
专著推荐 | Exploring Translation Theories(Pym2023年新书)

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.




Exploring TranslationTheories (第三版)

作者:Anthony Pym

ISBN : 978-1-032-45751-2(pbk) 




Exploring Translation Theories presents a comprehensive analysis of the core contemporary paradigms of Western translation theory. This engaging overview covers the key theories of equivalence, solution types, purposes, scientific approaches, uncertainty, automation, and cultural translation. Fully revised, this third edition adds coverage of Russian and Ukrainian theories, examples from Chinese, advances in machine translation, and research on translators’ cognitive processes. Readers are encouraged to explore the various theories and consider their strengths, weaknesses, and implications for translation practice. The book concludes with a survey of the way translation is used as a model in postmodern cultural studies and sociologies, extending its scope beyond traditional Western notions. Features in each chapter include:• An introduction outlining the main points, key concepts, and illustrative examples. • Examples drawn from a range of languages, although knowledge of no language other than English is assumed. • Discussion points and suggested classroom activities. • A chapter summary. This comprehensive and engaging book is ideal both for self-study and as a textbook for translation theory courses within Translation Studies, Comparative Literature and Applied Linguistics. This is a course that focuses on the main Western translation theories of the past century or so. It concerns both written translation and spoken translation (more correctly called ‘interpreting’), so the term ‘translation’ will generally refer to both. The main aim of the course is to help you think about how to select between alternative ways of translating.When you have a problem to solve, what kinds of ideas can help you solve it?For many people, including a lot of professional translators, you do not really need many ideas. Some years ago, one of my French translator friends told me that all problems could be solved with what he called ‘cucumber theory’. The idea is simple: French cucumbers are about twice the size of Spanish cucumbers (we were in Spain at the time), so whenever the Spanish had ‘two cucumbers’, the translation in French should have ‘one cucumber’. Problem solved! No need for any more theories! Was the problem really solved? It might be if you are translating a recipe for gazpacho (cold Spanish soup), for example, but probably not if you are working on a report on European agriculture. The solution depends on the purpose of the translation, or perhaps on what country the recipe is to be used in. And then, I have been looking at cucumbers in different markets and I think the French cucumbers are certainly bigger but not twice as big: some recipes therefore indicate roughly the size of the cucumbers they need, adding a note to help struggling chefs. What looked like a simple all-purpose theory quickly becomes quite complicated. There are many doubts to resolve; translators have to think.This course starts from the kind of thinking behind cucumber theory: if you make changes when you do the translation, the result can perhaps equal the original. One French unit is translated as two Spanish units and both texts finish up with the same amount of cucumber, more or less. That basic idea is called ‘equivalence’. We will see how many other theories have questioned that simple equation, making it a very shaky idea. What are the other ways can we think about translation? The alternatives to equivalence have been more numerous than many suspect, and often creative and surprising. xiv Preface This third edition tries to make the course more accessible and practical. The treatment of equivalence has been simplified as much as possible, largely because my earlier distinction between ‘natural’ and ‘directional’ theories was widely misunderstood – I was categorizing theories, not equivalence itself. Sometimes it is better to withdraw a distinction rather than insist. I have also added a chapter on solution types, hoping that the discussion will be of use in the translation class. Other changes have more to do with historical coverage. Since the second edition, I have learned something about theories written in Russian and Ukrainian, which are included here to some extent (probably not enough), and I have become more aware of Chinese work on translation (again, probably not aware enough). Further, the advances in machine translation since 2016 are reflected in the introduction of translation technologies into many of the suggested activities and in the reorientation of the chapter on localization so that it addresses the wider processes of automation. I have also added quite a few references to recent work in translation studies. This book was written to accompany two of the best introductory works in the field: Introducing Translation Studies (fifth edition 2022) by Jeremy Munday, Sara Ramos Pinto, and Jacob Blakesley, and Introducing Interpreting Studies (third edition 2022) by Franz Pöchhacker. My aim here is to focus more squarely on the theories, not so much on the research or applications, and to make those theories engage with each other. This means that many fields of research, particularly those that have not made strong original contributions to core translation theory, have been side lined. Some readers will be surprised to find little attention paid to gender studies, postcolonialism, or various kinds of ethics. This is not to belittle the work done in those areas, and there is no suggestion that the theories dealt with here are somehow more neutral or scientific than the more engaged approaches. On the contrary, when I did historical work on the categories of translation solutions (Pym 2016a), I was fascinated at the extent to which political ideologies inform almost everything translation theorists do, simply because we are dealing with the profoundly political problem of how cultures should interrelate. However, when a particular theory draws all of its ideas and most of its data from outside of any concern with translations as texts, I have chosen not to include it the main chapters here – the final chapter, on cultural translation, loosens that restraint and lets things run a bit wilder. This book also accompanies Lawrence Venuti’s Translation Studies Reader (fourth edition 2021) and The Interpreting Studies Reader (2001) edited by Franz Pöchhacker and Miriam Shlesinger. Both those volumes are superb collections of key texts. My aim has not been to replace them: anyone who wants to know about translation theory should read the theorists, in context and in all their complexity. Only with first-hand knowledge of the fundamental texts can you really follow the intricacies of critical thought.


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Anthony Pym is Distinguished Professor of Translation and Intercultural Studies at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Spain. His publications include The Status of the Translation Profession in the European Union (2013) and On Translator Ethics (2012)


Chapter 1 What is a translation theory?
Chapter 2 Equivalence
Chapter 3 Solutions
Chapter 4 Purposes
Chapter 5 Science
Chapter 6 Uncertainty
Chapter 7 Automation
Chapter 8 Cultural translation
Chapter 9 Postscript
Where's the evidence?

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