shingon and Tendai respectively. Another important monk was Ennin (793-864 A.D.), who studied esoteric Buddhism in China for nine years and brought these new ideas, original texts, mandalas and ritual objects back to Japan.


Prince Shotoku was a great promoter of ties with China and was a keen advocate of all things Chinese from chopsticks to Buddhism. His famous Seventeen Article Constitution of 604 CE was heavily influenced by Taoist, Confucian, and Buddhist ideas. Shotoku also sent official embassies to the Sui court in China from c. 607 CE and then throughout the 7th century CE. There would be 19 state-sponsored missions sent to China between 607 and 839 CE. The missions were led by a high-ranked court official who was accompanied by councillors, scholars, monks, artists, doctors, musicians, diviners, scribers, and interpreters. Thus, each embassy could include several hundred people. The important officials had their expenses met by their hosts. 'Tribute' was given and gifts were received in return, especially paintings and books.


Artists copy the works they can take home as references, musicians learn from famous teachers and scholars (usually monks) under the leadership of famous religious masters. Doctors gained the art of acupuncture, massage, massage and exorcism. Students will take longer than others to return to the main embassy. After several years of research, in most cases, their costs were also paid by the Chinese government. Those who do spend time studying in China often get high-level positions when they return to Japan, becoming government advisers or heads of institutions such as Nara University, where they teach Confucian principles and Chinese language courses. Literature and law were the most popular. Monks will continue to establish and lead their own Buddhist denominations, which became very popular because their new knowledge allowed them to usurp the status of existing schools and the Order.


Throughout the Asuka period (538-710 A.D.), Japanese literature and music followed the Chinese model, and artists brought ideas back from the Asian continent. Similarly, the architectural style came from China. Nara's public buildings and its successor (Kyoto) follow the Chinese model, with the crimson columns of most publicly managed buildings supporting green tiled roofs. Heiankyo is arranged in a regular grid plan, with right-angled streets building regular-sized neighborhoods in Chang-an along the Chinese model, just like Nara. The palace follows the Chinese mind, and the city even has a Chinese Study Institute (Otani). By contrast, private homes, storage rooms and farmhouses continued to be built in accordance with Japanese architectural traditions.


China did send embassies occasionally to Japan and missions are recorded to Kyushu, Nara, and Heiankyo. These though, were not about the Chinese learning from Japan but rather an official seal of approval of Japan’s acceptance as a 'tribute' nation. The Chinese brought valuable gifts and, even more importantly, the merchants who were able to establish lucrative and long-lasting trade relations with their Japanese counterparts. Indeed, the commerce between the two nations would far outlast the diplomatic relations. 


During the Heian period, political tasks decreased, but trade and cultural exchanges continued to do the same. Most of the goods imported from China were luxury goods, but the list is varied, including medicines, perfumes, silk fabrics, masks, brocades, ceramics, weapons, armor, cloves, wood, statilets, cloves, dyes and musical instruments. Books as well, and a catalogue dating back to 891 CE lists more than 1,700 Chinese books available in Japan, covering history, poetry, court etiquette, medicine, law and Confucian classics. Pearls, gold powder, silver, amber, agate, raw silk, camellia oil, mercury, sulfur, paper and gilded lacquer. However, despite these exchanges, the lack of regular missionary work between the two countries from the 10th century CE meant that the Heian period as a whole saw the impact of Chinese culture diminish, which subsequently, led to Japanese culture find its own unique path to development.

在平安时代,政治任务减少,但贸易和文化交流继续如前一样。从中国进口的商品大部分是奢侈品,但清单多种多样,包括药品、香水、丝绸织物、面罩、锦缎、陶瓷、武器、盔甲、丁香、木香、青金石、丁纳巴、染料和乐器。书籍也来了,一个可追溯到891 CE的目录列出了1700多种在日本提供的中国人书,涵盖了历史、诗歌、宫廷礼仪、医学、法律和儒家经典。日本寄来的珍珠、金粉、银、琥珀、玛瑙、生丝、山茶油、汞、硫磺、纸张和镀金漆器。然而,尽管这些交流,两国之间缺乏定期的传教从10世纪CE意味着,海安时期整体看到中国文化的影响减弱,这意味着日本文化开始找到自己独特的道路发展。

In the 13th century CE, at the very end of the ancient period, the Mongols set their sights on Japan. When Japan refused to become a subject nation of the mighty Kublai Khan's empire, a massive invasion force was assembled. Twice, in 1274 and 1281 CE, the Mongol fleets were blown back by typhoons - what would become known as the divine winds or kamikaze, sent by the gods to protect Japan in the moment of its greatest danger. The nation had survived and was now ready to flourish in the Medieval period and pursue its own independent and unique cultural destiny.


So, there have been relations between Chinese and Japanese cultures for nearly 2,000 years, and the influence of that connection is still seen today. As the older and more sophisticated of the two civilizations, Chinese culture had an enormous impact on nearly all aspects of life in Japan. You can see the influence of Chinese culture on Japanese culture in so many ways.


Language 语言

When the two civilizations first met, there was no written Japanese language. Japanese adopted the Chinese script so that communication between the empires was possible.


Religion 信仰

Without an organized religion of their own, there was a strong appeal for both Buddhism and Confucianism when the two cultures met. Though many people in Japan still follow their older Shinto beliefs, there still exist a large Buddhist following in Japan today. Even within the native Shinto practice, the art of building permanent shrines and temples came from the Chinese approach to Buddhism.


Architecture 建筑

As Buddhism came to Japan, so did the practice of building elaborate temples. And with that development, other buildings began to take on more complex forms with larger rooms and inner courtyards. The classic curved roof style definitely came from Chinese influence, and it is still seen throughout Japan today.


City Planning 城市规划

The ancient Chinese approach to city planning involved the use of organizing city roadways in regular rectangles for easier navigation and communication, and you can see this concept put into use in Japanese cities like Kyoto and Nara. Even fields and irrigation systems started to use this organized and efficient system.


Arts 艺术

As new artistic styles came with the import of Buddhist monks and temples, the overall art world in Japan took on many Chinese elements over the eras. Painting and sculpture were developed to display Buddhist concepts, and that impacted the overall art scene. Paintings done on fine paper in Chinese ink were very popular during the Nara period, including many forms of decorative scrolls. The practice of calligraphy as an art medium also came to Japan. Other forms of art including masked drama known as Gigaku came from China, as did the Gagaku Imperial court dancing.


Clothing 服装

Though the kimono seems to be the quintessential Japanese icon, it was inspired by Chinese fashions of the Han period. Ironically, the clothing styles in both nations have been further influenced by the styles of the West so that traditional clothing is becoming less common.


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