湘方言属汉藏语系汉语族,是汉语七大方言之一 。它是生活在湘江流域及其支系一带湖湘民系使用的主要语言。(Xiang dialect, a Chinese language group of the Sino-Tibetan family, is one of the seven major Chinese dialects. It is the main language spoken by the Hunan locals who live in the areas of Xiang river basin and its tributaries.)古楚语核心区位于长江中游一带,楚语是湘语的祖语。现代湘语的使用者主要分布在中国大陆湖南省部分地区(The Chu dialect is the origin of the Xiang dialect, whose modern speakers mostly live in some regions of Hunan province, China) ,包括长沙、娄底、株洲、湘潭、岳阳、益阳、衡阳、邵阳、永州等。
土家山歌中唱道:“山歌好唱难起头,木匠难起转角楼……”歌中的“转角楼”,指的正是湖南省永顺县土家族吊脚楼。(Stilted houses of the Tujia ethnic group in Yongshun county, Hunan province.) 作为我国非遗建筑技艺,吊脚楼是湘西地区一种常见的的乡土建筑。(The Tujia stilted house is a vernacular architecture commonly seen in the west Hunan; its construction crafts is included in the representative list of the state-level intangible cultural heritage.)它依山傍水而建,兼具精巧的结构设计和别致的纹饰外观(It features a confluence of delicate structural design and distinct decorative patterns),是劳动人民生活艺术与智慧的结晶。
吊脚楼彰显了古代人民因地制宜的智慧。(The stilted house demonstrates ancient people’s wisdom of adapting to the local conditions.)它往往建于倾斜度较大的山坡上,后半边靠着山坡岩壁,前半边以木柱支撑。(The back of the house is built against the rocky slope of the hill, while its front is supported by wooden columns.) 每排柱的最外一根自上而下截齐上屋基处,形成吊脚柱,“吊脚楼”因此得名。
在营造时,人们充分利用当地的石木材料,再辅以锯子、墨斗等工具使其结构稳固以防震,又有飞檐翘角以装点。(Using tools such as saws and ink markers, builders made the best of local stones and wood materials to ensure a sturdy structure against earthquakes and shape angled cornices for decoration.) 内部结构分为上下两层,上层是用于起居生活的住房,下层架空部分是圈舍和柴房。既克服了陡峭地势的居住困难,又使房屋功能充分完善,满足了生活的需要。(The double-floor design not only overcomes the difficulties of living in steep terrains but also improves the function of the house to meet the needs of daily life.)
土家族吊脚楼是人与自然和谐的统一体。(The Tujia stilted house is a harmonious unity of human and nature.) 它保持着原有的自然地貌,依山而建,随坡就坎,是土家族人民在长期社会生活中为适应自然环境而创造的建筑艺术。
从技术性来说,它博采我国木构建筑井干式、穿斗式、抬梁式优点,整个构架均以榫穿卯相连,无钉无栓。(The whole structure is interconnected without any nails or bolts, employed with the mortise and tenon woodworking joint technique.) 从构思设计到工序完成均不用图纸,数百根瓜柱梁枋的大小长短和开卯作榫的部位,匠人们皆了然于心。(No blueprints were required in any of the design, construction or completion processes, because the craftsmen knew by heart the sizes and locations of the hundreds of short columns, beams, and mortise-and-tenon joints.) 正是土家族工匠们精湛的建筑技术和别具匠心的创作精神,实现了技术性能与审美性能的结合。
彭善尧是吊脚楼建筑技艺的传承者之一 (Peng Shanyao is one of the inheritors of the stilted house architectural craftsmanship),提起这门手艺,他总是自豪地夸耀“不用一钉一铆,墙倒屋也不倒”。(No nails nor rivets, the house stands tall even the walls fall.)
建造吊脚楼对工匠的技艺要求极高。比如画墨线、立屋竖柱 (creating lines by ink markers, erecting vertical pillars of a building)等带有尺寸、位置和形状的精细活,不仅需要熟悉整栋房子的结构、尺寸、位置,还要精准计算和画出部件上的凿孔开眼的具体位置和尺寸、方向。(Craftsmen need to be not only familiar with the structure, dimensions, and location of the entire buildinng, but also able to accurately calculate and draw the specific positions, sizes, and directions of the holes and openings on the components.)经过几十年的积累,彭善尧在广东、湖北、张家界等地已组织修建百栋土家族吊脚楼 (Peng has led the construction of over a hundred Tujia stilted houses)。为传播土家族独特而古老的民间手工艺作出了非凡贡献。彭善尧正是用他的设计和坚持,展示了他对这个民族的细腻情怀。(It is with his workmanship and perseverance that Peng demonstrates his deep affection for the nation.)
随着时代在变,以吊脚楼为代表的木制建筑逐渐被钢筋、水泥浇筑的新式楼房所代替。但在土家族人的心底,吊脚楼为寂静的山坡增添烟火气,它撑起了一个又一个家庭,承载着一个民族对美好生活的构建。(The stilted house brings liveliness to the quiescent hillsides, supports one family after another and carries the nation’s aspiration for a better life.)
[1] 陈越华.湘西土家族吊脚楼建筑文化研究[J].文史博览(理论), 2015(11): 22-24.
[2] 不用一钉一铆!彭善尧带你走进土家族最独特的建造手艺https://hn.qq.com/a/20190603/007425.htm
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