
第十八期驻校艺术家回顾 | 笔行墨间


Review of the 18th Artist-in-Residence Programme


Opening Ceremony of the "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of 18th Artist-in-Residence Dai Weizhong"


On August 23,  the opening ceremony of the "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the 18th Artist-in-Residence Dai Weizhong" was held at TC101 Exhibition Hall at CUHK(SZ). In his opening speech, President Yangsheng Xu mentioned that a harmonious relationship between man and nature was shown in these works, where the landscape and humans are in harmony. Likewise, Mr. Weizhong Dai said that you would be immersed in the prosperity of the Tang and Song cultures, the profound origins of the Wei and Jin demeanor, and even the brilliant thoughts of pre-Qin philosophers. The works would reach the golden mean when they are integrated with the relentless exploration of creators. 


President Yangsheng Xu, Prof. Xitao Fan, Mrs. Dorothy Wong, Mr. Jiandong Xu and leaders of Shenzhen arts and culture attended the opening ceremony. President Xu delivered an opening speech to express his warm welcome to Mr. Dai and to convey his vision of cultivating the humanities and aesthetic sentiments of CUHK(SZ) students.

▷ 在艺术家赠与学校的中国画作品《水墨山水屏》前,徐校长为戴卫中先生授予收藏证书

▷ President Xu awarded the certificate of collection to Mr. Dai.

▷ 开幕导赏,戴卫中先生带领大家领略中国书画并亲自解说。

▷ Artist-guided exhibition tour and sharing session

▷ 大家兴致盎然地驻足于书画作品前,沉浸于悠久、独特、鲜明的中国书画之中。

▷ Everyone was immersed in these unique and vivid Chinese calligraphy and paintings.


Mr. Dai takes the inheritance of Chinese artistic traditions and the integration of Eastern and Western art as his mission. With this consciousness in mind, he keeps going on the way of pursuing the beauty of Chinese art. As the preface of the exhibition says, passion is the best teacher, and exploration starts from inheritance.


Lecture: In-depth Learning of Traditional Chinese Painting


Mr. Dai gave a lecture on traditional Chinese painting on September 2nd. Starting from the hunting paintings of the stone age, he pointed out that humans invented pictographic symbols, which are the origins of calligraphy and paintings, before the creation of calligraphy and paintings.


From the mural paintings of the Northern Wei Dynasty to the literati paintings of the Tang Dynasty, and to the landscape paintings and bird-and-flower paintings of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Mr. Dai summarized the development of Chinese painting from realism to freehand brushwork. He also gave a deep analysis of different painting techniques that ancient artists used to express their emotions and moods.

▷ 现场同学们聚精会神地聆听,并各抒己见,戴先生也对同学们的问题作出了详细的解答,与大家一齐探讨国画与文化的传承与发展。

▷ Q&A Session during the lecture

▷ 大学艺术中心主任及行政事务处处长黄顺真女士为戴卫中先生颁发证书。

▷Mrs. Dorothy Wong awarded the certificate to Mr. Dai.


Artist-guided Exhibition Tour and sharing session 1.0 & 2.0


During the "Artist-guided exhibition tour and sharing session", Mr. Dai explained his personal works and introduced the poetic feelings through traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy.


Slide to join the guided tour


Chinese Painting Workshop


On September 7th, Mr. Dai gave a workshop on the characteristics and techniques of Chinese painting. The participants were led to create their own freehand paintings.

▷ 戴卫中先生现场示范如何握笔与创作,寥寥几笔,一提一按,梅、兰、竹、菊的淡雅气韵便跃然纸上。

Mr. Dai demonstrated how to hold the pen on the spot. With simple steps and a few strokes, the shape of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum were appeared on the paper.


The participants dedicated themselves to the workshop. Mr. Dai carefully guided everyone to create, and constantly encouraged the participants to be bold and patient. Under the guidance of Mr. Dai, everyone had a good time learning the traditional Chinese Painting.


Thank to Mr. Dai Weizhong for letting us enjoy the classic charm of traditional Chinese painting at the 18th Artist-in-Residence Programme.


Profile of the Artist


slice up and down to read the profile of the artist


Dai Weizhong, whose courtesy name is Liu Jing, and self-titled as Xiangshan Scholar, was born in Dongzha, Wuzhen. In the 1980's, Dai engaged in professional silk carpet and tapestry design, among which adapted design "A Hundred Horses" became one of the world's best pieces of tapestry. Dai doubled as a gallery painter of Zhejiang Academy of Art (now renamed The China Academy of Art) from 1992 to 1998 and as a guest painter of the Shanghai office of Hong Kong Fu Hui Foundation around 2002, authoring and depicting the Biographical Paintings of "Portrait of the Wise Master", and "Portrait of the Master Jianzhen". Since 2006, Dai has independently produced all the large-scale external murals for Wuzhen Xishan Scenic Spot (including the gold leaf painting of the tourist service centre, the blue-and-white porcelain imitation painting of Waterside Resort as the main hall for the first and second World Internet Conference, and the only large-scale Chinese painting for the reception centre of the Internet Conference Venue). Now he is the executive director of Japan · Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Academy and the vice president of Jinou Art Academy.


Artist-in-Residence Programme




In 2016, the University initiated the Artist-in-Residence Programme to create an artistic atmosphere on campus and to elevate student's aesthetic taste. We regularly invite top artists from various fields to reside on campus, create artworks and hold workshops with students.

The programme may last 5-10 days or 1-2 months. Artists will work with or guide students to create or appreciate artworks through workshop or lectures. Artists will also take into account resources available off campus to contribute towards our development.


University Arts Centre



To bring students closer to culture and art

To make the "DREAM" come true


丁士森 2017级经管学院、逸夫书院

郑喜多多  2018级经管学院、祥波书院


杨筱纯 2018级经管学院、思廷书院

者林海 2018级理工学院、学勤书院


蒋岚茜 2016级经管学院 学勤书院

陈长丰 | 2018级 经管学院 逸夫书院

周家源 | 2018级人文社科学院、学勤书院

文案 | 郑喜多多 2018级经管学院、祥波书院学生

Christine Wang (UAC)

翻译、排版 | 王彦 2017级经管学院、思廷书院

校对 | Christine Wang (UAC)

编辑 | Christine Tang (UAC)


出品人丨Dorothy Wong (UAC)

策划丨Cici Tang (UAC)

协调丨 Christine Wang (UAC)

支持丨Zhang Xu、Yulia Han (UAC)

