ZIBSer风采丨我在中国研究农村电商新实践 Agri-tech & Rural E-Commerce in China
“我对中国在世界与日俱增的影响力有着极大兴趣,MCS的课程完全契合我的学术目标。” 来自印度的Swaroop Shubham是ZIBS 中国学(MCS)2021级硕士研究生,在最近的访问中,他分享了自己在中国学项目的独特体验以及关于农村电商的研究心得。
"As someone interested in understanding China's growing influence in the world, these subjects perfectly align with my academic goals." Swaroop Shubham, ZIBS MCS students from Class 2021, talked about his learning experience and his research in rural e-commerce in China.
Swaroop Shubham
MCS 2021级
Shubham Swaroop毕业于伦敦大学国际发展专业,目前为ZIBS中国学2021级硕士研究生。曾于北京好未来教育集团及美国"Pacific Forum Young Leader"担任商业分析实习专员。
Shubham Swaroop is a graduate in international development, University of London and currently studies MCS program at ZIBS. He has been a business analyst intern for TAL Education Group, Beijing and "Pacific Forum Young Leader", United States.
除了来自学术领域的专业感悟,Swaroop Shubham还分享了他的中国学项目学习体验,一起来看看!
Studying for a Master's degree in China Studies at Zhejiang University is an experience of a lifetime for me as an Indian student. The program offers a diverse and international environment, with students and professors hailing from all corners of the world. It is fascinating to interact with individuals from different backgrounds, each bringing their perspectives and experiences to the classroom.
The course offerings are fantastic, with a strong focus on foreign policy, business, culture, and innovation in China. As someone interested in understanding China's growing influence in the world, these subjects perfectly align with my academic goals. Additionally, the strong technology environment in China provides a unique opportunity to learn about the intersection of technology and society in a rapidly developing nation.
What truly sets this program apart is the opportunity for first-hand experience in China. The university regularly organizes field trips and company visits, providing us with a deeper understanding of the country's economy, culture, and people. Being able to witness the incredible transformation of China firsthand is truly eye-opening and inspiring.
The Master of China Studies program (MCS) is the first independent master program in universities named "China Studies" approved by the Ministry of Education. It is oriented to international students and professionals and is committed to cultivating high-level and compound talents who objectively learn and understand contemporary China.
编辑|李嵩皎 郑轶心
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